Dr Brad McLennan

Dr Brad McLennan
NameDr Brad McLennan
Email Addressbrad.mclennan@unisq.edu.au
Job TitleSenior Lecturer (Curriculum and Pedagogy)
QualificationsBTeach Griffith, MEd USQ, PhD USQ
DepartmentSchool of Education
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Dr Brad McLennan is a Senior Lecturer of Initial Teacher Education in the School of Education at the University of Southern Queensland, Australia. He has extensive experience in effective teaching practice and expertise specifically in classroom behaviour management. His research is centred around teacher efficacy, self-determination theory and its application to teaching, and most recently in the investigation into the work of Remote Education Tutors in geographically isolated locations.


Senior Lecturer Curriculum & PedagogyUniSQ - School of Education2011


Classroom Behaviour Management

Curriculum and Pedagogy

Teacher Efficacy


Distance education schooling

Remote education tutors


Classroom Behaviour Management in Early, Primary and Secondary Sectors

Curriculum Integration

Fields of Research

  • 390199. Curriculum and pedagogy not elsewhere classified
  • 390399. Education systems not elsewhere classified

Current Supervisions

Research TitleSupervisor TypeLevel of StudyCommenced
The Impact of Work Integrated Learning on Graduate CapitalsAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2024
Parent Career Self-Efficacy Support for their Adolescent ChildrenAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2024
The career adaptability of pre-service teachers-what matters when attracting pre-teachers to rural, regional and remote areas?Principal SupervisorDoctoral2021

Completed Supervisions

Research TitleSupervisor TypeLevel of StudyCompleted
An Investigation of the Psychometric Properties of the Career Education and Development ScalesAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2023
Teaching in the Australian Capital Territory: Exploring the experience of teachers using mixed methods and interpretive phenomenological analysisAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2020
Secondary school teachers' self-efficacy for career development teaching and learningAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2020

Career education and development scales for primary school and junior secondary school students

McCowan, Col, McIlveen, Peter, McLennan, Brad and Ciccarone, Lucia. 2024. "Career education and development scales for primary school and junior secondary school students." International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10775-024-09678-3

Learning at a distance: Recognising remote tutoring as a career

McLennan, Brad, Peel, Karen L., Danaher, Patrick A. and Burnett, Elizabeth. 2024. "Learning at a distance: Recognising remote tutoring as a career." Distance Education. 45 (2), pp. 315-333. https://doi.org/10.1080/01587919.2024.2338718

Career education and development scale for secondary and tertiary students in Vietnam

McCowan, Col, McIlveen, Peter, McLennan, Brad, Ho, Phoenix, Lê, Đào Anh Khương and Tran, Ngoc Diep. 2024. "Career education and development scale for secondary and tertiary students in Vietnam." Career Development Quarterly. 72 (2), pp. 158-171. https://doi.org/10.1002/cdq.12347

A Career Education and Development Framework and measure for senior secondary school students

McCowan, Colin, McIlveen, Peter, McLennan, Brad, Perera, Harsha N and Ciccarone, Lucia. 2023. "A Career Education and Development Framework and measure for senior secondary school students." Australian Journal of Career Development. 32 (2), pp. 122-134. https://doi.org/10.1177/10384162231164572

Distance education tutors don’t need any formal qualifications – We should make this role a career

Peel, Karen and McLennan, Brad. 2023. "Distance education tutors don’t need any formal qualifications – We should make this role a career ." The Conversation.

Occupational (In)visibility: The emerging role of the Remote Education Tutor as an educational conduit

Peel, Karen, McLennan, Brad, Danaher, Patrick and Burnett, Elizabeth. 2023. "Occupational (In)visibility: The emerging role of the Remote Education Tutor as an educational conduit." The Australian Educational Researcher. 50 (5), p. 1599–1628. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13384-022-00576-7

Australian Remote Education Tutors and Universities: Proposed Innovative Partnerships for Credentialling Adult Supervisors of School Students Enrolled in Distance Education

McLennan, Brad, Peel, Karen, Burnett, Elizabeth and Danaher, Patrick. 2022. "Australian Remote Education Tutors and Universities: Proposed Innovative Partnerships for Credentialling Adult Supervisors of School Students Enrolled in Distance Education." Australian and International Journal of Rural Education. 32 (1), pp. 52-69. https://doi.org/10.47381/aijre.v32i1.314

A pedagogical model of autonomy, competence and relatedness for pre-service teacher educators

McLennan, Brad, McIlveen, Peter and Perera, harsha. 2021. "A pedagogical model of autonomy, competence and relatedness for pre-service teacher educators." Journal of Education for Teaching. 47 (2), pp. 186-200. https://doi.org/10.1080/02607476.2021.1876500

History, geography, economics and civics

McLennan, Brad and Peel, Karen. 2019. "History, geography, economics and civics." Pendergast, Donna and Main, Katherine (ed.) Teaching primary years: rethinking curriculum, pedagogy and assessment. Crows Nest, NSW, Australia. Allen & Unwin. pp. 219-243

Promoting pro-social behaviour

Peel, Karen and McLennan, Brad. 2019. "Promoting pro-social behaviour." Pendergast, Donna and Main, Katherine (ed.) Teaching primary years: rethinking curriculum, pedagogy and assessment. Crows Nest, NSW, Australia. Allen & Unwin. pp. 372-399

The validity of CAAS scores in divergent social occupations

McIlveen, Peter, Perera, Harsha N., Hoare, P. Nancey and McLennan, Brad. 2018. "The validity of CAAS scores in divergent social occupations." Journal of Career Assessment. 26 (1), pp. 31-51. https://doi.org/10.1177/1069072716679922

Pre-service teachers' self-efficacy mediates the relationship between career adaptability and career optimism

McLennan, Brad, McIlveen, Peter and Perera, Harsha N.. 2017. "Pre-service teachers' self-efficacy mediates the relationship between career adaptability and career optimism." Teaching and Teacher Education. 63, pp. 176-185. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2016.12.022

Investigating inquiry pedagogy: cracking the code of learning

McLennan, Brad and Peel, Karen. 2015. "Investigating inquiry pedagogy: cracking the code of learning." Larkin, Kevin, Kawka, Marta, Noble, Karen, van Rensburg, Henriette, Brodie, Lyn and Danaher, Patrick Alan (ed.) Empowering educators: proven principles and successful strategies. Hasmpshire, United Kingdom. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 15-31

The fundamentals of a potentiating learning milieu: expanding capacity for student internalisation and self-regulated learning

McLennan, Brad and Peel, Karen. 2012. "The fundamentals of a potentiating learning milieu: expanding capacity for student internalisation and self-regulated learning." Danaher, Patrick Alan, De George-Walker, Linda, Henderson, Robyn, Matthews, Karl J., Midgley, Warren, Noble, Karen, Tyler, Mark A. and Arden, Catherine H. (ed.) Constructing capacities: building capabilities through learning and engagement. Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 84-106

Evaluating our research team's first three years to identify broader strategies for effective and sustainable capacity constructions

Tyler, Mark A., Turner, Michelle, Peel, Karen, Oliver, Mark E., Noble, Karen, Midgley, Warren, McLennan, Brad, McIlveen, Peter, Matthews, Karl J., Jones, Janice Kathleen, Henderson, Robyn, Fogarty, Roderick J., De George-Walker, Linda, Davies, Andrew, Danaher, Patrick Alan, Baguley, Margaret and Arden, Catherine H.. 2012. "Evaluating our research team's first three years to identify broader strategies for effective and sustainable capacity constructions." Danaher, Patrick Alan, De George-Walker, Linda, Robyn, Henderson, Matthews, Karl J., Midgley, Warren, Noble, Karen, Tyler, Mark A. and Arden, Catherine H. (ed.) Constructing capacities: building capabilities through learning and engagement. Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 256-275

Analysing approaches to constructing capacities

Arden, Catherine H., Baguley, Margaret, Danaher, Patrick Alan, Davies, Andrew, De George-Walker, Linda, Fogarty, Roderick J., Henderson, Robyn, Matthews, Karl J., Jones, Janice, McIlveen, Peter, McLennan, Brad, Midgley, Warren, Noble, Karen, Oliver, Mark E., Peel, Karen, Turner, Michelle and Tyler, Mark A.. 2012. "Analysing approaches to constructing capacities." Danaher, Patrick Alan, De George-Walker, Linda, Henderson, Robyn, Matthews, Karl J., Midgley, Warren, Noble, Karen, Tyler, Mark A. and Arden, Catherine H. (ed.) Constructing capacities: building capabilities through learning and engagement. Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 4-30

Inspire to connect a learning desire

McLennan, Brad and Peel, Karen. 2011. "Inspire to connect a learning desire." Abawi, Lindy, Conway, Joan M. and Henderson, Robyn (ed.) Creating connections in teaching and learning. Charlotte, NC. United States. Information Age Publishing. pp. 33-45

Exposing the social scientist

Peel, Karen and McLennan, Brad. 2010. "Exposing the social scientist." Philp, Karren and Kanganas, Alec (ed.) 2010 AATE/ALEA National Conference: aWAy With Words: Exploring the Ambiguities in Literacy and English Education. Perth, Western Australia 04 - 07 Jul 2010 Adelaide, Australia.

Motivational pedagogy: locking in the learning

McLennan, Brad and Peel, Karen. 2008. "Motivational pedagogy: locking in the learning." The Australian Educational Leader. 30 (1), pp. 22-27.