300499. Crop and pasture production not elsewhere classified

Title300499. Crop and pasture production not elsewhere classified
Parent3004. Crop and pasture production

Latest research outputs

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Pre- and post-flowering impacts of natural heatwaves on yield components in wheat
Ullah, Najeeb, Collins, Brian, Christopher, John T., Frederiks, Troy and Chenu, Karine. 2024. "Pre- and post-flowering impacts of natural heatwaves on yield components in wheat." Field Crops Research. 316. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2024.109489


Determinants of organic soil fertilization methods use over time and in the face of climate vulnerability
Sharna, Shaima Chowdhury, Maraseni, Tek and Radanielson, Ando Mariot. 2024. "Determinants of organic soil fertilization methods use over time and in the face of climate vulnerability." Soil and Tillage Research. 240. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.still.2024.106066


Balancing pre- and post-anthesis growth to maximize water-limited yield in cereals
Borrell, Andrew K., Christopher, John T., Kelly, Alison, Collins, Brian and Chenu, Karine. 2023. "Balancing pre- and post-anthesis growth to maximize water-limited yield in cereals." Field Crops Research. 296. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2023.108919


An optimal combination of sowing date and cultivar could mitigate the impact of simultaneous heat and drought on rainfed wheat in arid regions
Deihimfard, Reza, Rahimi-Moghaddam, Sajjad, El-Serehy, Hamed and Collins, Brian. 2023. "An optimal combination of sowing date and cultivar could mitigate the impact of simultaneous heat and drought on rainfed wheat in arid regions." European Journal of Agronomy. 147. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eja.2023.126848


Water scarcity assessment in Iran’s agricultural sector using the water footprint concept
Dehghanpir, Shahla, Bazrafshan, Ommolbanin, Ramezani-Etedali, Hadi and Collins, Brian. 2023. "Water scarcity assessment in Iran’s agricultural sector using the water footprint concept." Environment, Development and Sustainability: a multidisciplinary approach to the theory and practice of sustainable development. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-023-03852-3


Evaluation of water shortage in wheat production in Iran
Dehghanpir, Shahla, Bazrafshan, Ommolbanin, Ramezani-Etedali, Hadi, Holisaz, Arashk and Collins, Brian. 2023. "Evaluation of water shortage in wheat production in Iran." Iranian Journal of Ecohydrology. 9 (4), pp. 719-732.


Enhancing climate resilience by combining practice and insurance strategies: A case study for cotton crop
Nguyen-Huy, Thong and Battersby, Kerry. 2023. "Enhancing climate resilience by combining practice and insurance strategies: A case study for cotton crop." Queensland Disaster Management Research Forum 2023. Brisbane, Australia 07 - 07 Nov 2023


Nematode problems in wheat and barley and their sustainable management
Owen, Kirsty, Walia, Raman Kumar, Yan, Guiping and Khan, Mujeebur Rahman. 2023. "Nematode problems in wheat and barley and their sustainable management." Khan, Mujeebur Rahman and Quintanilla, Marisol (ed.) Nematode Diseases of Crops and their Sustainable Management. India. Elsevier. pp. 97-131

Edited book (chapter)

Assessing the COVID-19 impacts on the coffee industry in Laos: An input–output modelling approach
Phimmavong, Somvang, Keenan, Rodney J., Phimmavong, Viengvilay, Maroulis, Jerry and Maraseni, Tek. 2023. "Assessing the COVID-19 impacts on the coffee industry in Laos: An input–output modelling approach." Cogent Economics and Finance. 11 (2). https://doi.org/10.1080/23322039.2023.2250692


Accounting for and Comparison of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions between Crop and Livestock Sectors in China
Han, Jinyu, Qu, Jiansheng, Wang, Dai and Maraseni, Tek Narayan. 2023. "Accounting for and Comparison of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions between Crop and Livestock Sectors in China." Land. 12 (9). https://doi.org/10.3390/land12091787


Effects of climate-smart agricultural practices on crop yields, soil carbon, and nitrogen pools in Africa: a meta-analysis
Kichamu-Wachira, Edith, Xu, Zhihong, Reardon-Smith, Kathryn, Biggs, Duan, Wachira, Geoffrey and Omidvar, Negar. 2021. "Effects of climate-smart agricultural practices on crop yields, soil carbon, and nitrogen pools in Africa: a meta-analysis." Journal of Soils and Sediments: protection, risk assessment and remediation. 21 (4), pp. 1587-1597. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11368-021-02885-3


Botryosphaeriaceae in Australian cereal grains: An overview
Adorada, Dante L.. 2017. "Botryosphaeriaceae in Australian cereal grains: An overview." Science Protecting Plant Health Conference (2017). Brisbane, Australia 25 Aug 2017 Australia.


Final Report Project 39: Root Diseases of Sesame in Australia
Adorada, Dante. 2021. Final Report Project 39: Root Diseases of Sesame in Australia. Australia. University of Southern Queensland.

Project report

Final Report: Soilborne Pathogens of Sesame
Adorada, Dante L.. 2021. Final Report: Soilborne Pathogens of Sesame. Australia. University of Southern Queensland.

Project report

Integrated disease management tools to manage summer crop diseases in the northern region
Adorada, Dante L. and Ryan, Juanita. 2020. Integrated disease management tools to manage summer crop diseases in the northern region. Australia. Grains Research and Development Corporation.

Technical report

The value of seasonal climate forecasting in agricultural decision-making
Reardon-Smith, Kate and An-Vo, Duc-Anh. 2022. "The value of seasonal climate forecasting in agricultural decision-making." African Technical Workshop on Crop Models and coupling with Numerical Weather and Seasonal to Sub-seasonal Forecasts. Niamey, Niger 13 - 15 Jun 2022


Cotton and climate change
Williams, Allyson A. J., McRae, David, Kouadio, Louis, Mushtaq, Shahbaz and Davis, Peter. 2019. "Cotton and climate change." Hatfield, Jerry L., Sivakumar, Mannava V. K. and Prueger, John H. (ed.) Agroclimatology: linking agriculture to climate. United States. American Society of Agronomy / Crop Science Society of America / Soil Science Society of America. pp. 343-368

Edited book (chapter)

Northern Australia Climate Program: supporting adaptation in rangeland grazing systems through more targeted climate forecasts, improved drought information and an innovative extension program
Cobon, David, Jarvis, Chelsea, Reardon-Smith, Kate, Guillory, Laura, Pudmenzky, Christa, Nguyen-Huy, Thong, Mushtaq, Shahbaz and Stone, Roger. 2021. "Northern Australia Climate Program: supporting adaptation in rangeland grazing systems through more targeted climate forecasts, improved drought information and an innovative extension program." The Rangeland Journal. 43 (3), pp. 87-100. https://doi.org/10.1071/RJ20074


Queensland’s multi-year Wet and Dry periods: implications for grazing enterprises and pasture resources
McKeon, G., Stone, R., Ahrens, D., Cobon, D., Irvine, S. and Syktus, J.. 2021. "Queensland’s multi-year Wet and Dry periods: implications for grazing enterprises and pasture resources." The Rangeland Journal. 43 (3), pp. 121-142. https://doi.org/10.1071/RJ20089


Lower grain nitrogen content of wheat at elevated CO2 can be improved through post-anthesis NH4+ supplement
Fernando, Nimesha, Hirotsu, Naoki, Panozzo, Joe, Tausz, Michael, Norton, Robert M. and Seneweera, Saman. 2017. "Lower grain nitrogen content of wheat at elevated CO2 can be improved through post-anthesis NH4+ supplement." Journal of Cereal Science. 74, pp. 79-85. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcs.2017.01.009


Fertiliser management effects on dissolved inorganic nitrogen in runoff from Australian sugarcane farms
Fraser, Grant, Rohde, Ken and Silburn, Mark. 2017. "Fertiliser management effects on dissolved inorganic nitrogen in runoff from Australian sugarcane farms." Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 189 (8), pp. 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-017-6115-z


Evaluation of CRU TS, GPCC, AgMERRA, and AgCFSR meteorological datasets for estimating climate and crop variables: A case study of maize in Qazvin Province, Iran
Paveh, Faraz Gorgin, Ramezani-Etedali, Hadi and Collins, Brian. 2022. "Evaluation of CRU TS, GPCC, AgMERRA, and AgCFSR meteorological datasets for estimating climate and crop variables: A case study of maize in Qazvin Province, Iran." Journal of Arid Land. 14 (12), pp. 1361-1376. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40333-022-0108-7


Improving pasture growth assessment using machine vision
McCarthy, Alison, Raedts, Pieter, Foley, Joseph and Hills, James. 2022. "Improving pasture growth assessment using machine vision." Australasian Dairy Science Symposium 2022 (ADSS 2022). Twin Waters, Australia 30 Nov - 02 Dec 2022


Sustainability of beef production from brigalow lands after cultivation and mining. 1. Sown pasture growth and carrying capacity
Paton, Colin J., Clewett, Jeffrey F., Melland, Alice R., Newsome, Tom, Eberhard, Jochen, Bennett, John McL and Baillie, Craig P.. 2021. "Sustainability of beef production from brigalow lands after cultivation and mining. 1. Sown pasture growth and carrying capacity." Animal Production Science. 61 (12), pp. 1246-1261. https://doi.org/10.1071/AN20135


Wheat Foliar Diseases in Queensland Especially Yellow Spot
Neary, Liz. Wheat Foliar Diseases in Queensland Especially Yellow Spot. Toowoomba. https://doi.org/10.26192/52qy-mq14


Limiting transpiration rate in high evaporative demand conditions to improve Australian wheat productivity
Collins, Brian, Chapman, Scott, Hammer, Graeme and Chenu, Karine. 2021. "Limiting transpiration rate in high evaporative demand conditions to improve Australian wheat productivity." In Silico Plants. 3 (1). https://doi.org/10.1093/insilicoplants/diab006


Investigation of slow release of urea from biodegradable single- and double-layered hollow nanofibre yarns
Javazmi, Leila, Low, Tobias, Ash, Gavin and Young, Anthony. 2020. "Investigation of slow release of urea from biodegradable single- and double-layered hollow nanofibre yarns." Scientific Reports. 10 (1). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-76395-6


Integrating seasonal climate forecasts with Robusta coffee model across the agricultural landscapes of Vietnam
Byrareddy, Vivekananda Mittahalli. 2020. Integrating seasonal climate forecasts with Robusta coffee model across the agricultural landscapes of Vietnam. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/k1v4-0907

PhD Thesis

Fabrication and characterization of multi-layered nanofibre structures for potential applications in agriculture
Javazmi, Leila. 2019. Fabrication and characterization of multi-layered nanofibre structures for potential applications in agriculture. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/9z6w-0038

PhD Thesis

Understanding the impacts of pour rate on sugar losses from the chopper harvester
Khawprateep, Sombat. 2019. Understanding the impacts of pour rate on sugar losses from the chopper harvester. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/3xzs-af93

PhD Thesis

Monitoring rice growth status in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam using multitemporal Sentinel-1 data
Phung, Hoang-Phi, Lam-Dao, Nguyen, Nguyen-Huy, Thong, Le-Toan, Thuy and Apan, Armando A.. 2020. "Monitoring rice growth status in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam using multitemporal Sentinel-1 data." Journal of Applied Remote Sensing. 14 (1), pp. 014518-1-014518-23. https://doi.org/10.1117/1.JRS.14.014518


Trace elements-induced phytohormesis: a critical review and mechanistic interpretation
Shahid, Muhammad, Niazi, Nabeel Khan, Rinklebe, Jorg, Bundschuh, Jochen, Dumat, Camille and Pinelli, Eric. 2020. "Trace elements-induced phytohormesis: a critical review and mechanistic interpretation." Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 50 (19), pp. 1984-2015. https://doi.org/10.1080/10643389.2019.1689061


Assessing the most sensitive and reliable endpoints in plant growth tests to improve arsenic risk assessment
Caixeta Martins, Gabriel, de Oliveira, Cynthia, Godinho Ribeiro, Paula, Natal-da-Luz, Tiago, Sousa, Jose Paulo, Bundschuh, Jochen and Guilherme, Luiz Roberto Guimaraes. 2019. "Assessing the most sensitive and reliable endpoints in plant growth tests to improve arsenic risk assessment." Science of the Total Environment. 708, pp. 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.134753


Customised life cycle assessment tool for sugarcane (CaneLCA)-a development in the evaluation of alternative agricultural practices
Renouf, Marguerite A., Poggio, Mark, Collier, Alison, Price, Nicole, Schroeder, Bernard L. and Allsopp, Peter G.. 2018. "Customised life cycle assessment tool for sugarcane (CaneLCA)-a development in the evaluation of alternative agricultural practices." International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. 23 (11), pp. 2150-2164. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11367-018-1442-z


Improved prediction of farm nitrous oxide emission through an understanding of the interaction among climate extremes, soil nitrogen dynamics and irrigation water
Maraseni, Tek and Kodur, Shreevatsa. 2019. "Improved prediction of farm nitrous oxide emission through an understanding of the interaction among climate extremes, soil nitrogen dynamics and irrigation water." Journal of Environmental Management. 248, pp. 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.109278


Evaluating the shifts in rainfall and pasture-growth variabilities across the pastoral zone of Australia during 1910–2010
Cobon, David, Kouadio, Louis, Mushtaq, Shahbaz, Jarvis, Chelsea, Carter, John, Stone, Grant and Davis, Peter. 2019. "Evaluating the shifts in rainfall and pasture-growth variabilities across the pastoral zone of Australia during 1910–2010." Crop and Pasture Science. 70 (7), pp. 634-647. https://doi.org/10.1071/CP18482


Varietal diversity of Sri Lankan traditional rice based on sensitivity to temperature and photoperiod at vegetative stage
Rathnathunga, Elpitiya Udari Uvindhya, Senanayake, Gamini, Seneweera, Saman and Geekiyanage, Sudarshanee. 2019. "Varietal diversity of Sri Lankan traditional rice based on sensitivity to temperature and photoperiod at vegetative stage." Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka. 47 (1), pp. 51-68. https://doi.org/10.4038/jnsfsr.v47i1.8928


Impact of elevated carbon dioxide and temperature on strawberry polyphenols
Balasooriya, Himali N., Dassanayake, Kithsiri B., Seneweera, Saman and Ajlouni, Said. 2019. "Impact of elevated carbon dioxide and temperature on strawberry polyphenols." Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 99 (10), pp. 4659-4669. https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.9706


Photosynthesis and yield response to elevated CO2, C4 plant foxtail millet behaves similarly to C3 species
Li, Ping, Li, Bingyan, Seneweera, Saman, Zong, Yuzheng, Li, Frank Yonghong, Han, Yuanhuai and Hao, Xingyu. 2019. "Photosynthesis and yield response to elevated CO2, C4 plant foxtail millet behaves similarly to C3 species." Plant Science. 285, pp. 239-247. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plantsci.2019.05.006


Identification of low phytic acid and high Zn bioavailable rice (Oryza sativa L.) from 69 accessions of the world rice core collection
Perera, Ishara, Fukushima, Ayaka, Arai, Mako, Yamada, Kenta, Nagasaka, Seiji, Seneweera, Saman and Hirotsu, Naoki. 2019. "Identification of low phytic acid and high Zn bioavailable rice (Oryza sativa L.) from 69 accessions of the world rice core collection." Journal of Cereal Science. 85, pp. 206-213. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcs.2018.12.010
