Factors influencing repositioning of a tourism destination


Tkaczynski, Aaron, Hastings, Kathy and Beaumont, Narelle. 2006. "Factors influencing repositioning of a tourism destination." Ali, Yunus and van Dessel, Maria (ed.) ANZMAC 2006: Advancing Theory, Maintaining Relevance. Brisbane Australia 04 - 06 Dec 2006 Brisbane, Australia.
Paper/Presentation Title

Factors influencing repositioning of a tourism destination

Presentation TypePaper
AuthorsTkaczynski, Aaron (Author), Hastings, Kathy (Author) and Beaumont, Narelle (Author)
EditorsAli, Yunus and van Dessel, Maria
Journal or Proceedings TitleProceedings of the 2006 Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC 2006)
Number of Pages10
Place of PublicationBrisbane, Australia
Web Address (URL) of Paperhttp://www.anzmac2006.qut.com/
Conference/EventANZMAC 2006: Advancing Theory, Maintaining Relevance
Event Details
ANZMAC 2006: Advancing Theory, Maintaining Relevance
ANZMAC Conference
Event Date
04 to end of 06 Dec 2006
Event Location
Brisbane Australia

[Abstract]: This paper investigates what factors influence the repositioning of a tourist destination. Through the development of a conceptual framework this research has identified that repositioning is influenced by two main areas; firstly the current marketing strategy of the destination including market segmentation and positioning; and secondly the tourist in terms of their perceptions and expectations together with the experience obtained (positive and negative) which influences their level of satisfaction and loyalty. Analysing these two key decision areas allows a decision on repositioning to be made. This framework is the first step in a research project that will be conducted to explore the process of successfully repositioning a tourism destination.

Keywordsrepositioning, tourism destination, market segmentation, positioning, perceptions, expectations, satisfaction, loyalty
ANZSRC Field of Research 2020440713. Tourism policy
350804. Tourism marketing
Public Notes

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Byline AffiliationsSchool of Management and Marketing
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