Dr Fabiane Ramos

Dr Fabiane Ramos
NameDr Fabiane Ramos
Email Addressfabiane.ramos@unisq.edu.au
Job TitleLecturer (Pathways)
QualificationsBALAL Griffith, MAppLing Qld, PhD Qld
DepartmentUniSQ College (Pathways)
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Fabiane Ramos has extensive experience in the higher education and adult education sectors with a particular interest in supporting CALD (culturally and linguistically diverse) students. She has a background in Education, Applied Linguistics and Gender Studies and has attained her PhD from the University of Queensland with a project on the educational experiences of refugee-background students in relation to concepts of academic success in Australia.

Fabiane’s research is interdisciplinary with an emphasis on the application of feminist theories and methodologies to qualitative research projects. Her current work focuses on pathways, transition, and higher-education education with a special interest on widening participation and pedagogical practices. Another focus is on reflective types of inquiry expressed through alternative and creative academic writing styles. In this strand of her work, Fabiane experiments with philosophical themes grounded on self-reflexivity and a poetic approach to research.

In some of her latest projects, Fabiane has explored the application of the concepts wonder and engaged pedagogy to higher education pedagogical praxis. As part of this work, she has been awarded an international visiting scholar grant to collaborate with academics at UFSC (Federal University of Santa Catarina), Brazil, in a project titled A repository of intercultural education practices.

Fabiane has an emerging body of publications with papers featured in top tier academic outlets such as the Australian Educational Researcher, Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, Pedagogy Culture and Society, and Feminist Review as well as international edited collections. She is currently taking part in the University of Southern Queensland Early Career Researcher Development Program. Through this program, Fabiane has received funding to undertake a scoping project titled Examining academic preparation programs for secondary students as opportunities to support underrepresented students’ transitions to higher education in Australia.

Fabiane’s areas of research interest include but are not limited to:

• Pathways, transition, and higher-education pedagogy

• Widening participation in higher education

• Supporting CALD students

• Feminist and decolonial theories and methodologies

• Intersectional education praxis

• Alternative research methodologies and academic writing

• Self-reflexivity

• Ethics of care and affect

• Personal experiences in academia

• Migrant and forced migrant experiences

• TESOL and language education


Lecturer (Pathways) - UniSQ CollegeUniversity of Southern Queensland2022
Lecturer and Research Assistant (Educational Studies, Applied Linguistics and Gender Studies)The University of Queensland20172022
Learning and Academic Skills LecturerTorrens University20152018

Fields of Research

  • 390108. LOTE, ESL and TESOL curriculum and pedagogy
  • 390199. Curriculum and pedagogy not elsewhere classified
  • 390303. Higher education
  • 390410. Multicultural education (excl. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Māori and Pacific Peoples)
  • 390499. Specialist studies in education not elsewhere classified
  • 440502. Feminist methodologies
  • 440503. Feminist theory
  • 440505. Intersectional studies
  • 470213. Postcolonial studies

Professional Membership

Professional MembershipYear
AARE - Australian Association for Research in Education
NAEEA- National Association of Enabling Educators of Australia
EPHEA - Equity Practitioners in Higher Education Australasia

Current Supervisions

Research TitleSupervisor TypeLevel of StudyCommenced
The Australian News Media and its influence on the mainstream perceptions of gender based violence in Australia: The implications for Social WorkAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2024
Project titleDetailsYear
An exploratory inquiry of in-school university enabling programs in AustraliaUniSQ Early Career Researcher Development Program Grant2023
A repository of intercultural education practicesBrazilian Ministry of Education – Institutional Program for Internationalization Visiting Scholar Grant 2023

Focusing on access and participation for underrepresented students through community engagement: the potential of in-school enabling programs in Australia

Ramos, Fabiane, Ryan, Naomi and Forbes, Meg. 2024. "Focusing on access and participation for underrepresented students through community engagement: the potential of in-school enabling programs in Australia." Equity Practitioners in Higher Education Australasia (EPHEA) Conference 2024. Auckland, New Zealand 19 - 22 Nov 2024 New Zealand.

Parallel Mothers, Parallel Academics: Becoming Mothers in Australia Academia

Ramos, Fabiane, Eslick, Belinda and Roberts, Laura. 2024. "Parallel Mothers, Parallel Academics: Becoming Mothers in Australia Academia." Australian Women's and Gender Studies Association Conference. Gold Coast, Queensland 13 - 15 Nov 2024 Australia.

Teaching with wonder: Engaged pedagogy and attentive listening

Ramos, Fabiane and Roberts, Laura. 2024. "Teaching with wonder: Engaged pedagogy and attentive listening." Journal of International Political Theory. 20 (3), pp. 259-271. https://doi.org/10.1177/17550882241283589

True encounters with the fictional university: collectively rewriting the script of filmic dark academia from the academic margins

Hopkins, Susan, Balloo, Kieran, Ramos, Fabiane, Salmeron, Raquel, Singh, Niharika and Wilson, Victoria E.. 2024. "True encounters with the fictional university: collectively rewriting the script of filmic dark academia from the academic margins ." Culture and Organization. https://doi.org/10.1080/14759551.2024.2394461

reimagining feminist futures through geographies of selves: a letter to the poetics of being and becoming.

Ramos, Fabiane. 2024. "reimagining feminist futures through geographies of selves: a letter to the poetics of being and becoming. " Feminist Review. 136 (1), pp. 118-124. https://doi.org/10.1177/01417789241232511

Exploring the identities of pathways educators through the lens of Third Space Theory

Balloo, Kieran, Ramos, Fabiane, Crank, Russell, Crane, Daniel, Hopkins, Susan, McGovern, Mary, Parkes, Frey, Penno, Julie, Singh, Niharika, Todd, Nicholas, Wilson, Victoria, Windsor, Angela and Worsley, Sue. 2024. "Exploring the identities of pathways educators through the lens of Third Space Theory." Pedagogy Culture and Society. 32 (5), pp. 1549-1571. https://doi.org/10.1080/14681366.2023.2230986

Preparation for doctoral research: a narrative review

McDowall, Ailie and Ramos, Fabiane. 2024. "Preparation for doctoral research: a narrative review." The Australian Educational Researcher. 51 (4), pp. 1101-1119. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13384-023-00630-y

A Declaration of Gratitude for the Tongues We Speak

Ramos, Fabiane. 2022. "A Declaration of Gratitude for the Tongues We Speak." Wilson, Gloria J, Kraehe, Amelia M and Acuff, Joni Boyd (ed.) A Love Letter to This Bridge Called My Back. United States. The University of Arizona Press. pp. 279-284

Mapping the values and identities of academics who teach into widening participation university preparation programs

Balloo, Kieran, Crane, Daniel, Crank, Russell, Hopkins, Susan, McGovern, Mary, Parkes, Geoffrey, Penno, Julie, Ramos, Fabiane, Singh, Niharika, Todd, Nicholas, Wilson, Victoria, Windsor, Angela and Worsley, Sue. 2022. "Mapping the values and identities of academics who teach into widening participation university preparation programs." Society for Research into Higher Education International Research (SRHE) Conference 2022. 05 - 09 Dec 2022 United Kingdom.

O encantamento como pedagogia feminista: rompendo a cumplicidade feminista com a colonialidade

Ramos, Fabiane and Roberts, Laura. 2022. "O encantamento como pedagogia feminista: rompendo a cumplicidade feminista com a colonialidade." Cassiani, Suzani, Giraldi, Patricia Montanari, Conde, Soraya Franzoni and De-Carvalho, Robert (ed.) Resistir, (re)existir e (re)inventar II : pedagogias decoloniais em dialogo com o Sul Global. Sao Paulo, Brazil. Editora Livraria da Fisica. pp. 221-250

Wonder as feminist pedagogy: disrupting feminist complicity with coloniality

Ramos, Fabiane and Roberts, Laura. 2021. "Wonder as feminist pedagogy: disrupting feminist complicity with coloniality." Feminist Review. 128, pp. 28-43. https://doi.org/10.1177/01417789211013702

Resistance to Monoligualism: School Principals and Head of Languages’ Voices on Factors that Promote and Deter Languages Education in Queensland, Australia

Diaz, Adriana, Cordella, Marisa and Ramos, Fabiane. 2021. "Resistance to Monoligualism: School Principals and Head of Languages’ Voices on Factors that Promote and Deter Languages Education in Queensland, Australia." Lanvers, Ursula, Thompson, Amy S. and East, Martin (ed.) Language Learning in Anglophone Countries: Challenges, Practices, Ways Forward. Cham, Switzerland. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 485-502

Academic success as willful-resistance: theorising with refugee-background students in Australia

Ramos, Fabiane. 2020. "Academic success as willful-resistance: theorising with refugee-background students in Australia." Discourse: studies in the cultural politics of education. 42 (3), pp. 440 -455. https://doi.org/10.1080/01596306.2020.1718063

Pondering Hierarchy of Oppressions in Australia: The Case of Refugees and Their Mode of Arrival

Ramos, Fabiane. 2019. "Pondering Hierarchy of Oppressions in Australia: The Case of Refugees and Their Mode of Arrival." Journal of the European Association for Studies of Australia. 10 (1), pp. 28-39.

Opening-up entangled conversations: engaging with the stories of refugee-background students in Australia

Ramos, Fabiane. 2018. Opening-up entangled conversations: engaging with the stories of refugee-background students in Australia. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Queensland. https://doi.org/10.14264/uql.2018.375

‘It's so messed up, it’s unfair’: conversations about the refugee crisis

Ramos, Fabiane. 2018. "‘It's so messed up, it’s unfair’: conversations about the refugee crisis." Borderlands journal. 17 (2), pp. 1-22.

Doing Decoloniality in the Writing Borderlands of the PhD

McDowall, Ailie and Ramos, Fabiane. 2017. "Doing Decoloniality in the Writing Borderlands of the PhD." The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education. 47 (1), pp. 54-63. https://doi.org/10.1017/jie.2017.23

Reflections on methodology: Dilemmas in a research project about the educational experiences of refugee-background youth

Ramos, Fabiane. 2015. "Reflections on methodology: Dilemmas in a research project about the educational experiences of refugee-background youth." Annual International Australian Association for Research in Education Conference 2015 (AARE 2015). Fremantle, Australia 29 Nov - 03 Dec 2015 Australia.

Beyond decolonising doctoral education: Alternatives for doctoral scholars

McDowall, Ailie and Ramos, Fabiane. 2025. "Beyond decolonising doctoral education: Alternatives for doctoral scholars." Hallett, Fiona (ed.) Debates in Doctoral Education: Challenges and Opportunities. United Kingdom. Routledge.