49. Mathematical Sciences

Title49. Mathematical Sciences
ParentANZSRC Field of Research

Latest research outputs

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Dip coating process for hot metal castings
McGuinness, M. and Roberts, Anthony. 2000. "Dip coating process for hot metal castings." Hewitt, John (ed.) 16th Australian and New Zealand Mathematics In Industry Study Group (MISG 1999). Brisbane, Australia 01 - 05 Feb 1999 Adelaide, Australia.


Teaching control fundamentals for mechatronics and robotics - the use of JavaScript for simulation and animation
Billingsley, John. 1999. "Teaching control fundamentals for mechatronics and robotics - the use of JavaScript for simulation and animation." Wyeth, Gordon and Roberts, Jonathan (ed.) ACRA 1999: Australian Conference on Robotics and Automation. Brisbane, Australia 30 Mar - 01 Apr 1999 Brisbane, Australia.


A boolean algebra approach for class hierarchy normalization
Zhang, Yanchun and Xiao, Jitian. 1997. "A boolean algebra approach for class hierarchy normalization." Topor, R. and Tanaka, K. (ed.) 5th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications. Melbourne, Australia 01 - 04 Apr 1997 Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1142/9789812819536_0032


Bayesian prediction distributions for some linear models under student-t errors
Rahman, Azizur. 2007. Bayesian prediction distributions for some linear models under student-t errors. Masters Thesis Master of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

Masters Thesis

Modelling student performance in a tertiary preparatory course
Carmichael, Colin S.. 2006. Modelling student performance in a tertiary preparatory course. Masters Thesis Master of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

Masters Thesis

Comparing probability forecasts in Markov regime switching business cycle methods
Smith, Daniel R. and Layton, Allan P.. 2007. "Comparing probability forecasts in Markov regime switching business cycle methods." Journal of Business Cycle Measurement and Analysis. 3 (1), pp. 79-98. https://doi.org/10.1787/jbcma-v2007-art4-en


Modelling the load-deformation response of deep foundations under oblique loading
Johnson, K., Lemcke, Pamela M., Karunasena, W. and Sivakugan, Nagaratnam. 2006. "Modelling the load-deformation response of deep foundations under oblique loading." Environmental Modelling and Software. 21 (9), pp. 1375-1380. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2005.04.015


An analytical model for predication of crack spacing due to shrinkage in concrete pavements
Chen, G. and Baker, Graham. 2004. "An analytical model for predication of crack spacing due to shrinkage in concrete pavements." Journal of Structural Engineering. 130 (10), pp. 1529-1533. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9445(2004)130:10(1529)


Influence of bond slip on crack spacing in numerical modeling of reinforced concrete
Chen, G. and Baker, Graham. 2003. "Influence of bond slip on crack spacing in numerical modeling of reinforced concrete." Journal of Structural Engineering. 129 (11), pp. 1514-1521. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9445(2003)129:11(1514)


Performance evaluation of a queue fed by a Poisson Pareto burst process
Addie, Ron, Neame, Timothy D. and Zukerman, Moshe. 2002. "Performance evaluation of a queue fed by a Poisson Pareto burst process." Computer Networks. 40 (3), pp. 377-397.


Most probable paths and performance formulae for buffers with Gaussian input traffic
Addie, Ron, Mannersalo, Petteri and Norros, Ilkka. 2002. "Most probable paths and performance formulae for buffers with Gaussian input traffic." European Transactions on Telecommunications. 13 (3), pp. 183-196.


Internet traffic modeling and future technology implications
Zukerman, Moshe, Neame, Timothy D. and Addie, Ron. 2003. "Internet traffic modeling and future technology implications." 22nd Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies. San Francisco, United States 30 Mar - 03 Apr 2003 San Francisco, United States.


Estimation of shrub biomass: development and evaluation of allometric models leading to innovative teaching methods
Maraseni, Tek Narayan, Cockfield, Geoff, Apan, Armando and Mathers, Nicole. 2005. "Estimation of shrub biomass: development and evaluation of allometric models leading to innovative teaching methods." International Journal of Business and Management Education.


Evaluation of the linearity of calibration dependence
Dohnal, Ludek and Faigl, Paul. 2007. "Evaluation of the linearity of calibration dependence." Quality assurance of analytical results (2007). Beskydy, Czech Republic 26 - 28 Mar 2007 Prague, Czech Republic.


Beam search for sequencing point operations in flat plate manufacturing
Shayan, E. and Al-Hakim, Latif. 2002. "Beam search for sequencing point operations in flat plate manufacturing." Computers and Industrial Engineering. 42 (2-4), pp. 309-315. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0360-8352(02)00016-5


Coupled thermomechanical waves in hyperbolic thermoelasticity
Strunin, D. V., Melnik, R. V. N. and Roberts, A. J.. 2001. "Coupled thermomechanical waves in hyperbolic thermoelasticity." Journal of Thermal Stresses. 24 (2), pp. 121-140. https://doi.org/10.1080/01495730150500433


A corrected quadrature formula and applications
Ujevic, Nenad and Roberts, A. J.. 2004. "A corrected quadrature formula and applications." Australian and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ANZIAM) Journal. 45 (E), pp. E41-E56.


Phase transitions in shape memory alloys with hyperbolic heat conduction and differential-algebraic models
Melnik, R. V. N., Roberts, A. J. and Thomas, K. A.. 2002. "Phase transitions in shape memory alloys with hyperbolic heat conduction and differential-algebraic models." Computational Mechanics. 29 (1), pp. 16-26. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00466-002-0311-5


Coupled thermomechanical dynamics of phase transitions in shape memory alloys and related hysteresis phenomena
Melnik, R. V. N., Roberts, A. J. and Thomas, K. A.. 2001. "Coupled thermomechanical dynamics of phase transitions in shape memory alloys and related hysteresis phenomena." Mechanics Research Communications. 28 (6), pp. 637-651. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0093-6413(02)00216-1


A holistic finite difference approach models linear dynamics consistently
Roberts, A. J.. 2003. "A holistic finite difference approach models linear dynamics consistently." Mathematics of Computation. 72 (241), pp. 247-262. https://doi.org/10.1090/S0025-5718-02-01448-5


Holistic discretisation ensures fidelity to Burger's equation
Roberts, A. J.. 2001. "Holistic discretisation ensures fidelity to Burger's equation." Applied Numerical Mathematics. 37 (3), pp. 371-396. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0168-9274(00)00053-2


Nonlinear instability in generalized nonlinear phase diffusion equation
Strunin, Dmitry V.. 2003. "Nonlinear instability in generalized nonlinear phase diffusion equation." Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement.


The effect of information quality on surgery process variation
Al-Hakim, Latif. 2007. "The effect of information quality on surgery process variation." Khosrow-Pour, Mehdi (ed.) IRMA 2007: Managing Worldwide Operations and Communications with Information Technology. Vancouver, Canada 19 - 23 May 2007 Hershey, PA, United States. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-59904-929-8.ch401


Prediction distribution for linear regression model with multivariate Student-t errors under the Bayesian approach
Rahman, Azizur and Khan, Shahjahan. 2007. "Prediction distribution for linear regression model with multivariate Student-t errors under the Bayesian approach." Ismail, Fudziah, Tarmizi, Rohani, Midi, Habsha, Said, Mohamad and Abbas, Zulkifly (ed.) 3rd International Conference on Research and Education in Mathematics (ICREM3). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 10 - 12 Apr 2007 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


Lap shear strength comparison between different random glass fibre reinforced thermoplastic matrix composites bonded by adhesives using variable frequency microwaves (VFM) irradiation
Ku, Harry S., Siores, Elias, Ball, James A. R., Taube, Alex and Siu, Fred. 2003. "Lap shear strength comparison between different random glass fibre reinforced thermoplastic matrix composites bonded by adhesives using variable frequency microwaves (VFM) irradiation." Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part L: Journal of Materials, Design and Applications. 217 (1), pp. 65-75.


Calculus demonstrations using Matlab
Dunn, Peter K. and Harman, Chris. 2002. "Calculus demonstrations using Matlab." International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology. 33 (4), pp. 584-596. https://doi.org/10.1080/002073902320300856


Occurrence and quantity of precipitation can be modelled simultaneously
Dunn, Peter K.. 2004. "Occurrence and quantity of precipitation can be modelled simultaneously ." International Journal of Climatology. 24 (10), pp. 1231-1239. https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.1063


Series evaluation of Tweedie exponential dispersion model densities
Dunn, Peter K. and Smyth, Gordon K.. 2005. "Series evaluation of Tweedie exponential dispersion model densities." Statistics and Computing. 15 (4), pp. 267-280. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11222-005-4070-y


Analysis of breast feeding data using data mining methods
He, Hongxing, Jin, Huidong, Chen, Jie, McAullay, Damien, Li, Jiuyong and Fallon, Tony. 2006. "Analysis of breast feeding data using data mining methods." Christen, Peter, Kennedy, Paul J., Li, Jiuyong, Simoff, Simeon J. and Williams, Graham J. (ed.) 5th Australasian Conference on Data Mining and Analystics (AusDM 2006). Sydney, Australia 29 - 30 Nov 2006 Sydney, Australia.


A framework of combining Markov model with association rules for predicting web page accesses
Khalil, Faten, Li, Jiuyong and Wang, Hua. 2006. "A framework of combining Markov model with association rules for predicting web page accesses." Christen, Peter, Kennedy, Paul J., Li, Jiuyong, Simoff, Simeon J. and Williams, Graham J. (ed.) 5th Australasian Conference on Data Mining and Analystics (AusDM 2006). Sydney, Australia 29 - 30 Nov 2006 Canberra, Australia.


A comparative study of classification methods for microarray data analysis
Hu, Hong, Li, Jiuyong, Plank, Ashley, Wang, Hua and Daggard, Grant. 2006. "A comparative study of classification methods for microarray data analysis." Christen, Peter, Kennedy, Paul J., Li, Jiuyong, Simoff, Simeon J. and Williams, Graham J. (ed.) 5th Australasian Conference on Data Mining and Analystics (AusDM 2006). Sydney, Australia 29 - 30 Nov 2006 Canberra, Australia.


A meshless IRBFN-based numerical simulation of adiabatic shear band formation in one dimension
Le, Phong, Mai-Duy, Nam, Tran-Cong, Thanh and Baker, Graham. 2006. "A meshless IRBFN-based numerical simulation of adiabatic shear band formation in one dimension." Nguyen, Son Q. and Nguyen, Dung (ed.) 2006 International Conference on Nonlinear Analysis & Engineering Mechanics Today. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 11 - 14 Dec 2006 Paris, France.


A high-order time-kernel BIEM for the Burgers equation
Mai-Duy, Nam, Tran-Cong, Thanh and Tanner, R. I.. 2006. "A high-order time-kernel BIEM for the Burgers equation." Gatmiri, B., Sellier, A. and Aliabadi, M. H. (ed.) International Conference on Boundary Element Techniques VII. Paris, France 04 - 06 Sep 2006 Eastleigh, United Kingdom.


A new high-order time-kernel BIEM for the Burgers equation
Mai-Duy, N., Tran-Cong, T. and Tanner, R. I.. 2006. "A new high-order time-kernel BIEM for the Burgers equation." CMES Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences. 16 (3), pp. 177-186. https://doi.org/10.3970/cmes.2006.016.177


Solving biharmonic problems with scattered-point discretization using indirect radial-basis-function networks
Mai-Duy, N. and Tran-Cong, T.. 2006. "Solving biharmonic problems with scattered-point discretization using indirect radial-basis-function networks." Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 30 (2), pp. 77-87. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enganabound.2005.10.004


Computer algebra models the inertial dynamics of a thin film flow of power law fluids and other non-Newtonian fluids
Roberts, A. J.. 2007. Computer algebra models the inertial dynamics of a thin film flow of power law fluids and other non-Newtonian fluids . University of Southern Queensland.

Technical report

Computer algebra derives normal forms of stochastic differential equations
Roberts, A. J.. 2007. Computer algebra derives normal forms of stochastic differential equations . Toowoomba, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.

Technical report

Telehealth system in Queensland
Nooriafshar, Mehryar and Maraseni, Tek Narayan. 2007. "Telehealth system in Queensland." Burge, Andrew (ed.) 6th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Related Fields. Hawaii, United States 17 - 19 Jan 2007 Hawaii, USA.


Flow patterns near codimension-2 bifurcation in non-Boussinesq mixed convection
Suslov, Sergey A.. 2002. "Flow patterns near codimension-2 bifurcation in non-Boussinesq mixed convection ." Shalfeev, V. D. (ed.) Progress in Nonlinear Science, International Conference dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of A.A. Andronov. Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia 02 - 06 Jul 2001 Nizniy Novgorod, Russia.


Effect of fluid properties variations on spatio-temporal instability of convection
Suslov, Sergey A.. 2002. "Effect of fluid properties variations on spatio-temporal instability of convection." Indeitsev, Dmitry A. (ed.) APM 2001: 29th Summer School on 'Advanced Problems in Mechanics. Repino, Russia 21 - 30 Jun 2001 St. Petersburg, Russia.
