3702. Climate change science

Title3702. Climate change science
Parent37. Earth Sciences

Latest research outputs

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Linking Southern Ocean water masses and Australian rainfall variability
Ribbe, Joachim. 2004. "Linking Southern Ocean water masses and Australian rainfall variability." Australian Marine Sciences Association Hobart Conference (2004). Hobart, Australia 06 - 09 Jul 2004 Australia.


Forecasting with the Madden-Julian Oscillation and the applications for risk management
Donald, Alexis, Meinke, Holger, Power, Brendan, Wheeler, Matthew and Ribbe, Joachim. 2004. "Forecasting with the Madden-Julian Oscillation and the applications for risk management." 4th International Crop Science Congress (ICSC 2004): New Directions for a Diverse Planet. Brisbane, Australia 26 Sep - 01 Oct 2004 Brisbane, Australia.


Climate modelling for the classroom: applying physics and mathematics in a new context
Ribbe, Joachim. 2005. "Climate modelling for the classroom: applying physics and mathematics in a new context." Teaching Science: The Journal of the Australian Science Teachers Association. 51 (3), pp. 24-37.


Measuring the diffuse component of solar UV beneath shade structures: a practical activity for an Australian summer
Turnbull, David J. and Parisi, Alfio. 2005. "Measuring the diffuse component of solar UV beneath shade structures: a practical activity for an Australian summer." Teaching Science: The Journal of the Australian Science Teachers Association. 51 (1), pp. 22-24.


Trends in Southern Hemisphere circulation in IPCC AR4 models over 1950-99: Ozone depletion versus greenhouse forcing
Cai, Wenju and Cowan, Tim. 2007. "Trends in Southern Hemisphere circulation in IPCC AR4 models over 1950-99: Ozone depletion versus greenhouse forcing." Journal of Climate. 20 (4), pp. 681-693. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI4028.1


Impacts of increasing anthropogenic aerosols on the atmospheric circulation trends of the Southern Hemisphere: An air-sea positive feedback
Cai, Wenju and Cowan, Tim. 2007. "Impacts of increasing anthropogenic aerosols on the atmospheric circulation trends of the Southern Hemisphere: An air-sea positive feedback." Geophysical Research Letters. 34 (23). https://doi.org/10.1029/2007GL031706

Contribution to Journal

Climate models and their evaluation
Randall, David A., Wood, Richard A., Bony, Sandrine, Colman, Robert, Fichefet, Thierry, Fyfe, John, Kattsov, Vladimir, Pitman, Andrew, Shukla, Jagadish, Srinivasan, Jayaraman, Stouffer, Ronald J., Sumi, Akimasa and Taylor, K.E.. 2007. "Climate models and their evaluation." Solomon, Susan, Dahe, Qin, Manning, Martin, Marquis, Melinda, Averyt, Kristen, Tignor, Melinda M. B., Miller, Henry LeRoy and Chen, Zhenlin (ed.) Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge, United Kingdom. Cambridge University Press. pp. 589-662

Edited book (chapter)

SAM and regional rainfall in IPCC AR4 models: Can anthropogenic forcing account for southwest Western Australian winter rainfall reduction?
Cai, Wenju and Cowan, Tim. 2006. "SAM and regional rainfall in IPCC AR4 models: Can anthropogenic forcing account for southwest Western Australian winter rainfall reduction?" Geophysical Research Letters. 33 (24). https://doi.org/10.1029/2006GL028037


Pan-oceanic response to increasing anthropogenic aerosols: Impacts on the Southern Hemisphere oceanic circulation
Cai, W., Bi, D., Church, J., Cowan, T., Dix, M. and Rotstayn, L.. 2006. "Pan-oceanic response to increasing anthropogenic aerosols: Impacts on the Southern Hemisphere oceanic circulation." Geophysical Research Letters. 33 (21). https://doi.org/10.1029/2006GL027513


Attribution of the Late-Twentieth-Century Rainfall Decline in Southwest Australia
Timbal, Bertrand, Arblaster, Julie M. and Power, Scott. 2006. "Attribution of the Late-Twentieth-Century Rainfall Decline in Southwest Australia." Journal of Climate. 19 (10), pp. 2046-2062. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI3817.1


Large-scale vertical momentum, kinetic energy and moisture fluxes in the antarctic sea-ice region
Simmonds, Ian, Rafter, Anthony, Cowan, Timothy, Watkins, Andrew B. and Keay, Kevin. 2005. "Large-scale vertical momentum, kinetic energy and moisture fluxes in the antarctic sea-ice region." Boundary-Layer Meteorology: an international journal of physical and biological processes in the atmospheric boundary layer. 117 (1), pp. 149-177. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10546-004-5939-6


ENSIP: the El Nino simulation intercomparison project
Latif, Mojib, Sperber, K., Arblaster, J., Braconnot, P., Chen, D., Colman, A., Cubasch, U., Cooper, C., Delecluse, P., DeWitt, D., Fairhead, L., Flato, G., Hogan, T., Ji, M., Kimoto, M., Kitoh, A., Knutson, T., Le Treut, H., Li, T., ..., Zebiak, S.. 2001. "ENSIP: the El Nino simulation intercomparison project." Climate Dynamics. 18 (3-4), pp. 255-276. https://doi.org/10.1007/s003820100174
