4104. Environmental management

Title4104. Environmental management
Parent41. Environmental Sciences

Latest research outputs

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Interaction between BSM-contaminated soils and Italian ryegrass
Li, Huashou, Li, Na, Lin, Chuxia, He, Hongzhi and Chen, Guikui. 2012. "Interaction between BSM-contaminated soils and Italian ryegrass." Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. 47 (5), pp. 427-433. https://doi.org/10.1080/03601234.2012.657060


Determining the growth responses of phyla canescens to shoot and root damage as a platform to better-informed weed-management decisions
Julien, M. H., Xu, C.-Y., Bourne, A., Gellender, M. and De Clerck-Floate, R.. 2012. "Determining the growth responses of phyla canescens to shoot and root damage as a platform to better-informed weed-management decisions ." Australian Journal of Botany. 60 (4), pp. 310-318. https://doi.org/10.1071/BT11205


Grazing as a post-mining land use: a conceptual model of the risk factors
Maczkowiack, R. I., Smith, C. S., Slaughter, G. J., Mulligan, D. R. and Cameron, D. C.. 2012. "Grazing as a post-mining land use: a conceptual model of the risk factors." Agricultural Systems. 109 (1), pp. 76-89. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agsy.2012.03.002


Assessing spatial information access, use and sharing for catchment management in Australia
Paudyal, Dev Raj, McDougall, Kevin and Apan, Armando. 2011. "Assessing spatial information access, use and sharing for catchment management in Australia." Hock, Barbara (ed.) 2011 Surveying and Spatial Sciences Conference: Innovation in Action: Working Smarter (SSSC 2011). Wellington, New Zealand 21 - 25 Nov 2011 Rotorua, New Zealand.


Phenological assessment of Darling River claypan lakes using satellite imagery
Perera, Kithsiri and Tateishi, Ryutaro. 2011. "Phenological assessment of Darling River claypan lakes using satellite imagery." Autumn Scientific Conference of the Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (JSPRS 2011) . Oita, Japan 20 - 21 Oct 2011 Tokyo, Japan.


Environmental sustainability education: towards a minimum service level agreement for delivery to engineering students
Craig, Ian, Thorpe, David and Goh, Steven. 2011. "Environmental sustainability education: towards a minimum service level agreement for delivery to engineering students." SSEE 2011: Escaping Silos. Brisbane, Australia 24 - 26 Oct 2011 Canberra, Australia.


Evaluation of photo imaging methods for vegetation condition assessment
Apan, Armando, Baral, Govinda, Dunwoody, Ernest, Richardson, Lucy and McDougall, Kevin. 2011. "Evaluation of photo imaging methods for vegetation condition assessment." 2011 Surveying and Spatial Sciences Conference: Innovation in Action: Working Smarter (SSSC 2011). Wellington, New Zealand 21 - 25 Nov 2011 Adelaide, Australia.


Modelling riparian woodland response to altered and novel disturbance regimes in production landscapes
Reardon-Smith, Kate, Le Brocque, Andy and House, Alan. 2011. "Modelling riparian woodland response to altered and novel disturbance regimes in production landscapes." 2011 Conference of the Ecological Society of Australia (ESA 2011). Hobart, Australia 21 - 25 Nov 2011 Australia. Ecological Society of Australia.


Drivers of Poplar box (Eucalyptus populnea) recruitment in a production landscape, southern Queensland
Fritz, Lisa, Le Brocque, Andy and Maron, Martine. 2011. "Drivers of Poplar box (Eucalyptus populnea) recruitment in a production landscape, southern Queensland." 2011 Conference of the Ecological Society of Australia (ESA 2011). Hobart, Australia 21 - 25 Nov 2011 Australia.


Groundwater markets under the water scarcity and declining watertable conditions: the upland Balochistan region of Pakistan
Khair, Syed M., Mushtaq, Shahbaz, Culas, Richard J. and Hafeez, Mohsin. 2012. "Groundwater markets under the water scarcity and declining watertable conditions: the upland Balochistan region of Pakistan." Agricultural Systems. 107 (1), pp. 21-32. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agsy.2011.11.007


Remote sensing of water quality in an Australian tropical freshwater impoundment using matrix inversion and MERIS images
Campbell, Glenn, Phinn, Stuart R., Dekker, Arnold G. and Brando, Vittorio E.. 2011. "Remote sensing of water quality in an Australian tropical freshwater impoundment using matrix inversion and MERIS images." Remote Sensing of Environment: an interdisciplinary journal. 115 (9), pp. 2402-2414. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2011.05.003


Tree growth performance in private plantations in Nepal’s central Terai region
Dhakal, Arun. 2008. "Tree growth performance in private plantations in Nepal’s central Terai region." Tropical Forest Update. 18 (3), pp. 19-21.


Silviculture and productivity of five economically important timber species of central terai of Nepal
Dhakal, Arun. 2008. Silviculture and productivity of five economically important timber species of central terai of Nepal. Japan / Nepal. ITTO / NAF.

Authored book

Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) and domestication: analysis of the prospects of domestication of non-timber forest products in developing countries from socio-economic perspectives: example from the mid-hills of Nepal
Dhakal, Arun. 2010. Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) and domestication: analysis of the prospects of domestication of non-timber forest products in developing countries from socio-economic perspectives: example from the mid-hills of Nepal . Saarbrucken, Germany. Lambert Academic Publishing.

Authored book

What are smart meters? [Fact sheet]
Aravinthan, Vasantha, Ho, Goen, Gray, Julian, Butler, Reid and Connell, Damien. 2012. What are smart meters? [Fact sheet]. Sydney, Australia. Australian Water Association.


What are smart meters?
Aravinthan, Vasantha, Ho, Goen, Gray, Julian, Butler, Reid and Connell, Damien. 2012. "What are smart meters?" Current. 39 (2), pp. 80-84.


Size isn’t everything: the importance of small remnants to the conservation of woodland birds in Australia
Maron, Martine. 2008. "Size isn’t everything: the importance of small remnants to the conservation of woodland birds in Australia." Australian Field Ornithology. 25 (2), pp. 53-58.


Towards more sustainable water management? The challenges of water and land use in the Los Angeles metropolis
MacKillop, Fionn. 2010. Towards more sustainable water management? The challenges of water and land use in the Los Angeles metropolis. Saarbrucken, Germany. Editions Universitaires Europeennes.

Authored book

The particle swarm optimisation for spectral matching applied to inland water quality remote sensing
Campbell, G., Phinn, S., Dekker, A. and Brando, V.. 2011. "The particle swarm optimisation for spectral matching applied to inland water quality remote sensing." 34th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment. Sydney, Australia 10 - 15 Apr 2011 Sydney, Australia.


A low cost portable environmental monitoring system for livestock buildings
Clements, M. S., Watt, A. C., Debono, A. P., Aziz, S. M. and Banhazi, T. M.. 2011. "A low cost portable environmental monitoring system for livestock buildings." Banhazi, T., Saunders, C. and Hegarty, R. (ed.) SEAg 2011: Diverse Challenges, Innovative Solutions. Gold Coast, Australia 29 - 30 Sep 2011 Canberra, Australia .


Assessing environmental stewardship motivation
Bramston, Paul, Pretty, Grace and Zammit, Charlie. 2011. "Assessing environmental stewardship motivation." Environment and Behavior. 43 (6), pp. 776-788. https://doi.org/10.1177/0013916510382875


Editorial for special issue of AJIS on green IT/IS (sustainable computing)
Lane, Michael S., Kolbe, Lutz and Zarnekow, Rudiger. 2011. "Editorial for special issue of AJIS on green IT/IS (sustainable computing)." Australasian Journal of Information Systems. 17 (1), pp. 1-4. https://doi.org/10.3127/ajis.v17i1.666


Environmental effects of applying coal seam gas associated water to unsealed roads for dust suppression: final report
Bennett, J. McL. and Raine, S. R.. 2011. Environmental effects of applying coal seam gas associated water to unsealed roads for dust suppression: final report. Toowoomba, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.

Project report

Sustainability classifications in engineering: discipline and approach
Hasna, Abdallah M.. 2010. "Sustainability classifications in engineering: discipline and approach." International Journal of Sustainable Engineering. 3 (4), pp. 258-276. https://doi.org/10.1080/19397038.2010.500743


Analysis of arsenic concentrations and correlation in water, soil and aurum by neutron activation analysis technique: a case study in Bagerhat, Bangladesh
Abdullah, S. M. A., Islam, M. T., Islam, S. Z., Hossain, Iqbal, Samsuzzoha, M., Hossain, M. D., Latif, S. A. and Islam, F. M. A.. 2010. "Analysis of arsenic concentrations and correlation in water, soil and aurum by neutron activation analysis technique: a case study in Bagerhat, Bangladesh." Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 85 (3), pp. 301-306. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00128-010-0075-0


Setting water quality objectives to protect environmental assets: why it is difficult to measure changes?
Alam, Khorshed, Rolfe, John and Donaghy, Peter. 2005. "Setting water quality objectives to protect environmental assets: why it is difficult to measure changes?" 6th International Cities, Town Centres & Communities Conference: The Place of the Future (ICTC 2005). Yeppoon, Australia 31 May - 03 Jun 2005 Brisbane, Australia.


The effects of patch and landscape factors on the resilience of poplar box (Eucalyptus populnea F. Muell.) woodlands, southern Queensland
Fritz, Lisa Renee. 2012. The effects of patch and landscape factors on the resilience of poplar box (Eucalyptus populnea F. Muell.) woodlands, southern Queensland. Masters Thesis Master of Science (Research). University of Southern Queensland.

Masters Thesis

Exploring changes in nitrate contamination in the coastal and hautere zone aquifers, Wellington, New Zealand
Dias-Wanigasekera, Deepthi Jayatha. 2012. Exploring changes in nitrate contamination in the coastal and hautere zone aquifers, Wellington, New Zealand. Masters Thesis Master of Engineering (Research). University of Southern Queensland.

Masters Thesis

Carbon risk management, carbon disclosure and stock market effects: an international perspective
Najah, Muftah Mohamed Salem. 2012. Carbon risk management, carbon disclosure and stock market effects: an international perspective. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

Emissions trading and sustainable development: a case study of the Libyan oil and cement industries
Shibani, Sami N. M.. 2012. Emissions trading and sustainable development: a case study of the Libyan oil and cement industries. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

Energy consumption, economic growth and CO2 emissions in Australia: the potential for energy conservation
Shahiduzzaman, Md.. 2012. Energy consumption, economic growth and CO2 emissions in Australia: the potential for energy conservation. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

Reviewing the monitoring and evaluation practices and perceptions of Australia’s regional natural resource management organisations
Richardson, Lucy. 2012. Reviewing the monitoring and evaluation practices and perceptions of Australia’s regional natural resource management organisations. Masters Thesis Master of Business. University of Southern Queensland.

Masters Thesis

Integrating hydrology and land use to understand the ecology of floodplain wetlands in the Condamine Catchment, southern Queensland, Australia
Kath, Jarrod Michael. 2012. Integrating hydrology and land use to understand the ecology of floodplain wetlands in the Condamine Catchment, southern Queensland, Australia. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

Home heating in temperate Australia
Parsons, David. 2010. "Home heating in temperate Australia ." International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. 15 (8), pp. 785-793. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11367-010-0184-3


Impacts of grazing, selective logging and hyper-aggressors on diurnal bird fauna in intact forest landscapes of the Brigalow Belt, Queensland
Eyre, Teresa J., Maron, Martine, Mathieson, Michael T. and Haseler, Murray. 2009. "Impacts of grazing, selective logging and hyper-aggressors on diurnal bird fauna in intact forest landscapes of the Brigalow Belt, Queensland." Austral Ecology: a journal of ecology in the Southern Hemisphere. 34 (6), pp. 705-716. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1442-9993.2009.01979.x


Interspecific competition and small bird diversity in an urbanizing landscape
Kath, Jarrod, Maron, Martine and Dunn, Peter K.. 2009. "Interspecific competition and small bird diversity in an urbanizing landscape." Landscape and Urban Planning. 92 (2), pp. 72-79. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2009.02.007


Regrowth vegetation in production landscapes: comparisons between remnant and regrowth Brigalow (Acacia harpophylla) communities, Southern Queensland
Wagner, Peter M.. 2011. Regrowth vegetation in production landscapes: comparisons between remnant and regrowth Brigalow (Acacia harpophylla) communities, Southern Queensland. Masters Thesis Master of Science. University of Southern Queensland.

Masters Thesis

An assessment of the economic value of using seasonal climate forecasting in water resources management
Ritchie, John William. 2009. An assessment of the economic value of using seasonal climate forecasting in water resources management. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

Life cycle energy use and greenhouse gas emissions of Australian cotton: impact of farming systems
Khabbaz, Borzoo Ghareei. 2010. Life cycle energy use and greenhouse gas emissions of Australian cotton: impact of farming systems. Masters Thesis Master of Engineering. University of Southern Queensland.

Masters Thesis

Measuring rate of change of oxygen concentration and intrinsic oxidation rate in a pile of material
Bennett, John, Stepanyants, Yury and Ritchie, Ian. 2004. Measuring rate of change of oxygen concentration and intrinsic oxidation rate in a pile of material. WO 2004/072636 A1
