School of Humanities and Communication

Faculty/DepartmentAcademic Affairs
HeadProf Jason Bainbridge
Director of ResearchProf Jason Bainbridge
Prof Jessica Gildersleeve

Latest research outputs

1194 results found
Sort by Date Title
Nation Branding, Cultural Relations and Cultural Diplomacy at Eurovision: Between Australia and Europe
Carniel, Jessica. 2019. "Nation Branding, Cultural Relations and Cultural Diplomacy at Eurovision: Between Australia and Europe." Kalman, Julie, Wellings, Ben and Jacotine, Keshia (ed.) Eurovisions: Identity and the International Politics of the Eurovision Song Contest since 1956. Singapore. Springer. pp. 151-173

Edited book (chapter)

Bowen's recesses: from realism to inter-objectivity
Johnson, Laurie. 2019. "Bowen's recesses: from realism to inter-objectivity." Gildersleeve, Jessica and Smith, Patrica Juliana (ed.) Elizabeth Bowen: theory, thought and things. Edinburgh. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 127-144

Edited book (chapter)

'The end of all': how a forgotten map helped us forget Newington Butts
Johnson, Laurie. 2020. "'The end of all': how a forgotten map helped us forget Newington Butts." Norrie, Aidan and Houlahan, Mark (ed.) New directions in early modern English drama: edges, spaces, intersections. Berlin / Boston. De Gruyter Open Sp. z o.o.. pp. 151-174

Edited book (chapter)

Operationalising a framework for organisational vulnerability to intentional insider threat: the OVIT as a valid and reliable diagnostic tool
Bedford, Justine and van der Laan, Luke. 2021. "Operationalising a framework for organisational vulnerability to intentional insider threat: the OVIT as a valid and reliable diagnostic tool." Journal of Risk Research. 24 (9), pp. 1180-1203.


How ready is ready? Measuring physical preparedness for severe storms
Ryan, Barbara and King, Rachel. 2020. "How ready is ready? Measuring physical preparedness for severe storms." Natural Hazards. 104, pp. 171-199.


Contemporary Australian Trauma
Gildersleeve, Jessica. 2020. "Contemporary Australian Trauma." Bloom, Clive (ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary Gothic. Cham, Switzerland. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 91-104

Edited book (chapter)

Back to futures: futures studies and its role in addressing the great civilisational challenges
van der Laan, Luke. 2020. "Back to futures: futures studies and its role in addressing the great civilisational challenges." Human Futures.

Notes or commentaries

Space junk: Behavioural economics and the prioritisation of solutions
Phillips, Peter J. and Pohl, Gabriela. 2021. "Space junk: Behavioural economics and the prioritisation of solutions." Defence and Peace Economics. 32 (8), pp. 956-971.


Working with Australian Defence Force Intrepreters in Timor 1999 and Aceh 2005: Reflections Drawn from Personal Experience
Grant, Matt. 2020. "Working with Australian Defence Force Intrepreters in Timor 1999 and Aceh 2005: Reflections Drawn from Personal Experience." Laugesen, Amanda and Gehrmann, Richard (ed.) Communication, Interpreting and Language in Wartime: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Cham, Switzerland. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 207-221

Edited book (chapter)

'What Made the Elephant Rise Up from the Shade?': Relationships in Transition and Negotiating Silence in Mozambique
Igreja, Victor. 2019. "'What Made the Elephant Rise Up from the Shade?': Relationships in Transition and Negotiating Silence in Mozambique." Russell, Aidan (ed.) Truth, Silence and Violence in Emerging States: Histories of the Unspoken. Abingdon, United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 88-110

Edited book (chapter)

Social Trauma and Recovery: Emergent Themes
Igreja, Victor and Baines, Erin. 2019. "Social Trauma and Recovery: Emergent Themes." Grinker, Roy Richard, Lubkemann, Stephen C., Steiner, Christopher B. and Goncalves, Euclides (ed.) A Companion to the Anthropology of Africa. Hoboken, United States. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 251-270

Edited book (chapter)

The archaeology of the Secret War: The material evidence of conflict on the Queensland frontier 1849-1901
Barker, Bryce, Wallis, Lynley A., Burke, Heather, Cole, Noelene, Lowe, Kelsey, Artym, Ursula, Pagels, Anthony, Bateman, Leanne, Hatte, Elizabeth, De Leiuen, Cherrie, Davidson, Iain and Zimmerman, Larry. 2020. "The archaeology of the Secret War: The material evidence of conflict on the Queensland frontier 1849-1901." Queensland Archaeological Research. 23, pp. 25-41.


Puck, Philostrate and the locus of A Midsummer Night's Dream's topical allegory
Johnson, Laurie. 2020. "Puck, Philostrate and the locus of A Midsummer Night's Dream's topical allegory." Bladen, Victoria and Brailowsky, Yan (ed.) Shakespeare and the supernatural. Manchester, United Kingdom. Manchester University Press. pp. 157-172

Edited book (chapter)

Not So Tedious Ways to Think about the Locations of the Early Playhouses
Johnson, Laurie. 2020. "Not So Tedious Ways to Think about the Locations of the Early Playhouses." Hopkins, Lisa and Angus, Bill (ed.) Reading the Road, from Shakespeare's Crossways to Bunyan's Highways. Edinburgh, United Kingdom. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 107-126

Edited book (chapter)

Part of the party: Eurovision fans in Australia
Carniel, Jessica. 2019. "Part of the party: Eurovision fans in Australia." Lam, Celia and Raphael, Jackie (ed.) Aussie Fans: Uniquely Placed in Global Popular Culture. Iowa City, Australia. University of Iowa Press. pp. 61-67

Edited book (chapter)

Teaching Fun Home to Instill Reading Resilience in First-Year Literature Students
Seaboyer, Judith and Gildersleeve, Jessica. 2018. "Teaching Fun Home to Instill Reading Resilience in First-Year Literature Students." Gardiner, Judith Kegan (ed.) Approaches to Teaching Bechdel's Fun Home. New York, United States. Modern Language Association of America. pp. 163-167

Edited book (chapter)

‘A friend who stabs you’: Abjection, violence and the female clique in film
Gildersleeve, Jessica. 2020. "‘A friend who stabs you’: Abjection, violence and the female clique in film." The Australasian Journal of Popular Culture. 9 (1), pp. 25-37.


Working the aporia: ethnography, embodiment and the ethnographic self
Hickey, Andrew and Smith, Carly. 2020. "Working the aporia: ethnography, embodiment and the ethnographic self." Qualitative Research. 20 (6), pp. 819-836.


Neo-gothic dinosaurs and the haunting of history
Gildersleeve, Jessica and Sulway, Nike. 2020. "Neo-gothic dinosaurs and the haunting of history." Maier, Sarah E. and Ayres, Brenda (ed.) Neo-gothic narratives: illusory allusions from the past. London, United Kingdom. Anthem Press. pp. 141-154

Edited book (chapter)

Decent Work’s Association With Job Satisfaction, Work Engagement, and Withdrawal Intentions in Australian Working Adults
McIlveen, Peter, Hoare, P. Nancey, Perera, Harsha N., Kossen, Chris, Mason, Louisa, Munday, Shannon, Alchin, Carolyn, Creed, Allison and McDonald, Nicole. 2021. "Decent Work’s Association With Job Satisfaction, Work Engagement, and Withdrawal Intentions in Australian Working Adults." Journal of Career Assessment. 29 (1), pp. 18-35.


Letter to the Australians
Gildersleeve, Jessica. 2020. "Letter to the Australians." Meanjin. 79 (1), pp. 193-194.


'On the brink of a fever stricken swamp': culturally modified trees and land-people relationships at Lower Laura (Boralga) Native Mounted Police camp, Cape York Peninsula
Cole, N., Wallis, L.A., Burke, H., Barker, B. and Rinyirru Aboriginal Corporation, .. 2020. "'On the brink of a fever stricken swamp': culturally modified trees and land-people relationships at Lower Laura (Boralga) Native Mounted Police camp, Cape York Peninsula." Australian Archaeology. 86 (1), pp. 21-36.


Anticipated regret, terrorist behaviour & the presentation of the outcomes of attacks in the mainstream media and in terrorist group publications
Phillips, Peter J. and Pohl, Gabriela. 2020. "Anticipated regret, terrorist behaviour & the presentation of the outcomes of attacks in the mainstream media and in terrorist group publications." Aggression and Violent Behavior. 51, pp. 1-10.


Emergency management communication: The paradox of the positive in public communication for preparedness
Johnston, Kim A., Taylor, Maureen and Ryan, Barbara. 2020. "Emergency management communication: The paradox of the positive in public communication for preparedness." Public Relations Review. 46 (2), pp. 1-10.


Leveraging creativity to engage students in an agile ecology for learning
Huijser, Henk, Kek, Megan Y.C.A., Abawi, Lindy A. and Lawrence, Jill. 2019. "Leveraging creativity to engage students in an agile ecology for learning." Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal. 2 (3), pp. 138-153.


Betwixt and Between: Trauma, Survival and the Aboriginal Troopers of the Queensland Native Mounted Police
Burke, Heather, Barker, Bryce, Wallis, Lynley, Craig, Sarah and Combo, Michelle. 2020. "Betwixt and Between: Trauma, Survival and the Aboriginal Troopers of the Queensland Native Mounted Police." Journal of Genocide Research. 22 (3), pp. 1-17.


Unfamiliar allies: Australian cross-cultural communication in Afghanistan and Iraq during the war on terror
Gehrmann, Richard. 2020. "Unfamiliar allies: Australian cross-cultural communication in Afghanistan and Iraq during the war on terror." Laugesen, Amanda and Gehrmann, Richard (ed.) Communication, Interpreting and Language in Wartime: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Switzerland. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 45-69

Edited book (chapter)

Introduction: thinking in/about Bowen
Gildersleeve, Jessica and Smith, Patricia Juliana. 2019. "Introduction: thinking in/about Bowen." Gildersleeve, Jessica and Smith, Patricia Juliana (ed.) Elizabeth Bowen: theory, thought and things. Edinburgh. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 1-8

Edited book (chapter)

Elizabeth Bowen and the pleasure of the text
Gildersleeve, Jessica. 2019. "Elizabeth Bowen and the pleasure of the text." Gildersleeve, Jessica and Smith, Patricia Juliana (ed.) Elizabeth Bowen: theory, thought and things. Edinburgh. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 48-61

Edited book (chapter)

Elizabeth Bowen: theory, thought and things
Gildersleeve, Jessica and Smith, Patricia Juliana (ed.) 2019. Elizabeth Bowen: theory, thought and things. Edinburgh. Edinburgh University Press.

Edited book

Work, resilience and sustainable futures: the approach of work-based research to problems and their solutions
Fergusson, Lee, van der Laan, Luke, Shallies, Bradley and Baird, Matthew. 2019. "Work, resilience and sustainable futures: the approach of work-based research to problems and their solutions." Journal of Work-Applied Management. 12 (1), pp. 22-41.


Reflective practice and work-based research: a description of micro- and macro-reflective cycles
Fergusson, Lee, van der Laan, Luke and Baker, Shayne. 2019. "Reflective practice and work-based research: a description of micro- and macro-reflective cycles." Reflective Practice. 20 (2), pp. 289-303.


Sea World - Gold Coast, Australia's discourse of legitimation: signage and live animal shows (2015-2018) as indicators of change in messaging
Scollen, Rebecca Jane and Mason, Andrew. 2020. "Sea World - Gold Coast, Australia's discourse of legitimation: signage and live animal shows (2015-2018) as indicators of change in messaging." Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 28 (10), pp. 1686-1701.


Most people think playing chess makes you ‘smarter’, but the evidence isn’t clear on that
Gardiner, Graeme, Ormsby, Gail and van der Laan, Luke. 2019. "Most people think playing chess makes you ‘smarter’, but the evidence isn’t clear on that." The Conversation. 11 July 2019, pp. 1-7.


The Australian Nexus: At the Center of the Storm by Randell Doyle
Coatney, Caryn. 2019. "The Australian Nexus: At the Center of the Storm by Randell Doyle ." Australian Historical Studies. 50 (1), pp. 145-146.

Book review

Look at things other than the rice paper umbrellas: Australian news images of Asia, 1979-2009
Coatney, Caryn. 2019. "Look at things other than the rice paper umbrellas: Australian news images of Asia, 1979-2009." Dewhirst, Catherine and Connors, Libby (ed.) 38th Australian Historical Association Conference: Local Communities, Global Networks (AHA 2019). Toowoomba, Australia 08 - 12 Jul 2019 Toowoomba, Australia.


Managing the news: press gallery investigations of terrorism, 2010-2013©
Coatney, Caryn. 2019. "Managing the news: press gallery investigations of terrorism, 2010-2013©." Martin, Fiona and Van Heekeren, Margaret (ed.) 2019 Journalism Education and Research Association of Australia Conference: Journalisms - Plurarity, Precarity and Possibilities. Sydney, Australia 03 - 06 Dec 2019 Sydney, Australia.


Beyond the virtual factory: the journalist as digital manager©
Coatney, Caryn Michelle. 2019. "Beyond the virtual factory: the journalist as digital manager©." Fisher, Caroline (ed.) 2019 Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference: Making Sense: Data, Publics & Storytelling (ANZCA 2019). Canberra, Australia 03 - 05 Jul 2019 Canberra, Australia.


Opening Eyes onto Inclusion and Diversity
Carter, Susan, Abawi, Lindy-Anne, Lawrence, Jill, Brownlow, Charlotte, Desmarchelier, Renee, Fanshawe, Melissa, Gilbey, Kathryn, Turner, Michelle and Guy, Jillian. Carter, Susan (ed.) 2019. Opening Eyes onto Inclusion and Diversity . Australia. University of Southern Queensland.


Ana Kokkinos: an oeuvre of outsiders
McWilliam, Kelly. 2019. Ana Kokkinos: an oeuvre of outsiders. Edinburgh, United kingdom. Edinburgh University Press.

Authored book