Counselling men: an introduction to man-friendly counselling


Beel, Nathan. 2016. "Counselling men: an introduction to man-friendly counselling." Transformation through relationship: the heart and soul of therapy (2016). Melbourne, Australia 01 - 11 Sep 2016 Australia.
Paper/Presentation Title

Counselling men: an introduction to man-friendly counselling

Presentation TypePresentation
AuthorBeel, Nathan
Place of PublicationAustralia
Web Address (URL) of Paper
Conference/EventTransformation through relationship: the heart and soul of therapy (2016)
Event Details
Transformation through relationship: the heart and soul of therapy (2016)
Event Date
01 to end of 11 Sep 2016
Event Location
Melbourne, Australia

Engaging men in counselling can be challenging. Men typically make up a third of the clients seeking counselling, and are often mandated to attend from concerned others. Once men do arrive for treatment, standard counselling processes can be incompatible with how males are socialised, and thus be experienced by them as threatening and humiliating. Counselling often requires clients to admit to needing help, be open about problems, be verbally articulate, emotionally aware, and interested in exploring their inner worlds, history, and interpersonal relational dynamics. Understandably, men may struggle, resist or withdraw from the process to protect their masculine identity and core values. The literature about counselling men suggests common therapy processes are often better suited to females and calls for a number of adjustments for working with men. Firstly, it invites counsellors to develop sufficient male gender understanding, recognise its impact in therapy, and to confront their own prejudices about men or their relational styles. Secondly, it recommends delivering therapy in ways that men can naturally connect with and that will support the development and maintenance of the therapeutic alliance. Thirdly, it recommends a range of interventions to help men review their masculine identity and values to determine what parts can be utilised as strengths in the service of the client’s goals, and what parts may benefit from reconsideration. This workshop will explore the features of traditional masculinity, the strengths and vulnerabilities that accompany traditional masculine values, and the impact these have on men and treatment. It will present a range of principles and strategies recommended across the research about how to adapt treatment to be more man-friendly counselling.

Keywordsmen, male-friendly, counselling, therapy
ANZSRC Field of Research 2020520399. Clinical and health psychology not elsewhere classified
Byline AffiliationsSchool of Psychology and Counselling
Institution of OriginUniversity of Southern Queensland
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