Widening participation in higher education through online pedagogy


Bull, David. 2013. "Widening participation in higher education through online pedagogy." Maurice-Takerei, Lisa (ed.) 1st Foundation and Bridging Educators New Zealand Conference 2012 (FABENZ 2012): Create and Collaborate. Auckland, New Zealand 03 - 04 Dec 2012 Wellington, New Zealand.
Paper/Presentation Title

Widening participation in higher education through online pedagogy

Presentation TypePaper
AuthorBull, David
EditorsMaurice-Takerei, Lisa
Journal or Proceedings TitleProceedings of the 1st Foundation and Bridging Educators New Zealand Conference (FABENZ 2012)
ERA Conference ID50412
Number of Pages12
Place of PublicationWellington, New Zealand
Web Address (URL) of Paperhttps://akoaotearoa.ac.nz/ako-aotearoa/events/fabenz-2012
Conference/Event1st Foundation and Bridging Educators New Zealand Conference 2012 (FABENZ 2012): Create and Collaborate
Foundation & Bridging Educators New Zealand
Event Details
1st Foundation and Bridging Educators New Zealand Conference 2012 (FABENZ 2012): Create and Collaborate
Event Date
03 to end of 04 Dec 2012
Event Location
Auckland, New Zealand
Event Details
Foundation & Bridging Educators New Zealand

The recent and exponential growth in open education resources (OER) is seriously challenging traditional models of education. Continuous improvements in information technology, infrastructure and services, coupled with the
emergence of open online provision of education, is poised to enable more people to access learning opportunities while driving down costs to the student and overcoming some logistical barriers. This paper reports on two initiatives to utilise technology and open source learning materials to bring bridging programs to two unique cohorts of students: those incarcerated in correctional centres and those hindered by their social, cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Both groups require unique adaptations of existing curriculum and pedagogy to overcome challenges to their participation and success. The paper considers issues of intellectual property and copyright of resource materials, and advocates the use of open educational resources and the adoption of a pedagogy of discovery to
equip these students with the skills to independently support their own education and training.

Keywordsprisoners; disadvantage; open educational resources; equity
ANZSRC Field of Research 2020480603. Intellectual property law
390405. Educational technology and computing
390102. Curriculum and pedagogy theory and development
Byline AffiliationsOpen Access College
Institution of OriginUniversity of Southern Queensland
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