401204. Computational methods in fluid flow, heat and mass transfer (incl. computational fluid dynamics)

Title401204. Computational methods in fluid flow, heat and mass transfer (incl. computational fluid dynamics)
Parent4012. Fluid mechanics and thermal engineering

Latest research outputs

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Ion-wind Powered Boat using a novel wire-dielectric water system
Mai, Ngoc Luan, Nguyen, Tuan-Khoa, Tran, Canh-Dung, Vu, Trung-Hieu, Dinh, Thien Xuan, Nguyen, Nam-Trung, Dao, Dzung Viet and Dau, Van Thanh. 2025. "Ion-wind Powered Boat using a novel wire-dielectric water system." Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 383. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sna.2024.116187


Performance Comparison of Solid Walls and Porous Fences in 2 Protecting Structures from Firebrand Attack
Sharifian, Ahmad. 2025. "Performance Comparison of Solid Walls and Porous Fences in 2 Protecting Structures from Firebrand Attack." Fire. 8 (3). https://doi.org/10.3390/fire8030088


Simulation of polymer melts using Radial Basis Function and Brownian configuration field method
Nguyen, Hung Quoc and Tran, Canh-Dung. 2024. "Simulation of polymer melts using Radial Basis Function and Brownian configuration field method." SCIREA Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 5 (1), pp. 26-61. https://doi.org/10.54647/mechanical460112


A numerically-stable method for enforcing numerical conservation in transported probability density function models: Application to MMC-IEM with one reference variable
Wandel, Andrew P.. 2024. "A numerically-stable method for enforcing numerical conservation in transported probability density function models: Application to MMC-IEM with one reference variable." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 40. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2024.105291


Effect of non-equilibrium thermochemistry on Pitot pressure measurements in shock tunnels (or: Is 0.92 really the magic number?)
Sopek, Tamara, Jacobs, Peter, Subiah, Suria-Devi, Collen, Peter and McGilvray, Matthew. 2024. "Effect of non-equilibrium thermochemistry on Pitot pressure measurements in shock tunnels (or: Is 0.92 really the magic number?)." Acta Astronautica. 223, pp. 249-261. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actaastro.2024.07.008


Design of short Venturi flow meters for incompressible and isothermal flow applications
Wells, Keith and Sharifian, Ahmad. 2024. "Design of short Venturi flow meters for incompressible and isothermal flow applications." Heliyon. 10 (7). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e29311


Performance Assessment of ISO-5167 and Symmetrical Venturi Meters for Measuring Low Reynolds Number Turbulent Incompressible Isothermal Flow
Sharifian-Barforoush, Ahmad and Wells, Keith. 2024. "Performance Assessment of ISO-5167 and Symmetrical Venturi Meters for Measuring Low Reynolds Number Turbulent Incompressible Isothermal Flow ." International Journal of Thermofluids. 22. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijft.2024.100598


Optical aerodynamic measurements of hypersonic free-flight using Bayesian state estimation
Lock, Andrew, Armstrong, Gerard, Hack, Flynn, Birch, Byrenn, Buttsworth, David and Jahn, Ingo. 2023. "Optical aerodynamic measurements of hypersonic free-flight using Bayesian state estimation." AIAA Aviation 2023 Forum . San Diego, United States 12 202 - 16 Jun 2023 United States. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2023-3713


MMC-IEM with varying particle weights: A numericallyconservative method for a single reference variable
Wandel, Andrew P.. 2023. "MMC-IEM with varying particle weights: A numericallyconservative method for a single reference variable." Dlugogorski, Bogdan Z. and Masri, Assaad R. (ed.) Australian Combustion Symposium 2023 (ACS 2023). Darwin, Australia 26 - 29 Nov 2023 Australia.


Gaussian particle selection pairing for the generalised binomial Langevin multiple mapping conditioning model
du Preez, Matthew and Wandel, Andrew P.. 2023. "Gaussian particle selection pairing for the generalised binomial Langevin multiple mapping conditioning model." Dlugogorski, Bogdan Z. and Masri, Assaad R. (ed.) Australian Combustion Symposium 2023 (ACS 2023). Darwin, Australia 26 - 29 Nov 2023 Australia.


Simulation investigation of the oscillatory motion of two elliptic obstacles located within a quarter-circle cavity filled with Cu-Al2O3/water hybrid nanofluid
Al-Srayyih, Basil Mahdi, AlManea, Ahmed, Saleh, Khalid, Abed, Azher M., Al-Amir, Qusay Rasheed, Hamzah, Hameed K., Ali, Farooq H., Al-Rbaihat, Raed and Alahmer, Ali. 2023. "Simulation investigation of the oscillatory motion of two elliptic obstacles located within a quarter-circle cavity filled with Cu-Al2O3/water hybrid nanofluid." Numerical Heat Transfer Part A: Applications. https://doi.org/10.1080/10407782.2023.2279248


Effect of Upward Inclination Angle on Flow Energy Loss in Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Venturi Meters for Single-Phase Incompressible Isothermal Low Reynolds Number Turbulent Flows
Sharifian, Ahmad and Wells, Keith. 2023. "Effect of Upward Inclination Angle on Flow Energy Loss in Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Venturi Meters for Single-Phase Incompressible Isothermal Low Reynolds Number Turbulent Flows." Gongcheng Kexue yu Jishu. 55 (9), pp. 4077-4092.


Performance evaluation of supersonic flow for variable geometry radial ejector through CFD models based on DES-turbulence models, GPR machine learning, and MPA optimization
Al-Rbaihat, Raed, Saleh, Khalid, Malpress, Ray, Buttsworth, David, Alahmer, Hussein and Alahmer, Ali. 2023. "Performance evaluation of supersonic flow for variable geometry radial ejector through CFD models based on DES-turbulence models, GPR machine learning, and MPA optimization." International Journal of Thermofluids. 20. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijft.2023.100487


Proof that all dissipation rates are only functions of time for transported joint-normal distributions
Wandel, Andrew P.. 2023. "Proof that all dissipation rates are only functions of time for transported joint-normal distributions." Physics of Fluids. 35 (4). https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0142876


Electrohydrodynamic Nebuliser (eNEB) for Direct Pulmonary Drug Delivery Application
Vu, Trung-Hieu, Mai, Luan Ngoc, Nguyen, Tuan-Hung, Tran, Dang Ngoc, Nguyen, Tuan-Khoa, Nguyen, Thanh, Fastier-Woollel, Jarred, Tran, Canh-Dung, Dinh, Toan, Nguyen, Hong-Quan, Dao, Dzung Viet and Dau, Van Thanh. 2023. "Electrohydrodynamic Nebuliser (eNEB) for Direct Pulmonary Drug Delivery Application." 2023 IEEE 36th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS). Munich, Germany 15 - 19 Jan 2023 United States. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). https://doi.org/10.1109/MEMS49605.2023.10052181


Effect of Inlet Pressure, Size and Wind Speed of an Evaporator on Amount of Refrigerant Charge and Performance of a Portable Propane Air Conditioner
Tangalajuk Siang, Jeri and Sharifian, Ahmad. 2018. "Effect of Inlet Pressure, Size and Wind Speed of an Evaporator on Amount of Refrigerant Charge and Performance of a Portable Propane Air Conditioner." 4th International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST 2018). Yogyakarta, Indonesia 07 - 08 Aug 2018 New York, United States. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICSTC.2018.8528623


A Method for Solving Two-Stream Mixing using the Generalised Binomial-Langevin Multiple Mapping Conditioning Model
du Preez, Matthew, Wandel, Andrew P. and Lindstedt, R. Peter. 2021. "A Method for Solving Two-Stream Mixing using the Generalised Binomial-Langevin Multiple Mapping Conditioning Model." Klimekno, Alexander Y., Wandel, Andrew P., Lu, Yuanshen, Jacobs, Carolyn, Jahn, Ingo, Knibbe, Ruth, Rudolph, Victor, Shukla, Pradeep, Veeraragavan, Anand and Wheatley, Vincent (ed.) Australian Combustion Symposium 2021. Toowoomba, Australia 21 - 24 Nov 2021 Toowoomba, Australia.


Interview with UNSW for the 2020 International Women in Engineering Day
Sopek, Tamara. 2020. Interview with UNSW for the 2020 International Women in Engineering Day.

Recorded or Rendered Creative Work

Development and commissioning of the T6 Stalker Tunnel
Collen, Peter, Doherty, Luke J., Subiah, Suria D., Sopek, Tamara, Jahn, Ingo, Gildfind, David, Geraets, Rowland Penty, Gollan, Rowan, Hambidge, Christopher, Morgan, Richard and McGilvray, Matthew. 2021. "Development and commissioning of the T6 Stalker Tunnel." Experiments in Fluids: experimental methods and their applications to fluid flow. 62, pp. 1-24. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00348-021-03298-1


Nitrogen driver for low-enthalpy testing in free-piston-driven shock tunnels
Chan, W. Y. K., Whitside, R. W., Smart, M. K., Gildfind, D. E., Jacobs, P. A. and Sopek, T.. 2021. "Nitrogen driver for low-enthalpy testing in free-piston-driven shock tunnels." Shock Waves: an international journal on shock waves, detonations and explosions. 31, pp. 541-550. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00193-021-01002-0


Supersonic Steam Ejectors: Comparison of Dry and Wet-steam CFD Simulation Models
Al-Manea, Ahmed and Saleh, Khalid. 2022. "Supersonic Steam Ejectors: Comparison of Dry and Wet-steam CFD Simulation Models." Journal of Engineering Science and Technology. 17 (2), pp. 1200-1212.


Numerical Study of an Improved Non-Circular MC Fuelled with H/Air for Thermo-Photovoltaic (TPV) Applications
Ayad, Kakei A., Khdher, Abdolbaqi Mohammed, Albazzaz, Kamal Jalal Tawfeeq, Kakahy, Amer Najat Najmaldeen, Abdulkarim, Ali Hussein and Epaarachchi, Jayantha. 2022. "Numerical Study of an Improved Non-Circular MC Fuelled with H/Air for Thermo-Photovoltaic (TPV) Applications." Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems. 9 (4), pp. 897-905. https://doi.org/10.18280/mmep.090406


Modelling 3-D cellular microfluidics of different plant cells for the prediction of cellular deformations under external mechanical compression: a SPH-CG-based computational study
Rathnayaka, C. M., Karunasena, H. C. P., Senadeera, W. and Gu, Y. T.. 2020. "Modelling 3-D cellular microfluidics of different plant cells for the prediction of cellular deformations under external mechanical compression: a SPH-CG-based computational study." Chanson, Hubert and Brown, Richard (ed.) 22nd Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (AFMC2020). Brisbane, Australia 07 - 10 Dec 2020 St Lucia, QLD, Australia. https://doi.org/10.14264/1374f47


A study on the performance of a portable single-duct propane air conditioner and ways of reducing the amount of refrigerant
Tangalajuk Siang, Jeri. 2021. A study on the performance of a portable single-duct propane air conditioner and ways of reducing the amount of refrigerant. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/q6v66

PhD Thesis

Soliton interaction with external forcing within the Korteweg–de Vries equation
Ermakov, Andrei and Stepanyants, Yury. 2019. "Soliton interaction with external forcing within the Korteweg–de Vries equation." Chaos: an interdisciplinary journal of nonlinear science. 29 (1). https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5063561


Effect of scramjet inlet vortices on fuel plume elongation and mixing rate
Llobet, J.R., Gollan, R.J. and Jahn, I.H.. 2019. "Effect of scramjet inlet vortices on fuel plume elongation and mixing rate ." Aeronautical Journal. 123 (1265), pp. 1032-1052. https://doi.org/10.1017/aer.2019.45


Identification of local extinction and prediction of reignition in a spark-ignited sparse spray flame using data mining
Wandel, Andrew P.. 2018. "Identification of local extinction and prediction of reignition in a spark-ignited sparse spray flame using data mining." Combustion and Flame. 198, pp. 342-355. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.combustflame.2018.09.028


The development of MILD combustion open burner experimental setup
Noor, M. M., Wandel, Andrew P. and Yusaf, Talal. 2013. "The development of MILD combustion open burner experimental setup." Ishak, Mahadzir and Rahman, Md. Mustafizur (ed.) 2nd International Conference of Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER 2013). Pahang, Malaysia 01 - 03 Jul 2013 Pahang, Malaysia.


Detail guide for CFD on the simulation of biogas combustion in bluff-body mild burner
Noor, M. M., Wandel, Andrew P. and Yusaf, Talal. 2013. "Detail guide for CFD on the simulation of biogas combustion in bluff-body mild burner." Ishak, Mahadzir and Rahman, Md. Mustafizur (ed.) 2nd International Conference of Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER 2013). Pahang, Malaysia 01 - 03 Jul 2013 Pahang, Malaysia.


Mild combustion: the future for lean and clean combustion
Yusaf, Talal, Noor, M. M. and Wandel, Andrew P.. 2013. "Mild combustion: the future for lean and clean combustion." Ishak, Mahadzir and Rahman, Md. Mustafizur (ed.) 2nd International Conference of Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER 2013). Pahang, Malaysia 01 - 03 Jul 2013 Pahang, Malaysia.


Single-zone zero-dimensional model study for diesel-fuelled homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engines using Cantera
Hairuddin, A. Aziz, Yusaf, Talal and Wandel, Andrew P.. 2016. "Single-zone zero-dimensional model study for diesel-fuelled homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engines using Cantera." International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering. 13 (2), pp. 3309-3328. https://doi.org/10.15282/ijame.13.2.2016.3.0275


SPH-DEM approach to numerically simulate the deformation of three‑dimensional RBCs in non‑uniform capillaries
Polwaththe-Gallage, Hasitha-Nayanajith, Saha, Suvash C., Sauret, Emily, Flower, Robert, Senadeera, Wijitha and Gu, YuanTong. 2016. "SPH-DEM approach to numerically simulate the deformation of three‑dimensional RBCs in non‑uniform capillaries." BioMedical Engineering OnLine. 15 (2 (Supplement)), pp. 349-370. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12938-016-0256-0


Multiscale stochastic simulation of transient complex flows
Nguyen, Hung Quoc. 2016. Multiscale stochastic simulation of transient complex flows. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

RBFN stochastic coarse-grained simulation method: Part I - Dilute polymer solutions using bead-spring chain models
Nguyen, H. Q., Tran, C.-D. and Tran-Cong, T.. 2015. "RBFN stochastic coarse-grained simulation method: Part I - Dilute polymer solutions using bead-spring chain models." CMES Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences. 105 (5), pp. 399-439. https://doi.org/10.3970/cmes.2015.105.399


Incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics-moving IRBFN method for viscous flow problems
Ngo-Cong, D., Tran, C.-D., Mai-Duy, N. and Tran-Cong, T.. 2015. "Incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics-moving IRBFN method for viscous flow problems." Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 59, pp. 172-186. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enganabound.2015.06.006


A multiscale method based on the fibre configuration field, IRBF and DAVSS for the simulation of fibre suspension flows
Nguyen, H. Q., Tran, C.-D. and Tran-Cong, T.. 2015. "A multiscale method based on the fibre configuration field, IRBF and DAVSS for the simulation of fibre suspension flows." CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering and Science. 109 (4), pp. 361-403. https://doi.org/10.3970/cmes.2015.109.361


CFD study of the hydraulic performance of large-diameter gated fluming
Koech, Richard, Mossad, Ruth, Smith, Rod and Gillies, Malcolm. 2015. "CFD study of the hydraulic performance of large-diameter gated fluming." Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 141 (2), pp. 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000795


The effect of the width and number of gaps on the characteristics of swirl flow induced naturally inside split channel using hot air inlet
Al Atresh, Safia R., Sharifian, Ahmad S. and Wandel, Andrew P.. 2014. "The effect of the width and number of gaps on the characteristics of swirl flow induced naturally inside split channel using hot air inlet." International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing. 2 (4), pp. 339-344. https://doi.org/10.7763/IJMMM.2014.V2.153


Soliton-like thermoelastic waves
Strunin, Dmitry and Melnik, Roderick. 2014. "Soliton-like thermoelastic waves ." Hetnarski, Richard B. (ed.) Encyclopedia of thermal stresses. Dordrecht, Netherlands. Springer. pp. 4433-4438

Edited book (chapter)

Evaluating the effect of heat transfer on cell disruption in ultrasound processes
Yusaf, Talal. 2015. "Evaluating the effect of heat transfer on cell disruption in ultrasound processes." Annals of Microbiology. 65 (3), pp. 1447-1456. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13213-014-0983-z
