4804. Law in context

Title4804. Law in context
Parent48. Law and Legal Studies

Latest research outputs

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'The difficulties of communication encountered by Indigenous peoples’: moving beyond Indigenous deficit in the model admission rules for legal practitioners
Burns, Marcelle, Young, Simon and Nielsen, Jennifer. 2018. "'The difficulties of communication encountered by Indigenous peoples’: moving beyond Indigenous deficit in the model admission rules for legal practitioners." Legal Education Review. 28 (2), pp. 1-27.


'The machine runs itself': law is technology and Australian embryo and human cloning law
Goding, Vincent and Tranter, Kieran. 2021. "'The machine runs itself': law is technology and Australian embryo and human cloning law." Griffith Law Review. 30 (2), pp. 240-269. https://doi.org/10.1080/10383441.2021.1901356


'Who Built This Fence?': Regenerating Faculty Landscapes for Lasting Education Reform
Young, Simon and Smith, Kirstie. 2025. "'Who Built This Fence?': Regenerating Faculty Landscapes for Lasting Education Reform." Watson, Nicole and Douglas, Heather (ed.) Legal Education through an Indigenous Lens: Decolonising the Law School. United States. Routledge. pp. 71-86

Edited book (chapter)

A climate for change? The 2009 Native Title report
Young, Simon. 2010. "A climate for change? The 2009 Native Title report." Indigenous Law Bulletin. 7 (18), pp. 20-24.


A Close Look at the German and Australian Anti-FGM Framework-Concerns About Equal Protection and Equal Application
Braun, Kerstin and Bose, Martin. 2020. "A Close Look at the German and Australian Anti-FGM Framework-Concerns About Equal Protection and Equal Application." Zeitschrift fuer Internationale Strafrechtsdogmatik (Review of International Criminal Law Doctrine). 15 (12), pp. 566-583.


A European constitution in a multinational Europe or a multinational constitution for Europe?
Breda, Vito. 2006. "A European constitution in a multinational Europe or a multinational constitution for Europe?" European Law Journal. 12 (3), pp. 330-344. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-0386.2006.00320.x


A Legal History for Australia
McKibbin, Sarah, Connors, Libby and Harmes, Marcus. 2021. A Legal History for Australia. London, United Kingdom. Hart Publishing.

Authored book

A polemic against the standing requirement in constitutional cases
Patrick, Jeremy. 2013. "A polemic against the standing requirement in constitutional cases." Capital University Law Review. 41, pp. 603-635.


A Tale of Podcasts and DNA Lab Failures – Was Queensland's Double Jeopardy Law Reform the Answer?
Braun, Kerstin. 2024. "A Tale of Podcasts and DNA Lab Failures – Was Queensland's Double Jeopardy Law Reform the Answer?" Criminal Law Journal. 47 (3), pp. 359-372.


Acceptability of corporal punishment and use of different parenting practices across high-income countries
Gonzalez, Carolina, Morawska, Alina, Higgins, Daryl J. and Haslam, Divna M.. 2024. "Acceptability of corporal punishment and use of different parenting practices across high-income countries." Australian Journal of Social Issues. 59 (3), pp. 648-666. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajs4.340


Access to justice: why do litigants self-represent in Queensland child protection courts?
Reeves, Kathy. 2021. Access to justice: why do litigants self-represent in Queensland child protection courts? PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/q7160

PhD Thesis

Advancing tolerant, secular Commonwealth: anti-discrimination law
Harradine, Matthew William. 2019. Advancing tolerant, secular Commonwealth: anti-discrimination law. Masters Thesis Master of Laws (Research). University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/q93x-k310

Masters Thesis

Agency, autonomy and a theology for legal practice
Mortensen, Reid. 2002. "Agency, autonomy and a theology for legal practice." Bond Law Review. 14 (2), pp. 391-413.


Al-Skeini v United Kingdom (2011) 53 EHRR 18
Collins, Pauline. 2012. "Al-Skeini v United Kingdom (2011) 53 EHRR 18." Australian International Law Journal. 19, pp. 267-277.


An odd partnership: identity-based constitutional claims in modern democracy
Breda, Vito. 2014. "An odd partnership: identity-based constitutional claims in modern democracy." Jenkins, Fiona, Nolan, Mark and Rubenstein, Kim (ed.) Allegiance and identity in a globalised world. Cambridge, United Kingdom. Cambridge University Press. pp. 52-76

Edited book (chapter)

An overview of adverse possession in Australia within the framework of the Torrens system of land registration and comment on a related court case
Simmons, Shane. 2009. "An overview of adverse possession in Australia within the framework of the Torrens system of land registration and comment on a related court case." Ostendorf, Bertram, Baldock, Penny, Bruce, David, Burdett, Mike and Corcoran, Paul (ed.) 2009 Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute Biennial International Conference (SSC 2009): Spatial Diversity. Adelaide, Australia 28 Sep - 02 Oct 2009 Adelaide, Australia.


Ante-factum legislative general vaccination mandates as a solution to legal hypocrisy in pandemics
Radavoi, Ciprian N.. 2024. "Ante-factum legislative general vaccination mandates as a solution to legal hypocrisy in pandemics." World Medical and Health Policy. 16 (3), pp. 260-272. https://doi.org/10.1002/wmh3.606


Application of the health belief model to explain public perceptions, travel intentions and actions during COVID-19: a sequential transformative design
Bremser, Kerstin, Crowley-Cyr, Lynda, Abraham, Villy, Moreno-Martin, Maria J. and Carreno, Mercedes. 2022. "Application of the health belief model to explain public perceptions, travel intentions and actions during COVID-19: a sequential transformative design." Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights. 5 (5), pp. 865-885. https://doi.org/10.1108/JHTI-12-2020-0235


Are warning signs effective in communicating jellyfish hazards?
Crowley-Cyr, Lynda. 2018. "Are warning signs effective in communicating jellyfish hazards?" Journal of Health, Safety and Environment. 34 (2), pp. 181-197.


Art, expression and the offended believer
Mortensen, Reid. 2000. "Art, expression and the offended believer." Ahdair, Rex J. (ed.) Law and religion. Sudbury, MA. United States. Dartmouth Publishing Co Ltd.. pp. 181-197

Edited book (chapter)

Australian constitutional law: commentary and cases
Ratnapala, Suri, Koch, Cornelia, Thomas, John and Karean, Vanitha. 2007. Australian constitutional law: commentary and cases. Melbourne, Australia. Oxford University Press.

Authored book

Australian Law in Context: Social, Political and Global Perspectives
Radavoi, Ciprian and Norris, Stephen. 2020. Australian Law in Context: Social, Political and Global Perspectives. Australia. Lexis Nexis.

Authored book

Balancing secularism with religious freedom: in Lautsi v. Italy, the European Court of Human Rights evolved
Breda, Vito. 2013. "Balancing secularism with religious freedom: in Lautsi v. Italy, the European Court of Human Rights evolved." Menuge, Angus (ed.) Legitimizing human rights: secular and religious perspectives. United Kingdom. Ashgate Publishing Limited. pp. 127-142

Edited book (chapter)

Banishing evidence of intoxication in determining whether a defendant acted voluntarily and intentionally
Hemming, Andrew. 2010. "Banishing evidence of intoxication in determining whether a defendant acted voluntarily and intentionally." University of Tasmania Law Review. 29 (1), pp. 1-30.


Bargaining in the shadow of the law - using utility functions to support legal negotiation
Zeleznikow, John, Bellucci, Emilia, Schild, Uri J. and Mackenzie, Geraldine. 2007. "Bargaining in the shadow of the law - using utility functions to support legal negotiation." 11th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law. Stanford, United States 04 - 08 Jun 2007 New York, NY, United States. https://doi.org/10.1145/1276318.1276365


Beneath the veil: Muslim girls and the Islamic headscarf in secular France
Jones, Nicky. 2009. "Beneath the veil: Muslim girls and the Islamic headscarf in secular France." Macquarie Law Journal. 9, pp. 47-69.


Better justice? or shambolic justice?: governments' use of information technology for access to law and justice, and the impact on regional and rural legal practitioners
Hart, Caroline. 2017. "Better justice? or shambolic justice?: governments' use of information technology for access to law and justice, and the impact on regional and rural legal practitioners." International Journal of Rural Law and Policy. 1, pp. 1-21. https://doi.org/10.5130/ijrlp.i1.2017.4877


Beyond criticism of ethics review boards: strategies for engaging research communities and enhancing ethical review processes
Hickey, Andrew, Davis, Samantha, Farmer, Will, Dawidowicz, Julianna, Moloney, Clint, Lamont-Mills, Andrea, Carniel, Jess, Pillay, Yosheen, Akenson, David, Bromdal, Annette, Gehrmann, Richard, Mills, Dean, Kolbe-Alexander, Tracy, Machin, Tanya, Reich, Suzanne, Southey, Kim, Crowley-Cyr, Lynda, Watanabe, Taiji, Davenport, Josh, ..., Maxwell, Jacinta. 2021. "Beyond criticism of ethics review boards: strategies for engaging research communities and enhancing ethical review processes." Journal of Academic Ethics. 20, pp. 549-567. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10805-021-09430-4


Black deaths stain our history
Jones, Nicky. 2007. "Black deaths stain our history." The Courier-Mail.


Blasphemy in a secular state: a pardonable sin?
Mortensen, Reid. 1994. "Blasphemy in a secular state: a pardonable sin?" University of New South Wales Law Journal. 17, pp. 409-431.


Blind hope, magnificent delusions: the need for privacy protection for personal images uploaded on social networks
Georgiades, Eugenia. 2021. "Blind hope, magnificent delusions: the need for privacy protection for personal images uploaded on social networks." European Intellectual Property Review. 43 (3), pp. 148-155.


Boundaries and the common law
Campbell, Glenn. 2013. "Boundaries and the common law." Graduate Surveyors Weekend Seminar 2013. Toowoomba, Australia 04 - 06 Oct 2013


Breach! The law's jouissance in Mieville's The City and The City
Hourigan, Daniel. 2013. "Breach! The law's jouissance in Mieville's The City and The City." Law, Culture and the Humanities. 9 (1), pp. 156-168. https://doi.org/10.1177/1743872111404849


Business structures and sustainable regional legal practice: the use of incorporated legal practices by regional, rural and remote legal practitioners
Hart, Caroline. 2012. "Business structures and sustainable regional legal practice: the use of incorporated legal practices by regional, rural and remote legal practitioners." International Journal of Rural Law and Policy. 2012 (Special Edition).


Can 'Dr Death' receive a fair trial?
Burgess, Craig. 2007. "Can 'Dr Death' receive a fair trial?" QUT Law Review. 7 (1), pp. 16-29.


Can charter cities 'anabolise' the Australian Federation?
Gussen, Benjamen F.. 2017. "Can charter cities 'anabolise' the Australian Federation?" Public Administration and Policy: a Hong Kong and Asia-Pacific journal. 20 (1), pp. 18-38.


Canadian blasphemy law in context: press, legislative, and public reactions
Patrick, Jeremy. 2010. "Canadian blasphemy law in context: press, legislative, and public reactions." Annual Survey of International and Comparative Law. 16 (1), pp. 129-163.


Cattle v the Crown: is there a place for the Commonwealth as animal welfare guardian?
Walker-Munro, Brendan. 2015. "Cattle v the Crown: is there a place for the Commonwealth as animal welfare guardian?" University of Queensland Law Journal. 34 (2), pp. 363-391.


Charting new horizons in procedural fairness and substantive fairness in individual employment law
Sundra Karean, Vanitha. 2007. "Charting new horizons in procedural fairness and substantive fairness in individual employment law." Malayan Law Journal. 6, pp. i-xvi.


Choice of law in cross-border insolvencies: matters of substance and procedure
Mason, Rosalind. 2001. "Choice of law in cross-border insolvencies: matters of substance and procedure." Insolvency Law Journal. 9 (2), pp. 69-87.
