480605. Tort law

Title480605. Tort law
Parent4806. Private law and civil obligations

Latest research outputs

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It’s on like Donkey Kong: How evolving defamation laws put online creators and influencers at risk
Zhao, Bob. 2024. "It’s on like Donkey Kong: How evolving defamation laws put online creators and influencers at risk." UniSQ Newsroom.

Notes or commentaries

Torts and Employment: reflections on changing ideas of responsibility and the adaptability of torts law
Sappideen, Carolyn. 2024. "Torts and Employment: reflections on changing ideas of responsibility and the adaptability of torts law." Eldridge, John, Pilkington, Timothy and Rolph, David (ed.) Australian Tort Law in the 21st Century. Federation Press.

Edited book (chapter)

Viability of a Psychiatric Injury Claim for Bystanders Who Witnessed and Rescuers Who Attended the Sea World Helicopter Accident
Gray, Anthony. 2024. "Viability of a Psychiatric Injury Claim for Bystanders Who Witnessed and Rescuers Who Attended the Sea World Helicopter Accident." Australian Law Journal. 98 (2), pp. 140-158.


Contemporary Australian Tort Law
Kyriakakis, Joanna, Popa, Tina, Rochford, Francine, Szablewska, Natalia, Zhao, Xiaobo, Taliadoros, Jason, O'Donovan, Darren and Bautista, Lowell. 2024. Contemporary Australian Tort Law . Australia . Cambridge University Press.


Fleming's Law of Torts
Sappideen, Carolyn, Vines, Prue, Eldridge, John, Giliker, Paula and Handford, Peter. 2023. Fleming's Law of Torts. Australia. Lawbook Co..

Authored book

The Historical Development of the Fault Basis of Liability in the Law of Tort
Gray, Anthony. 2022. "The Historical Development of the Fault Basis of Liability in the Law of Tort." McKibbin, Sarah, Patrick, Jeremy and Harmes, Marcus K. (ed.) The Impact of Law's History: What's Past is Prologue. Switzerland. Springer. pp. 105-130

Edited book (chapter)

The Evolution from Strict Liability to Fault in the Law of Torts
Gray, Anthony. 2021. The Evolution from Strict Liability to Fault in the Law of Torts. Oxford, United Kingdom. Hart Publishing.

Authored book

The Tort of Misuse of Public Office: Suggested Clarifications and Reforms
Gray, Anthony. 2022. "The Tort of Misuse of Public Office: Suggested Clarifications and Reforms." Monash University Law Review. 48 (2), pp. 97-131.


Transparent triage policies during the COVID-19 pandemic: a critical part of medico-legal risk management for clinicians
Close, Eliana, Willmott, Lindy, Cockburn, Tina, Young, Simon, Cairns, Will and White, Ben P.. 2021. "Transparent triage policies during the COVID-19 pandemic: a critical part of medico-legal risk management for clinicians." Medical Journal of Australia. 215 (2), pp. 71-74.e1. https://doi.org/10.5694/mja2.51079


Legal challenges to ICU triage decisions in the COVID-19 pandemic: How effectively does the law regulate bedside rationing decisions in Australia?
Close, Eliana, Young, Simon, Cockburn, Tina, Willmott, Lindy and White, Ben P.. 2021. "Legal challenges to ICU triage decisions in the COVID-19 pandemic: How effectively does the law regulate bedside rationing decisions in Australia?" University of New South Wales Law Journal. 44 (1), pp. 9-59. https://doi.org/10.53637/FSJG1698


A Legal History for Australia
McKibbin, Sarah, Connors, Libby and Harmes, Marcus. 2021. A Legal History for Australia. London, United Kingdom. Hart Publishing.

Authored book

If COVID hospitalisations increase, it’s still not clear how patients will be prioritised for ICU beds
Close, Eliana, White, Ben, Willmott, Lindy, Young, Simon, Cockburn, Tina and Cairns, Will. 2021. "If COVID hospitalisations increase, it’s still not clear how patients will be prioritised for ICU beds." The Conversation.


Using Peer Assisted Learning to improve academic engagement and progression of first year online law students
Crowley-Cyr, Lynda and Hevers, James. 2021. "Using Peer Assisted Learning to improve academic engagement and progression of first year online law students." Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice. 18 (1), pp. 1-17.


Torts: Commentary and Materials
Sappideen, Carolyn, Eldridge, John and Vines, Prue. 2021. Torts: Commentary and Materials . Australia. Lawbook Co..

Authored book

Contemporary Australian Tort Law
Kyriakakis, Joanna, Popa, Tina, Rochford, Francine, Szablewska, Natalia, Zhao, Xiaobo, Taliadoros, Jason, O'Donovan, Darren and Bautista, Lowell. 2020. Contemporary Australian Tort Law. Cambridge, United Kingdom. Cambridge University Press.


The evolution from strict liability to negligence: when and why? Part II
Gray, Anthony. 2020. "The evolution from strict liability to negligence: when and why? Part II." Australian Law Journal. 94 (9), pp. 699-708.


The evolution from strict liability to negligence: when and why? Part 1
Gray, Anthony. 2020. "The evolution from strict liability to negligence: when and why? Part 1." Australian Law Journal. 94 (8), pp. 614-630.


Change the Rules: Reform of the Economic Torts in Australia
Gray, Anthony. 2020. "Change the Rules: Reform of the Economic Torts in Australia." Flinders Law Journal. 21 (2), pp. 295-344.


Three suggested amendments to Australia's defamation laws
Gray, Anthony. 2020. "Three suggested amendments to Australia's defamation laws." Alternative Law Journal . 45 (2), pp. 94-100. https://doi.org/10.1177/1037969X19887560


Strict liability in the law of defamation
Gray, Anthony. 2019. "Strict liability in the law of defamation." Tort Law Review. 27 (2), pp. 81-99.


Sponsor pressure to discipline employees who have unexpressed unwelcome views and reform of the business torts in Australia
Gray, Anthony. 2019. "Sponsor pressure to discipline employees who have unexpressed unwelcome views and reform of the business torts in Australia." Australian Business Law Review. 47 (5), pp. 349-363.


A critique of the enterprise risk theory of vicarious liability
Gray, Anthony. 2019. "A critique of the enterprise risk theory of vicarious liability." Canadian Business Law Journal. 62 (2), pp. 181-210.


The liability of search engines and tech companies in defamation law
Gray, Anthony. 2019. "The liability of search engines and tech companies in defamation law." Tort Law Review. 27 (1), pp. 18-36.


Defamation law reform in Australia: the multiple publication rule
Gray, Anthony. 2019. "Defamation law reform in Australia: the multiple publication rule." Tort Law Review. 27 (1), pp. 3-17.


Vicarious liability: critique and reform
Gray, Anthony. 2018. Vicarious liability: critique and reform. Oxford, UK and Portland, Oregon, US. Hart Publishing.

Authored book

The enterprise risk theory of vicarious liability
Gray, Anthony. 2018. "The enterprise risk theory of vicarious liability." Australian Business Law Review. 46 (3), pp. 178-196.


Punitive damages: time for re-examination
Gray, Anthony. 2018. "Punitive damages: time for re-examination." Tort Law Review. 26 (1), pp. 18-37.


Re-invigorating non-delegable duties in Australia?
Gray, Anthony. 2017. "Re-invigorating non-delegable duties in Australia?" Tort Law Review. 25 (2), pp. 59-78.


Liability of educational providers to victims of abuse: a comparison and critique
Gray, Anthony. 2017. "Liability of educational providers to victims of abuse: a comparison and critique." The Sydney Law Review. 39 (2), pp. 167-197.


The concept of objectivity in the UK Supreme Court through a comparative looking glass
Breda, Vito. 2016. "The concept of objectivity in the UK Supreme Court through a comparative looking glass." Breda, Vito and Rodack, Lidia (ed.) Diverse narratives of legal objectivity: an interdisciplinary perspective. England. Peter Lang Publishing. pp. 211-224

Edited book (chapter)

Liability of police in negligence: a comparative analysis
Gray, Anthony. 2016. "Liability of police in negligence: a comparative analysis." Tort Law Review. 24 (1), pp. 34-62.


The liability of providers of mental health professionals in negligence
Gray, Anthony. 2015. "The liability of providers of mental health professionals in negligence." University of Western Australia Law Review. 40 (1), pp. 163-197.


The liability of providers of mental health services in negligence
Gray, Anthony. 2015. "The liability of providers of mental health services in negligence." Deakin Law Review. 20 (2), pp. 221-262.


Wilkinson v Downton: new Work for an old tort to do
Gray, Anthony. 2015. "Wilkinson v Downton: new Work for an old tort to do." Tort Law Review. 23 (3), pp. 127-147.


Barclay v Penberthy, the rule in Baker v Bolton and the action for loss of services: a new recipe required
Gray, Anthony. 2014. "Barclay v Penberthy, the rule in Baker v Bolton and the action for loss of services: a new recipe required." Monash University Law Review. 40 (3), pp. 920-941.


Public authority responses to marine stinger public health risks: a scenario analysis of the Irukandji health threat in controlled spaces at public beaches in Australia
Crowley-Cyr, Lynda. 2012. "Public authority responses to marine stinger public health risks: a scenario analysis of the Irukandji health threat in controlled spaces at public beaches in Australia." Journal of Law and Medicine. 20 (2), pp. 363-379.


Principals and legal risk: complacency or concern?
Teh, Mui-Kim. 2009. "Principals and legal risk: complacency or concern?" ANZELA 2009: Education: A Risky Business? . Melbourne, Australia 30 Sep - 02 Oct 2009 Brisbane, Australia.


Lessons in law
Teh, Mui-Kim. 2009. "Lessons in law." QCT Connection.


Why vicarious liability must be abandoned
Gray, Anthony. 2011. "Why vicarious liability must be abandoned." Australian Business Law Review. 39 (2), pp. 67-84.


Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales v Dederer: 20/20 hindsight or an accident waiting to happen? A timely opportunity to revisit and reappraise Shirt
Hemming, Andrew. 2007. "Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales v Dederer: 20/20 hindsight or an accident waiting to happen? A timely opportunity to revisit and reappraise Shirt." James Cook University Law Review.
