310308. Terrestrial ecology

Title310308. Terrestrial ecology
Parent3103. Ecology

Latest research outputs

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Immediate impacts of fire on koala movement in a fragmented landscape
Bista, Damber, Allen, Benjamin, Baxter, Greg, Booth, Rosemary, Reardon-Smith, Kathryn, Gorecki, Vanessa and Murray, Peter. 2024. "Immediate impacts of fire on koala movement in a fragmented landscape." Global Ecology and Conservation. 56. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2024.e03274


A horizon scan of future priorities to support the sustainability of plant-soil ecosystems in Australia
Birnbaum, Christina, Egidi, Eleonora, Powell, Jeff and Hopkins, Anna. 2024. "A horizon scan of future priorities to support the sustainability of plant-soil ecosystems in Australia." Conference of the Ecological Society of Australia (ESA 2024). Melbourne, Australia 09 - 13 Dec 2024 Australia.


Lantana camara L. soil legacy effects on native plant growth and symbiotic soil biota
Ryan, Juanita, Birnbaum, Christina and Frew, Adam. 2024. "Lantana camara L. soil legacy effects on native plant growth and symbiotic soil biota." 23rd Australasian Weeds Conference. Brisbane, Australia 25 - 29 Aug 2024 Australia.


Environmental and host plant effects on taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity of root fungal endophytes
Farrer, E.C., Kulick, N.K., Birnbaum, C., Halbrook, S.R., Bumby, C.R. and Willis, C.. 2024. "Environmental and host plant effects on taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity of root fungal endophytes." 2024 Conference of the Ecological Society of America (ESA 2024). Long Beach, United States 04 - 09 Aug 2024


Temporal trends in Phragmites australis invasion in the Gulf Coast are highly site-dependent
Pham, T., Birnbaum, C., Brady, M.V., Bumby, C.R., Deogracias, A.J., Dixon, J.I., Ellis, D., Fronabarger, K.H., Halbrook, S.R., Jacobs, N., Kulick, N.K., Lange, K.M., Lee, S.F., Ogoma, C.A., Schroeder, C.S., Shribman, Z.I., Smith, M., Sun, K., Valentine, K.L., ..., Farrer, E.C.. 2024. "Temporal trends in Phragmites australis invasion in the Gulf Coast are highly site-dependent." 2024 Conference of the Ecological Society of America (ESA 2024). Long Beach, United States 04 - 09 Aug 2024


Evaluating sublethal anticoagulant rodenticide exposure in deceased predatory birds of South-East Queensland, Australia
Low, Zachary, Murray, Peter J., Naseem, Noman, McGilp, Daniel, Doneley, Bob, Beale, David J., Biggs, Leo and Gonzalez-Astudillo, Viviana. 2024. "Evaluating sublethal anticoagulant rodenticide exposure in deceased predatory birds of South-East Queensland, Australia ." Discover Toxicology. 1 (13). https://doi.org/10.1007/s44339-024-00016-4


Integrating soil microbial communities into fundamental ecology, conservation, and restoration: examples from Australia
Birnbaum, Christina, Dearnaley, John, Egidi, Eleonora, Frew, Adam, Hopkins, Anna, Powell, Jeff, Aguilar-Trigueros, Carlos, Liddicoat, Craig, Albornoz, Felipe, Heuck, Meike K., Dadzie, Frederick A., Florence, Luke, Singh, Pankaj, Mansfield, Tomas, Rajapaksha, Kumari, Stewart, Jana, Rallo, Paola, Peddle, Shawn D. and Chiarenza, Giancarlo. 2024. "Integrating soil microbial communities into fundamental ecology, conservation, and restoration: examples from Australia." New Phytologist. 241 (3), pp. 974-981. https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.19440


Whose scat is that? Determining recognition of predator scat by Australian mammals
Edwards, M. C., Hoy, J. M., FitzGibbon, S. I. and Murray, P. J.. 2024. "Whose scat is that? Determining recognition of predator scat by Australian mammals." Australian Mammalogy. 46. https://doi.org/10.1071/AM23050


Plant and soil fungal community responses to cultural burning
Birnbaum, Christina, Kath, J, Dearnaley, J and Reardon-Smith, K. 2023. "Plant and soil fungal community responses to cultural burning." 65th Annual Symposium for International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS 2023). Coffs Harbour, Australia 03 - 08 Sep 2023 Australia.


Can morphological traits explain species-specific differences in meta-analyses? A case study of forest beetles
Staton, Tom, Girling, Robbie D., Redak, Richard A., Smith, Sandy M. and Allison, Jeremy D.. 2023. "Can morphological traits explain species-specific differences in meta-analyses? A case study of forest beetles." Ecological Applications. 33 (4). https://doi.org/10.1002/eap.2838


Aiding coastal wetland restoration via the belowground soil microbiome: an overview
Birnbaum, Christina and Trevathan-Tackett, Stacey M.. 2023. "Aiding coastal wetland restoration via the belowground soil microbiome: an overview." Restoration Ecology. 31 (7). https://doi.org/10.1111/rec.13824


Ecology and movement of urban koalas adjacent to linear infrastructure in coastal south-east Queensland
de Oliveira, S. M., Murray, P. J., de Villiers, D. L. and Baxter, G. S.. 2013. "Ecology and movement of urban koalas adjacent to linear infrastructure in coastal south-east Queensland." Australian Mammalogy. 36 (1), pp. 45-54. https://doi.org/10.1071/AM12046


At home in a new range: wild red deer in south-eastern Queensland
Amos, Matt, Baxter, Greg, Finch, Neal and Murray, Peter. 2014. "At home in a new range: wild red deer in south-eastern Queensland." Wildlife Research. 41 (3), pp. 258-265. https://doi.org/10.1071/wr14034


Degradation Reduces Microbial Richness and Alters Microbial Functions in an Australian Peatland
Birnbaum, Christina, Wood, Jennifer, Lilleskov, Erik, Lamit, Louis James, Shannon, James, Brewer, Matthew and Grover, Samantha. 2023. "Degradation Reduces Microbial Richness and Alters Microbial Functions in an Australian Peatland." Microbial Ecology: an international journal. 85 (3), pp. 875-891. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00248-022-02071-z


Disturbance and fragmentation impacts movement ecology of a habitat specialist: conservation implications for red pandas
Bista, Damber. 2022. Disturbance and fragmentation impacts movement ecology of a habitat specialist: conservation implications for red pandas. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Queensland. https://doi.org/10.14264/de41d40

PhD Thesis

The effects of cluster fencing on native and introduced fauna
Castle, Geoff. 2022. The effects of cluster fencing on native and introduced fauna. PhD by Publication Master of Science. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/yy20w

PhD by Publication

Identification and prevalence of a gammaherpesvirus in free-ranging northern brown bandicoots (Isoodon macrourus)
Langhorne, Charlotte, Sullivan, Jennifer, Hoy, Julia, Kopp, Steven, Murray, Peter and McMichael, Lee. 2021. "Identification and prevalence of a gammaherpesvirus in free-ranging northern brown bandicoots (Isoodon macrourus)." Journal of Wildlife Disease. 57 (4), pp. 912-916. https://doi.org/10.7589/JWD-D-20-00166


Haematology and serum biochemistry results for anaesthetised northern brown bandicoots (Isoodon macrourus) in south east Queensland
Langhorne, Charlotte, McMichael, Lee, Hoy, Julia, Kopp, Stephen and Murray, Peter. 2021. "Haematology and serum biochemistry results for anaesthetised northern brown bandicoots (Isoodon macrourus) in south east Queensland." Australian Veterinary Journal. 99 (9), pp. 408-411. https://doi.org/10.1111/avj.13098


Aboveground herbivory suppresses the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis, reducing plant phosphorus uptake
Frew, Adam. 2021. "Aboveground herbivory suppresses the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis, reducing plant phosphorus uptake." Applied Soil Ecology. 168. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsoil.2021.104133


The development of an improved scat survey method for koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus)
Jiang, Alex, Tribe, Andrew and Murray, Peter. 2020. "The development of an improved scat survey method for koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus)." Australian Journal of Zoology. 67 (3), pp. 125-133. https://doi.org/10.1071/ZO20006


Decline in body condition and high drought mortality limit the spread of wild chital deer in north-east Queensland, Australia
Watter, Kurt, Baxter, Greg, Brennan, Michael, Pople, Anthony and Murray, Peter. 2019. "Decline in body condition and high drought mortality limit the spread of wild chital deer in north-east Queensland, Australia." The Rangeland Journal. 41 (4), pp. 293-299. https://doi.org/10.1071/RJ18113


The effects of exclusion fencing on the yellow-footed rock-wallaby (Petrogale xanthopus celeris)
Smith, Deane A.. 2020. The effects of exclusion fencing on the yellow-footed rock-wallaby (Petrogale xanthopus celeris). PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/8GCG-FD24

PhD Thesis

Microbial community structure and function differs between dried peat and intact bog peat across a vertical soil gradient
Birnbaum, Christina, Wood, Jennifer, Lilleskov, Erik, Lamit, Louis James, Shannon, James, Brewer, Matthew and Grover, Samantha. 2021. "Microbial community structure and function differs between dried peat and intact bog peat across a vertical soil gradient." 2021 Conference of the Ecological Society of Australia (ESA 2021). Australia.


Plant and microbial impacts of an invasive species vary across an environmental gradient
Farrer, Emily C., Birnbaum, Christina, Waryszak, Pawel, Halbrook, Susannah R., Brady, Monica V., Bumby, Caitlin R., Candaele, Helena, Kulick, Nelle K., Lee, Sean F. H., Schroeder, Carolyn S., Smith, McKenzie K. H. and Wilber, William. 2021. "Plant and microbial impacts of an invasive species vary across an environmental gradient ." Journal of Ecology. 109 (5), pp. 2163-2176. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.13629


Increasing species richness of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi benefits some plants, but not others
Frew, Adam. 2019. "Increasing species richness of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi benefits some plants, but not others." 2019 Conference of the Ecological Society of Australia (ESA 2019). Launceston, Australia 24 - 29 Nov 2019


Phragmites australis Associates with Belowground Fungal Communities Characterized by High Diversity and Pathogen Abundance
Schroeder, Carolyn S., Halbrook, Susannah, Birnbaum, Christina, Waryszak, Pawel, Wilber, William and Farrer, Emily C.. 2020. "Phragmites australis Associates with Belowground Fungal Communities Characterized by High Diversity and Pathogen Abundance ." Diversity. 12 (9). https://doi.org/10.3390/d12090363


Availability of soil mutualists may not limit non-native Acacia invasion but could increase their impact on native soil communities
Wandrag, Elizabeth M., Birnbaum, Christina, Klock, Metha M., Barrett, Luke G. and Thrall, Peter H.. 2020. "Availability of soil mutualists may not limit non-native Acacia invasion but could increase their impact on native soil communities ." Journal of Applied Ecology. 57 (4), pp. 786-793. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.13577


Fire Effects on Soil Properties by P Pereira, J Mataix-Solera, X Ubeda, G Reain & A Cerda
Frew, Adam. 2020. "Fire Effects on Soil Properties by P Pereira, J Mataix-Solera, X Ubeda, G Reain & A Cerda." Austral Ecology: a journal of ecology in the Southern Hemisphere. 45, pp. 659-659. https://doi.org/10.1111/aec.12843

Book review

Dryland management regimes alter forest habitats and understory arthropod communities
Johnson, S. N., Lopaticki, G., Aslam, T. J., Barnett, K., Frew, A., Hartley, S. E., Hiltpold, I., Nielsen, U. N. and Ryalls, J. M. W.. 2018. "Dryland management regimes alter forest habitats and understory arthropod communities." Annals of Applied Biology. 172 (3), pp. 282-294. https://doi.org/10.1111/aab.12419


Belowground ecology of scarabs feeding on grass roots: current knowledge and future directions for management in Australasia
Frew, Adam, Barnett, Kirk, Nielsen, Uffe N., Riegler, Markus and Johnson, Scott N.. 2016. "Belowground ecology of scarabs feeding on grass roots: current knowledge and future directions for management in Australasia." Frontiers in Plant Science. 7 (321), pp. 1-15. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2016.00321


Soil fungal responses to experimental warming and drying in a Mediterranean shrubland
Birnbaum, Christina, Hopkins, Anna J.M., Fontaine, Joseph B. and Enright, Enright. 2019. "Soil fungal responses to experimental warming and drying in a Mediterranean shrubland ." Science of the Total Environment. 683, pp. 524-536. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.05.222


Symbiotic N2-Fixer Community Composition, but Not Diversity, Shifts in Nodules of a Single Host Legume Across a 2-Million-Year Dune Chronosequence
Birnbaum, Christina, Bissett, Andrew, Teste, Francois P. and Laliberte, Etienne. 2018. "Symbiotic N2-Fixer Community Composition, but Not Diversity, Shifts in Nodules of a Single Host Legume Across a 2-Million-Year Dune Chronosequence ." Microbial Ecology: an international journal. 76 (4), pp. 1009-1020. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00248-018-1185-1


Effect of plant root symbionts on performance of native woody species in competition with an invasive grass in multispecies microcosms
Birnbaum, Christina, Morald, Tim K., Tibbett, Mark, Bennett, Richard G. and Standish, Rachel J.. 2018. "Effect of plant root symbionts on performance of native woody species in competition with an invasive grass in multispecies microcosms ." Ecology and Evolution. 8 (17), pp. 8652-8664. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.4397


Drivers of grassland resistance and recovery to long term drought
Le Brocque, Andrew F, Kath, Jarrod, Reardon-Smith, Kate and Apan, Armando. 2017. "Drivers of grassland resistance and recovery to long term drought." 6th Joint Conference of the Ecological Society of Australia and the New Zealand Ecological Society (EcoTAS 2017). Pokolbin, Australia 26 Nov - 01 Dec 2017


Groundwater decline and climatic variability: Implications for groundwater linked agro-ecosystems
Le Brocque, Andrew F., Kath, Jarrod, Reardon-Smith, Kate and Apan, Armando. 2016. "Groundwater decline and climatic variability: Implications for groundwater linked agro-ecosystems." 2016 Conference of the Ecological Society of Australia (ESA 2016). Fremantle, Australia 29 Nov - 02 Dec 2016 Australia.


Nitrogen-fixing bacterial communities in invasive legume nodules and associated soils are similar across introduced and native range populations in Australia
Birnbaum, Christina, Bissett, Andrew, Thrall, Peter H. and Leishman, Michelle R.. 2016. "Nitrogen-fixing bacterial communities in invasive legume nodules and associated soils are similar across introduced and native range populations in Australia ." Journal of Biogeography. 43 (8), pp. 1631-1644. https://doi.org/10.1111/jbi.12752


Sequential Disturbance Effects of Hailstorm and Fire on Vegetation in a Mediterranean-Type Ecosystem
Gower, K., Fontaine, J.B., Birnbaum, C. and Enright, N.J.. 2015. "Sequential Disturbance Effects of Hailstorm and Fire on Vegetation in a Mediterranean-Type Ecosystem ." Ecosystems. 18 (7), pp. 1121-1134. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10021-015-9886-5


Regeneration failure threatens persistence of Persoonia elliptica (Proteaceae) in Western Australian jarrah forests
Nield, Andrew P., Monaco, Sophie, Birnbaum, Christina and Enright, Neal J.. 2015. "Regeneration failure threatens persistence of Persoonia elliptica (Proteaceae) in Western Australian jarrah forests ." Plant Ecology. 216 (2), pp. 189-198. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11258-014-0427-7


Invasive legumes encounter similar soil fungal communities in their non-native and native ranges in Australia
Birnbaum, Christina, Bissett, Andrew, Thrall, Peter H. and Leishman, Michelle R.. 2014. "Invasive legumes encounter similar soil fungal communities in their non-native and native ranges in Australia ." Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 76, pp. 210-217. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2014.05.017


Plant-soil feedbacks do not explain invasion success of Acacia species in introduced range populations in Australia
Birnbaum, C. and Leishman, M. R.. 2013. "Plant-soil feedbacks do not explain invasion success of Acacia species in introduced range populations in Australia ." Biological Invasions. 15 (12), pp. 2609-2625. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10530-013-0478-z
