4505. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, society and community

Title4505. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, society and community
Parent45. Indigenous Studies

Latest research outputs

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Rights-based 'recognition': the Canadian experience
Mascher, Sharon and Young, Simon. 2016. "Rights-based 'recognition': the Canadian experience." Young, Simon, Nielsen, Jennifer and Patrick, Jeremy (ed.) Constitutional recognition of first peoples in Australia - theories and comparative perspectives. Leichhardt, NSW, Australia. Federation Press. pp. 176-205

Edited book (chapter)

Samoa: constitutional governance and customary law
Breda, Vito. 2019. "Samoa: constitutional governance and customary law." Revue juridique polyne´sienne. 23, pp. 163-180.


Sentencing on a colonial frontier: Judge Therry's decisions at Moreton Bay
Connors, Libby. 2008. "Sentencing on a colonial frontier: Judge Therry's decisions at Moreton Bay." Legal History. 12 (1), pp. 81-97.


Shredding the Evidence: Whose Collective Impact are We Talking About?
Woolcock, Geoffrey. 2019. "Shredding the Evidence: Whose Collective Impact are We Talking About?" Kee, Youngwha, Lee, Seung Jong and Phillips, Rhonda (ed.) Perspectives on Community Well-Being. Switzerland. Springer. pp. 157-173

Edited book (chapter)

Storymaking belonging
Bunda, Tracey, Heckenberg, Robyn, Snepvangers, Kim, Phillips, Louise Gwenneth, Lasczik, Alexandra and Black, Alison L.. 2019. "Storymaking belonging." Art/Research International: A Transdisciplinary Journal. 4 (1), pp. 153-179. https://doi.org/10.18432/ari29429


Synergy or skirmish? The collaboration of law and anthropology
Young, Simon. 2016. "Synergy or skirmish? The collaboration of law and anthropology." Bright, Susan and Blandy, Sarah (ed.) Researching property law. London, United Kingdom. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 145-163

Edited book (chapter)

The government's religious business on Hindmarsh Island
Mortensen, Reid. 1995. "The government's religious business on Hindmarsh Island." Australia and World Affairs. 26, pp. 53-55.


The increments of justice: exploring the outer reach of Akiba's edge towards native title 'ownership'
Young, Simon. 2019. "The increments of justice: exploring the outer reach of Akiba's edge towards native title 'ownership'." University of New South Wales Law Journal. 42 (3), pp. 825-868. https://doi.org/10.53637/PZOJ4201


The stolen generations: what does this mean for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people today?
Williams-Mozley, John. 2013. "The stolen generations: what does this mean for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people today?" Price, Kaye (ed.) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education: an introduction for the teaching profession . Melbourne, Australia. Cambridge University Press. pp. 21-34

Textbook (chapter)

The strain to hold ground: site-based conflict and an Indigenous ideology of water and place
Heckenberg, Robyn. 2019. "The strain to hold ground: site-based conflict and an Indigenous ideology of water and place." Collins, Pauline, Igreja, Victor and Danaher, Patrick Alan (ed.) The nexus among place, conflict and communication in a globalising world. Singapore. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 17-36

Edited book (chapter)

The trouble with tradition: native title and cultural change
Young, Simon. 2008. The trouble with tradition: native title and cultural change. Sydney, Australia. Federation Press.

Authored book

The troubled sequel: Canadian aboriginal title revisited in the BC Court of Appeal
Young, Simon. 2012. "The troubled sequel: Canadian aboriginal title revisited in the BC Court of Appeal." Australian Property Law Bulletin. 26 (10), pp. 147-150.


Tides of history and jurisprudential gulfs: Native title proof and the Noongar Western Australia claim
Young, Simon. 2010. "Tides of history and jurisprudential gulfs: Native title proof and the Noongar Western Australia claim." Indigenous Law Journal. 8 (1), pp. 95-120.


Traditional games of a timeless land: play cultures in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
Edwards, Ken. 2009. "Traditional games of a timeless land: play cultures in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities." Australian Aboriginal Studies.


Traditional law and indigenous resistance at Moreton Bay 1842-1855
Connors, Libby. 2005. "Traditional law and indigenous resistance at Moreton Bay 1842-1855." Australia and New Zealand Law and History E-Journal.


Traditional law and indigenous resistance at Moreton Bay 1842-1855, Part II
Connors, Libby. 2006. "Traditional law and indigenous resistance at Moreton Bay 1842-1855, Part II." Australia and New Zealand Law and History E-Journal.


True Justice through deep listening on Country: decolonising legal education in Australia
Bird, Susan, Rawnsley, John Trevor and Radavoi, Ciprian. 2023. "True Justice through deep listening on Country: decolonising legal education in Australia." AlterNative: an international journal of indigenous peoples. 19 (4), pp. 892-901. https://doi.org/10.1177/11771801231198566


Understanding Deadman's Pocket: Peter Glynn and the making of a colonial frontiersman
Connors, Libby. 2017. "Understanding Deadman's Pocket: Peter Glynn and the making of a colonial frontiersman." Baker, Dallas John, Brien, Donna Lee and Sulway, Nike (ed.) Recovering history through fact and fiction: forgotten lives. Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 27-41

Edited book (chapter)

Waiting, power and time in ethnographic and community-based research
Palmer, Jane, Pocock, Celmara and Burton, Lorelle. 2018. "Waiting, power and time in ethnographic and community-based research." Qualitative Research. 18 (4), pp. 416-432. https://doi.org/10.1177/1468794117728413


Western medicine and Australian Indigenous healing practices
Gorman, Don, Nielsen, Anne-Maree and Best, Odette. 2006. "Western medicine and Australian Indigenous healing practices." Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal. 30 (1), pp. 28-29.


Women on the South-East Queensland frontier
Connors, Libby. 2008. "Women on the South-East Queensland frontier." Queensland Review. 15 (2), pp. 19-37.


Women, children and violence in aboriginal law: some perspectives from the southeast Queensland frontier
Connors, Libby. 2012. "Women, children and violence in aboriginal law: some perspectives from the southeast Queensland frontier ." Kirkby, Diane (ed.) Past law, present histories. Canberra, Australia. Australian National University (ANU) Press. pp. 125-136

Edited book (chapter)

Writing to perform the region: making ‘somewhereness’ visible in post-colonisation Australia
Palmer, Jane. 2019. "Writing to perform the region: making ‘somewhereness’ visible in post-colonisation Australia." TEXT: Journal of Writing and Writing Courses. 23 (Special 54), pp. 1-13. https://doi.org/10.52086/001c.25449



450501. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander accounting

450502. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander anthropology

450503. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander architecture

450504. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander commerce

450505. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community and regional development

450506. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community governance and decision making

450507. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-based research

450508. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander criminology

450509. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander customary law

450510. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander design practice and management

450511. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander economics

450512. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander finance

450513. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander human geography and demography

450514. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander legislation

450515. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander management

450516. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander marketing

450517. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander not-for-profit social enterprises

450518. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the law

450519. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives

450520. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander political participation and representation

450521. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander politics

450522. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social impact and program evaluation

450523. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social work and social justice

450524. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sociological studies

450525. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sociology

450526. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander tourism

450527. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander urban and regional planning

450599. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, society and community not elsewhere classified