4899. Other law and legal studies

Title4899. Other law and legal studies
Parent48. Law and Legal Studies

Latest research outputs

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Mockery and the right to trial by jury
Gray, Anthony. 2006. "Mockery and the right to trial by jury." QUT Law Review. 6 (1), pp. 66-88.


Queensland criminal law may be unconstitutional
Gray, Anthony. 2004. "Queensland criminal law may be unconstitutional." Queensland Lawyer. 25, pp. 75-85.


A head for business regulation: the corporations power and the federal government's workplace relations reforms
Gray, Anthony. 2006. "A head for business regulation: the corporations power and the federal government's workplace relations reforms." Commercial Law Journal. 1 (1), pp. 56-67.


High court validates federal government's IR reforms
Gray, Anthony. 2006. "High court validates federal government's IR reforms." Commercial Law Journal. 1 (3), pp. 15-23.


The real deal: using authentic assessment to promote student engagement in the first and second years of a regional law program
Hart, Caroline, Hammer, Sara, Collins, Pauline and Chardon, Toni. 2011. "The real deal: using authentic assessment to promote student engagement in the first and second years of a regional law program." Legal Education Review. 21 (1), pp. 97-121.


Towards ethical literacy by enhancing reflexivity in law students
Crowley-Cyr, Lynda. 2011. "Towards ethical literacy by enhancing reflexivity in law students." Robertson, Michael, Corbin, Lillian, Tranter, Kieran and Bartlett, Francesca (ed.) The ethics project in legal education. London, England. Routledge. pp. 142-170

Edited book (chapter)

Reflexive professionals or disempowered technicians? A case study of the risks of McLearning in a regional law school
Crowley-Cyr, Lynda. 2008. "Reflexive professionals or disempowered technicians? A case study of the risks of McLearning in a regional law school." Journal of the Australasian Law Teachers Association. 1 (1/2), pp. 299-311.


Homelessness, mental illness and the state: an endless crisis of suffering and exclusion
Crowley-Cyr, Lynda. 2010. Homelessness, mental illness and the state: an endless crisis of suffering and exclusion. Saarbruchen, Germany. VDM Verlag Dr. Muller.

Authored book

In search of a model code provision for complicity and common purpose in Australia
Hemming, Andrew. 2011. "In search of a model code provision for complicity and common purpose in Australia." University of Tasmania Law Review. 30 (1), pp. 53-89.


Transnational security issues in the Asia Pacific: fisheries and piracy
Baird, Rachel. 2010. "Transnational security issues in the Asia Pacific: fisheries and piracy." 2nd Annual Dialogue Forum of the Sino-Australian Joint Research Program: Collaboration and Governance in the Asia Pacific. Brisbane, Australia 21 - 23 Jul 2010 Brisbane, Australia.


Witness to frontier violence: an aboriginal boy before the Supreme Court
Connors, Libby. 2011. "Witness to frontier violence: an aboriginal boy before the Supreme Court." Australian Historical Studies. 42 (2), pp. 230-243. https://doi.org/10.1080/1031461X.2010.529920


Prediction of the risk of continuing violence to women through inadequate sentencing of male offenders from Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory
Hemming, Andrew. 2011. "Prediction of the risk of continuing violence to women through inadequate sentencing of male offenders from Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory." Northern Territory Law Journal. 1 (6), pp. 305-328.


Managing legal risk in schools: understanding diverse perspectives
Teh, Mui-Kim, Stott, Kenneth and Zuzarte, Dyan. 2004. "Managing legal risk in schools: understanding diverse perspectives." 13th Annual Conference of the Australia and New Zealand Education Law Association: Innovation & Internationalisation: Pushing the Boundaries of Education Law (ANZELA 2004). Wellington, New Zealand 22 - 24 Sep 2004 Brisbane, Australia.


Neutral partisanship and Australian legal representation
Robertson, Michael. 2008. "Neutral partisanship and Australian legal representation." Socio-Legal Research Centre Seminar Series 2008. Brisbane, Australia 2008 Brisbane, Australia.


Rocky rhetoric and hard reality: the academic's dilemma surrounding assessment
Collins, Pauline, Brackin, Toni and Hart, Caroline. 2010. "Rocky rhetoric and hard reality: the academic's dilemma surrounding assessment." Legal Education Review. 20 (1-2), pp. 129-164.


Inclusive team assessment of off-campus and on-campus first year law students using instantaneous communication technology
Collins, Pauline. 2010. "Inclusive team assessment of off-campus and on-campus first year law students using instantaneous communication technology." The Law Teacher. 44 (3), pp. 309-333. https://doi.org/10.1080/03069400.2010.524028


Unofficial international conflict resolution: is there a track one and a half? Are there best practices?
Nan, Susan Allen, Druckman, Daniel and Horr, Jana El. 2009. "Unofficial international conflict resolution: is there a track one and a half? Are there best practices?" Conflict Resolution Quarterly. 27 (1), pp. 65-82. https://doi.org/10.1002/crq.248


Provocation: a totally flawed defence that has no place in Australian criminal law irrespective of sentencing regime
Hemming, Andrew. 2010. "Provocation: a totally flawed defence that has no place in Australian criminal law irrespective of sentencing regime." Western Sydney University Law Review.


Evaluating peace operations
Diehl, Paul F. and Druckman, Daniel. 2010. Evaluating peace operations . Boulder, CO, United States. Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc.

Authored book

Police power to conduct a search without reasonable suspicion in Australia: a comparative perspective
Gray, Anthony. 2011. "Police power to conduct a search without reasonable suspicion in Australia: a comparative perspective." European Public Law. 17 (2), pp. 331-347.


Banishing evidence of intoxication in determining whether a defendant acted voluntarily and intentionally
Hemming, Andrew. 2010. "Banishing evidence of intoxication in determining whether a defendant acted voluntarily and intentionally." University of Tasmania Law Review. 29 (1), pp. 1-30.


The Criminal Code (Cth) comes to the Northern Territory: why did the original Criminal Code (NT) last only 20 years?
Hemming, Andrew. 2010. "The Criminal Code (Cth) comes to the Northern Territory: why did the original Criminal Code (NT) last only 20 years?" University of Western Australia Law Review. 35 (1), pp. 119-156.


When is a code a code?
Hemming, Andrew. 2010. "When is a code a code?" Deakin Law Review. 15 (1), pp. 65-97.


Northern Territory national emergency reponse revisited
Hemming, Andrew. 2010. "Northern Territory national emergency reponse revisited." Psychiatry Psychology and Law. 17 (3), pp. 438-463. https://doi.org/10.1080/13218711003702340


In search of a model code provision for murder in Australia
Hemming, Andrew. 2010. "In search of a model code provision for murder in Australia." Criminal Law Journal. 34 (2), pp. 81-91.


Online tests and exams: lower standards or improved learning?
Hemming, Andrew. 2010. "Online tests and exams: lower standards or improved learning?" The Law Teacher. 44 (3), pp. 283-308. https://doi.org/10.1080/03069400.2010.524031


White man speak with forked tongue
Hemming, Andrew. 2007. "White man speak with forked tongue." Adams, Michael, Barker, David and Poludniewski, Katherine (ed.) ALTA 2007: Law and Public Policy, Taming the Unruly Horse?. Perth, Australia 23 - 26 Sep 2007 Sydney, Australia.


Killing the goose and keeping the golden nest egg
Hemming, Andrew. 2008. "Killing the goose and keeping the golden nest egg." QUT Law Review. 8 (2), pp. 342-363.


It's time to abolish diminished responsibility, the coach and horses' defence through criminal responsibility for murder
Hemming, Andrew. 2008. "It's time to abolish diminished responsibility, the coach and horses' defence through criminal responsibility for murder." University of Notre Dame Australia Law Review. 10, pp. 1-35.


The rule of law and reasonable suspicion
Gray, Anthony. 2011. "The rule of law and reasonable suspicion." Australian Journal of Human Rights. 16 (2), pp. 53-79.


Providing ethics learning opportunities throughout the legal curriculum
Robertson, Michael. 2008. "Providing ethics learning opportunities throughout the legal curriculum." 3rd International Legal Ethics Conference: Integrity in Legal Practice. Gold Coast, Australia 13 - 16 Jul 2008 Brisbane, Australia.


The time has come to tighten the reach of honest claim of right in Australian criminal codes
Hemming, Andrew. 2010. "The time has come to tighten the reach of honest claim of right in Australian criminal codes." Newcastle Law Review. 11 (1), pp. 167-207.


Mr Adamson goes to Berrimah: a tale of abuse of position and false accounting
Hemming, Andrew. 2009. "Mr Adamson goes to Berrimah: a tale of abuse of position and false accounting." University of Notre Dame Australia Law Review. 11, pp. 23-52.


A school's duty of care and the management of illicit drug related incidents
Barnett, Eola and McNamara, Noeleen. 2010. "A school's duty of care and the management of illicit drug related incidents." International Journal of Law and Education. 15 (1), pp. 41-53.


Keeping the lid on legal risk in schools: understanding different perspectives
Teh, Mui-Kim, Stott, Kenneth and Zuzarte, Dyan. 2004. "Keeping the lid on legal risk in schools: understanding different perspectives." Inaugural Academy of Principals APS Global Education Conference 2004. Singapore 06 - 09 Nov 2004 Singapore.


Prejudicial publicity: when will it ever result in a permanent stay of proceedings?
Burgess, Craig N.. 2009. "Prejudicial publicity: when will it ever result in a permanent stay of proceedings?" University of Tasmania Law Review. 28 (1), pp. 63-80.


When is a reinstated pupil not reinstated?
Teh, Mui Kim and Stott, Kenneth. 2006. "When is a reinstated pupil not reinstated?" 15th Annual Conference of the Australia and New Zealand Education Law Association: Keeping People and Property Safe in an Education Environment (ANZELA 2006). Hobart, Tasmania 04 - 06 Oct 2006 Sydney, Australia.


Singapore school principals and the law: emerging trends from the international scene
Teh, Mui-Kim and Stott, Kenneth. 2003. "Singapore school principals and the law: emerging trends from the international scene." Educational Research Association of Singapore Conference 2003: Research In and On the Classroom. Singapore 19 - 21 Nov 2003 Singapore.


The common law and the Constitution as protectors of rights in Australia
Gray, Anthony. 2010. "The common law and the Constitution as protectors of rights in Australia." Common Law World Review. 39 (2), pp. 119-156.


The rights thing to do? Towards an Australian Bill of Rights
Jones, Nicky. 2002. "The rights thing to do? Towards an Australian Bill of Rights." Human Rights Defender. 11 (2), pp. 17-22.
