Dr Gavin Austin

Dr Gavin Austin
NameDr Gavin Austin
Email Addressgavin.austin@unisq.edu.au
Job TitleLecturer (Linguistics)
QualificationsBA Sydney, MLitt Sydney, PhD UNE
DepartmentSchool of Health and Medical Sciences
AffiliationsCentre for Health Research
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My main area of research is second language acquisition, though I also have expertise in general linguistics and research methods. I teach general linguistics, and cultural and linguistic diversity, in the Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours) program at the University of Southern Queensland. In addition to the academic qualifications listed above, I have a professional qualification in teaching English to adult speakers of other languages. Before going into higher education, I worked as an English language instructor in Japan and Australia, and as an IELTS examiner.


statistical analysis: generalised linear and additive models, Bayesian statistics, multivariate analysis

statistics programming: R, Python

statistics software: SPSS

experimental design: PsychoPy3

experimental methods: spoken production, self-paced reading

survey research: formr


SPH1200 Cultural and Linguistic Diversity and Global Citizenship

SPH2100 Linguistics for Speech Pathology

Fields of Research

  • 470306. English as a second language
  • 470401. Applied linguistics and educational linguistics
  • 470404. Corpus linguistics
  • 470409. Linguistic structures (incl. phonology, morphology and syntax)
  • 470410. Phonetics and speech science
  • 470411. Sociolinguistics
  • 470530. Stylistics and textual analysis

Professional Membership

Professional MembershipYear
Australian Linguistic Society
Centre for Health Research (CHR), University of Southern Queensland

Current Supervisions

Research TitleSupervisor TypeLevel of StudyCommenced
Understanding Social-Emotional Wellbeing and Language Development Across Early Childhood: Patterns of Strengths and Challenges, and the Impact of Psychosocial FactorsAssociate SupervisorMasters2023

Completed Supervisions

Research TitleSupervisor TypeLevel of StudyCompleted
Distance effects in L2 Arabic agreement inflectionPrincipal SupervisorDoctoral2024
The production of inflectional /s/ by Arabic learners of EnglishPrincipal SupervisorDoctoral2024
Seeking information in a medical setting: Vietnamese doctor-patient interactionAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2018
DateNameAwarding organisationUnderpinning research
2016School-Specific Publication Excellence Awards: First prize School of Education, University of Southern Queensland
2024Kickstarter Grant ($500)School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Southern Queensland

Affect and conation in second language learning: Survey data from Ukrainian learners of English

Austin, Gavin and Yanovych, Andriy. 2024. "Affect and conation in second language learning: Survey data from Ukrainian learners of English ." Data in Brief. 53. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2024.110090

‘You can be as vigilant as you can, yet they make their way in’: A descriptive study of parent and caregiver perspectives towards keeping children safe from button batteries

Girardi, Anna M., Long, David N. and Austin, Gavin. 2024. "‘You can be as vigilant as you can, yet they make their way in’: A descriptive study of parent and caregiver perspectives towards keeping children safe from button batteries." Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. 5 (3), pp. 270-275. https://doi.org/10.1002/jpr3.12096

Reimagining a speech pathology program embedded with compassion

James, D., Mathisen, B., Girardi, A. and Austin, G.. 2024. "Reimagining a speech pathology program embedded with compassion." 2024 UQ Compassion Symposium. Brisbane, Australia 27 - 28 Sep 2024

Depression and thoughts of self-harm or suicide among gender and sexually diverse people in a regional Australian community

Phillips, Tania M., Austin, Gavin, Sanders, Tait, Martin, Margaret, Hudson, Jacqueline, Fort, Alexandra, Excell, Tarra, Mullens, Amy B. and Bromdal, Annette. 2024. "Depression and thoughts of self-harm or suicide among gender and sexually diverse people in a regional Australian community." Health Promotion Journal of Australia. 35 (4), pp. 1231-1243. https://doi.org/10.1002/hpja.855

An Asymmetry in the Spoken Production of Number Agreement in Second Language English: Adjacency or Locality?

Austin, Gavin, Nguyen, Huong Thi Linh and Nguyen, Huong Thi Thu. 2023. "An Asymmetry in the Spoken Production of Number Agreement in Second Language English: Adjacency or Locality?" GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies. 23 (1), pp. 1-16. https://doi.org//10.17576/gema-2023-2301-01

Australian parents' and caregivers' knowledge and attitudes regarding button battery safety: A national survey

Girardi, A., Long, D. and Austin, G.. 2023. "Australian parents' and caregivers' knowledge and attitudes regarding button battery safety: A national survey." 30th Postgraduate and Early Career Researcher (PGECR) Symposium. Online 08 - 08 Sep 2023 Australia.

Refocusing and reimagining a new undergraduate speech pathology program to embed Compassionate Care

James, D., Mathisen, B., Girardi, A. and Austin, G.. 2023. "Refocusing and reimagining a new undergraduate speech pathology program to embed Compassionate Care ." IASLT Biennial Conference 2023. 05 - 06 Dec 2023

Doctor Repeats of Patient Responses in Vietnamese Medical Consultations

Nguyen, Hương Thị Linh and Austin, Gavin. 2023. "Doctor Repeats of Patient Responses in Vietnamese Medical Consultations." Theory and Practice in Language Studies. 13 (4), pp. 809-821. https://doi.org/10.17507/tpls.1304.01

Leading a school community with an eye to the future

Andrews, D., Conway, J., Bauman, C., Austin, G., Turner, D. and McIlveen, P.. 2022. "Leading a school community with an eye to the future ." International ICSEI Virtual Congress 2022. Online 05 - 11 Jan 2022

Prosodic transfer across constructions and domains in L2 inflectional morphology

Austin, Gavin, Chang, Heejin, Kim, Nayoung and Daly, Eoin. 2022. "Prosodic transfer across constructions and domains in L2 inflectional morphology." Linguistic approaches to bilingualism. 12 (5), pp. 657-686. https://doi.org/10.1075/lab.19076.aus

Introduction [to Stimulating languages and learning: global perspectives and community engagement]

Austin, Gavin and O'Neill, Shirley. 2020. "Introduction [to Stimulating languages and learning: global perspectives and community engagement]." Austin, Gavin and O'Neill, Shirley (ed.) Stimulating languages and learning: global perspectives and community engagement. Blue Mounds, Wisconsin, United States. Deep Education Press. pp. 9-10

Stimulating languages and learning: global perspectives and community engagement

Austin, Gavin and O'Neill, Shirley. 2020. Stimulating languages and learning: global perspectives and community engagement. Blue Mounds, Wisconsin, United States. Deep Education Press.

Follow-up visits in doctor-patient communication: the Vietnamese case

Nguyen, Huong and Austin, Gavin. 2018. "Follow-up visits in doctor-patient communication: the Vietnamese case." International Journal of Society, Culture & Language. 6 (1), pp. 18-30.

On invoking third parties in Vietnamese medical communication

Nguyen, Huong Thi Linh and Austin, Gavin. 2018. "On invoking third parties in Vietnamese medical communication." Theory and Practice in Language Studies. 8 (7), pp. 713-725. https://doi.org/10.17507/tpls.0807.01

Treatment recommendation in Vietnamese medical consultations

Nguyen, Huong Thi Linh, Austin, Gavin and Chau, Dung Duc. 2018. "Treatment recommendation in Vietnamese medical consultations." People: International Journal of Social Sciences. 3 (3), pp. 155-173. https://doi.org/10.20319/pijss.2018.33.155173

Eliciting patients’ health concerns in consulting rooms and wards in Vietnamese public hospitals

Nguyen, Huong Thi Linh, Austin, Gavin, Chau, Dung Duc, Nguyen, Hien Quang, Nguyen, Khanh Hoang Bao and Duong, Manh The. 2018. "Eliciting patients’ health concerns in consulting rooms and wards in Vietnamese public hospitals." International Journal Of Applied Linguistics and English Literature. 7 (2), pp. 121-133. https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijalel.v.7n.2p.121

Prosodic transfer across constructions and domains

Austin, Gavin. 2015. "Prosodic transfer across constructions and domains." 2015 International Conference on Deep Languages Education Policy and Practices. Ipswich, Queensland 17 - 18 Oct 2015

Articles and plurals in L2 production: Effects of NP complexity

Austin, G., Pongpairoj, N. and Trenkic, D.. 2015. "Articles and plurals in L2 production: Effects of NP complexity." Bilingualism Symposium: Theory, Practice and Innovation: Social, Cognitive and Linguistic Perspectives in the Study of Bilingualism. Sydney, Australia 05 - 05 Jun 2015 Australia.

Structural competition in second language production: towards a constraint-satisfaction model

Austin, Gavin, Pongpairoj, Nattama and Trenkic, Danijela. 2015. "Structural competition in second language production: towards a constraint-satisfaction model." Language Learning: a journal of research in language studies. 65 (3), pp. 689-722. https://doi.org/10.1111/lang.12108

Competition between L1- and L2-licensed structures leads to variability in functional morphology production

Trenkic, D., Austin, G. and Pongpairoj, N.. 2013. "Competition between L1- and L2-licensed structures leads to variability in functional morphology production." 9th International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB 9). Singapore 10 - 13 Jun 2013

Competition between articles and plurals in L2 production, when the L1 has neither

Trenkic, D., Austin, G. and Pongpairoj, N.. 2012. "Competition between articles and plurals in L2 production, when the L1 has neither." 22nd Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association (EUROSLA 22). Poznań, Poland Sep - Oct 2012

One problem with one theory of variability in L2 article production

Austin, G. and McDouall, A.. 2011. "One problem with one theory of variability in L2 article production." Winter International Conference on Linguistics in Seoul (WICLIS 2011). Korea 04 - 05 Jan 2011

Articles competing with plurals in L2 production

Austin, G.. 2010. "Articles competing with plurals in L2 production." 12th Annual International Conference of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences (JSLS 2010). Tokyo, Japan 01 - 01 Jan 2010

The Number Sensitivity Hypothesis: Accounting for asymmetries in L2 plural production

Austin, G.. 2010. "The Number Sensitivity Hypothesis: Accounting for asymmetries in L2 plural production." Japan Second Language Association Annual Conference (J-SLA 2010). Gifu City, Japan 12 - 12 Jun 2010

Number sensitization in plural production: Support from Korean speakers of English

Austin, G.. 2010. "Number sensitization in plural production: Support from Korean speakers of English." 2010 Seoul International Conference on Linguistics (SICOL 2010). Seoul, Korea 23 - 25 Jun 2010

Measuring the effects of word structure on L2 article misanalysis

Austin, G. and McDouall, A.. 2010. "Measuring the effects of word structure on L2 article misanalysis." 12th Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar. Korea Jan - Feb 2010

Syntactic misanalysis in L2 article production: A developmental perspective

Austin, G. and McDouall, A.. 2010. "Syntactic misanalysis in L2 article production: A developmental perspective." Linguistic Society of Korea, 2010 Winter Conference (LSK 2010). Seoul, Korea Jan - Feb 2010

Explaining variability in article production by Korean speakers of English

Austin, Gavin and McDouall, Andrew. 2009. "Explaining variability in article production by Korean speakers of English." 2009 International Asian Conference on Education (ACE 2009). Osaka, Japan 24 - 25 Oct 2009 Japan.

The Syntactic Misanalysis Hypothesis: Support from Korean speakers of English

Austin, G. and McDouall, A.. 2009. "The Syntactic Misanalysis Hypothesis: Support from Korean speakers of English." 2009 Applied Linguistics Association of Korea Annual Conference (ALAK 2009). Seoul, Korea 05 - 05 Dec 2009

Constraint splitting and article typology: Evidence from Sinhala

Austin, G.. 2008. "Constraint splitting and article typology: Evidence from Sinhala ." 2008 Australian Linguistics Society Annual Conference (ALS 2008). Sydney, Australia 02 - 04 Jul 2008

From parameters to constraints: Explaining alternations in causee expression

Austin, G.. 2008. "From parameters to constraints: Explaining alternations in causee expression." 18th International Congress of Linguists (CIL 18): Workshop on Argument Realization in Asian Languages. Seoul, Korea 21 - 26 Jul 2008 Korea.

Optimality in argument fusion: The morphological causative in Sinhala

Austin, G.. 2007. "Optimality in argument fusion: The morphological causative in Sinhala." Linguistic Society of New Zealand 17th Biennial Conference (LSNZ 2007). Hamilton, New Zealand 19 - 20 Nov 2007