3702. Climate change science

Title3702. Climate change science
Parent37. Earth Sciences

Latest research outputs

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Positive feedbacks between the Antarctic Circumpolar Wave and the global El Nino-Southern Oscillation
White, Warren B., Chen, Shyh-Chin, Allan, Robert J. and Stone, Roger C.. 2002. "Positive feedbacks between the Antarctic Circumpolar Wave and the global El Nino-Southern Oscillation ." Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 107 (10), pp. 3165-3177. https://doi.org/10.1029/2000JC000581


Is there an Indian Ocean dipole and is it independent of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation?
Allan, Robert J., Chambers, Don, Drosdowsky, Wasyl, Hendon, Harry, Latif, Mojib, Nicholls, Neville, Smith, Ian, Stone, Roger C. and Tourre, Yves. 2001. "Is there an Indian Ocean dipole and is it independent of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation?" CLIVAR Exchanges. 6 (3), pp. 18-22.


Seasonal and inter-annual climate forecasting: The new tool for increasing preparedness to climate variability and change in agricultural planning and operations
Meinke, Holger and Stone, Roger C.. 2005. "Seasonal and inter-annual climate forecasting: The new tool for increasing preparedness to climate variability and change in agricultural planning and operations." Climatic Change: an interdisciplinary, international journal devoted to the description, causes and implications of climatic change. 70 (1-2), pp. 221-253. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-005-5948-6


Weather, climate and farmers: an overview
Stone, Roger C. and Meinke, Holger. 2006. "Weather, climate and farmers: an overview." Meteorological Applications. 13 (S1), pp. 7-20. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1350482706002519


Multidecadal variability in the transmission of ENSO signals to the Indian Ocean
Shi, G., Ribbe, J., Cai, W. and Cowan, T.. 2007. "Multidecadal variability in the transmission of ENSO signals to the Indian Ocean." Geophysical Research Letters. 34 (9), p. L09706. https://doi.org/10.1029/2007GL029528


Sensitivity study of the role of vegetation in miocene climate change
You, John Y., Muller, Dietmar, Huber, Matthew, Otto-Bliesner, Bette, Poulsen, Chris, Sdrolias, Maria and Ribbe, Joachim. 2006. "Sensitivity study of the role of vegetation in miocene climate change." American Geophysical Union Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting 2006. Beijing, China 24 - 27 Jul 2006 Washington, DC. United States.


Intra-seasonal climate predictions - linking weather and climate forecasts
Donald, Alexis, Meinke, Holger, Power, Brendan, Wheeler, Matthew, Maia, Aline de H. N., White, Neil, Stone, Roger C. and Ribbe, Joachim. 2006. "Intra-seasonal climate predictions - linking weather and climate forecasts." Vera, Carolina (ed.) 8th International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography (8ICSHMO): Understanding and Predicting Climate and Water Resources, their Variability and Change in the Southern Hemisphere. Foz do Iguacu, Brazil 24 - 28 Apr 2006 Washington, DC. United States.


Variability of southeast Queensland rainfall and climate indices
Murphy, Bradley F. and Ribbe, Joachim. 2004. "Variability of southeast Queensland rainfall and climate indices." International Journal of Climatology. 24 (6), pp. 703-721. https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.1018


Near-global impact of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on rainfall
Donald, Alexis, Meinke, Holger, Power, Brendan, Maia, Aline de H. N., Wheeler, Matthew, Stone, Roger C., Ribbe, Joachim and White, Neil. 2006. "Near-global impact of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on rainfall." Geophysical Research Letters. 33 (9), p. L09704. https://doi.org/10.1029/2005GL025155


The response of the southern annular mode, the east Australian current, and the southern mid-latitude ocean circulation to global warming
Cai, W., Shi, G., Cowan, T., Bi, D. and Ribbe, J.. 2005. "The response of the southern annular mode, the east Australian current, and the southern mid-latitude ocean circulation to global warming." Geophysical Research Letters. 32 (23), pp. 1-4. https://doi.org/10.1029/2005GL024701


A study into the export of saline water from Hervey Bay, Australia
Ribbe, Joachim. 2006. "A study into the export of saline water from Hervey Bay, Australia." Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 66 (3-4), pp. 550-558. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2005.10.012


Submission to the House of Representatives Industry, Science and Innovation Committee Inquiry into long-term meteorological forecasting in Australia. Submission no. 10
Stone, Roger. 2009. "Submission to the House of Representatives Industry, Science and Innovation Committee Inquiry into long-term meteorological forecasting in Australia. Submission no. 10 ." Seasonal forecasting in Australia. Canberra, Australia. Commonwealth of Australia. pp. 1-8

Edited book (chapter)

Climatology of tropical cyclones in the South Pacific Region and their relationships to El Niño events
Deo, Ravinesh C.. 2004. "Climatology of tropical cyclones in the South Pacific Region and their relationships to El Niño events." 16th Australia New Zealand Climate Forum: Climate and Water (ANZCF2004). Lorne, Australia 08 - 10 Nov 2004 Lorne, Vic, Australia.


Short and long term weather prospects: recent breakthroughs in the understanding of climate patterns and climate change and their impacts on crop yields
Stone, Roger. 2006. "Short and long term weather prospects: recent breakthroughs in the understanding of climate patterns and climate change and their impacts on crop yields." 1st CropLife Australia Perspectives Conference 2006. Sydney 28 Nov 2006 Canberra, Australia.


The value of an integrated approach to climate applications modelling
Stone, Roger C. and Meinke, Holger. 2006. "The value of an integrated approach to climate applications modelling." Hollis, A. J. and Kariko, A. P. (ed.) 18th Annual Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre Modelling Workshop. The Australian Community Climate and Earth System Simulator (ACCESS): Challenges and Opportunities (BMRC 2006) . Melbourne, Australia 28 Nov - 01 Dec 2006 Melbourne, Australia.


Drought risks and vulnerability in rainfed agriculture: example of a case study in Australia
Stone, Roger C. and Potgieter, Andries. 2008. "Drought risks and vulnerability in rainfed agriculture: example of a case study in Australia." Options Mediterraneennes.


Developing ENSO-based irrigation water forecast system in a region with limited hydro-meteorological observations to mitigate the impacts of climate variability: a case study in Lombok, Indonesia
Zhang, X., Abawi, Yahya, Dutta, Sunil and McClymont, David. 2010. "Developing ENSO-based irrigation water forecast system in a region with limited hydro-meteorological observations to mitigate the impacts of climate variability: a case study in Lombok, Indonesia." Climate Adaptation Futures: Preparing for the Unavoidable Impacts of Climate Change (2010). Gold Coast, Australia 29 Jun - 01 Jul 2010 Brisbane, Australia.


Impacts and adaptation response of infrastructure and communities to heatwaves: the southern Australian experience of 2009
Best, Peter, Marcussen, Torben, Mushtaq, Shahbaz, Stone, Roger C., Reeves, Jim, Foelz, Colleen, Grace, Peter, Loughnan, Margaret, McEvoy, Darryn, Ahmed, Ifte, Mullett, Jane, Haynes, Katharine, Bird, Deanne, Coates, Lucinda and Ling, Megan. 2010. Impacts and adaptation response of infrastructure and communities to heatwaves: the southern Australian experience of 2009. Gold Coast, Australia. National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF).

Project report

Modeling the impact of historical land cover change on Australia's regional climate
McAlpine, C. A., Syktus, J., Deo, R. C., Lawrence, P. J., McGowan, H. A., Watterson, I. G. and Phinn, Stuart. 2007. "Modeling the impact of historical land cover change on Australia's regional climate." Geophysical Research Letters. 34 (22), pp. L22711-1. https://doi.org/10.1029/2007GL031524


Climate change workshops for Great Barrier Reef marine tourism operators
Zeppel, Heather. 2011. "Climate change workshops for Great Barrier Reef marine tourism operators." Tourism in Marine Environments. 7 (2), pp. 95-98. https://doi.org/10.3727/154427311X13038402065901Zeppel


Spatial data infrastructure convergence: building spatial data infrastructure bridges to address climate change
Paudyal, Dev Raj, McDougall, Kevin and Apan, Armando. 2011. "Spatial data infrastructure convergence: building spatial data infrastructure bridges to address climate change." Joshi, P. K. and Singh, T. P. (ed.) Geoinformatics for climate change studies. New Delhi, India. TERI Press. pp. 377-392

Edited book (chapter)

Twentieth century bipolar seesaw of the Arctic and Antarctic surface air temperatures
Chylek, Petr, Folland, Chris K., Lesins, Glen and Dubey, Manvendra K.. 2010. "Twentieth century bipolar seesaw of the Arctic and Antarctic surface air temperatures." Geophysical Research Letters. 37 (8 (L08703)). https://doi.org/10.1029/2010GL042793


Impact of climate variability on an East Australian bay
Graewe, U., Wolff, J. -O. and Ribbe, J.. 2010. "Impact of climate variability on an East Australian bay." Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 86 (2), pp. 247-257. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2009.11.020


A climate reconstruction of Sydney Cove, New South Wales, using weather journal and documentary data, 1788–1791
Gergis, Joelle, Karoly, David J. and Allan, Robert J.. 2009. "A climate reconstruction of Sydney Cove, New South Wales, using weather journal and documentary data, 1788–1791." Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal. 53 (2), pp. 83-98.


Impacts of land use/land cover change on climate and future research priorities
Mahmood, Rezaul, Pielke, Roger A., Hubbard, Kenneth G., Niyogi, Dev, Bonan, Gordon, Lawrence, Peter, McNider, Richard, McAlpine, Clive, Etter, Andres, Gameda, Samuel, Qian, Budong, Carleton, Andrew, Beltran-Przekurat, Adriana, Chase, Thomas, Quintanar, Arturo I., Adegoke, Jimmy O., Vezhapparambu, Sajith, Conner, Glen, Asefi, Salvi, ..., Syktus, Jozef. 2010. "Impacts of land use/land cover change on climate and future research priorities." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 91 (1), pp. 37-46. https://doi.org/10.1175/2009BAMS2769.1


Climate outlook and review 5 April 2010
Stone, Roger C.. 2010. "Climate outlook and review 5 April 2010." Climate Outlook and Review.


Australian agriculture - adaptations to climate change
Craig, I., Goh, S. and Mushtaq, S.. 2010. "Australian agriculture - adaptations to climate change." Climate Adaptation Futures: Preparing for the Unavoidable Impacts of Climate Change (2010). Gold Coast, Australia 29 Jun - 01 Jul 2010 Brisbane, Australia.


Addressing exposure of chardonnay in Queensland vineyards - Part 2
Kennedy, Ursula J. and Learmonth, Robert P.. 2010. "Addressing exposure of chardonnay in Queensland vineyards - Part 2." Australian Viticulture. 14 (4), pp. 66-68.


An application of demerit point approach in selection of most suitable climate models to characterise the potential climate change impact on regional Australia
Stone, Roger C., Marcussen, Torben and Mushtaq, Shahbaz. 2010. "An application of demerit point approach in selection of most suitable climate models to characterise the potential climate change impact on regional Australia." American Geophysical Union 2010 Fall Meeting. San Francisco, United States 13 - 17 Dec 2010 Washington, DC United States.


Links between native forest and climate in Australia
Deo, Ravinesh C.. 2011. "Links between native forest and climate in Australia." Weather. 66 (3), pp. 64-69. https://doi.org/10.1002/wea.659


Climate change communication in times of uncertainty
Eddington, Ian and Eddington, Noela. 2010. "Climate change communication in times of uncertainty." Leal, Walter (ed.) Commonwealth Climate Change Communication Conference (C5) (2010). Online 24 - 26 Nov 2010


The effect of different climatic conditions on wheat harvesting strategy and return
Nawi, Nazmi Mat, Chen, Guangnan and Zare, Dariush. 2010. "The effect of different climatic conditions on wheat harvesting strategy and return." Biosystems Engineering. 106 (4), pp. 493-502. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2010.05.015


El Niño-Southern Oscillation influence on the dust storm activity in Australia: can the past provide a key to the future?
Pudmenzky, C., Stone, R., Butler, H. and Allan, R.. 2011. "El Niño-Southern Oscillation influence on the dust storm activity in Australia: can the past provide a key to the future?" American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2011. San Francisco, California, United States 05 - 09 Dec 2011 United States.


The impact of Asian and non-Asian anthropogenic aerosols on 20th century Asian summer monsoon
Cowan, T. and Cai, W.. 2011. "The impact of Asian and non-Asian anthropogenic aerosols on 20th century Asian summer monsoon." Geophysical Research Letters. 38 (11). https://doi.org/10.1029/2011GL047268


Teleconnection pathways of ENSO and the IOD and the mechanisms for impacts on Australian rainfall
Cai, Wenju, van Rensch, Peter, Cowan, Tim and Hendon, Harry H.. 2011. "Teleconnection pathways of ENSO and the IOD and the mechanisms for impacts on Australian rainfall." Journal of Climate. 24 (15), pp. 3910-3923. https://doi.org/10.1175/2011JCLI4129.1


Influence of global-scale variability on the subtropical ridge over Southeast Australia
Cai, Wenju, van Rensch, Peter and Cowan, Tim. 2011. "Influence of global-scale variability on the subtropical ridge over Southeast Australia." Journal of Climate. 24 (23), pp. 6035-6053. https://doi.org/10.1175/2011JCLI4149.1


Does the Southern Annular Mode contribute to the persistence of the multidecade-long drought over southwest Western Australia?
Cai, W., van Rensch, P., Borlace, S. and Cowan, T.. 2011. "Does the Southern Annular Mode contribute to the persistence of the multidecade-long drought over southwest Western Australia?" Geophysical Research Letters. 38 (14). https://doi.org/10.1029/2011GL047943


Interactions of ENSO, the IOD, and the SAM in CMIP3 models
Cai, Wenju, Sullivan, Arnold and Cowan, T.. 2011. "Interactions of ENSO, the IOD, and the SAM in CMIP3 models." Journal of Climate. 24 (6), pp. 1688-1704. https://doi.org/10.1175/2010JCLI3744.1


The simulated impact of land cover change on climate extremes in eastern Australia
Deo, R. C., Syktus, J. I., McAlpine, C. A. and Wong, K. K.. 2009. "The simulated impact of land cover change on climate extremes in eastern Australia." Anderssen, R. S., Braddock, R. D. and Newham, L. T. H. (ed.) 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Cairns, Australia 13 - 17 Jul 2009 Canberra, Australia. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand .


A comparison of two seasonal rainfall forecasting systems for Australia
Fawcett, R. J. B. and Stone, R. C.. 2010. "A comparison of two seasonal rainfall forecasting systems for Australia." Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal. 60 (1), pp. 15-24.
