3702. Climate change science

Title3702. Climate change science
Parent37. Earth Sciences

Latest research outputs

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Rainfall declines over Queensland from 1951-2007 and links to the subtropical ridge and the SAM
Cottrill, D. A. and Ribbe, J.. 2010. "Rainfall declines over Queensland from 1951-2007 and links to the subtropical ridge and the SAM." IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 11 (1). https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/11/1/012037


A continent under stress: interactions, feedbacks and risks associated with impact of modified land cover on Australia's climate
McAlpine, C. A., Syktus, J., Ryan, J. G., Deo, R. C., McKeon, G. M., McGowan, H. A. and Phinn, S. R.. 2009. "A continent under stress: interactions, feedbacks and risks associated with impact of modified land cover on Australia's climate." Global Change Biology. 15 (9), pp. 2206-2223. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.01939.x


Impact of historical land cover change on daily indices of climate extremes including droughts in eastern Australia
Deo, R. C., Syktus, J. I., McAlpine, C. A., Lawrence, P. J., McGowan, H. A. and Phinn, S. R.. 2009. "Impact of historical land cover change on daily indices of climate extremes including droughts in eastern Australia." Geophysical Research Letters. 36 (8), pp. 1-5. https://doi.org/10.1029/2009GL037666


On Australian heat waves: time series analysis of extreme temperature events in Australia, 1950 - 2005
Deo, R. C., McAlpine, C. A., Syktus, J., McGowan, H. A. and Phinn, S.. 2007. "On Australian heat waves: time series analysis of extreme temperature events in Australia, 1950 - 2005." Oxley, Les and Kulasiri, Don (ed.) 17th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM07). Christchurch, New Zealand 10 - 13 Dec 2007 Canberra, Australia. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand .


Impact of land cover change on regional climate and El Nino in Australia
Syktus, J., Deo, R. C., McAlpine, C. A., McGowan, H. A. and Phinn, S.. 2007. "Impact of land cover change on regional climate and El Nino in Australia." Oxley, Les and Kulasiri, Don (ed.) 17th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM07). Christchurch, New Zealand 10 - 13 Dec 2007 Canberra, Australia. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand .


Climate risk management for agriculture: the Australian experience
Stone, Roger C.. 2010. "Climate risk management for agriculture: the Australian experience." CCl-XV UN World Meteorological Organisation Commission for Climatology: Technical Conference on Changing Climate and Demands for Climate Services for Sustainable Development. Antalya, Turkey 16 - 18 Feb 2010 Geneva, Switzerland.


Total rain accumulation and rain-rate analysis for small tropical Pacific islands: a case study of Suva, Fiji
Kumar, Vickal V., Deo, Ravinesh C. and Ramachandran, Visagaperuman. 2006. "Total rain accumulation and rain-rate analysis for small tropical Pacific islands: a case study of Suva, Fiji." Atmospheric Science Letters. 7 (3), pp. 53-58. https://doi.org/10.1002/asl.131


An investigation on rainfall patterns and the general circulation in the southwest Pacific region
Deo, Ravinesh C.. 2004. "An investigation on rainfall patterns and the general circulation in the southwest Pacific region." 16th Australia New Zealand Climate Forum: Climate and Water (ANZCF2004). Lorne, Australia 08 - 10 Nov 2004 Lorne, Vic, Australia.


Statistical downscaling of projected precipitation in two major Southeast Queensland catchments
Blazak, Adam and Ribbe, Joachim. 2010. "Statistical downscaling of projected precipitation in two major Southeast Queensland catchments." Burns, Barbara A., Davis, Clem, Kiss, Andrew E. and Taylor, John R. (ed.) 17th National Conference of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society: Atmosphere, Oceans, Environment and Society. Canberra, Australia 27 - 29 Jan 2010 Geelong, Victoria, Australia.


Do IPCC AR4 models produce the rainfall increase over Northwest Australia?
Shi, Ge, Ribbe, Joachim, Cowan, Tim, Sullivan, Arnold and Cai, Wenju. 2010. "Do IPCC AR4 models produce the rainfall increase over Northwest Australia?" Burns, Barbara A., Davis, Clem, Kiss, Andrew E. and Taylor, John R. (ed.) 17th National Conference of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society: Atmosphere, Oceans, Environment and Society. Canberra, Australia 27 - 29 Jan 2010 Geelong, Victoria, Australia.


Rainfall variability of decadal and longer time scales: signal or noise?
Meinke, Holger, deVoil, Peter, Hammer, Graeme L., Power, Scott, Allan, Robert J., Stone, Roger C., Folland, Chris K. and Potgieter, Andries B.. 2005. "Rainfall variability of decadal and longer time scales: signal or noise?" Journal of Climate. 18 (1), pp. 89-90. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-3263.1


Inferential, nonparametric statistics to assess the quality of probabilistic forecast systems
Maia, Aline de H. N., Meinke, Holger, Lennox, Sarah and Stone, Roger. 2007. "Inferential, nonparametric statistics to assess the quality of probabilistic forecast systems." Monthly Weather Review. 135 (2), pp. 351-362. https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR3291.1


Low-frequency variability of regional sea surface temperature and rainfall in the Austral-Indonesian region
Faqih, Akhmad, Ribbe, Joachim and Meinke, Holger. 2009. "Low-frequency variability of regional sea surface temperature and rainfall in the Austral-Indonesian region." 9th International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography. Melbourne, Australia 09 - 13 Feb 2009 United States of America.


A detailed proxy rainfall record from Lake Broadwater, Dalby, Southeast Queensland
Cottrill, Andrew, Ribbe, Joachim and Maron, Martine. 2009. "A detailed proxy rainfall record from Lake Broadwater, Dalby, Southeast Queensland." 9th International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography. Melbourne, Australia 09 - 13 Feb 2009 Boston, MA.


Changes in MSLP over Queensland and the Southern Hemisphere
Cottrill, Andrew and Ribbe, Joachim. 2009. "Changes in MSLP over Queensland and the Southern Hemisphere." 9th International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography. Melbourne, Australia 09 - 13 Feb 2009 United States of America.


El Nino through the 'eyes' of a wheat crop
Potgieter, Andries B., Hammer, Graeme L., Meinke, Holger, Stone, Roger C. and Goddard, Lisa. 2003. "El Nino through the 'eyes' of a wheat crop." Stone, Roger C. and Partridge, Ian (ed.) National Drought Forum 2003: Science for Drought. Brisbane, Australia 15 - 16 Apr 2003 Brisbane, Australia.


Drought and climate forecasting in an Australian context
Stone, Roger C., Fawcett, Robert, Everingham, Yvette L. and Pinington, Greg. 2003. "Drought and climate forecasting in an Australian context." Stone, Roger C. and Partridge, Ian (ed.) Science for drought: proceedings of the National Drought Forum. Brisbane, Australia. Queensland Department of Primary Industries. pp. 41-48

Edited book (chapter)

Climate impact on hypersalinity in an Australian coastal bay
Ribbe, Joachim. 2010. "Climate impact on hypersalinity in an Australian coastal bay." You, Yuzhu and Henderson-Sellers, Ann (ed.) Climate alert: climate change monitoring and strategy. Sydney, Australia. Sydney University Press. pp. 213-237

Edited book (chapter)

How human-induced aerosols influence the ocean–atmosphere circulation: a review
Cowan, Tim and Cai, Wenju. 2010. "How human-induced aerosols influence the ocean–atmosphere circulation: a review." Jubb, Imogen, Holper, Paul and Cai, Wenju (ed.) Managing Climate Change. Australia. CSIRO Publishing. pp. 65-72

Edited book (chapter)

Impacts of precipitation and temperature changes on annual streamflow in the Murray-Darling Basin
Yu, Jingjie, Fu, Guobin, Cai, Wenju and Cowan, Tim. 2010. "Impacts of precipitation and temperature changes on annual streamflow in the Murray-Darling Basin." Water International. 35 (3), pp. 313-323. https://doi.org/10.1080/02508060.2010.484907


Asymmetry in ENSO teleconnection with regional rainfall, its multidecadal variability, and impact
Cai, Wenju, van Rensch, Peter, Cowan, Tim and Sullivan, Arnold. 2010. "Asymmetry in ENSO teleconnection with regional rainfall, its multidecadal variability, and impact." Journal of Climate. 23 (18), pp. 4944-4955. https://doi.org/10.1175/2010JCLI3501.1


Simulations of processes associated with the fast warming rate of the southern midlatitude ocean
Cai, Wenju, Cowan, Tim, Godfrey, Stuart and Wijffels, Susan. 2010. "Simulations of processes associated with the fast warming rate of the southern midlatitude ocean." Journal of Climate. 23 (1), pp. 197-206. https://doi.org/10.1175/2009JCLI3081.1


Comment on "On the recent warming in the Murray-Darling Basin: Land surface interactions misunderstood" by Lockart et al
Cai, Wenju, Cowan, Tim, Braganza, Karl, Jones, David and Risbey, James. 2010. "Comment on "On the recent warming in the Murray-Darling Basin: Land surface interactions misunderstood" by Lockart et al." Geophysical Research Letters. 37 (10). https://doi.org/10.1029/2009GL042254

Notes or commentaries

On potential causes for an under-estimated global ocean heat content trend in CMIP3 models
Cai, W., Cowan, T., Arblaster, J. M. and Wijffels, S.. 2010. "On potential causes for an under-estimated global ocean heat content trend in CMIP3 models." Geophysical Research Letters. 37 (17). https://doi.org/10.1029/2010GL044399


A New Index for Tropical Cyclone Development from Sea Surface Temperature and Evaporation Fields
Bye, John A.T., Cai, Wenju and Cowan, Tim. 2010. "A New Index for Tropical Cyclone Development from Sea Surface Temperature and Evaporation Fields ." Hurricanes and Climate Change. United States. Springer. pp. 101-120

Edited book (chapter)

Impact of Multidecadal Fluctuations in the Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation on Indo-Pacific Climate Variability in a Coupled GCM
Rashid, Harun A., Power, Scott B. and Knight, Jeff R.. 2010. "Impact of Multidecadal Fluctuations in the Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation on Indo-Pacific Climate Variability in a Coupled GCM." Journal of Climate. 23 (14), pp. 4038-4044. https://doi.org/10.1175/2010JCLI3430.1


An assessment of relationships between the Australian subtropical ridge, rainfall variability, and high-latitude circulation patterns
Williams, Allyson A. J. and Stone, Roger C.. 2009. "An assessment of relationships between the Australian subtropical ridge, rainfall variability, and high-latitude circulation patterns." International Journal of Climatology. 29 (5), pp. 691-709. https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.1732


Impact of climate variability on the circulation of an East-Australian bay
Grawe, Ulf, Ribbe, Joachim and Wolff, Jorg-Olaf. 2009. "Impact of climate variability on the circulation of an East-Australian bay." 9th International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography. Melbourne, Australia 09 - 13 Feb 2009 United States.


Interdecadal variability of regional sea surface temperature and rainfall in the Austral-Indonesian region
Faqih, Akhmad, Ribbe, Joachim and Meinke, Holger. 2008. "Interdecadal variability of regional sea surface temperature and rainfall in the Austral-Indonesian region." WMO 4th International Workshop on Monsoons (IWM-IV). Beijing, China 20 - 25 Oct 2008


Assessment of GCM-based rainfall simulations for the Austral-Indonesian region
Faqih, Akhmad, Ribbe, Joachim and Meinke, Holger. 2008. "Assessment of GCM-based rainfall simulations for the Austral-Indonesian region." WMO 4th International Workshop on Monsoons (IWM-IV). Beijing, China 20 - 25 Oct 2008


Prediction of global rainfall probabilities using phases of the Southern Oscillation Index
Stone, Roger C., Hammer, Graeme L. and Marcussen, Torben. 1996. "Prediction of global rainfall probabilities using phases of the Southern Oscillation Index." Nature. 384 (6606), pp. 252-255. https://doi.org/10.1038/384252a0


Modelling wind erosion at national and regional scale using the CEMSYS model: national monitoring and evaluation framework, prepared for the National Land & Water Resources Audit
Butler, Harry J., Shao, Yaping, Leys, John F. and McTainsh, G. H.. 2007. Modelling wind erosion at national and regional scale using the CEMSYS model: national monitoring and evaluation framework, prepared for the National Land & Water Resources Audit. Canberra, Australia. National Land and Water Resources Audit.

Technical report

How well do IPCC-AR4 models simulate Australian rainfall teleconnections during two-consecutive positive Indian Ocean dipole events?
Sullivan, Arnold, Cai, W. and Cowan, T. D.. 2009. "How well do IPCC-AR4 models simulate Australian rainfall teleconnections during two-consecutive positive Indian Ocean dipole events?" 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Cairns, Australia 13 - 17 Jul 2009 Australia. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand .


Are declining river inflows linked to rising temperatures? A perspective from the Murray-Darling Basin
Cowan, T. D. and Cai, Wenju. 2009. "Are declining river inflows linked to rising temperatures? A perspective from the Murray-Darling Basin." 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Cairns, Australia 13 - 17 Jul 2009 Australia. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand .


Methods of assessing the performance of IPCC-AR4 models in simulating Australian rainfall teleconnections with Indo-Pacific climate drivers
Cai, W., Sullivan, A. and Cowan, T.. 2009. "Methods of assessing the performance of IPCC-AR4 models in simulating Australian rainfall teleconnections with Indo-Pacific climate drivers." 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Cairns, Australia 13 - 17 Jul 2009 Australia. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand .


How rare are the 2006-2008 positive Indian Ocean Dipole events? An IPCC AR4 climate model perspective
Cai, W., Sullivan, A. and Cowan, T.. 2009. "How rare are the 2006-2008 positive Indian Ocean Dipole events? An IPCC AR4 climate model perspective." Geophysical Research Letters. 36 (8). https://doi.org/10.1029/2009GL037982


Rainfall teleconnections with indo-pacific variability in the WCRP CMIP3 models
Cai, Wenju, Sullivan, Arnold and Cowan, Tim. 2009. "Rainfall teleconnections with indo-pacific variability in the WCRP CMIP3 models." Journal of Climate. 22 (19), pp. 5046-5071. https://doi.org/10.1175/2009JCLI2694.1


Climate change contributes to more frequent consecutive positive Indian Ocean Dipole events
Cai, W., Sullivan, A. and Cowan, T.. 2009. "Climate change contributes to more frequent consecutive positive Indian Ocean Dipole events." Geophysical Research Letters. 36 (23). https://doi.org/10.1029/2009GL040163


Argo profiles a rare occurrence of three consecutive positive Indian Ocean Dipole events, 2006-2008
Cai, W., Pan, A., Roemmich, D., Cowan, T. and Guo, X.. 2009. "Argo profiles a rare occurrence of three consecutive positive Indian Ocean Dipole events, 2006-2008." Geophysical Research Letters. 36 (8). https://doi.org/10.1029/2008GL037038


Recent unprecedented skewness towards positive Indian Ocean Dipole occurrences and its impact on Australian rainfall
Cai, W., Cowan, T. and Sullivan, A.. 2009. "Recent unprecedented skewness towards positive Indian Ocean Dipole occurrences and its impact on Australian rainfall." Geophysical Research Letters. 36 (11). https://doi.org/10.1029/2009GL037604
