460608. Mobile computing
Title | 460608. Mobile computing |
Parent | 4606. Distributed computing and systems software |
Latest research outputs
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Proximity Coordinated Random Access (PCRA) for M2M applications in LTE-A
Brown, Jason and Khan, Jamil. 2018. "Proximity Coordinated Random Access (PCRA) for M2M applications in LTE-A." 28th International Telecommunication Networks and Application Conference: Experiments and Proofs in Web-service Security (ITNAC 2018). Sydney, Australia 21 - 23 Nov 2018 New York, United States.Paper
Performance Evaluation for Tracking a Malicious UAV using an Autonomous UAV Swarm
Arnold, Christopher and Brown, Jason. 2020. "Performance Evaluation for Tracking a Malicious UAV using an Autonomous UAV Swarm." 11th IEEE Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON 2020). New York City, United States 28 - 31 Oct 2020 Piscataway, United States. https://doi.org/10.1109/UEMCON51285.2020.9298062Paper
Blocking analysis of persistent resource allocations for M2M applications in wireless systems
Brown, Jason, Afrin, Nusrat and Khan, Jamil. 2016. "Blocking analysis of persistent resource allocations for M2M applications in wireless systems ." Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies. 27 (11), pp. 1513-1529. https://doi.org/10.1002/ett.3091Article
Key performance aspects of an LTE FDD based Smart Grid communications network
Brown, Jason and Khan, Jamil. 2013. "Key performance aspects of an LTE FDD based Smart Grid communications network." Computer Communications. 36 (5), pp. 551-561. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comcom.2012.12.007Article
The effects of mobile devices on student learning in a new zealand-based university preparation course: a case study
Saavedra, Emily Kate. 2018. The effects of mobile devices on student learning in a new zealand-based university preparation course: a case study. Doctorate other than PhD Doctor of Education. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/5c0dda70f69deDoctorate other than PhD
A modular system for canine augmentation
Smith, Daniel and Chan, Ka Ching. 2016. "A modular system for canine augmentation." Tien, David (ed.) 11th International Conference on Information Technology and Applications (ICITA 2016). Sydney, Australia 01 - 04 Jul 2016 Australia.Paper
Exploring language contact and use among globally mobile populations: a qualitative study of English-speaking short-stay academic sojourners in the Republic of Korea
Pooley, Aaron William. 2017. Exploring language contact and use among globally mobile populations: a qualitative study of English-speaking short-stay academic sojourners in the Republic of Korea. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/5c09bd3ff0cc7PhD Thesis
The determinants for the use of wireless system in traditional Chinese hospital
Su, Ying and Gururajan, Raj. 2009. "The determinants for the use of wireless system in traditional Chinese hospital." Luo, Ql and Tan, Honghua (ed.) WNIS 2009: International Conference on Wireless Networks and Information Systems. Shanghai, China 28 - 29 Dec 2009 United States. https://doi.org/10.1109/WNIS.2009.102Paper
Podcasting for learning in universities
Salmon, Gilly K. and Edirisingha, Palitha. 2008. Podcasting for learning in universities. Buckingham, United Kingdom. Open University Press.Authored book
Moving towards the effective evaluation of mobile learning initiatives in higher education institutions
Farley, Helen, Murphy, Angela, Todd, Nicole Ann, Lane, Michael, Hafeez-Baig, Abdul, Midgley, Warren and Johnson, Chris. 2015. "Moving towards the effective evaluation of mobile learning initiatives in higher education institutions." Zhang, Yu (Aimee) (ed.) Handbook of mobile teaching and learning. Germany. Springer. pp. 721-740Edited book (chapter)

Introducing the mobile ECG system: using multi-touch function to support cardiac diagnosis
Mula, Joseph and Lin, Adam. 2012. "Introducing the mobile ECG system: using multi-touch function to support cardiac diagnosis." Follow The Sun 2012: Online Learning Futures Festival (SUN 2012): Futures for Knowledge. Leicester, United Kingdom 27 - 30 Mar 2012 Leicester, United Kingdom.Paper
Mobile learning trends among students in Vietnam
Murphy, Angela, Midgley, Warren and Farley, Helen. 2014. "Mobile learning trends among students in Vietnam." Kalz, Marco, Bayyurt, Yasmin and Specht, Marcus (ed.) 13th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning (mLearn 2014): Mobile as a Mainstream – Towards Future Challenges in Mobile Learning. Istanbul, Turkey 03 - 05 Nov 2014 Switzerland. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-13416-1_18Paper
An empirical analysis of SNS users and their privacy and security awareness of risks associated with sharing SNS profiles (online identities)
Lane, Michael Steven and Shrestha, Anup. 2011. "An empirical analysis of SNS users and their privacy and security awareness of risks associated with sharing SNS profiles (online identities)." Rotchanakitumnuai, Siriluck and Kaewkitipong, Laddawan (ed.) 11th International Conference on Electronic Business: Borderless e-Business for the Next Decade (ICEB 2011). Bangkok, Thailand 28 Nov - 02 Dec 2011 Bangkok, Thailand.Paper
Using volunteered information to map the Queensland floods
McDougall, Kevin. 2011. "Using volunteered information to map the Queensland floods." 2011 Surveying and Spatial Sciences Conference: Innovation in Action: Working Smarter (SSSC 2011). Wellington, New Zealand 21 - 25 Nov 2011 Adelaide, Australia.Paper
E-learning incarcerated: the social and cultural context of mobile and digital learning in Queensland correctional centres
Hopkins, Susan. 2013. "E-learning incarcerated: the social and cultural context of mobile and digital learning in Queensland correctional centres." Becker, Anthony (ed.) 11th Biennial Australasian Corrections Education Association Conference : the Learning Prison, Correctional Education in the 21st Century (ACEA 2013). Sydney, Australia 29 Sep - 01 Oct 2013 Sydney, Australia.Other
Advanced Antenna Technologies in the Beyond IMT-Advanced Systems
Peng, Mugen, Wang, Cheng-Xiang, Gao, Feifei and Xiang, Wei. 2013. "Advanced Antenna Technologies in the Beyond IMT-Advanced Systems ." International Journal of Antennas and Propagation. 2013. https://doi.org/10.1155/2013/156831Editorial
Using portable Moodle and eReaders to enhance learning at a distance for incarcerated offenders
Murphy, Angela, Farley, Helen, Janke, Des and Fowler, Jonathon. 2012. "Using portable Moodle and eReaders to enhance learning at a distance for incarcerated offenders." MoodleMoot Au 2012: Riding the Wave. Gold Coast, Australia 01 - 04 Jul 2012Paper
Efficient Algorithms for Scheduling XML Data in a Mobile Wireless Broadcast Environment
Qin, Yongrui, Wang, Hua, Zhang, Ji, Tao, Xiaohui, Zhang, Wei Emma, Taylor, Kerry and Sheng, Quan Z.. 2015. "Efficient Algorithms for Scheduling XML Data in a Mobile Wireless Broadcast Environment." 21st IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS 2015). Melbourne, Australia 14 - 17 Dec 2015 Australia. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICPADS.2015.96Paper
Researching regional impact: the challenges and complexities
Doyle, Joanne, Cuthill, Michael, McDonald, Lisa and Keppell, Mike. 2014. "Researching regional impact: the challenges and complexities." Keppell, Mike and Reushle, Shirley (ed.) 2nd Digital Rural Futures Conference 2014. Toowoomba, Australia 25 - 27 Jun 2014 Toowoomba, Australia.Poster
Health text analysis: a Queensland Health case study
Gururajan, Raj, Hafeez-Baig, Abdul, Clark, Kevin, Moller, Susan and Sankaran, Prema. 2014. "Health text analysis: a Queensland Health case study." Mathirajan, M. (ed.) 2nd International Conference on Business Analytics and Intelligence (ICBAI 2014). Bangalore, India 18 - 20 Dec 2014 Bangalore, India.Paper
Mobile learning anytime, anywhere: what are our students doing?
Murphy, Angela, Farley, Helen, Lane, Michael, Hafeez-Baig, Abdul and Carter, Brad. 2014. "Mobile learning anytime, anywhere: what are our students doing?" Australasian Journal of Information Systems. 18 (3), pp. 331-345.Article
Using digital technologies to implement distance education for incarcerated students: a case study from an Australian regional university
Farley, Helen Sara and Doyle, Joanne. 2014. "Using digital technologies to implement distance education for incarcerated students: a case study from an Australian regional university." Open Praxis. 6 (4), pp. 357-363. https://doi.org/10.5944/openpraxis.6.4.134Article
A prisoners' island: teaching Australian incarcerated students in the digital age
Hopkins, Susan and Farley, Helen. 2014. "A prisoners' island: teaching Australian incarcerated students in the digital age." Journal of Prison Education and Reentry. 1 (1), pp. 42-51.Article
A method for determining the dark response for scientific imaging with smartphones
Igoe, D., Parisi, A. V. and Carter, B.. 2014. "A method for determining the dark response for scientific imaging with smartphones." Instrumentation Science and Technology. 42 (5), pp. 586-592. https://doi.org/10.1080/10739149.2014.915557Article
Providing simulated online and mobile learning experiences in a prison education setting: lessons learned from the PLEIADES pilot project
Farley, Helen, Murphy, Angela and Bedford, Tasman. 2014. "Providing simulated online and mobile learning experiences in a prison education setting: lessons learned from the PLEIADES pilot project." International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning. 6 (1), pp. 17-32. https://doi.org/10.4018/ijmbl.2014010102Article
University staff adoption of iPads: an empirical study using an extended Technology Acceptance Model
Lane, Michael and Stagg, Adrian. 2014. "University staff adoption of iPads: an empirical study using an extended Technology Acceptance Model." Australasian Journal of Information Systems. 18 (3), pp. 53-74.Article
Digital social media is nothing new
Mason, Andrew. 2014. "Digital social media is nothing new." Bossio, Diana (ed.) 2014 Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference: The Digital and the Social: Communication for Inclusion and Exchange (ANZCA 2014). Melbourne, Australia 09 - 11 Jul 2014 Australia.Paper
An adaptive anti-collision protocol for large-scale RFID tag identification
Zhang, Lijuan, Xiang, Wei and Tang, Xiaohu. 2014. "An adaptive anti-collision protocol for large-scale RFID tag identification." IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. 3 (6), pp. 601-604. https://doi.org/10.1109/LWC.2014.2359461Article
Virtual synchronous engagement of professional experience
Winn, Stephen and Lewis, Robert. 2010. "Virtual synchronous engagement of professional experience." Australian Council for Educational Leaders Annual National Conference (ACEL 2010): Hosting and Harvesting: Creating the Change we wish to see in the World. Sydney, Australia 29 Sep - 01 Oct 2010 Sydney, Australia.Paper
Synchronous remote supervision of clinical and practicum placements: challenges and benefits: a case of 'yes we can but no we won't to yes we can and we will'
Winn, S.. 2013. "Synchronous remote supervision of clinical and practicum placements: challenges and benefits: a case of 'yes we can but no we won't to yes we can and we will'." Chova, L. Gomez, Martinez, A. Lopez and Torres, I. Candel (ed.) 7th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2013). Valencia, Spain 04 - 05 Mar 2013 Barcelona, Spain.Paper
Using technology to increase support for rural and regional legal professionals
Kennedy, Amanda and Winn, Stephen. 2011. "Using technology to increase support for rural and regional legal professionals." Deakin Law Review. 16 (1), pp. 209-223.Article
Extending extension: virtual shed meetings in a digital age
Farley, Helen, Reardon-Smith, Kate, Mushtaq, Shahbaz, Cliffe, Neil, Lindesay, Janette and Loch, Adam. 2013. "Extending extension: virtual shed meetings in a digital age." Lamb, David (ed.) 1st Digital Rural Futures Conference: Smart Farms - Smart Regions (DRF 2013). Armidale, Australia 26 - 28 Jun 2013 Armidale, Australia.Poster
Democratising the digital divide: civics and citizenship curriculum, Australian Aboriginal communities and social media
Antonio, Amy. 2013. "Democratising the digital divide: civics and citizenship curriculum, Australian Aboriginal communities and social media ." The Social Educator. 31 (1), pp. 35-42.Article
Effectively delivering XML information in periodic broadcast environments
Qin, Yongrui, Sheng, Quan Z. and Wang, Hua. 2013. "Effectively delivering XML information in periodic broadcast environments ." Decker, Hendrik, Lhotska, Lenka, Link, Sebastian, Basl, Josef and Tjoa, A. Min (ed.) 24th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2013). Prague, Czech Republic 26 - 29 Aug 2013 Berlin, Germany. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-40285-2_16Paper
Combining social media and career development learning: an intensive tertiary preparation programme for disadvantaged youth
Ryan, Naomi J. and Hopkins, Susan. 2013. "Combining social media and career development learning: an intensive tertiary preparation programme for disadvantaged youth." Australian Journal of Career Development. 22 (3), pp. 107-111. https://doi.org/10.1177/1038416213505274Article
Mobile learning in higher education: moving towards a framework for efficacy and sustainability
Farley, Helen and Murphy, Angela. 2013. "Mobile learning in higher education: moving towards a framework for efficacy and sustainability." Chinese Distance Education (Zhongguo Yuancheng Jiaoyu) . 9 (6), pp. 16-24.Article
Revisioning teacher preparation for mobility: dual imperatives
Albion, Peter R., Jamieson-Proctor, Romina, Fasso, Wendy and Redmond, Petrea. 2013. "Revisioning teacher preparation for mobility: dual imperatives." Liu, Leping, Gibson, David C. and Maddux, Cleborne D. (ed.) Research highlights in technology and teacher education 2013. Chesapeake, VA, United States. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). pp. 13-21Edited book (chapter)
Caring dialogue: a step toward realising the dream of online learning communities
Swann, Jennie and Albion, Peter. 2013. "Caring dialogue: a step toward realising the dream of online learning communities." Carter, Helen, Gosper, Maree and Hedberg, John (ed.) 30th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 2013). Sydney, Australia 01 - 04 Dec 2013 Sydney, Australia.Paper
Mobile devices for learning in Malaysia: then and now
Song, Helena S. Y., Murphy, Angela and Farley, Helen. 2013. "Mobile devices for learning in Malaysia: then and now." Carter, Helen, Gosper, Maree and Hedberg, John (ed.) 30th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 2013). Sydney, Australia 01 - 04 Dec 2013 Sydney, Australia.Paper
Looking back to look forward: creating and sustaining peer connections through digital communities
Reushle, Shirley and Antonio, Amy. 2013. "Looking back to look forward: creating and sustaining peer connections through digital communities." Carter, Helen, Gosper, Maree and Hedberg, John (ed.) 30th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 2013). Sydney, Australia 01 - 04 Dec 2013 Sydney, Australia.Paper