500102. Business ethics

Title500102. Business ethics
Parent5001. Applied ethics

Latest research outputs

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A mandatory bid rule for Australia: an idea whose time has come
Mayanja, James. 2004. "A mandatory bid rule for Australia: an idea whose time has come." Australian Journal of Corporate Law. 16 (3), pp. 205-227.


A survey of short selling in Canada
Lento, Camillo and Kozyra, James. 2011. "A survey of short selling in Canada ." Gregoriou, Greg N. (ed.) Handbook of short selling. Waltham, MA. United States. Elsevier. pp. 125-135

Edited book (chapter)

An empirical evaluation of information sharing between Australia-Singapore beef organisations in light of trust and ICT diffusion
Al-Hakim, Latif, Johnson Morgan, Melissa and Chau, Roberta. 2014. "An empirical evaluation of information sharing between Australia-Singapore beef organisations in light of trust and ICT diffusion." International Journal of e-Collaboration. 10 (3), pp. 1-29. https://doi.org/10.4018/ijec.2014070101


An empirical study of the relationship between corporate social responsibility disclosure and organizational performance: evidence from Libya
Bayoud, Nagib Salem, Kavanagh, Marie and Slaughter, Geoff. 2012. "An empirical study of the relationship between corporate social responsibility disclosure and organizational performance: evidence from Libya." International Journal of Management and Marketing Research. 5 (3), pp. 69-82.


An empirical study on the success factors of supplier-distributor relationships
Ng, Eric. 2012. "An empirical study on the success factors of supplier-distributor relationships." Contemporary Management Research: an international journal. 8 (2), pp. 161-180.


An exploration of the role of ethics in leadership decision-making in change initiatives in Queensland government owned corporations
Brown, Derek Robert Brownlie. 2014. An exploration of the role of ethics in leadership decision-making in change initiatives in Queensland government owned corporations. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

Analysing trust as a means of improving the effectiveness of the virtual supply chain
Paterson, Ian, Maguire, Heather and Al-Hakim, Latif. 2008. "Analysing trust as a means of improving the effectiveness of the virtual supply chain." International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations. 5 (3/4), pp. 325-348. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJNVO.2008.018826


Anti-corruption capabilities of public e-procurement technologies: principal-agent theory
Neupane, Arjun, Soar, Jeffrey and Vaidya, Kishor. 2014. "Anti-corruption capabilities of public e-procurement technologies: principal-agent theory." Bwalya, Kelvin Joseph (ed.) Technology development and platform enhancements for successful global e-government design. Hershey, PA. United States. IGI Global. pp. 185-203

Edited book (chapter)

Audit fees in Malaysia: does corporate governance matter?
Wahab, Effiezal Aswadi Abdul, Zain, Mazlina Mat and James, Kieran. 2011. "Audit fees in Malaysia: does corporate governance matter? " Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting and Finance. 7 (1), pp. 1-27.


Beyond economic sustainability: embedding social and environmental values in the governance of responsible investment
Cadman, Tim. 2011. "Beyond economic sustainability: embedding social and environmental values in the governance of responsible investment." Dynamics of Investing Responsibly: From Screening to Mainstreaming (2011). Sydney, Australia 24 - 25 Nov 2011 Sydney, Australia.


Beyond economic sustainability: embedding social and environmental values in the governance of responsible investment
Cadman, Tim. 2010. "Beyond economic sustainability: embedding social and environmental values in the governance of responsible investment." Principles for Responsible Investment Academic Conference (PRI 2010) . Copenhagen, Denmark 05 - 07 May 2010 Copenhagen, Denmark.


Business education for occupational and environmental health in sustainable development
Eddington, Ian, Temple-Smith, Richard and Searle, John. 2005. "Business education for occupational and environmental health in sustainable development." 2005 Annual Conference of the Safety Institute of Papua New Guinea. Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea 2005 Papua New Guinea.


Business ethics competencies research: implications for Canadian practitioners
Cramm, David and Erwee, Ronel. 2013. "Business ethics competencies research: implications for Canadian practitioners." Jensen, M. and Devinney, T. (ed.) 3rd International Conference on Engaged Management Scholarship (EMS 2013). Atlanta, United States 19 - 22 Sep 2013 Chicago, IL. United States. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2327868


Business ethics: boardroom pressures in an age of moral relativism
Eddington, Ian, Searle, John and Temple-Smith, Richard. 2004. "Business ethics: boardroom pressures in an age of moral relativism." Ogunmokun, Gabriel, Gabbay, Rony and McPhail, Janelle (ed.) 2004 Inaugural Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development Conference: The Challenge of Inter-Disciplinary Perspectives & Globalization in the 21st Century . Gold Coast, Australia 13 - 16 Jul 2004 Perth, Australia.


Business sustainability
Maloney, Suzanne. 2014. "Business sustainability." Birt, Jacqueline, Chalmers, Kerryn, Byrne, Suzanne, Maloney, Suzanne, Brooks, Albie and Oliver, Judy (ed.) Accounting: business reporting for decision making, 5th ed.. Brisbane, Australia. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 40-75

Textbook (chapter)

Business sustainability
Birt, Jacqueline, Chalmers, Keryn, Byrne, Suzanne, Brooks, Albie and Oliver, Judy. 2012. "Business sustainability ." Accounting: business reporting for decision making, 4th ed.. Brisbane, Australia. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 39-72

Textbook (chapter)

CEO duality and agency cost: evidence from Bangladesh
Rashid, Afzalur. 2013. "CEO duality and agency cost: evidence from Bangladesh." Journal of Management and Governance. 17 (4), pp. 989-1008. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10997-012-9213-x


Collaboration in the era of internationalization: a Chinese case
Lu, Wu and Al-Hakim, Latif. 2009. "Collaboration in the era of internationalization: a Chinese case ." Peng, Jie, Al-Hakim, Latif and Chen, Guoqing (ed.) COINFO 2009: 4th International Conference on Cooperation and Promotion of Information Resources in Science and Technology. Beijing, China 21 - 23 Nov 2009 Beijing, China. https://doi.org/10.1109/COINFO.2009.69


Conceptualising managerial and leadership wisdom - how many wise managers and leaders do you know?
Pedersen, Cec and Ellsum, William. 2006. "Conceptualising managerial and leadership wisdom - how many wise managers and leaders do you know?" Kennedy, Jessica and Di Milia, Lee (ed.) 20rd Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference (ANZAM 2006). Yeppoon, Australia 06 - 09 Dec 2006 Australia.


Constructivism, moral relativism and the economic and social dimensions of occupational health and safety: a challenge for industrialised countries
Eddington, Ian and Eddington, Noela. 2006. "Constructivism, moral relativism and the economic and social dimensions of occupational health and safety: a challenge for industrialised countries." Vainio, Harri (ed.) International Conference on Occupational Health Services 2005. Helsinki, Finland 25 - 27 Jan 2005 Helsinki, Finland.


Corporate governance in Bangladesh: a quest for the accountability or legitimacy crisis?
Rashid, Afzalur. 2011. "Corporate governance in Bangladesh: a quest for the accountability or legitimacy crisis?" Devi, S. Susela and Hooper, Keith (ed.) Accounting in Asia. United Kingdom. Emerald. pp. 1-34

Edited book (chapter)

Corporate governance quality and voluntary disclosures of corporate governance information: practices of listed Malaysian family controlled businesses
Lokman, Norziana, Mula, Joseph M. and Cotter, Julie. 2011. "Corporate governance quality and voluntary disclosures of corporate governance information: practices of listed Malaysian family controlled businesses." Doyle, Karen (ed.) FBA 2011: Family Business Research, Practice and Policy: Interpretation and Integration . Perth, Australia 31 Aug 2011 Sydney, Australia.


Corporate social responsibility and bank customer satisfaction: a research agenda
McDonald, Lynette M. and Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn. 2008. "Corporate social responsibility and bank customer satisfaction: a research agenda." International Journal of Bank Marketing. 26 (3), pp. 170-182. https://doi.org/10.11108/02652320810864643


Corporate social responsibility and compliance: transnational mining corporations in Tanzania
McNamara, Noeleen. 2013. "Corporate social responsibility and compliance: transnational mining corporations in Tanzania." Macquarie Journal of International and Comparative Environmental Law. 9 (2), pp. 1-17.


Corporate social responsibility disclosure and corporate reputation in developing countries: the case of Libya
Bayoud, Nagib Salem, Kavanagh, Marie and Slaughter, Geoff. 2012. "Corporate social responsibility disclosure and corporate reputation in developing countries: the case of Libya." Journal of Business and Policy Research. 7 (1), pp. 131-160.


Corporate social responsibility disclosure: evidence from Libyan managers
Bayoud, Nagib Salem and Kavanagh, Marie. 2012. "Corporate social responsibility disclosure: evidence from Libyan managers." Global Journal of Business Research. 6 (5), pp. 73-84.


Determinants of choice of depositary receipt programs: an exploratory study
Sevic, Aleksandar, Krishnamurti, Chandrasekhar and Sevic, Zeljko. 2010. "Determinants of choice of depositary receipt programs: an exploratory study." Managerial Finance. 36 (12), pp. 990-1006. https://doi.org/10.1108/03074351011088414


Do directors need better statutory protection when acting on the advice of others?
Byrne, Mark. 2008. "Do directors need better statutory protection when acting on the advice of others?" Australian Journal of Corporate Law. 21 (3), pp. 238-257.


Echoes of Sartre: using existentialism as a living philosophy to inform the teaching of the soft accounting theory, business ethics and ecological sustainability courses
James, Kieran. 2011. "Echoes of Sartre: using existentialism as a living philosophy to inform the teaching of the soft accounting theory, business ethics and ecological sustainability courses." Prime Research on Education. 1 (7), pp. 120-133.


Economic and social dimensions of occupational health and safety and their central importance in social and responsible business
Eddington, Ian and Eddington, Noela. 2005. "Economic and social dimensions of occupational health and safety and their central importance in social and responsible business." El Kholti, Abdeljalil (ed.) 6th Pan African Conference on Occupational Health. Casablanca, Morocco 01 - 03 Apr 2005 Casablanca, Morocco.


Effects of rule of law on firm performance in South Africa
Roxas, Banjo, Chadee, Doren and Erwee, Ronel. 2012. "Effects of rule of law on firm performance in South Africa." European Business Review (Bingley). 24 (5), pp. 478-492. https://doi.org/10.1108/09555341211254544


Enforcing the director's statutory duty to act honestly
Mayanja, James. 1997. "Enforcing the director's statutory duty to act honestly." Australian Journal of Corporate Law. 7 (2), pp. 268-274.


Enhancing private enforcement of Australia's corporate continuous disclosure regime: why unshackling litigation funders makes eminent sense
Mayanja, James. 2010. "Enhancing private enforcement of Australia's corporate continuous disclosure regime: why unshackling litigation funders makes eminent sense." Australian Journal of Corporate Law. 25 (1), pp. 48-69.


Environmental sustainability orientation and financial resources of small manufacturing firms in the Philippines
Roxas, Banjo and Chadee, Doren. 2012. "Environmental sustainability orientation and financial resources of small manufacturing firms in the Philippines ." Social Responsibility Journal. 8 (2), pp. 208-226. https://doi.org/10.1108/17471111211234842


Ethics and corporate governance
Byrne, Suzanne. 2010. "Ethics and corporate governance ." Accounting: business reporting for decision making, 3rd ed.. Brisbane, Australia. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 72-106

Edited book (chapter)

Ethics in the information age
Tuffley, David and Antonio, Amy. 2016. "Ethics in the information age." AQ (Balmain): Journal of Contemporary Analysis. 87 (1 (Special edition)), pp. 19-24.


Examining the covert nature of product placement: implications for public policy
Kuhn, Kerri-Ann L., Hume, Margee and Love, Anita. 2010. "Examining the covert nature of product placement: implications for public policy." Journal of Promotion Management: innovations in planning and applied research. 16 (1-2), pp. 59-79. https://doi.org/10.1080/10496490903572983


Examining the influence of common core virtues in leader-member exchange (LMX): connecting virtue-based leadership traits to sustainable performance in a moderated mediation model
Fein, Erich and Tziner, Aharon. 2013. "Examining the influence of common core virtues in leader-member exchange (LMX): connecting virtue-based leadership traits to sustainable performance in a moderated mediation model." Wells, Geoffrey (ed.) Sustainable business: theory and practice of business under sustainability principles. United Kingdom. Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 137-154

Edited book (chapter)

Examining the influence of the cultural aspect of uncertainty avoidance on supply chain coordination
Albuloushi, Nour and Algharaballi, Eiman. 2014. "Examining the influence of the cultural aspect of uncertainty avoidance on supply chain coordination." Journal of Applied Business Research. 30 (3), pp. 847-862.


Executive learning: a typology
Millett, Bruce, Mattsson, Jan and Johnston, Robert. 2005. "Executive learning: a typology." International Journal of Organisational Behaviour. 9 (4), pp. 615-631.

