Dr Victor Igreja

Dr Victor Igreja
NameDr Victor Igreja
Email Addressvictor.igreja@unisq.edu.au
Job TitleSenior Lecturer (International Relations)
QualificationsMMedAnth Amsterdam, PhD Leiden
DepartmentSchool of Humanities and Communication
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Supervision Interests

Legal and Political Anthropology; Social Justice; Transitional Justice; Reconciliation.

Current Supervisions

Research TitleSupervisor TypeLevel of StudyCommenced
Social Suffering and Resilience among African Australian from the Great Lakes Region War Survivors (AAGWS)Associate SupervisorDoctoral2020
Could the resettlement and migration of people in the prime of their socioeconomic lifePrincipal SupervisorDoctoral2024
Transitional Justice and The politics of Amnesties in Afghanistan (1978-2021).Principal SupervisorDoctoral2023
Coping with COVID-19: Community and Institutional Responses in MalawiPrincipal SupervisorDoctoral2023
Australian mining impact on African host communitiesPrincipal SupervisorDoctoral2022
Emergency services volunteering Principal SupervisorDoctoral2020
Talking about suicide: Exploring the role of silence within the lived experience of suicideAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2019
Politics of Memory: Understanding Modern Day IranPrincipal SupervisorDoctoral2018

Completed Supervisions

Research TitleSupervisor TypeLevel of StudyCompleted
Out there, back then: chronotopes of presence and absence in Outback AustraliaAssociateDoctoral2021
A Scoping Review of Black African Men participating in civic life as they migrate, resettle, and integrate in Australia.Associate SupervisorMasters2023
DateNameAwarding organisationUnderpinning research
2009Journal of Religion in AfricaJournal of Religion in Africa
2019Scientific Editorial BoardJournal of Ethnographic Theory
2020National Leader in African and Historical StudiesThe Australian

Medicine and Kingship: Endogenous Centralization in East and Central Africa by Koen Stroeken

Igreja, Victor. 2023. "Medicine and Kingship: Endogenous Centralization in East and Central Africa by Koen Stroeken ." Current Anthropology. 64 (3), pp. 231-232. https://doi.org/10.1086/725199

The politics of accountability

Igreja, Victor. 2023. "The politics of accountability." Mälksoo, M. (ed.) Handbook on the Politics of Memory. United Kingdom. Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 176-190

Relationships in Transition: Negotiating Accountability and Productive Guilt in Timor Leste

Igreja, Victor. 2022. "Relationships in Transition: Negotiating Accountability and Productive Guilt in Timor Leste." von Kellenbach, Katharina and Buschmeier, Matthias (ed.) Guilt: A Force of Cultural Transformation. New York, United States. Oxford University Press. pp. 285-304

Negotiating truth-seeking, ritual television, and healing in Mozambique

Igreja, Victor. 2022. "Negotiating truth-seeking, ritual television, and healing in Mozambique." Lotter, Maria-Sibylla and Fischer, Saskia (ed.) Guilt, Forgiveness, and Moral Repair: A Cross-Cultural Comparison. Switzerland. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 307-328

Mozambique: religious practices and post-conflict processes

Igreja, Victor. 2022. "Mozambique: religious practices and post-conflict processes." Brown, Sara E. and Smith, Stephen D. (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Religion, Mass Atrocity, and Genocide. Abingdon, United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 331-342

Negotiating the Legacies of Intragroup Violence in Timor Leste

Igreja, Victor. 2021. "Negotiating the Legacies of Intragroup Violence in Timor Leste." International Journal of Transitional Justice. 15 (2), pp. 309-331. https://doi.org/10.1093/ijtj/ijab007

Legacies of civil wars: a 14‐year study of social conflicts and well‐being outcomes in farming economies

Igreja, Victor, Colaizzi, Janna and Brekelmans, Alana. 2021. "Legacies of civil wars: a 14‐year study of social conflicts and well‐being outcomes in farming economies." British Journal of Sociology. 72 (2), pp. 426-447. https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-4446.12802

Frames and Intersections of Studies of Place, Confict and Communication

Igreja, Victor. 2019. "Frames and Intersections of Studies of Place, Confict and Communication." Collins, Pauline, Igreja, Victor and Danaher, Patrick Alan (ed.) The Nexus among Place, Conflict and Communication in a Globalising World. Singapore. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 1-16

Preface: Interrogating Place, Conflict and Communication in the Contemporary World

Danaher, Patrick Alan. 2019. "Preface: Interrogating Place, Conflict and Communication in the Contemporary World." Collins, Pauline, Igreja, Victor and Danaher, Patrick Alan (ed.) The Nexus among Place, Conflict and Communication in a Globalising World. Singapore. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. vii-x

'What Made the Elephant Rise Up from the Shade?': Relationships in Transition and Negotiating Silence in Mozambique

Igreja, Victor. 2019. "'What Made the Elephant Rise Up from the Shade?': Relationships in Transition and Negotiating Silence in Mozambique." Russell, Aidan (ed.) Truth, Silence and Violence in Emerging States: Histories of the Unspoken. Abingdon, United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 88-110

Social Trauma and Recovery: Emergent Themes

Igreja, Victor and Baines, Erin. 2019. "Social Trauma and Recovery: Emergent Themes." Grinker, Roy Richard, Lubkemann, Stephen C., Steiner, Christopher B. and Goncalves, Euclides (ed.) A Companion to the Anthropology of Africa. Hoboken, United States. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 251-270

Negotiating relationships in transition: war, famine, and embodied accountability in Mozambique

Igreja, Victor. 2019. "Negotiating relationships in transition: war, famine, and embodied accountability in Mozambique." Comparative Studies in Society and History: an international quarterly. 61 (4), pp. 774-804. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0010417519000264

‘Siting’ voice in stories of conflict: bounding conflict in place and time through social memory and acts of remembering

Palmer, Jane. 2019. "‘Siting’ voice in stories of conflict: bounding conflict in place and time through social memory and acts of remembering." Collins, Pauline, Igreja, Victor and Danaher, Patrick Alan (ed.) The Nexus among place, conflict and communication in a globalising world. United Kingdom. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 187-206

Learnings regarding the role of ‘place’ in conflict and the communication of conflict

Collins, Pauline. 2019. "Learnings regarding the role of ‘place’ in conflict and the communication of conflict." Collins, Pauline, Igreja, Victor and Danaher, Patrick (ed.) The Nexus among Place, Confict and Communication in a Globalising World. Singapore. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 255-271

The nexus among place, conflict and communication in a globalising world

Collins, Pauline, Igreja, Victor and Danaher, Patrick Alan (ed.) 2019. The nexus among place, conflict and communication in a globalising world. Singapore. Palgrave Macmillan.

The strain to hold ground: site-based conflict and an Indigenous ideology of water and place

Heckenberg, Robyn. 2019. "The strain to hold ground: site-based conflict and an Indigenous ideology of water and place." Collins, Pauline, Igreja, Victor and Danaher, Patrick Alan (ed.) The nexus among place, conflict and communication in a globalising world. Singapore. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 17-36

Spirit possession

Igreja, Victor. 2018. "Spirit possession." Callan, Hilary (ed.) The international encyclopedia of anthropology. Oxford, United Kingdom. John Wiley & Sons.

Silence and visual representations of anti-violence campaigns in cosmopolitan Brisbane

Igreja, Victor. 2018. "Silence and visual representations of anti-violence campaigns in cosmopolitan Brisbane." Anthropology in Action. 25 (1), pp. 15-28. https://doi.org/10.3167/aia.2018.250103

Post-hybridity bargaining and embodied accountability in communities in conflict, Mozambique

Igreja, Victor. 2018. "Post-hybridity bargaining and embodied accountability in communities in conflict, Mozambique." Wallis, Joanne, Kent, Lia, Forsyth, Miranda, Dinnen, Sinclair and Bose, Srinjoy (ed.) Hybridity on the ground in peacebuilding and development: critical conversations. Canberra, Australia. Australian National University (ANU) Press. pp. 163-179

Negotiating temporalities of accountability in communities in conflict in Africa

Igreja, Victor. 2018. "Negotiating temporalities of accountability in communities in conflict in Africa." Mueller-Hirth, Natascha and Oyola, Sandra Rios (ed.) Time and temporality in transitional and post-conflict societies. United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 84-101

Os recursos da violência e as lutas pelo poder politico Moçambique [Resources of violence and the struggles for political power in Mozambique]

Igreja, Victor. 2015. "Os recursos da violência e as lutas pelo poder politico Moçambique [Resources of violence and the struggles for political power in Mozambique]." Brito, Luis de, Castel-Branco, Carlos Nuno, Chichava, Sergio, Forquilha, Salvador and Francisco, Antonio (ed.) Desafios para Moçambique 2015. Mozambique. Institute of Social and Economic Studies (IESE). pp. 31-57

Amnesty law, political struggles for legitimacy and violence in Mozambique

Igreja, Victor. 2015. "Amnesty law, political struggles for legitimacy and violence in Mozambique." International Journal of Transitional Justice. 9 (2), pp. 239-258. https://doi.org/10.1093/ijtj/ijv004

Legacies of war, healing, justice and social transformation in Mozambique

Igreja, Victor. 2015. "Legacies of war, healing, justice and social transformation in Mozambique." Hamber, B. and Gallagher, E. (ed.) Psychosocial perspectives on peacebuilding. New York, United States. Springer. pp. 223-250

Intersections of sensorial perception and imagination in divination practices in postwar mozambique

Igreja, Victor. 2015. "Intersections of sensorial perception and imagination in divination practices in postwar mozambique." Anthropological Quarterly. 88 (3), pp. 693-723. https://doi.org/10.1353/anq.2015.0042

Media and legacies of war: responses to global film violence in conflict zones

Igreja, Victor M. F.. 2015. "Media and legacies of war: responses to global film violence in conflict zones." Current Anthropology. 56 (5), pp. 678-700. https://doi.org/10.1086/683107

Memories of violence, cultural transformations of cannibals and indigenous state-building in post-conflict Mozambique

Igreja, Victor. 2014. "Memories of violence, cultural transformations of cannibals and indigenous state-building in post-conflict Mozambique." Comparative Studies in Society and History: an international quarterly. 56 (3), pp. 774-802. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0010417514000322

Politics of memory, decentralization and recentralization in Mozambique

Igreja, Victor. 2013. "Politics of memory, decentralization and recentralization in Mozambique." Journal of Southern African Studies. 39 (2), pp. 313-335. https://doi.org/10.1080/03057070.2013.795809


Igreja, Victor. 2013. "Mozambique." Nedelsky, Nadya and Stan, Lavinia (ed.) Encyclopedia of Transitional Justice. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. pp. 305-311

Power and healing in African Politics: an introduction

Meier, Barbara, Igreja, Victor and Steinforth, Arne S.. 2013. "Power and healing in African Politics: an introduction." Meier, Barbara and Steinforth, Arne S. (ed.) Spirits in politics: uncertainties of power and healing in African societies. Frankfurt, Germany. University of Chicago Press. pp. 15-36

The politics of spirits, justice, and social transformation in Mozambique

Igreja, Victor and Racin, Limore. 2013. "The politics of spirits, justice, and social transformation in Mozambique." Meier, Barbara and Steinforth, Arne S. (ed.) Spirits in politics: Uncertainties of power and healing in African societies. Frankfurt, Germany. University of Chicago Press. pp. 181-204

‘A conflict does not rot’: State and civil society responses to civil war offences in Mozambique

Igreja, Victor and Skaar, Elin. 2013. "‘A conflict does not rot’: State and civil society responses to civil war offences in Mozambique." Nordic Journal of Human Rights. 31 (2 (Special edition)), pp. 149-175.

“A Conflict Does Not Rot”: State and Civil Society Responses to Civil War Offences in Mozambique

Igreja, Victor and Skaar, Elin. 2013. "“A Conflict Does Not Rot”: State and Civil Society Responses to Civil War Offences in Mozambique ." Nordic Journal of Human Rights. 31 (2), pp. 149-175. https://doi.org/10.18261/ISSN1891-814X-2013-02-04

The implications of accumulated grievances and memories of political violence to the process of administrative decentralization in Mozambique

Igreja, Victor. 2013. "The implications of accumulated grievances and memories of political violence to the process of administrative decentralization in Mozambique." Review of Political Studies. 6 (1), pp. 181-199.

Multiple temporalities in indigenous justice and healing practices in Mozambique

Igreja, Victor. 2012. "Multiple temporalities in indigenous justice and healing practices in Mozambique." International Journal of Transitional Justice. 6 (3), pp. 404-422. https://doi.org/10.1093/ijtj/ijs017

Testimony ceremonies in Asia: integrating spirituality in testimonial therapy for torture survivors in India, Sri Lanka, Cambodia and the Philippines

Agger, Inger, Igreja, Victor, Kiehle, Rachel and Polatin, Peter. 2012. "Testimony ceremonies in Asia: integrating spirituality in testimonial therapy for torture survivors in India, Sri Lanka, Cambodia and the Philippines." Transcultural Psychiatry. 49 (3-4), pp. 568-589. https://doi.org/10.1177/1363461512447138

The epidemiology of spirit possession in the aftermath of mass political violence in Mozambique

Igreja, Victor, Dias-Lambranca, Beatrice, Hershey, Douglas A., Racin, Limore, Richters, Annemiek and Reis, Ria. 2010. "The epidemiology of spirit possession in the aftermath of mass political violence in Mozambique." Social Science and Medicine. 71 (3), pp. 592 -599. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2010.04.024

Testimonies of suffering and recasting the meanings of memories of violence in post-war Mozambique

Igreja, Victor. 2010. "Testimonies of suffering and recasting the meanings of memories of violence in post-war Mozambique." Lidwien, Kapteijns and Richters, Annemiek (ed.) Mediations of Violence in Africa: Fashioning new futures from contested pasts. United States. Brill. pp. 141-172

Frelimo’s political ruling through violence and memory in postcolonial Mozambique

Igreja, Victor. 2010. "Frelimo’s political ruling through violence and memory in postcolonial Mozambique." Journal of Southern African Studies. 36 (4), pp. 781-799. https://doi.org/10.1080/03057070.2010.527636

Traditional courts and the struggle against state impunity for civil wartime offences in Mozambique

Igreja, Victor. 2010. "Traditional courts and the struggle against state impunity for civil wartime offences in Mozambique." Journal of African Law. 54 (1), pp. 51-73. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0021855309990167

Justice and reconciliation in the aftermath of the civil war in Gorongosa, Mozambique Central

Igreja Victor. 2009. "Justice and reconciliation in the aftermath of the civil war in Gorongosa, Mozambique Central." Ambos, Kai, Large, Judith and Wierda, Marieke (ed.) Building a Future on Peace and Justice: Studies on Transitional Justice, Peace and Development The Nuremberg Declaration on Peace and Justice. Germany. Springer. pp. 423-437

Agricultural cycle and the prevalence of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: a longitudinal community study in postwar Mozambique

Igreja, Victor, Kleijn, Wim, Dias-Lambranca, Beatrice, Hershey, Douglas A., Calero, Clara and Richters, Annemiek. 2009. "Agricultural cycle and the prevalence of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: a longitudinal community study in postwar Mozambique." Journal of Traumatic Stress. 22 (3), pp. 172-179. https://doi.org/10.1002/jts.20412

The social world of dreams and nightmares in a post-conflict setting: The case of Gorongosa in Central Mozambique

Igreja, Victor and Dias-Lambranca, Beatrice. 2006. "The social world of dreams and nightmares in a post-conflict setting: The case of Gorongosa in Central Mozambique." Intervention. 4 (4), pp. 145-157. https://doi.org/10.1097/01.WTF.0000237882.59061.55

The Thursdays as they live: Christian religious transformation and gender relations in postwar Mozambique

Igreja, Victor and Dias-Lambranca, Beatrice. 2009. "The Thursdays as they live: Christian religious transformation and gender relations in postwar Mozambique." Journal of Religion in Africa. 39 (3), pp. 262-294. https://doi.org/10.1163/157006609X449946

Gamba spirits, gender relations, and healing in post-civil war Gorongosa, Mozambique

Igreja, Victor, Dias-Lambranca, Beatrice and Richters, Annemiek. 2008. "Gamba spirits, gender relations, and healing in post-civil war Gorongosa, Mozambique." Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 14 (2), pp. 350-367. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9655.2008.00506.x

Memories as weapons: the politics of peace and silence in post-civil war Mozambique

Igreja, Victor. 2008. "Memories as weapons: the politics of peace and silence in post-civil war Mozambique." Journal of Southern African Studies. 34 (3), pp. 539-556. https://doi.org/10.1080/03057070802259720

When the war was over, little changed: Women’s posttraumatic suffering after the war in Mozambique

Igreja, Victor, Kleijn, Wim and Richters, Annemiek. 2006. "When the war was over, little changed: Women’s posttraumatic suffering after the war in Mozambique." Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 194 (7), pp. 502-509. https://doi.org/10.1097/01.nmd.0000228505.36302.a3

Testimony method to ameliorate post-traumatic stress symptoms: Community-based intervention study with Mozambican civil war survivors

Igreja, Victor, Kleijn, Wim C., Schreuder, Bas J. N., Van Dijk, Janie A. and Verschuur, Margot. 2004. "Testimony method to ameliorate post-traumatic stress symptoms: Community-based intervention study with Mozambican civil war survivors." British Journal of Psychiatry. 184 (3), pp. 251-257. https://doi.org/10.1192/bjp.184.3.251

Why are there so many drums playing until dawn? Exploring the role of gamba spirits and healers in the postwar recovery period in central Mozambique

Igreja, Victor. 2003. "Why are there so many drums playing until dawn? Exploring the role of gamba spirits and healers in the postwar recovery period in central Mozambique." Transcultural Psychiatry. 40 (4), pp. 459-487. https://doi.org/10.1177/1363461503404001

The effects of traumatic experiences on the infant-mother relationship in the former war-zones of central Mozambique: the case of Madzawde in Gorongosa

Igreja, Victor. 2003. "The effects of traumatic experiences on the infant-mother relationship in the former war-zones of central Mozambique: the case of Madzawde in Gorongosa." Infant Mental Health Journal. 24 (5), pp. 469-494. https://doi.org/10.1002/imhj.10068

Exploring the mental health of young people in households and schools in Gorongosa District, Center of Mozambique

Igreja, Victor, Axelsen, Taryn and Brekelmans, Alana. 2024. "Exploring the mental health of young people in households and schools in Gorongosa District, Center of Mozambique." Scientific Reports. 14 (1). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-79257-7