470504. British and Irish literature

Title470504. British and Irish literature
Parent4705. Literary studies

Latest research outputs

Sort by Date Title
Jonson's Two Prologues to Epicœne: Libel, Print, and Play
Johnson, Laurie. 2024. "Jonson's Two Prologues to Epicœne: Libel, Print, and Play." The Explicator. https://doi.org/10.1080/00144940.2024.2428981


The Origins of Repertory in English Drama; or, How to Find Needles in Haystacks
Johnson, Laurie. 2024. "The Origins of Repertory in English Drama; or, How to Find Needles in Haystacks." Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England: an annual gathering of research, criticism, and reviews. 37, pp. 35-66.


Frankenstein Episode 4: Sense and sustainability
Bedford, Alison. 2024. Frankenstein Episode 4: Sense and sustainability.

Audio/visual recording

"If all the world could have seen't": Imagination and the Unseen in The Winter's Tale
Chalk, Darryl. 2024. ""If all the world could have seen't": Imagination and the Unseen in The Winter's Tale ." Kaethler, Mark and Williams, Grant (ed.) Historicizing the Embodied Imagination in Early Modern Egnlish Literature. Switzerland. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 45-65

Edited book (chapter)

'You May Look Pale': Whiteness and Love Melancholia in Love's Labour's Lost
Chalk, Darryl. 2024. "'You May Look Pale': Whiteness and Love Melancholia in Love's Labour's Lost." Espinosa, Ruben (ed.) Shakespeare / Skin: Contemporary Readings in Skin Studies and Theoretical Discourse. United Kingdom. Bloomsbury Publishing. pp. 69-96

Edited book (chapter)

Shakespeare's First Folio: Opening the Time Capsule
Johnson, Laurie. Kamaralli, Anna (ed.) 2024. Shakespeare's First Folio: Opening the Time Capsule. Australia. WestWords.

Authored book

Beyond Master Narratives: A Reassessment of the Apprentice Riot of 1592
Johnson, Laurie and Dunnum, Eric. 2023. "Beyond Master Narratives: A Reassessment of the Apprentice Riot of 1592." Huntington Library Quarterly: studies in English and American history and literature. 86 (4), pp. 587-612. https://doi.org/10.1353/hlq.2023.a944188


Female Sleuths and Postfeminism in Modern American Crime Shows: Bones and Castle
Helwig, Lindsay. 2023. "Female Sleuths and Postfeminism in Modern American Crime Shows: Bones and Castle." Harmes, Marcus K., Harmes, Barbara and Harmes, Meredith A. (ed.) Watching the Cops: Essays on Police and Policing in 21st Century Film and Television. United States. McFarland & Company, Inc.. pp. 181-193

Edited book (chapter)

Biographical Essay of Mary Shelley
Bedford, Alison. 2023. "Biographical Essay of Mary Shelley." Frankenstein Art Novel. Bond and Grace.

Edited book (chapter)

Introduction: Properties of Matter and Performance
Tavares, Elizabeth E., MacLeod, Emily and Johnson, Laurie. 2023. "Introduction: Properties of Matter and Performance." Shakespeare. 19 (1), pp. 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1080/17450918.2023.2183085


Slavery, illusion and dead white men: Zadie Smith’s The Fraud explodes the historical novel
Bickle, Sharon. 2023. "Slavery, illusion and dead white men: Zadie Smith’s The Fraud explodes the historical novel." The Conversation.


Leicester's Men and their Plays: An Early Elizabethan Playing Company and its Legacy
Johnson, Laurie. 2023. Leicester's Men and their Plays: An Early Elizabethan Playing Company and its Legacy. United Kingdom. Cambridge University Press.

Authored book

Why Shakespeare Should Change as Well as Challenge
Johnson, Laurie. 2022. "Why Shakespeare Should Change as Well as Challenge." English in Australia. 57 (2), pp. 13-21.


Bram Stoker’s Dracula: bats, garlic, disturbing sexualities and a declining empire
Bickle, S.. 2023. "Bram Stoker’s Dracula: bats, garlic, disturbing sexualities and a declining empire." The Conversation.


Michael Field: Decadent Moderns
Bickle, Sharon. 2023. "Michael Field: Decadent Moderns." Nineteenth-Century Contexts: an interdisciplinary journal. 45 (2), pp. 210-213. https://doi.org/10.1080/08905495.2023.2195599

Book review

The Nose Plays: Nasiform Negotiations at Newington Butts
Johnson, Laurie. 2023. "The Nose Plays: Nasiform Negotiations at Newington Butts." Shakespeare. 19 (1), pp. 24-37. https://doi.org/10.1080/17450918.2023.2183086


Playhouses and performance
Johnson, Laurie. 2023. "Playhouses and performance." Michelle, Dowd M. and Rutter, Tom (ed.) The Arden Handbook of Shakespeare and Early Modern Drama: Perspectives on Culture, Performance and Identity. London, United Kingdom. Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 129-146

Edited book (chapter)

Access Points: Stage, Space, and/as Interface in the Early Modern Playhouses
Johnson, Laurie. 2023. "Access Points: Stage, Space, and/as Interface in the Early Modern Playhouses." Werier, Clifford and Budra, Paul (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Shakespeare and Interface. United States. Routledge. pp. 285-296

Edited book (chapter)

Death, dildoes and daffodils: a winter’s tale [Short story]
Sulway, Nike. 2016. Death, dildoes and daffodils: a winter’s tale [Short story]. Australia. Australasian Association of Writing Programs.

Textual work

Unique Lines and the Ambient Heart of Q1 Hamlet
Johnson, Laurie. 2022. "Unique Lines and the Ambient Heart of Q1 Hamlet." Bourus, Terri (ed.) Shakespeare and the First Hamlet. United States. Berghahn Books. pp. 162-179

Edited book (chapter)

Biography and Beyond: The Reanimation of Mary Shelley
Bedford, Alison. 2016. "Biography and Beyond: The Reanimation of Mary Shelley." Forgotten Lives/Biography: A Symposium (2016). Toowoomba, Australia 28 Apr 2016 Toowoomba, Australia.


Reevaluating Biography
Bedford, Alison. 2019. "Reevaluating Biography." Dewhirst, Catherine and Connors, Libby (ed.) 38th Australian Historical Association Conference: Local Communities, Global Networks (AHA 2019). Toowoomba, Australia 08 - 12 Jul 2019 Toowoomba, Australia.


Eyeing the Abject: Real Science and Fictional Frankensteinian Bodies
Bedford, Alison. 2019. "Eyeing the Abject: Real Science and Fictional Frankensteinian Bodies." Romantic Studies Association of Australasia 2019 Conference: Embodying Romanticism. Canberra, Australia 21 - 23 Nov 2019 Canberra, Australia.


Mary Shelley: The Dr Frankenstein of Discourse
Bedford, Alison. 2015. "Mary Shelley: The Dr Frankenstein of Discourse." School of Arts and Communication Post-Graduate Colloquium. Toowoomba, Australia 15 Jul 2015 Toowoomba, Australia.


Reading and Responding: Literature, Ethics and Citizenship
Bedford, Alison. 2017. "Reading and Responding: Literature, Ethics and Citizenship." Reading and Writing in the 21st Century Literary Studies Classroom: Theory and Practice. Brisbane, Australia 06 - 08 Jul 2017 Brisbane, Australia.


Ripples and Rebounds: Tracing the Impact of Frankenstein
Bedford, Alison. 2018. "Ripples and Rebounds: Tracing the Impact of Frankenstein." 39th International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts: (ICFA39) '200 Years of the Fantastic: Celebrating Franken­stein and Mary Shelley'. Orlando, United States 14 - 18 Mar 2018


I 'Believe in Willie Hughes': The Portrait of Mr W.H.
Bickle, Sharon and Heneghan, Marie. 2019. "I 'Believe in Willie Hughes': The Portrait of Mr W.H." Roden, Frederick S. (ed.) Critical Insights: Oscar Wilde. Amenia, United States. Grey House Publishing (publisher for Salem Press). pp. 160-172

Edited book (chapter)

Like Furnace: Sighing on the Shakespearean Stage
Chalk, Darryl. 2021. "Like Furnace: Sighing on the Shakespearean Stage." Kenny, Amy and Peterson, Kaara L. (ed.) Humorality in Early Modern Art, Material Culture, and Performance. Switzerland. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 31-50

Edited book (chapter)

Borrowed robes and garbled transmissions: echoes of Shakespeare's dwarfish thief
Johnson, Laurie. 2016. "Borrowed robes and garbled transmissions: echoes of Shakespeare's dwarfish thief." TEXT: Journal of Writing and Writing Courses. 20 (Special Issue 36), pp. 1-17. https://doi.org/10.52086/001c.27049


Introduction: Repertory, Dramaturgy, and Embodiment
Tavares, Elizabeth and Johnson, Laurie. 2022. "Introduction: Repertory, Dramaturgy, and Embodiment." Early Theatre: a journal associated with the Records of Early English Drama. 25 (2), pp. 115-130. https://doi.org/10.12745/et.25.2.4732


Commemorating Forgetting: 1922 and Golden Age Detective Fiction
Gildersleeve, Jessica. 2022. "Commemorating Forgetting: 1922 and Golden Age Detective Fiction." Modernism/Modernity. 7 (2). https://doi.org/10.26597/mod.0245


Palimpsest and Metonym: Early Modern Variants of the Leir Story
Cutcliffe, Katrina Ann. 2022. Palimpsest and Metonym: Early Modern Variants of the Leir Story. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/wq887

PhD Thesis

Reassessing Early Theatre Patronage with New Perspectives on John Dudley
Johnson, Laurie. 2022. "Reassessing Early Theatre Patronage with New Perspectives on John Dudley." Shakespeare Studies: an annual gathering of research, criticism and review. 50, pp. 153-171.


Eros and Etiology in Love's Labour's Lost
Chalk, Darryl. 2022. "Eros and Etiology in Love's Labour's Lost." Humanities. 11 (6), pp. 1-15. https://doi.org/10.3390/h11060152


Edith Cooper’s Sin: Mapping the Willful Bodies of Michael Field
Bickle, Sharon. 2022. "Edith Cooper’s Sin: Mapping the Willful Bodies of Michael Field." Ayres, Brenda and Maier, Sarah E. (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Victorian Scandals in Literature and Culture. United States. Routledge. pp. 425-437

Handbook (chapter)

Introduction [to A room of one's own: the feminist classic]
Gildersleeve, Jessica. 2021. "Introduction [to A room of one's own: the feminist classic]." Butler-Bowden, Tom (ed.) A room of one's own: the feminist classic. United Kingdom. John Wiley & Sons. pp. vii-xxii

Edited book (chapter)

Introduction [to Non-combatants and others: writings against war, 1916-1945]
Gildersleeve, Jessica. 2020. "Introduction [to Non-combatants and others: writings against war, 1916-1945]." Macaulay, Rose (ed.) Non-combatants and others: writings against war, 1916-1945. United Kingdom. Handheld Press. pp. ix-xxvi

Edited book (chapter)

The Wind in the Willows: A Tale of Wanderlust, Male Bonding, and Timeless Delight
Cantrell, Kate. 2021. "The Wind in the Willows: A Tale of Wanderlust, Male Bonding, and Timeless Delight." The Conversation. 7 January 2021, pp. 1-5.


In Frankenstein's Wake: Mary Shelley, Morality and Science Fiction
Bedford, Alison. Palumbo, Donald E. and Sullivan III, C. W. (ed.) 2021. In Frankenstein's Wake: Mary Shelley, Morality and Science Fiction. Jefferson, United States. McFarland & Company, Inc..

Authored book

Simular proof and senseless feeling: Synaesthetic overload in Cymbeline
Chalk, Darryl. 2020. "Simular proof and senseless feeling: Synaesthetic overload in Cymbeline." Smith, Simon (ed.) Shakespeare / Sense: Contemporary Readings in Sensory Culture. London, United Kingdom. Bloomsbury Publishing. pp. 245-268

Edited book (chapter)