CONTEXT In the current tertiary environment, there is an increasing number of pathways into an engineering degree. This indicates that within the starting and continuing cohort of students there is a large range of educational diversity. Ranging from high school leavers, to students who can have years at university. This educational diversity is further amplified as international and domestic students have different pathway options. Domestic students now have a range of entry methods that can include undertaking a diploma, up-skilling through incubator programs or the standard admissions path. As such, it is more important than ever, to look at the educational diversity of students entering engineering programs. This is particularly important so educators can better understand individual students’ abilities and begin capacity building to meet current industry demand. PURPOSE OR GOAL This project seeks to inform the engineering education community on the different pathways of students entering engineering programs, focusing on the college system. As a by-product of COVID, colleges began to change their options to be more inclusive of domestic students. Due to pathway options, it is hypothesised that the variance in education may make it difficult for some, whilst simultaneously making it easier for others. This is not just at the course level, but program and institutional. As such, this review of students’ pathway options will allow for educators to make better informed decisions about student specific learning and the educational diversity of the students. APPROACH OR METHODOLOGY/METHODS All of the different pathway options that students can enter a tertiary engineering degree will be reviewed by web search, consultation and authors experience as an academic within the college systems. Through information gathered through a literature review and discussion with these pathway directors a comprehensive review of these pathways will be discussed. ACTUAL OR ANTICIPATED OUTCOMES Arising from this review, it is expected that educators will have a better understanding of the educational diversity of the student’s in engineering degrees. Alongside this, it will inform the community on the pathways into the degree as well as the entry points as it has been noted previously that not all educators are aware of the entry points and pathways. This review is set to frame a longitudinal study that will comprehensively evaluate the differences in skills set of students in engineering degrees based on a multitude of different diversity factors, educational being one. CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS/SUMMARY This study reviews the entry pathways into engineering degrees. It will show the educational diversity in the student base through these pathways. It is expected to inform the community of currently unknown pathways such that educators can better understand the differences in educational diversity of students. Furthermore, this review will consolidate the different pathway options for a select few colleges and make comparisons between them. |