430399. Historical studies not elsewhere classified

Title430399. Historical studies not elsewhere classified
Parent4303. Historical studies

Latest research outputs

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Spotlight on Journalism and Popular Heroism: The Rise from Tabloid Stars to Digital Activists
Coatney, Caryn. 2025. Spotlight on Journalism and Popular Heroism: The Rise from Tabloid Stars to Digital Activists. United Kingdom. Routledge.

Authored book

Beyond the fast and the furious: how Australian journalists cover AI nudging©
Coatney, Caryn. 2024. "Beyond the fast and the furious: how Australian journalists cover AI nudging©." Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand Communication Association 2024 Conference. Melbourne, Australia 25 - 28 Nov 2024 Australia.


"Journalistic Revolution": The Rise of Newswomen during Australia’s Press Wars, 1933–1945
Coatney, Caryn. 2024. ""Journalistic Revolution": The Rise of Newswomen during Australia’s Press Wars, 1933–1945." 74th Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference. Gold Coast, Australia 20 - 24 Aug 2024 Gold Coast, Queensland.


Research in Depth: The Rise of Newswomen During Australia’s Press Wars
Coatney, Caryn. 2024. "Research in Depth: The Rise of Newswomen During Australia’s Press Wars." Media Report to Women. 52 (3), pp. 6-11.


The future of work: how John Curtin was calling for a new cooperative work ethic 80 years ago
Coatney, Caryn. 2023. "The future of work: how John Curtin was calling for a new cooperative work ethic 80 years ago." The Conversation.


Golden Ages of Journalism
Coatney, Caryn. 2023. "Golden Ages of Journalism." 13th Australian Media Traditions Conference 2023. Toowoomba, Australia 20 - 21 Sep 2023 Australia.


Ronald Morgan (Ron) Richards (1928–2000)
Coatney, Caryn. 2023. "Ronald Morgan (Ron) Richards (1928–2000)." Australian Dictionary of Biography.

Contribution to Newspaper, Magazine, or Website

‘Wireless Vistas: how amateur experimenters made sport of Marconi’s dream.’
Mason, Andrew. 2023. "‘Wireless Vistas: how amateur experimenters made sport of Marconi’s dream.’." 13th Australian Media Traditions Conference. Toowoomba, Australia 20 - 21 Sep 2023 Australia.


Representing Trust in Digital Journalism
Coatney, Caryn. 2023. "Representing Trust in Digital Journalism ." Media and Communication. 11 (4), pp. 1-12. https://doi.org/10.17645/mac.v11i4.6982


“Here comes John Curtin”: The historical consciousness of a journalists’ hero
Coatney, Caryn. 2023. "“Here comes John Curtin”: The historical consciousness of a journalists’ hero." Historical Encounters. 10 (1), pp. 1-13. https://doi.org/10.52289/hej10.101


‘New Forces’: How Classroom Textbooks Are Redefining Journalism
Coatney, Caryn. 2023. "‘New Forces’: How Classroom Textbooks Are Redefining Journalism." Journalism and Mass Communication Educator. 78 (1), pp. 40-52. https://doi.org/10.1177/10776958221138702


Conversations with Danielle Cronin, Philip Howard and Julian Thomas
Coatney, Caryn. 2023. "Conversations with Danielle Cronin, Philip Howard and Julian Thomas." Coatney, Caryn (ed.) Investigative Journalism in Changing Times: Australian and Anglo-American Reporting. United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 170-181

Edited book (chapter)

Data investigations: A humanitarian turn
Coatney, Caryn. 2023. "Data investigations: A humanitarian turn." Coatney, Caryn (ed.) Investigative Journalism in Changing Times: Australian and Anglo-American Reporting. United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 135-149

Edited book (chapter)

A golden age? Myths and meaning
Coatney, Caryn. 2023. "A golden age? Myths and meaning." Coatney, Caryn (ed.) Investigative Journalism in Changing Times: Australian and Anglo-American Reporting. United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 16-30

Edited book (chapter)

Coatney, Caryn. 2023. "Introduction." Coatney, Caryn (ed.) Investigative Journalism in Changing Times: Australian and Anglo-American Reporting. United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 1-15

Edited book (chapter)

Coatney, Caryn. 2023. "Afterword." Coatney, Caryn (ed.) Investigative Journalism in Changing Times: Australian and Anglo-American Reporting. United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 182-184

Edited book (chapter)

Investigative Journalism in Changing Times: Australian and Anglo-American Reporting
Coatney, C. (ed.) 2023. Investigative Journalism in Changing Times: Australian and Anglo-American Reporting. United Kingdom. Routledge.

Edited book

Saluting Their Service - Community Stories Website
Maddock, Daniel. 2022. Saluting Their Service - Community Stories Website. Toowoomba, Australia.

Audio/visual recording

Formalizing Trust in Historical Weather Data
Sieber, Renee, Slonosky, Victoria, Ashcroft, Linden and Pudmenzky, Christa. 2022. "Formalizing Trust in Historical Weather Data." Weather, Climate and Society. 14 (3), pp. 993-1007. https://doi.org/10.1175/WCAS-D-21-0077.1


Power and compassion: John Curtin's journalist relations, 1941-1945©
Coatney, Caryn. 2021. "Power and compassion: John Curtin's journalist relations, 1941-1945©." Nolan, David (ed.) 2021 Australian and New Zealand Communication Association: Communication, Authority and Power (ANZCA 2021). Melbourne, Australia 06 - 09 Jul 2021 Melbourne, Australia.


Business as Usual: Feminist History in a Post-Truth World
Piper, Alana and Stevenson, Ana. 2020. "Business as Usual: Feminist History in a Post-Truth World." Gudonis, Marius and Jones, Benjamin T. (ed.) History in a Post-Truth World: Theory and Praxis. New York. Routledge. pp. 183-198

Edited book (chapter)

Recovering an optimistic era: Chinese-Australian journalism from the 1920s to the 1940s
Coatney, Caryn. 2021. "Recovering an optimistic era: Chinese-Australian journalism from the 1920s to the 1940s." Dewhirst, Catherine and Scully, Richard (ed.) Voices of Challenge in Australia's Migrant and Minority Press. Cham, Switzerland. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 83-106

Edited book (chapter)

‘Virtually a victory': The Australian Woman’s Sphere and the mainstream press during Vida Goldstein’s 1903 Federal candidature
Walker, Natasha and Dewhirst, Catherine. 2021. "‘Virtually a victory': The Australian Woman’s Sphere and the mainstream press during Vida Goldstein’s 1903 Federal candidature." Dewhirst, Catherine and Scully, Richard (ed.) Voices of Challenge in Australia’s Migrant and Minority Press. Cham, Switzerland. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 193-219

Edited book (chapter)

Australia’s migrant and minority community press and cultural heritage
Dewhirst, Catherine and Scully, Richard. 2021. "Australia’s migrant and minority community press and cultural heritage." Dewhirst, Catherine and Scully, Richard (ed.) Voices of Challenge in Australia’s Migrant and Minority Press. Cham, Switzerland. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 1-14

Edited book (chapter)

'Show solidarity': Journalists’ anti-trolling networks©
Coatney, Caryn. 2022. "'Show solidarity': Journalists’ anti-trolling networks©." Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference. Australia. Australian and New Zealand Communication Association.


Transforming broadcast news: Robert G.Menzies and journalists©
Coatney, C. M.. 2022. "Transforming broadcast news: Robert G.Menzies and journalists©." 72nd Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference. Paris, France 23 May - 01 Jun 2022 United States. International Communication Association.


‘Amazing Stories’: Australian Newspapers and Anti-Spy Panic, 1910–1945©
Coatney, Caryn. 2022. "‘Amazing Stories’: Australian Newspapers and Anti-Spy Panic, 1910–1945© ." Media History. 28 (4), pp. 494-509. https://doi.org/10.1080/13688804.2021.1947213


Don’t feed the trolls? Emerging journalism practices for fighting anti-Semitism©
Coatney, Caryn. 2021. "Don’t feed the trolls? Emerging journalism practices for fighting anti-Semitism©." Cosmopolitan Civil Societies: an interdisciplinary journal. 13 (1), pp. 62-78. https://doi.org/10.5130/ccs.v13.i1.7421


Legacies of civil wars: a 14‐year study of social conflicts and well‐being outcomes in farming economies
Igreja, Victor, Colaizzi, Janna and Brekelmans, Alana. 2021. "Legacies of civil wars: a 14‐year study of social conflicts and well‐being outcomes in farming economies." British Journal of Sociology. 72 (2), pp. 426-447. https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-4446.12802


Communicating Compassionately in a Crisis: John Curtin and Journalists, 1941-1945
Coatney, Caryn. 2020. "Communicating Compassionately in a Crisis: John Curtin and Journalists, 1941-1945." International Journal of Humanities and Social Science. 10 (12), pp. 36-45. https://doi.org/10.30845/ijhss.v10n12p5


Australia and the International Astronomical Union: the 2003 Sydney general assembly
Lomb, Nick. 2021. "Australia and the International Astronomical Union: the 2003 Sydney general assembly." Historical Records of Australian Science. 32 (1), pp. 83-97. https://doi.org/10.1071/HR20015


Conclusion: cross-cultural communication and language in wartime: reflections and future directions
Gehrmann, Richard and Laugesen, Amanda. 2020. "Conclusion: cross-cultural communication and language in wartime: reflections and future directions." Laugesen, Amanda and Gehrmann, Richard (ed.) Communication, Interpreting and Language in Wartime: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Switzerland. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 255-266

Edited book (chapter)

Australia and the International Astronomical Union: The 1973 Sydney general assembly
Lomb, Nick. 2020. "Australia and the International Astronomical Union: The 1973 Sydney general assembly." Historical Records of Australian Science. 31 (2), pp. 118-126. https://doi.org/10.1071/HR20004


Kerby, Martin, Baguley, Margaret and McDonald, Janet. 2019. "Conclusion." Kerby, Martin, Baguley, Margaret and McDonald, Janet (ed.) The Palgrave handbook of artistic and cultural responses to war since 1914: the British Isles, the United States and Australasia. Cham, Switzerland. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 575-576

Edited book (chapter)

The Palgrave handbook of artistic and cultural responses to war since 1914: the British Isles, the United States, and Australasia
Kerby, Martin, Baguley, Margaret and McDonald, Janet (ed.) 2019. The Palgrave handbook of artistic and cultural responses to war since 1914: the British Isles, the United States, and Australasia. Cham, Switzerland. Palgrave Macmillan.

Authored book

The theatre of war: rememoration and the horse
McDonald, Janet. 2019. "The theatre of war: rememoration and the horse." Kerby, Martin, Baguley, Margaret and McDonald, Janet (ed.) The Palgrave handbook of artistic and cultural responses to war since 1914: the British Isles, the United States and Australasia. Cham, Switzerland. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 535-551

Edited book (chapter)

Media rhetoric of post-heroic leadership: Julia Gillard, Barack Obama and Press Gallery journalists, 2010–2013©
Coatney, Caryn. 2018. "Media rhetoric of post-heroic leadership: Julia Gillard, Barack Obama and Press Gallery journalists, 2010–2013©." Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy: quarterly journal of media research and resources. 167 (1), pp. 71-87. https://doi.org/10.1177/1329878X18766095


Spirit possession
Igreja, Victor. 2018. "Spirit possession." Callan, Hilary (ed.) The international encyclopedia of anthropology. Oxford, United Kingdom. John Wiley & Sons.

Textbook (chapter)

Scientific society journals: the publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia
Lomb, Nick. 2018. "Scientific society journals: the publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia." Historical Records of Australian Science. 29 (2), pp. 112-121. https://doi.org/10.1071/HR18002


Recovering forgotten lives through fact and fiction
Brien, Donna Lee, Baker, Dallas John and Sulway, Nike. 2017. "Recovering forgotten lives through fact and fiction." Baker, Dallas John, Brien, Donna Lee and Sulway, Nike (ed.) Recovering history through fact and fiction: forgotten lives. Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 2-10

Edited book (chapter)