480499. Law in context not elsewhere classified
Title | 480499. Law in context not elsewhere classified |
Parent | 4804. Law in context |
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'The difficulties of communication encountered by Indigenous peoples’: moving beyond Indigenous deficit in the model admission rules for legal practitioners
Burns, Marcelle, Young, Simon and Nielsen, Jennifer. 2018. "'The difficulties of communication encountered by Indigenous peoples’: moving beyond Indigenous deficit in the model admission rules for legal practitioners." Legal Education Review. 28 (2), pp. 1-27.Article
A climate for change? The 2009 Native Title report
Young, Simon. 2010. "A climate for change? The 2009 Native Title report." Indigenous Law Bulletin. 7 (18), pp. 20-24.Article
Advancing tolerant, secular Commonwealth: anti-discrimination law
Harradine, Matthew William. 2019. Advancing tolerant, secular Commonwealth: anti-discrimination law. Masters Thesis Master of Laws (Research). University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/q93x-k310Masters Thesis
Application of the health belief model to explain public perceptions, travel intentions and actions during COVID-19: a sequential transformative design
Bremser, Kerstin, Crowley-Cyr, Lynda, Abraham, Villy, Moreno-Martin, Maria J. and Carreno, Mercedes. 2022. "Application of the health belief model to explain public perceptions, travel intentions and actions during COVID-19: a sequential transformative design." Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights. 5 (5), pp. 865-885. https://doi.org/10.1108/JHTI-12-2020-0235Article
Are warning signs effective in communicating jellyfish hazards?
Crowley-Cyr, Lynda. 2018. "Are warning signs effective in communicating jellyfish hazards?" Journal of Health, Safety and Environment. 34 (2), pp. 181-197.Article
Art, expression and the offended believer
Mortensen, Reid. 2000. "Art, expression and the offended believer." Ahdair, Rex J. (ed.) Law and religion. Sudbury, MA. United States. Dartmouth Publishing Co Ltd.. pp. 181-197Edited book (chapter)
Beneath the veil: Muslim girls and the Islamic headscarf in secular France
Jones, Nicky. 2009. "Beneath the veil: Muslim girls and the Islamic headscarf in secular France." Macquarie Law Journal. 9, pp. 47-69.Article
Better justice? or shambolic justice?: governments' use of information technology for access to law and justice, and the impact on regional and rural legal practitioners
Hart, Caroline. 2017. "Better justice? or shambolic justice?: governments' use of information technology for access to law and justice, and the impact on regional and rural legal practitioners." International Journal of Rural Law and Policy. 1, pp. 1-21. https://doi.org/10.5130/ijrlp.i1.2017.4877Article
Beyond criticism of ethics review boards: strategies for engaging research communities and enhancing ethical review processes
Hickey, Andrew, Davis, Samantha, Farmer, Will, Dawidowicz, Julianna, Moloney, Clint, Lamont-Mills, Andrea, Carniel, Jess, Pillay, Yosheen, Akenson, David, Bromdal, Annette, Gehrmann, Richard, Mills, Dean, Kolbe-Alexander, Tracy, Machin, Tanya, Reich, Suzanne, Southey, Kim, Crowley-Cyr, Lynda, Watanabe, Taiji, Davenport, Josh, ..., Maxwell, Jacinta. 2021. "Beyond criticism of ethics review boards: strategies for engaging research communities and enhancing ethical review processes." Journal of Academic Ethics. 20, pp. 549-567. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10805-021-09430-4Article
Blasphemy in a secular state: a pardonable sin?
Mortensen, Reid. 1994. "Blasphemy in a secular state: a pardonable sin?" University of New South Wales Law Journal. 17, pp. 409-431.Article
Breach! The law's jouissance in Mieville's The City and The City
Hourigan, Daniel. 2013. "Breach! The law's jouissance in Mieville's The City and The City." Law, Culture and the Humanities. 9 (1), pp. 156-168. https://doi.org/10.1177/1743872111404849Article
Business structures and sustainable regional legal practice: the use of incorporated legal practices by regional, rural and remote legal practitioners
Hart, Caroline. 2012. "Business structures and sustainable regional legal practice: the use of incorporated legal practices by regional, rural and remote legal practitioners." International Journal of Rural Law and Policy. 2012 (Special Edition).Article
Can 'Dr Death' receive a fair trial?
Burgess, Craig. 2007. "Can 'Dr Death' receive a fair trial?" QUT Law Review. 7 (1), pp. 16-29.Article
Canadian blasphemy law in context: press, legislative, and public reactions
Patrick, Jeremy. 2010. "Canadian blasphemy law in context: press, legislative, and public reactions." Annual Survey of International and Comparative Law. 16 (1), pp. 129-163.Article
Cattle v the Crown: is there a place for the Commonwealth as animal welfare guardian?
Walker-Munro, Brendan. 2015. "Cattle v the Crown: is there a place for the Commonwealth as animal welfare guardian?" University of Queensland Law Journal. 34 (2), pp. 363-391.Article
Charting new horizons in procedural fairness and substantive fairness in individual employment law
Sundra Karean, Vanitha. 2007. "Charting new horizons in procedural fairness and substantive fairness in individual employment law." Malayan Law Journal. 6, pp. i-xvi.Article
Church legal autonomy
Mortensen, Reid. 1994. "Church legal autonomy." Queensland Lawyer. 14, pp. 217-226.Article
Collaborative Practice in Australian Civil Disputes
Nugent, Timothy. 2020. "Collaborative Practice in Australian Civil Disputes." National Mediation Conference 2020. 24 - 24 Jun 2020 Canberra, Australia.Presentation
Communicating with the coroner: how religion, culture, and family concerns may influence autopsy decision making
Carpenter, Belinda, Tait, Gordon, Adkins, Glenda, Barnes, Michael, Naylor, Charles and Begum, Nelufa. 2011. "Communicating with the coroner: how religion, culture, and family concerns may influence autopsy decision making ." Death Studies. 35 (4), pp. 316-337. https://doi.org/10.1080/07481187.2010.520506Article
Confidential geodata protection in China: challenges, liability concerns and possible solutions
Zhao, Xiaobo. 2016. "Confidential geodata protection in China: challenges, liability concerns and possible solutions." Frontiers of Law in China. 11 (3), pp. 551-574. https://doi.org/10.3868/s050-005-016-0032-6Article
Confusion in a virtual world
Jones, Nicky. 2008. "Confusion in a virtual world." The Courier-Mail.Newspaper
Constitutional patriotism and the Scottish referendum
Breda, Vito. 2015. "Constitutional patriotism and the Scottish referendum." Hulas, Maciej and Fel, Stanislaw (ed.) Intricacies of Patriotism: towards a complexity of patriotic allegiance. United Kingdom. Peter Lang Publishing. pp. 161-185Edited book (chapter)
Constitutional promises of Indigenous recognition: Canada, Vanuatu and the challenges of pluralism
Corrin, Jennifer and Young, Simon. 2019. "Constitutional promises of Indigenous recognition: Canada, Vanuatu and the challenges of pluralism." Common Law World Review. 48 (4), pp. 233-265. https://doi.org/10.1177/1473779519891623Article
Constitutional recognition of first peoples in Australia - theories and comparative perspectives
Young, Simon, Nielsen, Jennifer and Patrick, Jeremy (ed.) 2016. Constitutional recognition of first peoples in Australia - theories and comparative perspectives. Leichhardt, NSW, Australia. Federation Press.Edited book
Constitutionally protecting the presumption of innocence
Gray, Anthony. 2012. "Constitutionally protecting the presumption of innocence." University of Tasmania Law Review. 31 (1), pp. 131-152.Article
Educational malpractice: legal cases and educators' views
Teh, Mui-Kim. 2008. "Educational malpractice: legal cases and educators' views." Education Journal. 36 (1-2), pp. 137-152.Article
eLearn: Statutory Interpretation – An Introduction
Szeto, Sharon and Sylvester, Lisa. 2020. eLearn: Statutory Interpretation – An Introduction. Chatswood, Australia. Lexis Nexis.Textbook
Enforcement of punitive damages awards in the convention on choice of court agreements
Gray, Anthony. 2009. "Enforcement of punitive damages awards in the convention on choice of court agreements." Willamette Journal of International Law and Dispute Resolution. 17 (1), pp. 105-156.Article
Entrepreneurship and innovation in regional and rural legal practice
Hart, Caroline. 2017. "Entrepreneurship and innovation in regional and rural legal practice." Mundy, Trish, Kennedy, Amanda and Nielsen, Jennifer (ed.) The place of practice: lawyering in rural and regional Australia. Leichhardt, Australia. Federation Press. pp. 104-123Edited book (chapter)
Exploring the consequences of COVID-19 on tourist behaviors: perceived travel risk, animosity and intentions to travel
Abraham, Villy, Bremser, Kerstin, Carreno, Mercedes, Crowley-Cyr, Lynda and Moreno, Maria. 2021. "Exploring the consequences of COVID-19 on tourist behaviors: perceived travel risk, animosity and intentions to travel." Tourism Review. 76 (4), pp. 701-717. https://doi.org/10.1108/TR-07-2020-0344Article
Extending time limits in sexual abuse cases
Gray, Anthony. 2009. "Extending time limits in sexual abuse cases." Common Law World Review. 38 (4), pp. 342-384. https://doi.org/10.1350/clwr.2009.38.4.0199Article
Forecasting hazardous jellyfish: shifting perceptions from black swans events to white
Gershwin, Lisa-ann and Crowley-Cyr, Lynda. 2021. "Forecasting hazardous jellyfish: shifting perceptions from black swans events to white." Marittini, Gian Luigi, Killi, Nurcin and Xiao, Liang (ed.) The cnidaria: only a problem or also a resource?. Hauppauge, NY, USA. Nova Science Publishers. pp. 123-140Edited book (chapter)
From prison hulks to penalties and sentences in Queensland: lessons learned or history repeated?
Mackenzie, Geraldine. 2005. "From prison hulks to penalties and sentences in Queensland: lessons learned or history repeated?" Queensland Lawyer. 25 (4), pp. 181-192.Article
From the bike to the bus: the Noongar Native Title settlement
Young, Simon. 2013. "From the bike to the bus: the Noongar Native Title settlement." Native Title Newsletter.Magazine
Gift vouchers and expiry dates: when the gift stops giving
Jones, Nicky. 2009. "Gift vouchers and expiry dates: when the gift stops giving." QUT Law Review. 9 (2), pp. 213-231.Article
Homelessness, mental illness and the state: an endless crisis of suffering and exclusion
Crowley-Cyr, Lynda. 2010. Homelessness, mental illness and the state: an endless crisis of suffering and exclusion. Saarbruchen, Germany. VDM Verlag Dr. Muller.Authored book
In defense of soft law and public-private initiatives: a means to an end? - The Malaysian case
Sundra-Karean, Vanitha. 2011. "In defense of soft law and public-private initiatives: a means to an end? - The Malaysian case." Theoretical Inquiries in Law. 12 (2), pp. 465-487.Article
Introducing limits of confidentiality in real-life consultations: psychologist-driven or client-centred?
Lamont-Mills, Andrea and Christensen, Steven A.. 2010. "Introducing limits of confidentiality in real-life consultations: psychologist-driven or client-centred?" Australian Journal of Counselling Psychology.Article
Is defamation the 'Galapagos Islands Division' of the Australian law of torts?
Hemming, Andrew. 2009. "Is defamation the 'Galapagos Islands Division' of the Australian law of torts?" University of Notre Dame Australia Law Review. 11, pp. 84-101.Article
Islamic finance in Australia: history and development
Sain, M. R. M., Rahman, M. M. and Khanam, R.. 2013. "Islamic finance in Australia: history and development." Noor, M. M., Rahman, M. M. and Ismail, J. (ed.) 3rd Malaysian Postgraduate Conference (MPC 2013). Sydney, Australia 04 - 05 Jul 2013 Sydney, Australia.Paper