Wireless underground sensor network design for irrigation control: simulation of RFID deployment


Parameswaran, Vinod, Zhou, Hong and Zhang, Zhongwei. 2013. "Wireless underground sensor network design for irrigation control: simulation of RFID deployment." Mason, A., Jayasundera, K. P. and Mukhopadhyay, S. C. (ed.) 7th International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST 2013). Wellington, New Zealand 03 - 05 Dec 2013 Piscataway, NJ. United States. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICSensT.2013.6727770
Paper/Presentation Title

Wireless underground sensor network design for irrigation control: simulation of RFID deployment

Presentation TypePaper
AuthorsParameswaran, Vinod (Author), Zhou, Hong (Author) and Zhang, Zhongwei (Author)
EditorsMason, A., Jayasundera, K. P. and Mukhopadhyay, S. C.
Journal or Proceedings TitleProceedings of the 7th International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST 2013)
ERA Conference ID50817
Number of Pages8
Place of PublicationPiscataway, NJ. United States
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)https://doi.org/10.1109/ICSensT.2013.6727770
Web Address (URL) of Paperhttp://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6727770
Conference/Event7th International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST 2013)
International Conference on Sensing Technology
Event Details
7th International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST 2013)
Event Date
03 to end of 05 Dec 2013
Event Location
Wellington, New Zealand
Event Details
International Conference on Sensing Technology

Wireless Underground Sensor Networks (WUSN) using Electro-Magnetic (EM) wave communication has to address the challenges posed by the underground environment. An alternative to EM wave communication for WUSN is Magnetic Induction (MI). This research aims to study the possibility of using MI communication for WUSN designed for irrigation control in horticulture. As a case study, a typical Pecan farm in Australia has been considered. The case study would focus on the application of accurate soil moisture reporting and regulation for the farm, under all climatic conditions. This application addresses the issue of water-shortage confronting irrigation in Australia. This paper presents the results obtained from simulation of RFID deployment as part of WUSN design, and is a sequel to an earlier published work as part of an ongoing project.

Keywordswireless undeground sensor networks (WUSN); surface sinks and relays; underground-to-aboveground communication (UG2AG); aboveground-to-underground communication (AG2UG); underground-to-underground communication (UG2UG); soil moisture; magnetic induction (MI); horticulture; RFID design; active reader passive tag (ARPT); coil displacement; power transfer efficiency
ANZSRC Field of Research 2020400999. Electronics, sensors and digital hardware not elsewhere classified
300201. Agricultural hydrology
400899. Electrical engineering not elsewhere classified
Public Notes

© 2013 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.

Byline AffiliationsSchool of Agricultural, Computational and Environmental Sciences
School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
Institution of OriginUniversity of Southern Queensland
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Lai, David and Zhang, Zhongwei. 2004. "Integrated key exchange protocol capable of revealing spoofing and resisting dictionary attacks." Xue, Li, Zhou, JiangYing, Yung, Moti and Jakobsson, Markus (ed.) 2nd International Conference, Applied Cryptography and Network Security ACNS 2004. Yellow Mountain, China 08 - 11 Jun 2004 China.
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Lai, David and Zhang, Zhongwei. 2009. "Service re-routing for service network graph: efficiency, scalability and implementation." International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications. 1 (1), pp. 46-59.
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Zhang, Zhongwei and Lai, David. 2005. "An active approach to multimedia network management." Mastorakis, Nikos and Passadis, Kostas (ed.) 9th WSEAS International Conference on Communications. Athens, Greece 11 - 16 Jul 2005 Athens, Greece.
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Zhang, Zhongwei and Lai, David. 2005. "Decentralized management of multimedia network using active network technology." WSEAS Transactions on Communications. 4 (7), pp. 325-333.
Implementing and evaluating an adaptive secure routing protocol for mobile ad hoc network
Jin, Lu, Zhang, Zhongwei and Lai, David. 2006. "Implementing and evaluating an adaptive secure routing protocol for mobile ad hoc network." Powell, Steven (ed.) 5th Annual Wireless Telecommunication Symposium (WTS2006). Pomona, United States 27 - 29 Apr 2006 Pomona, California, USA.
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Lai, David and Zhang, Zhongwei. 2006. "Secure service sharing over networks for mobile users using service network graphs." Powell, Steven (ed.) 5th Annual Wireless Telecommunication Symposium (WTS2006). Pomona, United States 27 - 29 Apr 2006 Pomona, California, USA.
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Lai, David and Zhang, Zhongwei. 2005. "Network service sharing infrastructure: service authentication and authorization revocation." Mastorakis, Nikos and Passadis, Kostas (ed.) 9th WSEAS International Conference on Communications. Athens, Greece 11 - 16 Jul 2005 Athens, Greece.
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Lai, David and Zhang, Zhongwei. 2005. "An infrastructure for service authentication and authorization revocation in a dynamic aggregation of networks." WSEAS Transactions on Communications. 4 (8), pp. 537-547.
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Zhang, Zhongwei, Lai, David and Suthaharan, Shan. 2005. "A unified approach to ameliorate active queue management of network routers." Ohta, Naohisa (ed.) 2005 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS 2005). Hong Kong, China 13 - 16 Dec 2005 New York, United States.
Self-authentication of encrypted channels in service network graph
Lai, David and Zhang, Zhongwei. 2008. "Self-authentication of encrypted channels in service network graph." Cao, Jiang, Li, Minglu, Weng, Chuliang, Xiang, Yang, Wang, Xin, Tang, Hong, Hong, Feng, Liu, Hong and Wang, Yinglin (ed.) IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2008). Shanghai, China 18 - 21 Oct 2008 Los Alamitos, CA. United States. https://doi.org/10.1109/NPC.2008.20
Improving efficiency and scalability of service network graph by re-routing service routes
Lai, David and Zhang, Zhongwei. 2009. "Improving efficiency and scalability of service network graph by re-routing service routes." Nguyen, Ngoc Thanh, Nguyen, Huynh Phan and Grzech, Adam (ed.) ACIIDS 2009: 1st Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems. Dong Hoi, Vietnam 01 - 03 Apr 2009 Piscataway, NJ. United States. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACIIDS.2009.31
Scrutinizing performance of ad hoc routing protocols on wireless sensor networks
Zhang, Zhongwei, Zhou, Hong and Gao, Jason. 2009. "Scrutinizing performance of ad hoc routing protocols on wireless sensor networks." Nguyen, Ngoc Thanh, Nguyen, Huynh Phan and Grzech, Adam (ed.) ACIIDS 2009: 1st Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems. Dong Hoi, Vietnam 01 - 03 Apr 2009 United States. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACIIDS.2009.30
Wireless networks: cross-layer Mac design
Gyasi-Agyei, Amoakoh and Zhou, Hong. 2008. "Wireless networks: cross-layer Mac design." Furht, Borko (ed.) Encyclopedia of wireless and mobile communications. United States. Taylor & Francis. pp. 1424-1433
Steps in developing an advanced software engineering course using problem based learning
Brodie, Lyn, Zhou, Hong and Gibbons, Anthony. 2008. "Steps in developing an advanced software engineering course using problem based learning." Engineering Education. 3 (1), pp. 2-12. https://doi.org/10.11120/ened.2008.03010002
Applications and performances of extended TTDDs in large-scale wireless sensor networks
Zhou, Hong, Jin, Lu, Zhang, Zhongwei, Ali, Hesham and Wang, Chulho. 2007. "Applications and performances of extended TTDDs in large-scale wireless sensor networks." Zhang, H., Olariu, S., Cao, Jiannong and Johnson, D. B. (ed.) 3rd International Conference of Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks. Beijing, China 12 - 14 Dec 2007 Berlin. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-77024-4
The Kth-best approach for linear bilevel multifollower programming with partial shared variables among followers
Shi, Chenggen, Zhou, Hong, Lu, Jie, Zhang, Guangquan and Zhang, Zhongwei. 2007. "The Kth-best approach for linear bilevel multifollower programming with partial shared variables among followers." Applied Mathematics and Computation. 188 (2), pp. 1686-1698. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amc.2006.11.176
A comparative study on the performance of wireless sensor networks
Zou, Lin and Zhang, Zhongwei. 2007. "A comparative study on the performance of wireless sensor networks." 6th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2007). Melbourne, Australia 11 - 13 Jul 2007 Piscataway, NJ, USA.
An extended Kuhn-Tucker approach for linear bilevel multifollower programming with partial shared variables among followers
Shi, Chenggen, Lu, Jie, Zhang, Guangquan and Zhou, Hong. 2005. "An extended Kuhn-Tucker approach for linear bilevel multifollower programming with partial shared variables among followers." Johnson, M. and Chen, P. (ed.) IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC) (2005). Hawaii, United States 12 Oct 2005 Hawaii, USA. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICSMC.2005.1571663
Towards enhancing trust on Chinese e-commerce
Wang, Zhen, Zhang, Zhongwei and Zhang, Yanchun. 2006. "Towards enhancing trust on Chinese e-commerce." Zhou, X., Li, J., Shen, H., Kitsuregawa, M. and Zhang, Y. (ed.) 8th Asia-Pacific Web Conference (APWeb 2006): Frontiers of WWW Research and Development. Harbin, China 16 - 18 Jan 2006 Berlin, Germany. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/11610113_30
Throughput and fairness performance of multiple STT-Vegas connections
Zhang, Zhongwei, Zhou, Hong and Leis, John. 2005. "Throughput and fairness performance of multiple STT-Vegas connections." Sanadidi, M. Y. (ed.) 3rd IASTED International Conference on Communications and Computer Networks. Marina del Rey, United States 24 - 26 Oct 2005 Marina del Rey, USA.
Quantitative analysis of queue management schemes in TCP/IP network routers
Li, Zhenquan, Zhang, Zhongwei and Zhou, Hong. 2004. "Quantitative analysis of queue management schemes in TCP/IP network routers." Safaei, F. (ed.) Australian Telecommunications Networks and Applications Conference (ATNAC 2004). Sydney, Australia 08 - 10 Dec 2004 Canberra, Australia.
Deliberation and implementation of adaptive fuzzy logic based security level routing protocol for mobile ad hoc network
Jin, Lu, Zhang, Zhongwei and Zhou, Hong. 2007. "Deliberation and implementation of adaptive fuzzy logic based security level routing protocol for mobile ad hoc network." Jiang, Yingtao (ed.) 4th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC 2007). Las Vegas, United States 11 - 13 Jan 2007 Las Vegas, USA.
Improving the performance of SCTP Transport Protocol over wireless networks
Zhang, Zhongwei and Jin, Lu. 2006. "Improving the performance of SCTP Transport Protocol over wireless networks." Wysocki, Beata J. and Wysocki, Tadeusz A. (ed.) 5th Workshop on the Internet, Telecommunications and Signal Processing (WITSP2006). Hobart, Australia 11 - 13 Dec 2006 Tarrawanna, N.S.W., Australia.
Performance comparison of the AODV, SAODV and FLSL routing protocols in mobile ad hoc networks
Jin, Lu, Zhang, Zhongwei and Zhou, Hong. 2006. "Performance comparison of the AODV, SAODV and FLSL routing protocols in mobile ad hoc networks." Wysocki, Tadeusz A. and Wysocki, Beata J. (ed.) 5th Workshop on the Internet, Telecommunications and Signal Processing (WITSP2006). Hobart, Australia 11 - 13 Dec 2006 Tarrawanna, N.S.W., Australia.
Assessing and assuring trust in e-Commerce systems
Zhang, Zhongwei and Wang, Zhen. 2006. "Assessing and assuring trust in e-Commerce systems." Mohammadian, Masoud (ed.) 2006 International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies & Internet Commerce (IAWTIC'06). Sydney, Australia 29 Nov - 01 Dec 2006 Piscataway, NJ, USA.
Performance of STT-Vegas in heterogeneous wired and wireless networks
Zhou, Hong, Gyasi-Agyei, Amoakoh and Zhang, Zhongwei. 2006. "Performance of STT-Vegas in heterogeneous wired and wireless networks." 3rd International Conference on Quality of Service in Heterogeneous Wired/Wireless Networks (QShine). Waterloo, Canada 07 - 09 Aug 2006 New York, NY, USA.
An extended branch and bound algorithm for linear bilevel programming
Shi, Chenggen, Lu, Jie, Zhang, Guangquan and Zhou, Hong. 2006. "An extended branch and bound algorithm for linear bilevel programming." Applied Mathematics and Computation. 180 (2), pp. 529-537.
Fuzzy logic strategy of prognosticating TCP's timeout and retransmission
Zhang, Zhongwei, Li, Zhi and Suthaharan, Shan. 2005. "Fuzzy logic strategy of prognosticating TCP's timeout and retransmission." Halgamuge, Saman K. and Wang, Lipo (ed.) Computational intelligence for modelling and prediction. Berlin. Springer.