Centre for Agricultural Engineering (Research)

Latest research outputs

419 results found
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Possible effects of irrigation with wastewater on the clay mineralogy of some Australian clayey soils: laboratory study
Marchuk, Serhiy, Churchman, Jock and Rengasamy, Pichu. 2016. "Possible effects of irrigation with wastewater on the clay mineralogy of some Australian clayey soils: laboratory study." Soil Research. 54 (7), pp. 857-868. https://doi.org/10.1071/SR14373


Effect of applied potassium concentration on clay dispersion, hydraulic conductivity, pore structure and mineralogy of two contrasting Australian soils
Marchuk, Serhiy and Marchuk, Alla. 2018. "Effect of applied potassium concentration on clay dispersion, hydraulic conductivity, pore structure and mineralogy of two contrasting Australian soils." Soil and Tillage Research. 182, pp. 35-44. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.still.2018.04.016


Knowledge management, sensing and control tools for irrigated broadacre cropping
McCarthy, Alison, Scobie, Michael, Gillies, Malcolm, Agustina, Lidya and Foley, Joseph. 2016. "Knowledge management, sensing and control tools for irrigated broadacre cropping." 19th Symposium on Precision Agriculture in Australasia. Toowoomba, Australia 12 - 13 Sep 2016


Automated camera-based crop monitoring and site-specific irrigation control systems for cotton, horticulture and dairy pasture
McCarthy, Alison. 2016. "Automated camera-based crop monitoring and site-specific irrigation control systems for cotton, horticulture and dairy pasture." The SPAA Expo: Talking precision in the Atherton Tableland (2016). Mareeba, Australia


Automated camera-based crop monitoring and site-specific irrigation control systems
McCarthy, Alison. 2016. "Automated camera-based crop monitoring and site-specific irrigation control systems." Precision Agriculture Technologies: Recent applications in the horticultural industry (2016). Gatton, Australia 24 Nov 2016


Process Monitoring and Control for an Anaerobic Covered Lagoon Treating Abattoir Wastewater
Schmidt, Thomas, McCabe, Bernadette and Harris, Peter. 2018. "Process Monitoring and Control for an Anaerobic Covered Lagoon Treating Abattoir Wastewater." Chemical Engineering and Technology. 41 (4), pp. 755-760. https://doi.org/10.1002/ceat.201700391


Improving surface irrigation
Gillies, Malcolm H., Foley, Joseph P. and McCarthy, Alison C.. 2018. "Improving surface irrigation." Chen, Guangnan (ed.) Advances in agricultural machinery and technologies. United States. CRC Press. pp. 225-262

Edited book (chapter)

Solar, wind and geothermal energy applications in agriculture: back to the future?
Bundschuh, Jochen, Chen, Guangnan, Tomaszewska, Barbara, Ghaffour, Noreddine, Mushtaq, Shahbaz, Hamawand, Ihsan, Reardon-Smith, Kathryn, Maraseni, Tek, Banhazi, Thomas, Mahmoudi, Hacene, Goosen, Mattheus and Antille, Diogones L.. 2017. "Solar, wind and geothermal energy applications in agriculture: back to the future?" Bundschuh, Jochen, Chen, Guangnan, Chandrasekharam, D. and Piechocki, Janusz (ed.) Geothermal, wind and solar energy applications in agriculture and aquaculture. Leiden, Netherlands. CRC Press. pp. 1-32

Textbook (chapter)

Effect of trace element addition and increasing organic loading rates on the anaerobic digestion of cattle slaughterhouse wastewater
Schmidt, Thomas, McCabe, Bernadette, Harris, Peter and Lee, Seonmi. 2018. "Effect of trace element addition and increasing organic loading rates on the anaerobic digestion of cattle slaughterhouse wastewater." Bioresource Technology. 264 (September), pp. 51-57. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2018.05.050


Anaerobic digestion of pre-treated slaughterhouse waste
Harris, Peter William. 2017. Anaerobic digestion of pre-treated slaughterhouse waste. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/5c05b8dbd30c7

PhD Thesis

Tools to aid autonomous irrigation
McCarthy, Alison. 2017. "Tools to aid autonomous irrigation." GVIA Grower-led Irrigation Research Field Day (2017). Moree, Australia 08 Feb 2017


Modernisation of furrow irrigation in the sugar industry: final report 2014/079
Gillies, M., Attard, S. and Foley, J.. 2017. Modernisation of furrow irrigation in the sugar industry: final report 2014/079. Brisbane, Australia. Sugar Research Australia.

Project report

Strategic tillage in conservation agricultural systems of north-eastern Australia: why, where, when and how?
Dang, Yash Pal, Balzer, Anna, Crawford, Mark, Rincon-Florez, Vivian, Liu, Hongwei, Melland, Alice Rowena, Antille, Diogenes, Kodur, Shreevatsa, Bell, Michael John, Whish, Jeremy Patrick Milroy, Lai, Yunru, Seymour, Nikki, Costa Carvalhais, Lilia and Schenk, Peer. 2018. "Strategic tillage in conservation agricultural systems of north-eastern Australia: why, where, when and how?" Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 25 (2), pp. 1000-1015. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-017-8937-1


Impact of thermobaric pre-treatment on the continuous anaerobic digestion of high-fat cattle slaughterhouse waste
Harris, Peter W., Schmidt, Thomas and McCabe, Bernadette K.. 2018. "Impact of thermobaric pre-treatment on the continuous anaerobic digestion of high-fat cattle slaughterhouse waste." Biochemical Engineering Journal. 134, pp. 108-113. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bej.2018.03.007


Dissolved organic carbon in leachate after application of granular and liquid N–P–K fertilizers to a sugarcane soil
Pittaway, P. A., Melland, A. R., Antille, D. L. and Marchuk, S.. 2018. "Dissolved organic carbon in leachate after application of granular and liquid N–P–K fertilizers to a sugarcane soil." Journal of Environmental Quality. 47 (3), pp. 522-529. https://doi.org/10.2134/jeq2017.11.0433


An investigation into the fertilizer potential of slaughterhouse cattle paunch
Antille, D. L., McCabe, B. K., Van Der Spek, W. and Baillie, C. P.. 2018. "An investigation into the fertilizer potential of slaughterhouse cattle paunch." Transactions of the ASABE. 61 (1), pp. 87-101. https://doi.org/10.13031/trans.12342


The application of high temporal resolution data in river catchment modelling and management strategies
Crockford, L., O'Riordain, S., Taylor, D., Melland, A. R., Shortle, G. and Jordan, P.. 2017. "The application of high temporal resolution data in river catchment modelling and management strategies." Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 189 (9). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-017-6174-1


Nitrogen release characteristics from biosolids-derived organomineral fertilisers
Antille, Diogenes L., Sakrabani, Ruben and Godwin, Richard J.. 2014. "Nitrogen release characteristics from biosolids-derived organomineral fertilisers." Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 45 (12), pp. 1687-1698. https://doi.org/10.1080/00103624.2014.907915


Controlled traffic farming effects on soil emissions of nitrous oxide and methane
Tullberg, Jeff, Antille, Diogenes L., Bluett, Chris, Eberhard, Jochen and Scheer, Clemens. 2018. "Controlled traffic farming effects on soil emissions of nitrous oxide and methane." Soil and Tillage Research. 176, pp. 18-25. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.still.2017.09.014


Bovine bile as a bio-surfactant pre-treatment option for anaerobic digestion of high-fat cattle slaughterhouse waste
Harris, Peter W., Schmidt, Thomas and McCabe, Bernadette K.. 2018. "Bovine bile as a bio-surfactant pre-treatment option for anaerobic digestion of high-fat cattle slaughterhouse waste." Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 6 (1), pp. 444-450. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2017.12.034


Evaluation of fertigation applied to furrow and overhead irrigated cotton grown in a Black Vertosol in Southern Queensland, Australia
Antille, D. L.. 2018. "Evaluation of fertigation applied to furrow and overhead irrigated cotton grown in a Black Vertosol in Southern Queensland, Australia." Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 34 (1), pp. 197-211. https://doi.org/10.13031/aea.12519


Evaluation of chemical, thermobaric and thermochemical pre-treatment on anaerobic digestion of high-fat cattle slaughterhouse waste
Harris, Peter W., Schmidt, Thomas and McCabe, Bernadette K.. 2017. "Evaluation of chemical, thermobaric and thermochemical pre-treatment on anaerobic digestion of high-fat cattle slaughterhouse waste." Bioresource Technology. 244 (1), pp. 605-610. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2017.07.179


Opportunities of adopting renewable energy for the nursery industry in Australia
Chen, Guangnan, Schmidt, Erik, Maraseni, Tek, Bundschuh, Jochen, Banhazi, Thomas and Antille, Diogones L.. 2017. "Opportunities of adopting renewable energy for the nursery industry in Australia." Bundschuh, Jochen, Chen, Guangnan, Chandrasekharam, D. and Piechocki, Janusz (ed.) Geothermal, wind and solar energy applications in agriculture and aquaculture. Leiden, Netherlands. CRC Press. pp. 115-126

Textbook (chapter)

Australian Sugarcane Nutrition Manual
Calcino, David, Schroeder, Bernard, Panitz, John, Hurney, Alan, Skocaj, Danielle, Woods, Andrew and Salter, Barry. 2018. Australian Sugarcane Nutrition Manual. Australia . Sugar Research Australia.


Fixed camera system for phenology measurements during the 2018 field season
McCarthy, Alison and Raine, Steven. 2018. Fixed camera system for phenology measurements during the 2018 field season. United States. Monsanto.

Technical report

Smart Automated Broad-acre Irrigation (Smarter Irrigation for Profit RRDP1603)
Foley, J.P., Gillies, M.H. and McCarthy, A.C.. 2018. Smart Automated Broad-acre Irrigation (Smarter Irrigation for Profit RRDP1603). Australia. Cotton Research and Development Corporation.

Technical report

An alternative index to the exchangeable sodium percentage for an explanation of dispersion occurring in soils
Bennett, John McL., Marchuk, Alla and Marchuk, Serhiy. 2016. "An alternative index to the exchangeable sodium percentage for an explanation of dispersion occurring in soils." Soil Research. 54 (8), pp. 949-957. https://doi.org/10.1071/SR15281


Photosynthetic response of maize to nitrogen fertilization in the semiarid Western Loess Plateau of China
Lamptey, Shirley, Li, Lingling, Xie, Junhong, Zhang, Renzhi, Yeboah, Stephen and Antille, Diogenes L.. 2017. "Photosynthetic response of maize to nitrogen fertilization in the semiarid Western Loess Plateau of China." Crop Science: a journal serving the international community of crop scientists. 57 (5), pp. 2739-2752. https://doi.org/10.2135/cropsci2016.12.1021


Investigation into thin layer drying rates and equilibrium moisture content of abattoir paunch waste
Spence, Jennifer, Buttsworth, David, McCabe, Bernadette K., Baillie, Craig, Antille, Diogenes L. and Carter, Brad. 2018. "Investigation into thin layer drying rates and equilibrium moisture content of abattoir paunch waste." Renewable Energy. 124, pp. 95-102. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2017.07.082


Sense-T: Sensor smart irrigation
McCarthy, Alison, Shippam, Ralph and Agustina, Lidya. 2017. Sense-T: Sensor smart irrigation. Australia. Sense-T.

Project report

Considerations for recycling of compost and biosolids in agricultural soil
Kokkora, Maria I., Antille, Diogenes L. and Tyrrel, Sean F.. 2009. "Considerations for recycling of compost and biosolids in agricultural soil." Dedousis, A. P. and Bartzanas, T. (ed.) Soil Engineering. Germany. Springer. pp. 195-215

Edited book (chapter)

Automated camera-based crop and irrigation monitoring
McCarthy, Alison. 2016. "Automated camera-based crop and irrigation monitoring." 18th Australian Cotton Conference (2016). Gold Coast, Australia 02 - 04 Aug 2016


Smarter irrigation for profit - increasing farm profit through efficient use of irrigation input to dairy pastures
Hills, James, McCarthy, Alison, Foley, Joseph and McLaren, David. 2016. "Smarter irrigation for profit - increasing farm profit through efficient use of irrigation input to dairy pastures." 7th Australian Dairy Science Symposium (2016). Sydney, Australia 16 - 18 Nov 2016 Australia.


Soil water content and photosynthetic capacity of spring wheat as affected by soil application of nitrogen-enriched biochar in a semiarid environment
Yeboah, S., Zhang, R., Cai, L., Li, L., Xie, J., Luo, Z., Wu, J. and Antille, D. L.. 2017. "Soil water content and photosynthetic capacity of spring wheat as affected by soil application of nitrogen-enriched biochar in a semiarid environment." Photosynthetica. 55 (3), pp. 532-542. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11099-016-0672-1


Effect of controlled traffic farming on energy saving in Australian grain cropping systems
Luhaib, Adnan A. A., Antille, Diogenes L., Tullberg, Jeff N., Chen, Guangnan and Hussein, Mahmood A.. 2017. "Effect of controlled traffic farming on energy saving in Australian grain cropping systems." 2017 ASABE Annual International Meeting. Spokane, United States 16 - 19 Jul 2017 Spokane, Washington. https://doi.org/10.13031/aim.201700583


Agronomic performance of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and fertiliser use efficiency as affected by controlled and non-controlled traffic of farm machinery
Hussein, Mahmood A. H., Antille, Diogenes L., Chen, Guangnan, Luhaib, Adnan A. A., Kodur, Shreevatsa and Tullberg, Jeff N.. 2017. "Agronomic performance of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and fertiliser use efficiency as affected by controlled and non-controlled traffic of farm machinery." 2017 ASABE Annual International Meeting. Spokane, United States 16 - 19 Jul 2017 Spokane, Washington. https://doi.org/10.13031/aim.201700586


Random and systematic land-cover transitions in North-eastern Wollega, Ethiopia
Adugna, Alemayehu, Abegaz, Assefa, Legass, Asmamaw and Antille, Diogenes L.. 2017. "Random and systematic land-cover transitions in North-eastern Wollega, Ethiopia." Bois et Forets des Tropiques. 332 (2), pp. 3-15.


Field evaluation of controlled traffic farming in central Europe using commercially available machinery
Galambosova, J., Macak, M., Rataj, V., Antille, D. L., Godwin, R. J., Chamen, W. C. T., Zitnak, M., Vitazkova, B., Dudak, J. and Chlpik, J.. 2017. "Field evaluation of controlled traffic farming in central Europe using commercially available machinery." Transactions of the ASABE. 60 (3), pp. 657-669. https://doi.org/10.13031/trans.11833


Effects of strategic tillage on short-term erosion, nutrient loss in runoff and greenhouse gas emissions
Melland, A. R., Antille, D. L. and Dang, Y. P.. 2017. "Effects of strategic tillage on short-term erosion, nutrient loss in runoff and greenhouse gas emissions." Soil Research. 55 (3), pp. 201-214. https://doi.org/10.1071/SR16136


Field-scale evaluation of biosolids-derived organomineral fertilizers applied to winter wheat in England
Antille, Diogenes L., Godwin, Richard J., Sakrabani, Ruben, Seneweera, Saman, Tyrrel, Sean F. and Johnston, A. Edward. 2017. "Field-scale evaluation of biosolids-derived organomineral fertilizers applied to winter wheat in England." Agronomy Journal. 109 (2), pp. 1-21. https://doi.org/10.2134/agronj2016.09.0495
