3702. Climate change science

Title3702. Climate change science
Parent37. Earth Sciences

Latest research outputs

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Applications program examples 2015
Pudmenzky, Christa and Stone, Roger. 2015. "Applications program examples 2015." 8th Atmospheric Circulation Reconstructions over the Earth Workshop (ACRE 2015). Santiago, Chile 12 - 14 Oct 2015 Chile.


Groundwater storage trends in the Loess Plateau of China estimated from streamflow records
Gao, Zhaoliang, Zhang, Lu, Cheng, Lei, Zhang, Xiaoping, Cowan, Tim, Cai, Wenju and Brutsaert, Wilfried. 2015. "Groundwater storage trends in the Loess Plateau of China estimated from streamflow records." Journal of Hydrology. 530, pp. 281-290. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.09.063


The Response of the Indian Ocean Dipole Asymmetry to Anthropogenic Aerosols and Greenhouse Gases
Cowan, Tim, Cai, Wenju, Ng, Benjamin and England, Matthew. 2015. "The Response of the Indian Ocean Dipole Asymmetry to Anthropogenic Aerosols and Greenhouse Gases ." Journal of Climate. 28 (7), pp. 2564-2583. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00661.1


Large scale and sub-regional connections in the lead up to summer heat wave and extreme rainfall events in eastern Australia
Boschat, Ghyslaine, Pezza, Alexandre, Simmonds, Ian, Perkins, Sarah, Cowan, Tim and Purich, Ariaan. 2015. "Large scale and sub-regional connections in the lead up to summer heat wave and extreme rainfall events in eastern Australia." Climate Dynamics. 44 (7-8), pp. 1823-1840. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-014-2214-5


Climate change 2014: Synthesis report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Pachauri, Rajendra K., Allen, Myles R., Barros, Vicente R., Broome, John, Cramer, Wolfgang, Christ, Renate, Church, John A., Clarke, Leon, Dahe, Qin, Dasgupta, Purnamita, Dubash, Navroz K., Edenhofer, Ottmar, Elgizouli, Ismail, Field, Christopher B., Forster, Piers, Friedlingstein, Pierre, Fuglestvedt, Jan, Gomez-Echeverri, Luis, Hallegatte, Stephane, ..., van Ypersele, Jean-Pascal. 2015. Climate change 2014: Synthesis report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Geneva, Switzerland. IPCC.

Authored book

Application of the extreme learning machine algorithm for the prediction of monthly Effective Drought Index in eastern Australia
Deo, Ravinesh C. and Sahin, Mehmet. 2015. "Application of the extreme learning machine algorithm for the prediction of monthly Effective Drought Index in eastern Australia." Atmospheric Research. 153, pp. 512-525. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2014.10.016


Drought prediction till 2100 under RCP 8.5 climate change scenarios for Korea
Park, Chang-Kyun, Byun, Hi-Ryong, Deo, Ravinesh and Lee, Bo-Ra. 2015. "Drought prediction till 2100 under RCP 8.5 climate change scenarios for Korea." Journal of Hydrology. 526, pp. 221-230. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.10.043


The climate change risk management matrix for the grazing industry of northern Australia
Cobon, David H., Stone, Grant S., Carter, John O., Scanlan, Joe C., Toombs, Nathan R., Zhang, Xike, Willcocks, Jacqui and McKeon, Greg M.. 2009. "The climate change risk management matrix for the grazing industry of northern Australia." The Rangeland Journal. 31 (1), pp. 31-49. https://doi.org/10.1071/RJ08069


Forecasting rainfall based on the Southern Oscillation Index phases at longer lead-times in Australia
Cobon, David H. and Toombs, Nathan R.. 2013. "Forecasting rainfall based on the Southern Oscillation Index phases at longer lead-times in Australia." The Rangeland Journal. 35 (4), pp. 373-383. https://doi.org/10.1071/RJ12105


Information overload and risks in climate adaptation for local government authorities
Best, P. and Burton, D.. 2010. "Information overload and risks in climate adaptation for local government authorities." Palutikof, Jean and Ash, Andrew (ed.) Climate Adaptation Futures: Preparing for the Unavoidable Impacts of Climate Change (2010). Gold Coast, Australia 29 Jun - 01 Jul 2010 Brisbane, Australia.


Effect of elevated carbon dioxide on growth and nitrogen fixation of two soybean cultivars in northern China
Lam, Shu Kee, Hao, Xingyu, Lin, Erda, Han, Xue, Norton, Rob, Mosier, Arvin R., Seneweera, Saman and Chen, Deli. 2012. "Effect of elevated carbon dioxide on growth and nitrogen fixation of two soybean cultivars in northern China ." Biology and Fertility of Soils. 48 (5), pp. 603-606. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00374-011-0648-z


Can a wheat cultivar with high transpiration efficiency maintain its yield advantage over a near-isogenic cultivar under elevated CO2?
Tausz-Posch, Sabine, Seneweera, Saman, Norton, Robert M., Fitzgerald, Glenn J. and Tausz, Michael. 2012. "Can a wheat cultivar with high transpiration efficiency maintain its yield advantage over a near-isogenic cultivar under elevated CO2?" Field Crops Research. 133, pp. 160-166. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2012.04.007


Vulnerability of Himalayan transhumant communities to climate change
Aryal, Suman, Cockfield, Geoff and Maraseni, Tek Narayan. 2014. "Vulnerability of Himalayan transhumant communities to climate change." Climatic Change: an interdisciplinary, international journal devoted to the description, causes and implications of climatic change. 125 (2), pp. 193-208. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-014-1157-5


Governing Adaptation Policies and Programmes
Cockfield, Geoff. 2013. "Governing Adaptation Policies and Programmes ." Cadman, Timothy (ed.) Climate Change and Global Policy Regimes:Towards Institutional Legitimacy. United Kingdom. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 61-78

Edited book (chapter)

Future projections of Australian heat wave number and intensity based on CMIP5 models
Cowan, Tim, Purich, Ariaan, Boschat, Ghyslaine and Perkins, Sarah. 2014. "Future projections of Australian heat wave number and intensity based on CMIP5 models." Bulletin of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society. 27 (6), pp. 134-139.


Atmospheric and oceanic conditions associated with Southern Australian heat waves: A CMIP5 analysis
Purich, Ariaan, Cowan, Tim, Cai, Wenju, van Rensch, Peter, Uotila, Petteri, Pezza, Alexandre, Boschat, Ghyslaine and Perkins, Sarah. 2014. "Atmospheric and oceanic conditions associated with Southern Australian heat waves: A CMIP5 analysis." Journal of Climate. 27 (20), pp. 7807-7829. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00098.1


More frequent, longer, and hotter heat waves for Australia in the Twenty-First Century
Cowan, Tim, Purich, Ariaan, Perkins, Sarah, Pezza, Alexandre, Boschat, Ghyslaine and Sadler, Katherine. 2014. "More frequent, longer, and hotter heat waves for Australia in the Twenty-First Century." Journal of Climate. 27 (15), pp. 5851-5871. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00092.1


What is driving the fast warming rate of the Southern Hemisphere midlatitude ocean?
Cowan, Tim and Cai, Wenju. 2014. "What is driving the fast warming rate of the Southern Hemisphere midlatitude ocean?" OCEANS'10 IEEE Sydney. Sydney, Australia 24 - 27 May 2010 Australia. https://doi.org/10.1109/OCEANSSYD.2010.5603876


Did climate change-induced rainfall trends contribute to the Australian Millennium drought?
Cai, Wenju, Purich, Ariaan, Cowan, Tim, van Rensch, Peter and Weller, Weller. 2014. "Did climate change-induced rainfall trends contribute to the Australian Millennium drought?" Journal of Climate. 27 (9), pp. 3145-3168. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00322.1


Decadal climate variability and cross-scale interactions: ICCL 2013 Expert Assessment Workshop
Holbrook, Neil J., Li, Jianping, Collins, Matthew, Di Lorenzo, Emanuele, Jin, Fei-Fei, Knutson, Thomas, Latif, Mojib, Li, Chongyin, Power, Scott B., Huang, Rhonghui and Wu, Guoxiong. 2014. "Decadal climate variability and cross-scale interactions: ICCL 2013 Expert Assessment Workshop." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 95 (8), pp. 155-158. https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-13-00201.1


Drought science and policy: the perspectives of Australian farmers
Cockfield, Geoff. 2013. "Drought science and policy: the perspectives of Australian farmers." Botterill, Linda Courtenay and Cockfield, Geoff (ed.) Drought, risk management, and policy: decision-making under uncertainty. Boca Raton, FL. United States. CRC Press. pp. 185-195

Edited book (chapter)

Scientific research in the drought policy process
Stone, Roger and Cockfield, Geoff. 2013. "Scientific research in the drought policy process." Botterill, Linda Courtenay and Cockfield, Geoff (ed.) Drought, risk management, and policy: decision-making under uncertainty. Boca Raton, FL. United States. CRC Press. pp. 105-116

Edited book (chapter)

The science and policy of climate variability and climate change: intersections and possibilities
Cockfield, Geoff and Dovers, Stephen. 2013. "The science and policy of climate variability and climate change: intersections and possibilities." Botterill, Linda Courtenay and Cockfield, Geoff (ed.) Drought, risk management, and policy: decision-making under uncertainty. Boca Raton, FL. United States. CRC Press. pp. 29-44

Edited book (chapter)

Indigenous knowledge for climate change induced flood adaptation in Nepal
Devkota, Rohini Prasad, Maraseni, Tek Narayan, Cockfield, Geoff and Devkota, Laxmi Prasad. 2013. "Indigenous knowledge for climate change induced flood adaptation in Nepal." The International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses. 5 (1), pp. 35-46.


Urban climatology applied to urban planning: a postwar knowledge circulation failure
Hebbert, Michael and MacKillop, Fionn. 2013. "Urban climatology applied to urban planning: a postwar knowledge circulation failure ." International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 37 (5), pp. 1542-1558. https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-2427.12046


Models and metaphors in overcoming resistance to climate change science
Harrison, Karey. 2011. "Models and metaphors in overcoming resistance to climate change science." Vega, Gloria (ed.) SSEE 2011: Escaping Silos. Brisbane, Australia 24 - 26 Oct 2011 Canberra, Australia.


El Nino-Southern oscillation influence on the dust storm activity in Australia: can the past provide an insight into the future?
Pudmenzky, Christa, Stone, Roger, Butler, Harry and Allan, Robert. 2011. "El Nino-Southern oscillation influence on the dust storm activity in Australia: can the past provide an insight into the future?" 4th Atmospheric Circulation Reconstructions over the Earth Workshop (ACRE 2011). De Bilt, The Netherlands 21 - 23 Sep 2011


Food and water security issues - Australia
Stone, Roger C. and Mushtaq, Shahbaz. 2012. "Food and water security issues - Australia." Symposium on Synergistic Approaches to Food and Water Security (ISSAFWS 2012). Fairfax, United States 17 - 19 Oct 2012 Fairfax, VA. United States.


A simplified scale for assessing current impact of climate change in the Pacific region
Macfarlane, M.. 2012. "A simplified scale for assessing current impact of climate change in the Pacific region." Climate Adaptation in Action 2012: Sharing Knowledge to Adapt (NCCARF 2012). Melbourne, Australia 26 - 28 Jun 2012 Brisbane, Australia.


Improving climate risk management at local level – techniques, case studies, good practices and guidelines for World Meteorological Organization members
Martinez, R., Hemming, D., Malone, L., Bermudez, N., Cockfield, G., Diongue, A., Hansen, J., Hildebrand, A., Ingram, K., Jakeman, G., Kadi, M., McGregor, G. R., Mushtaq, S., Rao, P., Pulwarty, R., Ndiaye, O., Srinivasan, G., Seck, Eh., White, N. and Zougmore, R.. 2012. "Improving climate risk management at local level – techniques, case studies, good practices and guidelines for World Meteorological Organization members." Banaitiene, Nerija (ed.) Risk management - current issues and challenges. Rijeka, Croatia. InTech Europe. pp. 477-532

Edited book (chapter)

Supporting decision-making in the sugar industry with integrated seasonal climate forecasting
Stone, Roger C., Mushtaq, Shahbaz, Marcussen, Torben, Cliffe, Neil, Brunton, Lynda and Everingham, Yvette. 2012. "Supporting decision-making in the sugar industry with integrated seasonal climate forecasting." Global Framework for Climate Services User Conference (GFCS 2012): A Dialogue for Climate Services Users and Providers: Towards Implementation of the GFCS. Geneva, Switzerland 26 - 27 Oct 2012 Geneva, Switzerland.


Climate change and global policy regimes: towards institutional legitimacy
Cadman, Timothy (ed.) 2013. Climate change and global policy regimes: towards institutional legitimacy. Basingstoke, Hants. United Kingdom. Palgrave Macmillan.

Edited book

Supporting decision-making in the sugar industry with integrated seasonal climate forecasting
Stone, Roger C., Cliffe, Neil, Mushtaq, Shahbaz and Everingham, Yvette. 2012. "Supporting decision-making in the sugar industry with integrated seasonal climate forecasting." Climate exchange, 2nd ed.. Geneva, Switzerland . Tudor Rose. pp. 46-49

Edited book (chapter)

Understanding hydroclimate processes in the Murray-Darling basin for natural resources management
Gallant, A. J. E., Kiem, A. S., Verdon-Kidd, D. C., Stone, R. C. and Karoly, D. J.. 2012. "Understanding hydroclimate processes in the Murray-Darling basin for natural resources management." Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 16 (7), pp. 2049-2068. https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-16-2049-2012


Insurance innovations and incentives for adaptation using weather reanalysis tools for contract pricing
Burton, D., Best, P., Fairweather, H. and Mushtaq, S.. 2012. "Insurance innovations and incentives for adaptation using weather reanalysis tools for contract pricing." Climate Adaptation in Action 2012: Sharing Knowledge to Adapt (NCCARF 2012). Melbourne, Australia 26 - 28 Jun 2012 Brisbane, Australia.


Relocation of intensive agriculture to northern Queensland: the cotton industry
White, Neil, Mushtaq, Shahbaz, Cockfield, Geoff and Power, Brendan. 2012. Relocation of intensive agriculture to northern Queensland: the cotton industry. Toowoomba, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.


Relocation of intensive agriculture to northern Australia: the case of the rice industry
Cockfield, Geoff, Mushtaq, Shahbaz and White, Neil. 2012. Relocation of intensive agriculture to northern Australia: the case of the rice industry. Toowoomba, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.


Climate variability analysis for Diuron application
Mushtaq, Shahbaz, Stone, Roger, Marcussen, Torben, Pudmenzky, Christa and Maraseni, Tek. 2012. Climate variability analysis for Diuron application. Toowoomba, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.

Technical report

Agricultural resilience to extreme weather events: taking stock of and reanalysing dependencies and history in climate risk management
Best, Peter, Mushtaq, Shahbaz and Stone, Roger. 2009. "Agricultural resilience to extreme weather events: taking stock of and reanalysing dependencies and history in climate risk management." 2009 International Workshop on the Content, Communication and Use of Weather and Climate Products and Services to Sustainable Agriculture (WMO 2009). Toowoomba, Australia 18 - 20 May 2009 Geneva, Switzerland .


A simplified scale for assessing and communicating climate change impacts
Macfarlane, M. H. and Ribbe, J.. 2012. "A simplified scale for assessing and communicating climate change impacts." Lepetit, Julien (ed.) Water and Climate: Policy Implementation Challenges - 2nd Practical Responses to Climate Change Conference 2012. Canberra, Australia 01 - 03 May 2012 Canberra, Australia.
