440499. Development studies not elsewhere classified
Title | 440499. Development studies not elsewhere classified |
Parent | 4404. Development studies |
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A comparison of the effects of climate change on Aus, Aman and Boro rice yields in Bangladesh: evidence from panel data
Sarker, Md. Abdur Rashid, Alam, Khorshed and Gow, Jeff. 2012. "A comparison of the effects of climate change on Aus, Aman and Boro rice yields in Bangladesh: evidence from panel data." Doughney, Jamie and Hoa, Tran Van (ed.) 41st Australian Conference of Economists (ACE 2012). Melbourne, Australia 08 - 12 Jul 2012 Melbourne, Australia.Paper
A measure of core inflation in Bangladesh
Shahiduzzaman, Md. 2006. A measure of core inflation in Bangladesh. Dhaka, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Bank.Working paper
A measurement framework for knowledge-based economy (KBE) efficiency in ASEAN: a data envelopment (DEA) window approach
Afzal, Munshi Naser Ibne and Lawrey, Roger. 2012. "A measurement framework for knowledge-based economy (KBE) efficiency in ASEAN: a data envelopment (DEA) window approach." International Journal of Business and Management. 7 (18), pp. 57-68. https://doi.org/10.5539/ijbm.v7n18p57Article
A model for healthcare system quality
Wong, Yuk Kuen. 2009. "A model for healthcare system quality." Croll, Peter and Sintchenko, Vitali (ed.) Health Informatics Conference (HIC 2009): Frontiers of Health Informatics - Redefining Healthcare. Canberra, Australia 19 - 21 Aug 2009 Melbourne, Australia.Paper
A nexus between child labour and microfinance: an empirical investigation
Chakrabarty, Sayan. 2015. "A nexus between child labour and microfinance: an empirical investigation." Economic Papers: a journal of applied economics and policy. 34 (1-2), pp. 76-91. https://doi.org/10.1111/1759-3441.12098Article
A program of sustainability - understanding of end users' value and social perspective
Wong, Yuk Kuen. 2012. "A program of sustainability - understanding of end users' value and social perspective." Pan, Weiguo, Ren, Jianxing and Li, Yongguang (ed.) International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (ICEESD 2011). Shanghai, China 21 - 23 Oct 2011 Zurich, Switzerland. https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.347-353.2860Paper
A reassessment of energy and GDP relationship: a case of Australia
Shahiduzzaman, Md and Alam, Khorshed. 2012. A reassessment of energy and GDP relationship: a case of Australia. Germany. Munich University Library.Working paper
A reassessment of energy and GDP relationship: the case of Australia
Shahiduzzaman, Md. and Alam, Khorshed. 2014. "A reassessment of energy and GDP relationship: the case of Australia." Environment, Development and Sustainability: a multidisciplinary approach to the theory and practice of sustainable development. 16 (2), pp. 323-344. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-013-9479-4Article
A review of the role of property rights and forest policies in the management of the Sundarbans Mangrove Forest in Bangladesh
Roy, Anjan Kumer Dev, Alam, Khorshed and Gow, Jeff. 2012. "A review of the role of property rights and forest policies in the management of the Sundarbans Mangrove Forest in Bangladesh." Forest Policy and Economics. 15, pp. 46-53. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2011.08.009Article
Accounting professionalization amidst alternating politico-economic order of Ethiopia
James, Kieran, Mihret, Dessalegn Getie and Mula, Joseph M.. 2009. "Accounting professionalization amidst alternating politico-economic order of Ethiopia." Segel, Naomi (ed.) 2009 Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference (2009 AFAANZ). Adelaide, Australia 05 - 07 Jul 2010 Melbourne, Australia.Paper
Achieving carbon reductions in the chinese economy: an examination of policy options
Lu, Zhen (Jane). 2012. Achieving carbon reductions in the chinese economy: an examination of policy options. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.PhD Thesis
Ageing population and economic growth nexus in Bangladesh: evidence from an endogenous growth model
Mamun, Shamsul Arifeen Khan, Rahman, Mohammad Mafizur and Khanam, Rasheda. 2017. "Ageing population and economic growth nexus in Bangladesh: evidence from an endogenous growth model." 1st International Conference on Energy, Finance and the Macroeconomy (ICEFM-2017). Montpellier, France 22 - 24 Nov 2017 Montpellier, France.Presentation
An economic analysis of a public-private-community partnership: the case of solid waste management in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Alam, Khorshed. 2011. "An economic analysis of a public-private-community partnership: the case of solid waste management in Dhaka, Bangladesh." World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development. 8 (2-4), pp. 166-181. https://doi.org/10.1504/WRSTSD.2011.044214Article
An economic assessment of the impact of HIV/AIDS on the KwaZulu-Natal economy
George, Gavin, Gow, Jeff, Thurlow, James and Quinlan, Tim. 2008. "An economic assessment of the impact of HIV/AIDS on the KwaZulu-Natal economy." 17th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2008): Universal Action Now. Mexico City, Mexico 03 - 08 Aug 2008Poster
An empirical analysis of conservation practices, management and sustainability in the Sundarbans Mangrove Forest, Bangladesh
Roy, Anjan Kumer Dev, Alam, Khorshed and Gow, Jeff. 2015. "An empirical analysis of conservation practices, management and sustainability in the Sundarbans Mangrove Forest, Bangladesh." International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development. 14 (4), pp. 332-350.Article
An empirical investigation of the National Innovation System (NIS) using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and the TOBIT model
Afzal, Munshi Naser Ibne. 2014. "An empirical investigation of the National Innovation System (NIS) using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and the TOBIT model." International Review of Applied Economics. 28 (4), pp. 507-523. https://doi.org/10.1080/02692171.2014.896880Article
An empirical investigation of the relationship between e-government development and the digital economy: The case of Asian countries
Ali, Mohammad Afshar, Hoque, Md Rakibul and Alam, Khorshed. 2018. "An empirical investigation of the relationship between e-government development and the digital economy: The case of Asian countries." Journal of Knowledge Management. 22 (5), pp. 1176-1200. https://doi.org/10.1108/JKM-10-2017-0477Article
An empirical investigation of Triple Helix and national innovation system dynamics in ASEAN-5 economies
Afzal, Munshi Naser Ibne, Mansur, Kasim Bin HJ. MD. and Sulong, Rini Suryati. 2017. "An empirical investigation of Triple Helix and national innovation system dynamics in ASEAN-5 economies." Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy. 6 (3), pp. 313-331. https://doi.org/10.7545/ajip.2017.6.3.313Article
An empirical productivity analysis of ASEAN economies in transition towards knowledge-based economy
Afzal, Munshi Naser Ibne and Manni, Umme Humayara. 2013. "An empirical productivity analysis of ASEAN economies in transition towards knowledge-based economy." Asian Research Policy. 4 (1), pp. 1-9.Article
An extended conceptual framework to understand information and communication technology-enabled socio-economic development at community level in Bangladesh
Ashraf, Mahfuz, Grunfeld, Helena, Hoque, Md. Rakibul and Alam, Khorshed. 2017. "An extended conceptual framework to understand information and communication technology-enabled socio-economic development at community level in Bangladesh." Information Technology and People. 30 (4), pp. 736-752. https://doi.org/10.1108/ITP-03-2016-0067Article
An institutional analysis of strategic posture
Roxas, Banjo G.. 2008. "An institutional analysis of strategic posture." Journal of Business and Governance. 10 (2), pp. 3-18.Article
An investigation into the adequacy of existing and alternative property rights regimes to achieve sustainable management of the Sundarbans Mangrove Forest in Bangladesh
Roy, Anjan Kumer Dev. 2012. An investigation into the adequacy of existing and alternative property rights regimes to achieve sustainable management of the Sundarbans Mangrove Forest in Bangladesh. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.PhD Thesis
An investigation of triple helix model and national innovation systems: the case of Malaysia
Afzal, Munshi Naser Ibne, Sulong, Rini Suryati, Dutta, Susmita and Mansur, Datuk Kasim Bin HJ. MD.. 2018. "An investigation of triple helix model and national innovation systems: the case of Malaysia." Journal of Entrepreneurship Education. 21 (2), pp. 1-15.Article
An overview of corporate governance in China
Elston, Frank. 2010. "An overview of corporate governance in China." International Journal of Accounting Information Science and Leadership. 3 (5), pp. 52-64.Article
Are science valleys and clusters panacea for a knowledge economy? An investigation on regional innovation system (RIS) - concepts, theory and empirical analysis
Afzal, Munshi Naser Ibne. 2013. "Are science valleys and clusters panacea for a knowledge economy? An investigation on regional innovation system (RIS) - concepts, theory and empirical analysis." Asian Research Policy. 4 (2), pp. 114-125.Article
Assessing digital divide and its determinants: a case study of households’ perception in the Western Downs region of Queensland
Alam, Khorshed and Salahuddin, Mohammad. 2015. Assessing digital divide and its determinants: a case study of households’ perception in the Western Downs region of Queensland. Toowoomba, Queensland. University of Southern Queensland.Project report
Australian housing market: causes and effects of rising price
Rahman, Mohammad Mafizur. 2008. "Australian housing market: causes and effects of rising price." 37th Australian Conference of Economists (ACE 2008). Gold Coast, Australia 30 Sep - 04 Oct 2008 Brisbane, Australia.Paper
Barriers to market for subsistence farmers in Fiji – A gendered perspective
Singh-Peterson, Lila and Iranacolaivalu, Manoa. 2018. "Barriers to market for subsistence farmers in Fiji – A gendered perspective." Journal of Rural Studies. 60, pp. 11-20. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2018.03.001Article
Brunei economy
Lawrey, Roger. 2012. "Brunei economy." Love, Juliet (ed.) The Far East and Australasia 2013. Oxford, United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 146-153Edited book (chapter)
Business education for occupational and environmental health in sustainable development
Eddington, Ian, Temple-Smith, Richard and Searle, John. 2005. "Business education for occupational and environmental health in sustainable development." 2005 Annual Conference of the Safety Institute of Papua New Guinea. Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea 2005 Papua New Guinea.Paper
Business-government relations: concepts and issues
Colebatch, H. K., Prasser, Scott and Nethercote, J. R. (ed.) 1997. Business-government relations: concepts and issues. Melbourne, Australia. Nelson.Edited book
Carbon emissions, energy consumption and industrial growth in Bangladesh: empirical evidence from ARDL cointegration and Granger causality analysis
Rahman, Mohammad Mafizur and Kashem, Mohammad Abul. 2017. "Carbon emissions, energy consumption and industrial growth in Bangladesh: empirical evidence from ARDL cointegration and Granger causality analysis." Energy Policy. 110, pp. 600-608. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2017.09.006Article
Causality and dynamics of energy consumption and output: evidence from non-OECD Asian countries
Salim, Ruhul A., Rafiq, Shuddhasattwa and Hassan, A.F.M. Kamrul. 2008. "Causality and dynamics of energy consumption and output: evidence from non-OECD Asian countries." Journal of Economic Development. 33 (2), pp. 1-26.Article
CEO duality and firm performance: evidence from a developing country
Rashid, Afzalur. 2010. "CEO duality and firm performance: evidence from a developing country." Corporate Ownership and Control. 8 (1), pp. 163-175.Article
Changes in energy efficiency in Australia: a decomposition of aggregate energy intensity using logarithmic mean Divisia approach
Shahiduzzaman, Md and Alam, Khorshed. 2013. "Changes in energy efficiency in Australia: a decomposition of aggregate energy intensity using logarithmic mean Divisia approach." Energy Policy. 56, pp. 341-351. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2012.12.069Article
Child health and schooling achievement in Bangladesh
Khanam, Rasheda. 2014. "Child health and schooling achievement in Bangladesh." International Journal of Social Economics. 41 (1), pp. 60-74. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJSE-11-2012-0132Article
Child labor in Bangladesh: a critical appraisal of Harkin's Bill and the MOU-type schooling program
Rahman, Mohammad Mafizur, Khanam, Rasheda and Absar, Nur Uddin. 1999. "Child labor in Bangladesh: a critical appraisal of Harkin's Bill and the MOU-type schooling program." Journal of Economic Issues (JEI). 33 (4), pp. 985-1003. https://doi.org/10.1080/00213624.1999.11506225Article
Child labour and school attendance: evidence from Bangladesh
Khanam, Rasheda. 2004. "Child labour and school attendance: evidence from Bangladesh." 5th Association of Pacific Rim Universities Doctoral Students Conference (APRU 2004). Sydney, Australia 09 - 13 Aug 2004Paper
Child labour and school attendance: evidence from Bangladesh
Khanam, Rasheda. 2003. "Child labour and school attendance: evidence from Bangladesh." 8th Spring Meeting of Young Economists. Leuven, Belgium 03 - 05 Apr 2003 Leuven, Belgium.Paper
Child labour and school attendance: evidence from Bangladesh
Khanam, Rasheda. 2008. "Child labour and school attendance: evidence from Bangladesh." International Journal of Social Economics. 35 (1/2), pp. 77-98. https://doi.org/10.1108/03068290810843855Article