University of Southern Queensland

Latest research outputs

885 results found
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Opening Eyes onto Inclusion and Diversity
Carter, Susan, Abawi, Lindy-Anne, Lawrence, Jill, Brownlow, Charlotte, Desmarchelier, Renee, Fanshawe, Melissa, Gilbey, Kathryn, Turner, Michelle and Guy, Jillian. Carter, Susan (ed.) 2019. Opening Eyes onto Inclusion and Diversity . Australia. University of Southern Queensland.


A study on securing software defined networks
Ur Rasool, Raihan, Wang, Hua, Rafique, Wajid, Yong, Jianming and Cao, Jinli. 2017. "A study on securing software defined networks." 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering - WISE 2017. Puschino, Russia 07 - 11 Oct 2017 Switzerland.


Thinking the gap with the mangroves of Sydney
Judith, Kate. 2018. "Thinking the gap with the mangroves of Sydney." Emergent Landscapes Symposium: Exploring Social-Ecological Interdisciplinarity (2018). Melbourne, Australia 08 Feb 2018 Melbourne, Australia.


Agreeing to Disagree Politically
Taylor, Brad R. and Bosworth, William. 2018. "Agreeing to Disagree Politically." Australasian Public Choice Conference (2018). Melbourne, Australia 10 - 11 Dec 2018


A psychosocial care model for men with prostate cancer
Chambers, Suzanne K., Galvao, Daniel A., Green, Anna, Lazenby, Mark, Newton, Robert U., Oliffe, John L., Phillips, Jane L., Phillips, Rachel, Ralph, Nicholas, Sara, Sally, Heathcote, Peter and Dunn, Jeff. 2019. A psychosocial care model for men with prostate cancer. Sydney, Australia. Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia.


Archaeology and the Teaching of Frontier Conflict in Australia
Wallis, Lynley A., Burke, Heather, Cole, Noelene and Barker, Bryce. 2019. "Archaeology and the Teaching of Frontier Conflict in Australia." Academic Writing: interdisciplinary perspectives on communication across the curriculum. 53 (2), pp. 6-10.


Nitrogen mineralisation in sugarcane soils in Queensland, Australia: I. evaluation of soil tests for predicting nitrogen mineralisation
Allen, D. E., Bloesch, P. M., Orton, T. G., Schroeder, B. L., Skocaj, D. M., Wang, W., Masters, B. and Moody, P. M.. 2019. "Nitrogen mineralisation in sugarcane soils in Queensland, Australia: I. evaluation of soil tests for predicting nitrogen mineralisation." Soil Research. 57 (7), pp. 738-754.


Causes of climate change over the historical record
Hegerl, Gabriele C., Bronnimann, Stefan, Cowan, Tim, Friedman, Andrew R., Hawkins, Ed, Iles, Carley, Muller, Wolfgang, Schurer, Andrew and Undorf, Sabine. 2019. "Causes of climate change over the historical record." Environmental Research Letters. 14 (12), pp. 1-25.


Transformation of Long Surface and Tsunami-Like Waves in the Ocean with a Variable Bathymetry
Ermakov, Andrei and Stepanyants, Yury. 2020. "Transformation of Long Surface and Tsunami-Like Waves in the Ocean with a Variable Bathymetry." Pure and Applied Geophysics. 177 (3), pp. 1675-1693.


Socially responsible firms and mergers and acquisitions performance: Australian evidence
Krishnamurti, Chandrasekhar, Shams, Syed, Pensiero, Domenico and Velayutham, Eswaran. 2019. "Socially responsible firms and mergers and acquisitions performance: Australian evidence." Pacific-Basin Finance Journal. 57, pp. 1-16.


Therapy dropouts and strategies to reduce them
Beel, Nathan. 2019. "Therapy dropouts and strategies to reduce them." Psychotherapy & Counselling Today. 1, pp. 18-26.


Sustaining competencies and employability: A fishbone model for engineering education to fit the processes of life
Somasundaram, Jay, Rasul, Mohammad G. and Danaher, P. A.. 2019. "Sustaining competencies and employability: A fishbone model for engineering education to fit the processes of life." Journal of Institutional Research (South East Asia). 17 (1), pp. 216-229.


An assessment of governance quality for community-based forest management systems in Asia: Prioritisation of governance indicators at various scales
Maraseni, Tek Narayan, Bhattarai, Nabin, Karky, Bhaskar Singh, Cadman, Timothy, Timalsina, Niroj, Bhandari, Trishna Singh, Apan, Armando, Ma, Hwan Ok, Rawat, R. S., Verma, Nemit, San, Su Mon, Oo, Thaung Naing, Dorji, Kinley, Dhungana, Sindhu and Poudel, Mohan. 2019. "An assessment of governance quality for community-based forest management systems in Asia: Prioritisation of governance indicators at various scales." Land Use Policy: the international journal covering all aspects of land use. 81, pp. 750-671.


Enablers and barriers of tourism as a driver of economic and social‐cultural growth in remote Queensland
Summers, Jane, Cavaye, Jim and Woolcock, Geoffrey. 2019. "Enablers and barriers of tourism as a driver of economic and social‐cultural growth in remote Queensland." Economic Papers: a journal of applied economics and policy. 38 (2), pp. 77-94.


The Quest for the Good Life in Precarious Times: Ethnographic Perspectives on the Domestic Moral Economy
Anderson, Esther R.. 2019. "The Quest for the Good Life in Precarious Times: Ethnographic Perspectives on the Domestic Moral Economy." The Australian Journal of Anthropology. 30 (1), pp. 120-121.

Book review

The Influence of Economic (Ir)rationality on Public Sector Reforms
Bowrey, Graham, Smark, Ciorstan and Jones, Greg. 2019. "The Influence of Economic (Ir)rationality on Public Sector Reforms." e-Journal of Social and Behavioural Research in Business. 10 (1), pp. 24-39.


Board Gender Diversity and CSR Reporting: Evidence from Jordan
Al Fadli, Amer, Sands, John, Jones, Greg, Beattie, Claire and Pensiero, Dom. 2019. "Board Gender Diversity and CSR Reporting: Evidence from Jordan." Australasian Accounting Business and Finance Journal. 13 (3), pp. 29-52.


An Undead Film: The Afterlives of L'ultimo Uomo Della Terra
Harmes, Marcus K. and Harmes M.K.. 2020. "An Undead Film: The Afterlives of L'ultimo Uomo Della Terra." Quarterly Review of Film and Video. 37 (5), pp. 484-499.


A model of projects as a source of stress at work: A case for scenario-based education and training
Darling, Eric John and Whitty, Stephen Jonathan. 2020. "A model of projects as a source of stress at work: A case for scenario-based education and training." International Journal of Managing Projects in Business. 13 (2), pp. 426-451.


Competition in the acquisition market and acquirers' long-run performance
Shams, Syed and Gunasekarage, Abeyratna. 2019. "Competition in the acquisition market and acquirers' long-run performance." International Finance. 22, pp. 399-421.


Comparison of subsidy schemes for reducing waiting time: special focus on smart home care for elderly people
Tao, Zhiwen, Zhang, Zhiyong, Wang, Xiaoli, Shi, Yongqiang and Soar, Jeffrey. 2019. "Comparison of subsidy schemes for reducing waiting time: special focus on smart home care for elderly people." Procedia CIRP. 83, pp. 716-721.


Incorporating affordability, efficiency, and quality in the ICT development index: implications for index building and ICT policymaking
Ali, Mohammad Afshar, Alam, Khorshed and Taylor, Brad. 2020. "Incorporating affordability, efficiency, and quality in the ICT development index: implications for index building and ICT policymaking." The Information Society. 36 (2), pp. 71-96.


Integrating connectedness learning into institutional program review processes in an Australian regional university
Hammer, Sara, Ayriss, Peter, Basson, Marita, Batorowicz, Beata, Devine, Jo, Forbes, Melissa, Kist, Alexander, McCredie, Tessa, McCubbin, Amanda and Wade, Bill. 2019. "Integrating connectedness learning into institutional program review processes in an Australian regional university." Bridgstock, Ruth and Tippett, Neil (ed.) Higher education and the future of graduate employability: a connectedness learning approach. Cheltenham, UK. Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 209-229

Edited book (chapter)

Cost analysis of FSC forest certification and opportunities to cover the costs a case study of Quang Tri FSC group in Central Vietnam
Hoang, Hai Thi, Hoshino, Satoshi, Onitsuka, Kenichiro and Maraseni, Tek. 2019. "Cost analysis of FSC forest certification and opportunities to cover the costs a case study of Quang Tri FSC group in Central Vietnam." Journal of Forest Research. 24 (3), pp. 137-142.


Reconceptualising research impact: reflections on the real-world impact of research in an Australian context
Doyle, Joanne. 2018. "Reconceptualising research impact: reflections on the real-world impact of research in an Australian context." Higher Education Research and Development. 37 (7), pp. 1366-1379.


Disentangling the causes of the 1816 European year without a summer
Schurer, Andrew P., Hegerl, Gabriele C., Luterbacher, Jurg, Bronnimann, Stefan, Cowan, Tim, Tett, Simon F. B., Zanchettin, Davide and Timmreck, Claudia. 2019. "Disentangling the causes of the 1816 European year without a summer." Environmental Research Letters. 14 (094019), pp. 1-10.


Unique lines and the ambient heart of Q1 Hamlet
Johnson, Laurie. 2019. "Unique lines and the ambient heart of Q1 Hamlet." Critical Survey. 31 (1/2), pp. 130-143.


Professional ethics, copyright legislation and the case for collective copyright disobedience in libraries
Pryor-Darnell, Teghan Alexis, Andersen, Nikki and Rowling, Samara. 2019. "Professional ethics, copyright legislation and the case for collective copyright disobedience in libraries." Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association. 68 (2), pp. 146-163.


Flexible Thermoelectric Materials and Generators: Challenges and Innovations
Wang, Yuan, Yang, Lei, Shi, Xiao-Lei, Shi, Xun, Chen, Li-Dong, Dargusch, Matthew S., Zou, Jin and Chen, Zhi-Gang. 2019. "Flexible Thermoelectric Materials and Generators: Challenges and Innovations." Advanced Materials. 31 (29), pp. 1-47.


Elevated carbon dioxide and nitrogen supply affect photosynthesis and nitrogen partitioning of two wheat varieties
Li, Ping, Hao, Xingyu, Aryal, Mela, Thompson, Michael and Seneweera, Saman. 2019. "Elevated carbon dioxide and nitrogen supply affect photosynthesis and nitrogen partitioning of two wheat varieties." Journal of Plant Nutrition. 42 (11-12), pp. 1290-1300.


Forensic accounting core and interdisciplinary curricula components in Australian universities: analysis of websites
Alshurafat, Hashem, Beattie, Claire, Jones, Gregory and Sands, John. 2019. "Forensic accounting core and interdisciplinary curricula components in Australian universities: analysis of websites." Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting. 11 (2 (Special edition)), pp. 353-365.


Is technology enabling or disabling for diverse learners studying online?
Kinash, Shelley, Birt, James and Judd, Madelaine-Marie. 2019. "Is technology enabling or disabling for diverse learners studying online?" Moore, Michael Grahame and Diehl, William C. (ed.) Handbook of distance education. United States. Routledge. pp. 295-310

Edited book (chapter)

Indeed association does not equal prediction: the never-ending search for the perfect acute: chronic workload ratio
Hulin, Billy T. and Gabbett, Tim J.. 2019. "Indeed association does not equal prediction: the never-ending search for the perfect acute: chronic workload ratio." British Journal of Sports Medicine. 53 (3), pp. 144-145.


The alcohol–sport nexus and how consumers are affected through sponsorship
Kelly, Sarah and Ireland, Michael. 2019. "The alcohol–sport nexus and how consumers are affected through sponsorship." International Journal of Sport Communication. 12, pp. 79-103.


A novel framework for distress detection through an automated speech processing system
Rana, Rajib, Gururajan, Raj, Mackenzie, Geraldine, Dunn, Jeff, Gray, Anthony, Zhou, Xujuan, Barua, Prabal Datta, Epps, Julien and Humphris, Gerald Michael. 2018. "A novel framework for distress detection through an automated speech processing system." 2018 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2018). Santiago, Chile 03 - 06 Dec 2018 Los Alamitos, CA, United States.


Truly eccentric - I. Revisiting eight single-eccentric planetary systems
Wittenmyer, Robert A., Clark, Jake T., Zhao, Jinglin, Horner, Jonathan, Wang, Songhu and Johns, Daniel. 2019. "Truly eccentric - I. Revisiting eight single-eccentric planetary systems." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 484 (4), pp. 5859-5867.


Body image as a predictor of nonsuicidal self-injury in women: a longitudinal study
Black, Emma B., Garratt, Maria, Beccaria, Gavin, Mildred, Helen and Kwan, Marcella. 2019. "Body image as a predictor of nonsuicidal self-injury in women: a longitudinal study." Comprehensive Psychiatry. 88, pp. 83-89.


Relationship between load and readiness to train in a Gaelic football pre-competition training camp
McGahan, Jason, Burns, Con, Lacey, Sean, Gabbett, Tim and O'Neill, Cian. 2019. "Relationship between load and readiness to train in a Gaelic football pre-competition training camp." Journal of Australian Strength and Conditioning. 27 (1), pp. 28-35.


Empowering teacher leadership: a cross-country study
Pineda-Baez, Clelia, Bauman, Cheryl and Andrews, Dorothy. 2019. "Empowering teacher leadership: a cross-country study." International Journal of Leadership in Education. 23 (4), pp. 388-414.


Psychological maladjustment mediates the relation between remembrances of parental rejection in childhood and adults’ fear of intimacy
Rohner, R. P., Filus, A., Melendez-Rhodes, T., Kuyumcu, B., Machado, F., Roszak, J., Hussain, S., Chyung, Y.-J., Senese, V. P., Daneshmandi, S., Ashdown, B. K., Giovazolias, T., Glavak-Tkalic, R., Chen, S., Uddin, M. K., Harris, S., Gregory, N., Favero, M., Zahra, S., ..., Roy, K.. 2019. "Psychological maladjustment mediates the relation between remembrances of parental rejection in childhood and adults’ fear of intimacy." Cross-Cultural Research: the journal of comparative social science. 53 (5), pp. 508-542.


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