Perpetrator methodology as a predictor of traumatic symptomatology in a non-psychiatric sample of adults reporting sexual abuse


Leahy, Trisha, Pretty, Grace and Tenenbaum, Gershon. 2004. "Perpetrator methodology as a predictor of traumatic symptomatology in a non-psychiatric sample of adults reporting sexual abuse." Journal of Interpersonal Violence: concerned with the study and treatment of victims and perpetrators of physical and sexual violence. 19 (5), pp. 521-540.
Article Title

Perpetrator methodology as a predictor of traumatic symptomatology in a non-psychiatric sample of adults reporting sexual abuse

ERA Journal ID6424
Article CategoryArticle
AuthorsLeahy, Trisha (Author), Pretty, Grace (Author) and Tenenbaum, Gershon (Author)
Journal TitleJournal of Interpersonal Violence: concerned with the study and treatment of victims and perpetrators of physical and sexual violence
Journal Citation19 (5), pp. 521-540
Number of Pages19
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Web Address (URL)

This retrospective study explores, through quantitative and qualitative methods, the relationship of two variables (perpetrator relationship and perpetrator methodology)
to posttraumatic and dissociative symptomatology. The quantitative sample comprised a nonpsychiatric group (N = 39) of Australian adults reporting sexual abuse histories. A MANOVA revealed that current levels of posttraumatic and
dissociative symptomatology were significantly higher in the group reporting sexual abuse by a perpetrator in a relationship of trust, guardianship, or authority. The qualitative sample comprised a purposively selected subgroup of the quantitative sample (n = 20). Thematic content analyses of perpetrator methodology suggest that perpetrator strategies involving emotional manipulation, rather than the perpetrator relationship per se, appear to differentiate between groups with clinical or nonclinical levels of posttraumatic and dissociative symptomatology. The combination of qualitative and quantitative methods provides integrated, contextualized data with implications for future research and clinical practice.

Keywordssexual abuse; trauma; perpetrator methodology
ANZSRC Field of Research 2020520502. Gender psychology
520399. Clinical and health psychology not elsewhere classified
Public Notes

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Byline AffiliationsChinese University of Hong Kong, China
Department of Psychology
Florida State University, United States
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