4104. Environmental management

Title4104. Environmental management
Parent41. Environmental Sciences

Latest research outputs

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Rural Latin America: a forgotten part of the global groundwater arsenic problem?
Bundschuh, J. and Garcia, M. E.. 2008. "Rural Latin America: a forgotten part of the global groundwater arsenic problem?" Bhattacharya, P., Ramanathan, A. L., Mukherjee, A. B. , Bundschuh, J., Chandrasekharam, D. and Keshari, A. K. (ed.) Groundwater for sustainable development: problems, perspectives and challenges. London, United Kingdom. Taylor & Francis (CRC Press) / Balkema. pp. 311-321

Edited book (chapter)

Field experiments constraining the probability distribution of particle travel distances during natural rainstorms on different slope gradients
Ghahramani, Afshin, Ishikawa, Yoshiharu and Mudd, Simon M.. 2012. "Field experiments constraining the probability distribution of particle travel distances during natural rainstorms on different slope gradients." Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 37 (5), pp. 473-485. https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.2253


Water flux and sediment transport within a forested landscape: the role of connectivity, subsurface flow, and slope length scale on transport mechanism
Ghahramani, Afshin and Ishikawa, Yoshiharu. 2013. "Water flux and sediment transport within a forested landscape: the role of connectivity, subsurface flow, and slope length scale on transport mechanism." Hydrological Processes. 27 (26), pp. 4091-4102. https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.9791


Population growth and other factors affecting land-use and land-cover changes in north-eastern Wollega, Ethiopia
Urgesa, Alemayehu A., Abegaz, Assefa, Bahir, Asmamaw L. and Antille, Diogenes L.. 2016. "Population growth and other factors affecting land-use and land-cover changes in north-eastern Wollega, Ethiopia." Tropical Agriculture. 93 (4), pp. 298-311.


Potential international markets for GM reproductive frost management technologies for wheat: cost-benefit analysis - final technical report
Mushtaq, Shahbaz, Christopher, Mandy and An-Vo, Duc-Anh. 2016. Potential international markets for GM reproductive frost management technologies for wheat: cost-benefit analysis - final technical report. Australia. Grains Research and Development Corporation.

Technical report

Impact of ozone assisted ultrasonication pre-treatment on anaerobic digestibility of sewage sludge
Tian, Xinbo, Trzcinski, Antoine Prandota, Lin, Li leonard and Ng, Wun Jern. 2015. "Impact of ozone assisted ultrasonication pre-treatment on anaerobic digestibility of sewage sludge." Journal of Environmental Sciences. 33, pp. 29-38. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jes.2015.01.003


Glucoamylase production from food waste by solid state fermentation and its evaluation in the hydrolysis of domestic food waste
Kiran, Esra Uckun, Trzcinski, Antoine P. and Liu, Yu. 2014. "Glucoamylase production from food waste by solid state fermentation and its evaluation in the hydrolysis of domestic food waste." Biofuel Research Journal. 1 (3), pp. 98-105.


Governance values in the climate change regime: stakeholder perceptions of REDD+ legitimacy at the national level
Cadman, Timothy, Maraseni, Tek, Breakey, Hugh, Lopez-Casero, Federoico and Ma, Hwan Ok. 2016. "Governance values in the climate change regime: stakeholder perceptions of REDD+ legitimacy at the national level." Forests. 7 (10), pp. 212-228. https://doi.org/10.3390/f7100212


Prioritising plant-parasitic nematode species biosecurity risks using self organising maps
Singh, Sunil K., Paini, Dean R., Ash, Gavin J. and Hodda, Mike. 2014. "Prioritising plant-parasitic nematode species biosecurity risks using self organising maps." Biological Invasions. 16 (7), pp. 1515-1530. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10530-013-0588-7


Modelling corporate stakeholder orientation: does the relationship between stakeholder background characteristics and corporate social performance matter?
Erdiaw-Kwasie, Michael O., Alam, Khorshed and Kabir, Enamul. 2017. "Modelling corporate stakeholder orientation: does the relationship between stakeholder background characteristics and corporate social performance matter?" Business Strategy and the Environment. 26 (4), pp. 465-479. https://doi.org/10.1002/bse.1930


The relative importance of landscape amenity and health impacts in the wind farm debate in Australia
Botterill, Linda Courtenay and Cockfield, Geoff. 2016. "The relative importance of landscape amenity and health impacts in the wind farm debate in Australia." Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning. 18 (4), pp. 447-462. https://doi.org/10.1080/1523908X.2016.1138400


The effects of coal seam gas infrastructure development on arable land in southern Queensland, Australia: field investigations and modeling
Antille, D. L., Huth, N. I., Eberhard, J., Marinoni, O., Cocks, B., Poulton, P. L., Macdonald, B. C. T. and Schmidt, E. J.. 2016. "The effects of coal seam gas infrastructure development on arable land in southern Queensland, Australia: field investigations and modeling." Transactions of the ASABE. 59 (4), pp. 879-901. https://doi.org/10.13031/trans.59.11547


Development and testing of a micro wind tunnel for on-site wind erosion simulations
Strong, Craig L., Leys, John F., Raupach, Mike R., Bullard, Joanna E., Aubault, Helene A., Butler, Harry J. and McTainsh, Grant H.. 2016. "Development and testing of a micro wind tunnel for on-site wind erosion simulations." Environmental Fluid Mechanics. 16 (5), pp. 1065-1083. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10652-016-9478-8


Managing pest species under climate change: risks and opportunities
Reardon-Smith, Kathryn M., Stone, Roger C. and Le Brocque, Andrew F.. 2012. "Managing pest species under climate change: risks and opportunities." 4th Queensland Pest Animal Symposium. Caloundra, Queensland 30 Jul - 02 Aug 2012 Queensland, Australia.


Australia's capacity to monitor wind erosion: final synthesis report for projects: Wind erosion extent and severity maps for Australia (WEESMap) Project A0000007341; Community DustWatch Expansion Project (CDW) Project A0000007342g; Wind Erosion Information for Regional Monitoring Project A0000007131g
Leys, John, Butler, Harry, Strong, Craig and McTainsh, Grant. 2013. Australia's capacity to monitor wind erosion: final synthesis report for projects: Wind erosion extent and severity maps for Australia (WEESMap) Project A0000007341; Community DustWatch Expansion Project (CDW) Project A0000007342g; Wind Erosion Information for Regional Monitoring Project A0000007131g. Sydney, Australia. NSW Department of Environment and Heritage.


Wind erosion information for regional monitoring (WEIRM)
McTainsh, G. H., Strong, C. L., O'Loingsigh, Tadhg, Leys, John, Butler, Harry, Baker, M., Aubault, Helene and Barton, Kyle. 2013. Wind erosion information for regional monitoring (WEIRM). Brisbane, Australia. Griffith University.

Technical report

Retrieving land surface aerodynamic properties using MODIS Albedo
Chappell, A., Guerschman, J. P., Leys, J., Handcock, R., Thomas, D., Mata, G., Butler, H. and Webb, N. P.. 2014. "Retrieving land surface aerodynamic properties using MODIS Albedo." Dong, Zhibao (ed.) 8th International Conference on Aeolian Research (ICAR 2014). Lanzhou, China 21 - 25 Jul 2014 Lubbock, TX. United States.


Recycled water in Queensland: building a model for the full cost of recycled class A+ water
James-Overheu, Christina A.. 2016. Recycled water in Queensland: building a model for the full cost of recycled class A+ water. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

Managing change for environmental sustainability: an international comparison of small and medium enterprises in the fabric and textile industry
McGrew, Linda Lisa. 2016. Managing change for environmental sustainability: an international comparison of small and medium enterprises in the fabric and textile industry. Doctorate other than PhD Doctor of Business Administation. University of Southern Queensland.

Doctorate other than PhD

Upwelling and eddy activity in the Southern Queensland Coastal Marine Zone, Australia
Brieva Alvarez, Daniel Esteban. 2016. Upwelling and eddy activity in the Southern Queensland Coastal Marine Zone, Australia. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

Predicting climate change impact on nutrient pollution in waterways: a case study in the upper catchment of the Latrobe River, Australia
Alam, Md Jahangir and Dutta, Dushmanta. 2013. "Predicting climate change impact on nutrient pollution in waterways: a case study in the upper catchment of the Latrobe River, Australia." Ecohydrology. 6 (1), pp. 73-82. https://doi.org/10.1002/eco.282


From den to dust: longevity of three dingoes (Canis lupus dingo) on Fraser Island (K’gari)
Behrendorff, Linda and Allen, Benjamin L.. 2016. "From den to dust: longevity of three dingoes (Canis lupus dingo) on Fraser Island (K’gari)." Australian Mammalogy. 38 (2), pp. 256-260. https://doi.org/10.1071/AM16005


A comment on the distribution of historical and contemporary livestock grazing across Australia: implications for using dingoes for biodiversity conservation
Allen, Benjamin L.. 2011. "A comment on the distribution of historical and contemporary livestock grazing across Australia: implications for using dingoes for biodiversity conservation." Ecological Management and Restoration. 12 (1), pp. 26-30. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1442-8903.2011.00571.x


Additional records of small mammals in northern South Australia
Allen, B., Read, J. L. and Medlin, G.. 2011. "Additional records of small mammals in northern South Australia." Australian Mammalogy. 33 (1), pp. 68-72. https://doi.org/10.1071/AM10032


Top-predators as biodiversity regulators: contemporary issues affecting knowledge and management of dingoes in Australia
Allen, Benjamin L., Fleming, Peter J. S., Hayward, Matt, Allen, Lee R., Engeman, Richard M., Ballard, Guy and Leung, Luke K.-P.. 2012. "Top-predators as biodiversity regulators: contemporary issues affecting knowledge and management of dingoes in Australia." Lameed, Gbolagade Akeem (ed.) Biodiversity enrichment in a diverse world. Rijeka, Croatia. In-Tech. pp. 85-132

Edited book (chapter)

Characterization of soluble microbial products (SMPs) in a membrane bioreactor (MBR) treating municipal wastewater containing pharmaceutical compounds
Zhang, Dongqing, Trzcinski, Antoine Prandota, Kunacheva, Chinagarn, Stuckey, David C., Liu, Yu, Tan, Soon Keat and Ng, Wun Jern. 2016. "Characterization of soluble microbial products (SMPs) in a membrane bioreactor (MBR) treating municipal wastewater containing pharmaceutical compounds." Water Research. 102, pp. 594-606. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2016.06.059


Five years of REDD+ governance: the use of market mechanisms as a response to anthropogenic climate change
Cadman, Timothy, Maraseni, Tek, Ok Ma, Hwan and Lopez-Casero, Federico. 2017. "Five years of REDD+ governance: the use of market mechanisms as a response to anthropogenic climate change." Forest Policy and Economics. 79, pp. 8-16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2016.03.008


Treatment of municipal solid waste leachate using a submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor at mesophilic and psychrophilic temperatures: analysis of recalcitrants in the permeate using GC-MS
Trzcinski, Antoine P. and Stuckey, David C.. 2010. "Treatment of municipal solid waste leachate using a submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor at mesophilic and psychrophilic temperatures: analysis of recalcitrants in the permeate using GC-MS." Water Research. 44 (3), pp. 671-680. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2009.09.043


Performance of a three-stage membrane bioprocess treating the organic fraction of municipal solid waste and evolution of its archaeal and bacterial ecology
Trzcinski, Antoine P., Ray, Michael J. and Stuckey, David C.. 2010. "Performance of a three-stage membrane bioprocess treating the organic fraction of municipal solid waste and evolution of its archaeal and bacterial ecology." Bioresource Technology. 101 (6), pp. 1652-1661. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2009.09.075


Post-treatment of the permeate of a submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor (SAMBR) treating landfill leachate
Trzcinski, Antoine P., Ofoegbu, Nkechi and Stuckey, David C.. 2011. "Post-treatment of the permeate of a submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor (SAMBR) treating landfill leachate." Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A: Toxic Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering. 46 (13), pp. 1539-1548. https://doi.org/10.1080/10934529.2011.609402


An assessment of direct on-farm energy use for high value grain crops grown under different farming practices in Australia
Maraseni, Tek, Chen, Guangnan, Banhazi, Thomas, Bundschuh, Jochen and Yusaf, Talal. 2015. "An assessment of direct on-farm energy use for high value grain crops grown under different farming practices in Australia." Energies. 8 (11), pp. 13033-13046. https://doi.org/10.3390/en81112353


Scat happens: spatiotemporal fluctuation in dingo scat collection rates
Allen, Benjamin L.. 2012. "Scat happens: spatiotemporal fluctuation in dingo scat collection rates." Australian Journal of Zoology. 60 (2), pp. 137-140. https://doi.org/10.1071/ZO12038


Seven considerations about dingoes as biodiversity engineers: the socioecological niches of dogs in Australia
Fleming, Peter J. S., Allen, Benjamin L. and Ballard, Guy-Anthony. 2012. "Seven considerations about dingoes as biodiversity engineers: the socioecological niches of dogs in Australia." Australian Mammalogy. 34 (1), pp. 119-123. https://doi.org/10.1071/AM11012


Do desert dingoes drink daily? Visitation rates at remote waterpoints in the Strzelecki Desert
Allen, Benjamin L.. 2012. "Do desert dingoes drink daily? Visitation rates at remote waterpoints in the Strzelecki Desert." Australian Mammalogy. 34 (2), pp. 251-256. https://doi.org/10.1071/AM12012


Assessing predation risk to threatened fauna from their prevalence in predator scats: dingoes and rodents in arid Australia
Allen, Benjamin L. and Leung, Luke K.-P.. 2012. "Assessing predation risk to threatened fauna from their prevalence in predator scats: dingoes and rodents in arid Australia." PLoS One. 7 (5). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0036426


Reintroducing the dingo: the risk of dingo predation to threatened vertebrates of western New South Wales
Allen, B. L. and Fleming, P. J. S.. 2012. "Reintroducing the dingo: the risk of dingo predation to threatened vertebrates of western New South Wales." Wildlife Research. 39 (1), pp. 35-50. https://doi.org/10.1071/WR11128


The effects of lethal control on the conservation values of Canis lupus dingo
Allen, B. L.. 2012. "The effects of lethal control on the conservation values of Canis lupus dingo." Maia, A. P. and Crussi, H. F. (ed.) Wolves: biology, behavior and conservation. New York, United States. Nova Science Publishers. pp. 79-108

Edited book (chapter)

The short-term effects of a routine poisoning campaign on the movements and detectability of a social top-predator
Allen, Benjamin L., Engeman, Richard M. and Leung, Luke K.-P.. 2014. "The short-term effects of a routine poisoning campaign on the movements and detectability of a social top-predator." Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 21 (3), pp. 2178-2190. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-013-2118-7


Parameters affecting the stability of the digestate from a two-stage anaerobic process treating the organic fraction of municipal solid waste
Trzcinski, Antoine P. and Stuckey, David C.. 2011. "Parameters affecting the stability of the digestate from a two-stage anaerobic process treating the organic fraction of municipal solid waste." Waste Management. 31 (7), pp. 1480-1487. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2011.02.015


Enhancing the value of nitrogen from rapeseed meal for microbial oil production
Kiran, Esra Uckun, Salakkama, Apilak, Trzcinski, Antoine P., Bakir, Ufuk and Webb, Colin. 2012. "Enhancing the value of nitrogen from rapeseed meal for microbial oil production." Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 50 (6-7), pp. 337-342. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enzmictec.2012.03.004
