3109. Zoology

Title3109. Zoology
Parent31. Biological Sciences

Latest research outputs

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The effect of spraying for buffalo fly (Haematobia irritans exigua) on infestations, growth rate and lesion development on Bos indicus x B. taurus cattle in the dry tropics of North Queensland
Holroyd, R. G., Hirst, D. J., Merrifield, A. W. and Toleman, M. A.. 1984. "The effect of spraying for buffalo fly (Haematobia irritans exigua) on infestations, growth rate and lesion development on Bos indicus x B. taurus cattle in the dry tropics of North Queensland." Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 35 (4), pp. 595-608. https://doi.org/10.1071/AR9840595


Neural responses to free-field auditory stimulation in the superior colliculus of the wallaby (Macropus eugenii)
Withington, D. J., Mark, R. F., Thornton, S. K., Liu, G. B. and Hill, K. G.. 1995. "Neural responses to free-field auditory stimulation in the superior colliculus of the wallaby (Macropus eugenii) ." Experimental Brain Research. 105 (2), pp. 233-240. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00240959


Functional development of the inferior colliculus (IC) and its relationship with the auditory brainstem response (ABR) in the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii)
Liu, Guang B. and Mark, Richard F.. 2001. "Functional development of the inferior colliculus (IC) and its relationship with the auditory brainstem response (ABR) in the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii) ." Hearing Research. 157 (1-2), pp. 112-123. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0378-5955(01)00289-1


Spreading and synchronization of intrinsic signals in visual cortex of macaque monkey evoked by a localized visual stimulus
Liu, Guang B., Zhang, Ying, Pettigrew, John D., Xu, Wei F. and Li, Chao-Yi. 2003. "Spreading and synchronization of intrinsic signals in visual cortex of macaque monkey evoked by a localized visual stimulus." Brain Research. 985 (1), pp. 13-20. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0006-8993(03)03049-X


Temporal relationship between the auditory brainstem response and focal responses of auditory nerve root and cochlear nucleus during development in the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii)
Liu, G. B., Hill, K. G. and Mark, R. F.. 2001. "Temporal relationship between the auditory brainstem response and focal responses of auditory nerve root and cochlear nucleus during development in the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii)." Audiology and Neurotology. 6 (3), pp. 140-153. https://doi.org/10.1159/000046821


Functional development of the auditory brainstem in the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii): the superior olivary complex and its relationship with the auditory brainstem response (ABR)
Liu, Guang B.. 2003. "Functional development of the auditory brainstem in the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii): the superior olivary complex and its relationship with the auditory brainstem response (ABR)." Hearing Research. 175 (1), pp. 152-164. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0378-5955(02)00733-5


Uncoupling protein 2 and 3 in marsupials: identification, phylogeny and gene expression in response to cold and fasting in Antechinus flavipes
Jastroch, Martin, Withers, Kerry and Klingenspor, Martin. 2004. "Uncoupling protein 2 and 3 in marsupials: identification, phylogeny and gene expression in response to cold and fasting in Antechinus flavipes." Physiological Genomics. 17 (2), pp. 130-139. https://doi.org/10.1152/physiolgenomics.00165.2003


Determining the age of adult wild dogs (Canis lupus dingo, C. l. domesticus and their hybrids): I. Pulp cavity/tooth width ratios
Kershaw, K., Allen, L., Lisle, A. and Withers, K.. 2005. "Determining the age of adult wild dogs (Canis lupus dingo, C. l. domesticus and their hybrids): I. Pulp cavity/tooth width ratios." Wildlife Research. 32 (6), pp. 581-585. https://doi.org/10.1035-3712/05/060581


Measuring the density of dingo teeth with machine vision
Billingsley, John and Withers, Kerry. 2004. "Measuring the density of dingo teeth with machine vision." Sensor Review. 24 (4), pp. 361-363. https://doi.org/10.1108/02602280410558386


The streptozotocin-diabetic rat as a model of the chronic complications of human diabetes
Wei, Michael, Ong, Leslie, Smith, Maree, Ross, Fraser B., Schmid, Katrina, Hoey, Andrew, Burstow, Darryl and Brown, Lindsay. 2003. "The streptozotocin-diabetic rat as a model of the chronic complications of human diabetes." Heart Lung and Circulation. 12 (1), pp. 44-50. https://doi.org/10.1046/j.1444-2892.2003.00160.x


Long-term administration of pirfenidone improves cardiac function in mdx mice
van Erp, Christel, Irwin, Nicole G. and Hoey, Andrew J.. 2006. "Long-term administration of pirfenidone improves cardiac function in mdx mice." Muscle and Nerve. 34 (3), pp. 327-334. https://doi.org/10.1002/mus.20590


Attenuation of Cardiovascular Remodeling in DOCA-Salt Rats by the Vasopeptidase Inhibitor, Omapatrilat
Loch, David, Hoey, Andrew and Brown, Lindsay. 2006. "Attenuation of Cardiovascular Remodeling in DOCA-Salt Rats by the Vasopeptidase Inhibitor, Omapatrilat ." Clinical and Experimental Hypertension. 28 (5), pp. 475-488. https://doi.org/10.1080/10641960600798754


Alterations in dihydropyridine receptors in dystrophin-deficient cardiac muscle
Woolf, Peter James, Lu, Sai, Cornford-Nairn, Renee A., Watson, Michael, Xiao, Xiao-Hui, Holroyd, Sean, Brown, Lindsay and Hoey, Andrew. 2006. "Alterations in dihydropyridine receptors in dystrophin-deficient cardiac muscle." American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology. 290 (6), pp. H2439-H2445. https://doi.org/10.1152/ajpheart.00844.2005


Cardiac extracellular matrix: a dynamic entity
Brown, Lindsay. 2005. "Cardiac extracellular matrix: a dynamic entity." American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology. 289 (3), pp. H973-H974. https://doi.org/10.1152/ajpheart.00443.2005


Increased calcium influx mediates increased cardiac stiffness in hyperthyroid rats
Levick, Scott, Fenning, Andrew and Brown, Lindsay. 2005. "Increased calcium influx mediates increased cardiac stiffness in hyperthyroid rats." Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics. 43 (1), pp. 53-60.


Antioxidant supplementation enhances erythrocyte antioxidant status and attenuates cyclosporine-induced vascular dysfunction
Lexis, L. A., Fenning, A., Brown, L., Fassett, R. G. and Coombes, J. S.. 2006. "Antioxidant supplementation enhances erythrocyte antioxidant status and attenuates cyclosporine-induced vascular dysfunction." American Journal of Transplantation. 6 (1), pp. 41-49. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1600-6143.2005.01154.x


Therapeutic interventions: an Islamic perspective
Rahman, Mohammad Tariqur, Nazer, Reeza, Brown, Lindsay, Shogar, Ibrahim and Bouzenita, Anke Iman. 2008. "Therapeutic interventions: an Islamic perspective." IMA Journal. 40 (2), pp. 60-68.


Meeting Flipper in the wild: managing swim with dolphin tourism in Australia
Zeppel, Heather. 2007. "Meeting Flipper in the wild: managing swim with dolphin tourism in Australia." Luck, Michael, Graupl, Alice, Auyong, Jan, Miller, Marc L. and Orams, Mark B. (ed.) 5th International Coastal and Marine Tourism Congress: Balancing Marine Tourism, Development and Sustainability (CMT2007). Auckland, New Zealand 11 - 15 Sep 2007 Auckland, New Zealand.


Circulating leptin concentrations are positively related to leptin messenger RNA expression in the adipose tissue of fetal sheep in the pregnant ewe fed at or below maintenance energy requirements during late gestation
Yuen, B. S. J., Owens, P. C., McFarlane, J. R., Symonds, M. E., Edwards, L. J., Kauter, K. G. and McMillen, I. C.. 2002. "Circulating leptin concentrations are positively related to leptin messenger RNA expression in the adipose tissue of fetal sheep in the pregnant ewe fed at or below maintenance energy requirements during late gestation." Biology of Reproduction. 67 (3), pp. 911-916. https://doi.org/10.1095/biolreprod.101.002931


Unusual susceptibility of sheep selected for resistance to internal parasites
Gray, G. D., Gill, H. S., Kauter, K. G., Burgess, S. K. and Douglas-Hill, A.. 1994. "Unusual susceptibility of sheep selected for resistance to internal parasites." 5th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. Guelph, Canada 15 Sep 1994 Canada.


Measurement of bovine bone properties through surface indentation technique
Lau, Mei-ling, Lau, Kin-tak, Yao Yeo, Yan-Dong, Au Yeung, Chi-ting and Lee, Joong-hee. 2010. "Measurement of bovine bone properties through surface indentation technique." Materials and Manufacturing Processes. 25 (5), pp. 324-328. https://doi.org/10.1080/10426911003748137


Hair cortisol concentration differs across site and person: localisation and consistency of responses to a brief pain stressor
Sharpley, C. F., Kauter, K. G. and McFarlane, J. R.. 2010. "Hair cortisol concentration differs across site and person: localisation and consistency of responses to a brief pain stressor." Physiological Research. 59 (6), pp. 979-983.


Anti-inflammatory activity of hyperimmune plasma in a lipopolysaccharide-mediated rat air pouch model of inflammation
Essien, Bryan E. and Kotiw, Michael. 2012. "Anti-inflammatory activity of hyperimmune plasma in a lipopolysaccharide-mediated rat air pouch model of inflammation." Inflammation. 35 (1), pp. 58-64. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10753-010-9289-x


Parasitoids select plants more heavily infested with their caterpillar hosts: a new approach to aid interpretation of plant headspace volatiles
Girling, Robbie D., Stewart-Jones, Alex, Dherbecourt, Julie, Staley, Joanna T., Wright, Wright and Poppy, Guy M.. 2011. "Parasitoids select plants more heavily infested with their caterpillar hosts: a new approach to aid interpretation of plant headspace volatiles." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 278 (1718), pp. 2646-2653. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2010.2725


Utilizing insect behavior in chemical detection by a behavioral biosensor
Fernández-Grandon, G., Girling, Robbie D. and Poppy, Guy M.. 2011. "Utilizing insect behavior in chemical detection by a behavioral biosensor." Journal of Plant Interactions. 6 (2-3), pp. 109-112. https://doi.org/10.1080/17429145.2010.544778


An investigation of hair cortisol concentration across body sites and within hair shaft
Sharpley, Christopher F., Kauter, Kathleen G. and McFarlane, James R.. 2010. "An investigation of hair cortisol concentration across body sites and within hair shaft." Clinical Medicine Insights: Endocrinology and Diabetes. 3, pp. 17-23. https://doi.org/10.4137/CMED.S4465


Diurnal variation in peripheral (hair) vs central (saliva) HPA axis cortisol concentrations
Sharpley, Christopher F., Kauter, Kathleen G. and McFarlane, James R.. 2010. "Diurnal variation in peripheral (hair) vs central (saliva) HPA axis cortisol concentrations." Clinical Medicine Insights: Endocrinology and Diabetes. 3, pp. 9-16. https://doi.org/10.4137/CMED.S4350


Nesting, foraging and aggression of noisy miners relative to road edges in an extensive Queensland forest
Maron, Martine. 2009. "Nesting, foraging and aggression of noisy miners relative to road edges in an extensive Queensland forest." Emu: austral ornithology. 109 (1), pp. 75-81. https://doi.org/10.1071/MU08064


Maximising woodland bird diversity in brigalow belt forests
Howes, Alison and Maron, Martine. 2008. Maximising woodland bird diversity in brigalow belt forests . Canberra, Australia. Land and Water Australia.


Liveweight loss and recovery in steers fasted for periods of twelve to seventy-two hours
Wythes, J. R., McLennan, S. R. and Toleman, M. A.. 1980. "Liveweight loss and recovery in steers fasted for periods of twelve to seventy-two hours." Animal Production Science. 20 (106), pp. 517-521.


Temperament and bruising of Bos indicus cross cattle
Fordyce, G., Goddard, M. E., Tyler, R., Williams, G. and Toleman, M. A.. 1985. "Temperament and bruising of Bos indicus cross cattle." Animal Production Science. 25 (2), pp. 283-288.


Seasonal effects of dosing cattle with monensin sodium in the dry tropics
Lindsay, J. A., Freire, L. C. L., Murray, R. M. and Toleman, M. A.. 1982. "Seasonal effects of dosing cattle with monensin sodium in the dry tropics." 14th Biennial Australian Society of Animal Production Conference (ASAP 1982): Animal Production in Australia. Brisbane, Australia 10 - 14 May 1982 Sydney, Australia.


Protected proteins as supplements for bulls fed tropical forage diets
Lindsay, J. A., Ndama, P. H., Tune, D. R., Toleman, M. A. and Entwistle, K. W.. 1982. "Protected proteins as supplements for bulls fed tropical forage diets." 14th Biennial Australian Society of Animal Production Conference (ASAP 1982): Animal Production in Australia. Brisbane, Australia 10 - 14 May 1982 Sydney, Australia.


Morphometric differentiation of Vespadelus finlaysoni and V. troughtoni in Queensland
Ford, Greg and Le Brocque, Andrew F.. 2000. "Morphometric differentiation of Vespadelus finlaysoni and V. troughtoni in Queensland." 9th Australasian Bat Society Conference. Hunter Valley, Australia Apr 2000 Australia.


Fetal leptin is a signal of fat mass independent of maternal nutrition in ewes fed at or above maintenance energy requirements
Muhlhausler, B. S., Roberts, C. T., McFarlane, J. R., Kauter, K. G. and McMillen, I. C.. 2002. "Fetal leptin is a signal of fat mass independent of maternal nutrition in ewes fed at or above maintenance energy requirements." Biology of Reproduction. 67 (2), pp. 493-499. https://doi.org/10.1095/biolreprod67.2.493


Impact of periconceptional nutrition on maternal and fetal leptin and fetal adiposity in singleton and twin pregnancies
Edwards, L. J., McFarlane, J. R., Kauter, K. G. and McMillen, I. C.. 2005. "Impact of periconceptional nutrition on maternal and fetal leptin and fetal adiposity in singleton and twin pregnancies." American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology. 288 (1), pp. R39-R45. https://doi.org/10.1152/ajpregu.00127.2004


Mitochondrial proton conductance in skeletal muscle of a cold-exposed marsupial, Antechinus flavipes, is unlikely to be involved in adaptive non-shivering thermogenesis but displays increased sensitivity towards carbon-centered radicals
Jastroch, Martin, Withers, Kerry, Stoehr, Sigrid and Klingenspor, Martin. 2009. "Mitochondrial proton conductance in skeletal muscle of a cold-exposed marsupial, Antechinus flavipes, is unlikely to be involved in adaptive non-shivering thermogenesis but displays increased sensitivity towards carbon-centered radicals." Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 82 (5), pp. 447-454. https://doi.org/10.1086/603631


Impact of glucose infusion on the structural and functional characteristics of adipose tissue and on hypothalamic gene expression for appetite regulatory neuropeptides in the sheep fetus during late gestation
Muhlhausler, B. S., Adam, C. L., Marrocco, E. M., Findlay, P. A., Roberts, C. T., McFarlane, J. R., Kauter, K. G. and McMillen, I. C.. 2005. "Impact of glucose infusion on the structural and functional characteristics of adipose tissue and on hypothalamic gene expression for appetite regulatory neuropeptides in the sheep fetus during late gestation." The Journal of Physiology. 565 (1), pp. 185-195. https://doi.org/10.1113jphysiol.2004.079079


Determinants of fetal leptin synthesis, fat mass, and circulating leptin concentrations in well-nourished ewes in late pregnancy
Muhlhausler, B. S., Roberts, C. T., Yuen, B. S. J., Marrocco, E., Budge, H., Symonds, M. E., McFarlane, J. R., Kauter, K. G., Stagg, P., Pearse, J. K. and McMillen, I. C.. 2003. "Determinants of fetal leptin synthesis, fat mass, and circulating leptin concentrations in well-nourished ewes in late pregnancy." Endocrinology. 144 (11), pp. 4947-4954. https://doi.org/10.1210/en.2003-0555


Leptin alters the structural and functional characteristics of adipose tissue before birth
Yuen, B. S. J., Owens, P. C., Muhlhausler, B. S., Roberts, C. T., Symonds, M. E., Keisler, D. H., McFarlane, J. R., Kauter, K. G., Evens, Y. and McMillen, I. C.. 2003. "Leptin alters the structural and functional characteristics of adipose tissue before birth." The FASEB Journal. 17 (9), pp. 1102-1104. https://doi.org/10.1096/fj.02-0756fje
