Dr Aaron Teo

Dr Aaron Teo
NameDr Aaron Teo
Email Addressaaron.teo@unisq.edu.au
Job TitleLecturer (Curriculum and Pedagogy)
QualificationsBA Qld, BBusMgt Qld, GDipEd Qld, PhD Qld
DepartmentSchool of Education
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Dr Aaron Teo is a Singaporean Chinese first generation migrant settler living on unceded Jagera and Turrbal lands. He is a Sociologist of Education working as a Lecturer in Curriculum and Pedagogy at the University of Southern Queensland's School of Education. Aaron is Convenor for the Australian Association for Research in Education Social Justice Special Interest Group, Queensland Convenor for the Asian Australian Alliance, and member of the Advisory Committee for the Australian Human Rights Commission's study into racism in Australian universities. He was the State Library of Queensland's 2024 John Oxley Honorary Fellow, and winner of the 2023 Carolyn Baker Memorial Prize and 2024 Special Commendation for the Ray Debus Award for Doctoral Research in Education. Aaron's research focusses on the raced and gendered subjectivities of migrant teachers from 'Asian' backgrounds in the Australian context, as well as critical pedagogies in white Australian (university and school) classroom spaces. He is interested in qualitative research methods, particularly the use of critical autoethnography as a-way of reflexively interrogating experiences at the nexus of migration, racism, sexism, and multiculturalism in the Australian education context.


critical autoethnography | Asian critical race theory (AsianCrit) | race and education | Asian Australian | migrant teachers | critical pedagogy | anti-Asian racism | Asian masculinities | multiculturalism | White Australia Policy | cross-curriculum priorities | culturally responsive teaching

Fields of Research

  • 390199. Curriculum and pedagogy not elsewhere classified
  • 390203. Sociology of education
  • 390499. Specialist studies in education not elsewhere classified

Professional Membership

Professional MembershipYear
Australian Association for Research in Education
Critical Race Studies in Education Association
Australian Critical Race and Whiteness Studies Association (former)
Business Educators' Association of Queensland (former)

Current Supervisions

Research TitleSupervisor TypeLevel of StudyCommenced
Curriculum and pedagogical trajectories that influence the educational outcomes for Indigenous studentsAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2021
DateNameAwarding organisationUnderpinning research
2021Invited Roundtable SpeakerAustralian Association for Research in Education
2023Invited Main SpeakerAsian Qualitative Inquiry Association
2023Carolyn Baker Memorial PrizeThe University of Queensland
2024John Oxley Honorary FellowshipState Library of Queensland
20233MT (Three Minute Thesis) HASS Faculty WinnerThe University of Queensland
2022HASS Teaching and Learning AwardThe University of Queensland
2024Fellowship of the Higher Education AcademyThe University of Queensland
EditorThe AutoEthnographer
EditorJournal of Critical Thought and Praxis

“What’s in a Name”: An “Asian” Australian Educator’s Autoethnographic Account of Critical Pedagogical Practice that Deconstructs Whiteness in Teacher Education Spaces

Teo, Aaron. 2024. "“What’s in a Name”: An “Asian” Australian Educator’s Autoethnographic Account of Critical Pedagogical Practice that Deconstructs Whiteness in Teacher Education Spaces ." Ravulo, Jioji, Olcoń, Katarzyna, Dune, Tinashe, Workman, Alex and Liamputtong, Pranee (ed.) Handbook of Critical Whitness: Deconstructing Dominant Discourses Across Disciplines. Singapore. Springer. pp. 1-14

National anti-racism framework project: Scoping research on anti-Asian racism and role of the national human rights institution

Willing, Indigo, Ubayasiri, Kasun, Kim, Eun-Ji Amy, Anacin, Carl, Teo, Aaron and Chew, Erin Wen Ai. 2023. National anti-racism framework project: Scoping research on anti-Asian racism and role of the national human rights institution. Australia. Griffith University.

DRAWing masculinity: An autoethnographic exploration of be(com)ing a man

Teo, Aaron. 2023. "DRAWing masculinity: An autoethnographic exploration of be(com)ing a man." Mackinlay, Elizabeth and Madden, Karen (ed.) Departing Radically in Academic Writing: Alternative Approaches to Writing and Methods in Qualitative Research. United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 125-136

Autoethnographically interrogating school-based anti-“Asian” racism in post(?)-pandemic times: An AsianCrit-informed composite palimpsest

Teo, Aaron. 2023. "Autoethnographically interrogating school-based anti-“Asian” racism in post(?)-pandemic times: An AsianCrit-informed composite palimpsest." Cultural Studies: Critical Methodologies. 23 (5), pp. 451-462. https://doi.org/10.1177/15327086231176098

AsianCrit and Autoethnography: A future-focussed fugue of collaborative inquiry

Teo, Aaron. 2023. "AsianCrit and Autoethnography: A future-focussed fugue of collaborative inquiry." Qualitative Inquiry. 29 (5), pp. 582-588. https://doi.org/10.1177/10778004221118692

Being Stuck: Autoethnographically En-gender-ing an Anti-sexist Teaching Praxis

Teo, Aaron. 2023. "Being Stuck: Autoethnographically En-gender-ing an Anti-sexist Teaching Praxis ." Denzin, Norman K. and Salvo, James (ed.) Culturally Relevant Storytelling in Qualitative Research: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Examined through a Research Lens. United States. Myers Education Press. pp. 133-146

A Tumultuous Tale of Socially Just Teaching: A Migrant Asian Australian Teacher’s Critical Autoethnographic Account of Guiding White Bodies Through an Asian Ethnoburb

Teo, Aaron. 2023. "A Tumultuous Tale of Socially Just Teaching: A Migrant Asian Australian Teacher’s Critical Autoethnographic Account of Guiding White Bodies Through an Asian Ethnoburb." Vesperman, Dean P., Aydinian-Perry, Anne, Missias, Matthew T. and Blankenship, Whitney G. (ed.) Out of Turmoil: Catalysts for Re-Learning, Re-Teaching, and Re-Imagining History and Social Sciences. United States. Information Age Publishing. pp. 129-142

Learning to Become Politically Incorrect: A Non-indigenous ‘Asian’ Australian Teacher’s AsianCrit Autoethnographic Account

Teo, Aaron. 2023. "Learning to Become Politically Incorrect: A Non-indigenous ‘Asian’ Australian Teacher’s AsianCrit Autoethnographic Account." 2023 International Symposium on Autoethnography and Narrative (2023 ISAN). Online 03 - 05 Jan 2023

Post-Pandemic Solidarity Through Social Justice Pedagogy in America and Beyond: An AsianCrit Autoethnographic Account of Race, Justice, and Education

Teo, Aaron. 2023. "Post-Pandemic Solidarity Through Social Justice Pedagogy in America and Beyond: An AsianCrit Autoethnographic Account of Race, Justice, and Education." Mealy, Todd M. and Bennett, Heather (ed.) Equity in the classroom: Essays on curricular and pedagogical approaches to empowering all students. McFarland & Company, Inc.. pp. 131-144

A timed crisis: Australian education, migrant Asian teachers, and critical autoethnography

Teo, Aaron. 2022. "A timed crisis: Australian education, migrant Asian teachers, and critical autoethnography." Kara, Helen and Khoo, Su-ming (ed.) Qualitative and Digital Research in Times of Crisis: Methods, Reflexivity and Ethics. United Kingdom. Policy Press. pp. 191-203

Pedagogy in and through paradox: A migrant ‘Asian’ Australian teacher’s excursion with white students through Sunnybank’s Market Square

Teo, Aaron. 2022. "Pedagogy in and through paradox: A migrant ‘Asian’ Australian teacher’s excursion with white students through Sunnybank’s Market Square." 2022 International Symposium on Autoethnography and Narrative (2022 ISAN). 03 - 05 Jan 2022

Learning to live an anti-racist curriculum: A non-Indigenous ‘Asian’ Australian teacher’s AsianCrit autoethnographic account

Teo, Aaron. 2021. "Learning to live an anti-racist curriculum: A non-Indigenous ‘Asian’ Australian teacher’s AsianCrit autoethnographic account." Lewis, Karin Ann, Banda, Kimberly, Briseno, Martha and Weber, Eric J. (ed.) The Kaleidoscope of Lived Curricula: Learning Through a Confluence of Crises. United States. Information Age Publishing. pp. 329-342

“How difficult can it be?” A non-Indigenous ‘Asian’ Australian high school teacher’s AsianCrit autoethnographic account of dealing with racial injustice

Teo, Aaron. 2021. "“How difficult can it be?” A non-Indigenous ‘Asian’ Australian high school teacher’s AsianCrit autoethnographic account of dealing with racial injustice ." PRISM: casting new light on learning, theory and practice. 4 (1), pp. 86-96. https://doi.org/10.24377/prism.ljmu.0401217