University of Southern Queensland

Latest research outputs

885 results found
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A report on the development of learning standards for economics in Australia
Guest, Ross and Layton, Allan P.. 2016. "A report on the development of learning standards for economics in Australia." Australasian Journal of Economics Education. 13 (1), pp. 1-12.


Recovering a radio ethos: how John Curtin created conversational spaces with journalists, 1941-1945
Coatney, Caryn M.. 2016. "Recovering a radio ethos: how John Curtin created conversational spaces with journalists, 1941-1945." Global Media Journal: Australian Edition. 10 (2).


Caesar in Elsinore and elsewhere: topicality and Roman history
Johnson, Laurie. 2016. "Caesar in Elsinore and elsewhere: topicality and Roman history." Early Modern Literary Studies: a journal of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century English literature.


Psychological contract breach: consequences of unkept promises of permanent employment
Ahmed, Ezaz, D'Netto, Brian, Chelliah, John and Fein, Erich. 2016. "Psychological contract breach: consequences of unkept promises of permanent employment." Contemporary Management Research: an international journal. 12 (2), pp. 183-210.


Stress, COMT polymorphisms, and depressive symptoms in older Australian women: an exploratory study
Seib, Charrlotte, Whiteside, Eliza, Voisey, Joanne, Lee, Kathryn, Alexander, Kimberly, Humphreys, Janice, Chopin, Lisa and Anderson, Debra. 2016. "Stress, COMT polymorphisms, and depressive symptoms in older Australian women: an exploratory study." Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers. 20 (8), pp. 478-481.


What do Australian library and information professionals experience as evidence?
Gillespie, Ann, Miller, Faye, Partridge, Helen, Bruce, Christine and Howlett, Alisa. 2017. "What do Australian library and information professionals experience as evidence?" Evidence Based Library and Information Practice. 12 (1), pp. 97-108.


Solar radiation and the UV index: an application of numerical integration, trigonometric functions, online education and the modelling process
Downs, Nathan, Parisi, Alfio, Galligan, Linda, Turner, Joanna, Amar, Abdurazaq, King, Rachel, Ultra, Filipina and Butler, Harry. 2016. "Solar radiation and the UV index: an application of numerical integration, trigonometric functions, online education and the modelling process." International Journal of Research in Education and Science. 2 (1), pp. 179-189.


You’re either with us or against us! Moral conviction determines how the politicized distinguish friend from foe
Zaal, Maarten P., Saab, Rim, O'Brien, Kerry, Jeffries, Carla, Barreto, Manuela and van Laar, Colette. 2017. "You’re either with us or against us! Moral conviction determines how the politicized distinguish friend from foe." Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. 20 (4), pp. 519-539.


Facilitating second language learners' listening comprehension with Second Life and Skype
Levak, Natasha and Son, Jeong-Bae. 2017. "Facilitating second language learners' listening comprehension with Second Life and Skype." ReCALL. 29 (2), pp. 200-218.


Exit and the epistemic quality of voice
Taylor, Brad R.. 2016. "Exit and the epistemic quality of voice." Economic Affairs: the journal of the IEA. 36 (2), pp. 133-144.


Coming to Terms with Knowledge Management in Telehealth
Standing, Craig, Standing, Susan, Gururajan, Raj, Fulford, Richard and Gengatharen, Denise. 2018. "Coming to Terms with Knowledge Management in Telehealth." Systems Research and Behavioral Science. 35 (1), pp. 102-113.


The experience of evidence-based practice in an Australian public library: an ethnography
Gillespie, Ann, Partridge, Helen, Bruce, Christine and Howlett, Alisa. 2016. "The experience of evidence-based practice in an Australian public library: an ethnography." Information Research: an international electronic journal. 21 (4).


Lads' mags, sexual violence and the need for feminist intervention
Hopkins, Susan and Ostini, Jenny. 2015. "Lads' mags, sexual violence and the need for feminist intervention." The Conversation. 4 June 2015, pp. 1-6.


Critical narrative as a framework for professional border crossing in early childhood
Brown, Alice and Grigg, John. 2017. "Critical narrative as a framework for professional border crossing in early childhood." Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood. 18 (3), pp. 333-345.


Parents’ Interpretations of Screen Time Recommendations for Children Younger Than 2 Years
Brown, Alice and Smolenaers, Emma. 2018. "Parents’ Interpretations of Screen Time Recommendations for Children Younger Than 2 Years." Journal of Family Issues. 39 (2), pp. 406-429.


Instructional leadership: dimensions of complexity, assumptions and arenas for action
Farwell, Vicki. 2016. "Instructional leadership: dimensions of complexity, assumptions and arenas for action." Leading and Managing. 22 (1), pp. 57-74.


Relations between dimensions of empowering leadership and multidimensional work motivation
Machin, M. Anthony, James, Megan and Silcox, Amber. 2015. "Relations between dimensions of empowering leadership and multidimensional work motivation." 11th International Conference on Occupational Stress and Health: Sustainable Work, Sustainable Health, Sustainable Organizations 2015. Atlanta, United States 06 - 09 May 2015


Nurturing gen Y women
Lawrence, Barbara J.. 2007. "Nurturing gen Y women." Albion, Majella and Collins, Pauline (ed.) IWC 2007: Education, Employment, and Everything: The Triple Layers of a Woman’s Life. Toowoomba, Australia 26 - 29 Sep 2007 Toowoomba, Australia.


Development of scholarship and cadetship contracts for spatial science professionals
Simmons, Shane. 2005. "Development of scholarship and cadetship contracts for spatial science professionals." SSIQ Northern Group Conference (2005). Magnetic Island, Australia Oct 2005 Townsville.


Future financial implications of studying at university
Simmons, Shane. 2005. "Future financial implications of studying at university." Spatial Science Queensland. 3 (2005), pp. 35-39.


Making as learning: makerspaces in universities
Wong, Anne and Partridge, Helen. 2016. "Making as learning: makerspaces in universities." Australian Academic and Research Libraries. 47 (3), pp. 143-159.


Using portable Moodle and eReaders to enhance learning at a distance for incarcerated offenders
Murphy, Angela, Farley, Helen, Janke, Des and Fowler, Jonathon. 2012. "Using portable Moodle and eReaders to enhance learning at a distance for incarcerated offenders." MoodleMoot Au 2012: Riding the Wave. Gold Coast, Australia 01 - 04 Jul 2012


University transition challenges for first year domestic CALD students from refugee backgrounds: a case study from an Australian regional university
Kong, Eric, Harmsworth, Sarah, Rajaeian, Mohammad Mehdi, Parkes, Geoffrey, Bishop, Sue, AlMansouri, Bassim and Lawrence, Jill. 2016. "University transition challenges for first year domestic CALD students from refugee backgrounds: a case study from an Australian regional university." Australian Journal of Adult Learning. 56 (2), pp. 170-197.


Current practice in academic workload allocation processes in Australia
Watson, Richard, King, Rachel, Dekeyser, Stijn, Bare, Liz and Baldock, Clive. 2015. "Current practice in academic workload allocation processes in Australia." Dobson, Ian R. and Sharma, Raj (ed.) Tertiary Education and Management Conference 2015: Leading Locally Competing Globally (TEMC 2015). Wollongong, Australia 30 Aug - 02 Sep 2015 Australia.


Framework to inspect floodways towards estimating damage
Wahalathantri, Buddhi L., Lokuge, Weena, Karunasena, Warna and Setunge, Sujeeva. 2015. "Framework to inspect floodways towards estimating damage." Annual Conference of the Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council and Bushfire & Natural Hazards CRC (AFAC15): New Directions in Emergency Management. Adelaide, Australia 01 - 03 Sep 2015 Australia.


Work based learning: a flux for learners through the Australian Qualifications Framework
Baker, Shayne D., Cathcart, Malcolm and Peach, Neil. 2015. "Work based learning: a flux for learners through the Australian Qualifications Framework." 18th Australian Vocational Education and Training Research Association Annual Conference: Walking the Tightrope: The Implication of Markets for VET Research, Policy and Practice (AVETRA 2015). Melbourne, Australia 08 - 10 Apr 2015 Australia.


Analysis of road crashes at roundabout in Toowoomba
Somasundaraswaran, Kathirgamalingam and Russell, Lauren. 2015. "Analysis of road crashes at roundabout in Toowoomba." Conference of ASEAN Road Safety (CARS2015). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 03 - 06 Nov 2015 Malaysia.


Beyond violence, victimisation and the penal state: empowerment pathways for female incarcerated students
Hopkins, Susan, Ostini, Jenny, Seymour, Stephen and Farley, Helen. 2015. "Beyond violence, victimisation and the penal state: empowerment pathways for female incarcerated students." 2015 trans/forming feminisms: media, technology, identities. Dunedin, New Zealand 23 - 25 Nov 2015


A quest for student success: exploring the contributions of co-curricular learning opportunities on student success as defined by TEQSA risk assessment framework
Kek, Megan, Kimmins, Lindy, Ayriss, Peter, Frederiks, Anita and Padro, Fernando. 2015. "A quest for student success: exploring the contributions of co-curricular learning opportunities on student success as defined by TEQSA risk assessment framework." 22nd International Conference on Learning 2015: What Counts as Learning? Big Data, Little Data, Evidence & Assessment. Madrid, Spain 09 - 11 Jul 2015 United States.


Sowing the seeds of success: the provision of a personalised study time management plan
Abeysekera, Vasantha and Abeysekera, Ashoka. 2015. "Sowing the seeds of success: the provision of a personalised study time management plan ." Ahmed, Syed M., Xenidis, Yiannis, Azhar, Salman, Smith, Norma A., Yarris, Cat E. and Campbell, Shaunna (ed.) 8th International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century (CITC-8). Thessaloniki, Greece 27 - 30 May 2015 Greenville, North Carolina, USA.


Leading institutional change through learning and teaching communities
Newman, Tara, McDonald, Jacquelin, Partridge, Helen, Jolly, Lesley and Sheppard, Karen. 2015. "Leading institutional change through learning and teaching communities." 12th Annual Conference of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL2015). Melbourne, Australia 27 - 30 Oct 2015


Prisoners of neo-liberalism: incarcerated students and the neo-liberal project in the digital age
Hopkins, Susan and Farley, Helen. 2015. "Prisoners of neo-liberalism: incarcerated students and the neo-liberal project in the digital age." Petray, Theresa and Stephens, Anne (ed.) Australian Sociological Association Conference: Neoliberalism and Contemporary Challenges for the Asia-Pacific (TASA 2015). Cairns, Australia 23 - 26 Nov 2015 Australia.


Deriving damage indices for concrete girder bridges subjected to flood loading
Kalendher, F., Setunge, S., Mohseni, H. and Lokuge, W.. 2015. "Deriving damage indices for concrete girder bridges subjected to flood loading." 6th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management (CSECM) 2015. Kandy, Sri Lanka 11 - 14 Dec 2015


Shakespeare in the Park: The Taming of the Shrew
Caceres, Leticia, Foy, Kate, Parsons, Shannon, Willems, Chris, Callaghan, Michael, Brodie, Stephen, O'Rourke, Shaun, Taylor-Smith, Carole, Dashwood, Timothy, Barclay, Andrew, Poole, Daniel, Hurry, Cameron, Clark, Samuel, Roberts, Rebecca, Trent, Natalie, Levien, Hannah, Smith, Melanie, Stapleton, Ally, Faramand, Shideh, ..., USQ Department of Theatre. 2005. Shakespeare in the Park: The Taming of the Shrew. Toowoomba, Australia 22 Feb - 06 Mar 2005


Making an impact: politics and persuasions in 21st century higher education
Doyle, Joanne and McDonald, Lisa. 2016. "Making an impact: politics and persuasions in 21st century higher education." Trimmer, Karen (ed.) Political pressures on educational and social research: international perspectives. Oxon, United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 94-103

Edited book (chapter)

An exploratory qualitative study to identify factors that influence the use of electronic patient journey boards in Queensland health
Gururajan, Raj, Hafeez Baig, Abdul, Sturgess, Julie, Clark, Kevin and Gururajan, Vijaya. 2015. "An exploratory qualitative study to identify factors that influence the use of electronic patient journey boards in Queensland health." Electronic Journal of Health Informatics. 9 (1).


Virtual discussions to support climate risk decision making on farms
Reardon-Smith, Kate, Mushtaq, Shahbaz, Farley, Helen S., Cliffe, Neil, Stone, Roger C., Ostini, Jenny, Doyle, Joanne, Martin, Neil, Loch, Adam, Maraseni, Tek, Marcussen, Torben and Lindesay, Janette. 2015. "Virtual discussions to support climate risk decision making on farms." Journal of Economic and Social Policy. 17 (2).


Domestic violence and the welfare state
Hopkins, Susan and Ostini, Jenny. 2015. "Domestic violence and the welfare state." Overland.


Researching regional impact: the challenges and complexities
Doyle, Joanne, Cuthill, Michael, McDonald, Lisa and Keppell, Mike. 2014. "Researching regional impact: the challenges and complexities." Keppell, Mike and Reushle, Shirley (ed.) 2nd Digital Rural Futures Conference 2014. Toowoomba, Australia 25 - 27 Jun 2014 Toowoomba, Australia.


The HPC next door: enabling research outcomes using QCIF HPC facilities
Gacenga, Francis, Bell, Jason, Samalca, Irvin K. and Brieva, Daniel. 2014. "The HPC next door: enabling research outcomes using QCIF HPC facilities." eResearch Australasia 2014 Conference: Towards Unified Global Research. Melbourne, Australia 27 - 31 Oct 2014


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