390203. Sociology of education

Title390203. Sociology of education
Parent3902. Education policy, sociology and philosophy

Latest research outputs

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Show children's perceptions of their schooling experiences
Danaher, Patrick Alan. 1995. "Show children's perceptions of their schooling experiences." Unicorn. 21 (3), pp. 43-50.


The Australian Traveller Education Research Team: one strategy for organising academic research and publishing
Moriarty, Beverley, Danaher, Patrick Alan and Danaher, Geoff. 2005. "The Australian Traveller Education Research Team: one strategy for organising academic research and publishing." University of Southern Queensland Faculty of Education Research Newsletter.


Assessment: a tool for development and engagement in the first year of university study
Taylor, Janet A.. 2006. "Assessment: a tool for development and engagement in the first year of university study." 9th Pacific Rim First Year in Higher Education Conference (FYHE 2006). Gold Coast, Australia 12 - 14 Jul 2006


Person-environment fit in higher education: how good is the fit for indigenous students?
Fogarty, Gerard J. and White, Colin. 2002. "Person-environment fit in higher education: how good is the fit for indigenous students?" McInerey, Dennis M. and Van Etten, Shawn (ed.) Research on sociocultural influences on motivation and learning . Greenwich, Connecticut, United States. Information Age Publishing. pp. 129-149

Edited book (chapter)

Addressing diversity in higher education: two models for facilitating student engagement and mastery
Lawrence, Jill. 2005. "Addressing diversity in higher education: two models for facilitating student engagement and mastery." Brew, Angela and Asmar, Christine (ed.) 28th Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia Annual Conference (HERDSA 2005). Sydney, Australia 03 - 06 Jul 2005 Sydney, Australia.


An invasion of green-stained farm workers from outer space(s)? Or a rural community struggling with issues of itinerancy?
Henderson, Robyn. 2005. "An invasion of green-stained farm workers from outer space(s)? Or a rural community struggling with issues of itinerancy?" Australian and International Journal of Rural Education. 15 (1), pp. 3-13.


The future of higher education provision in the UK: workforce implications. A review of the literature: a report to HEFCE
Blass, Eddie, Jasman, Anne and Shelley, Steve. 2010. The future of higher education provision in the UK: workforce implications. A review of the literature: a report to HEFCE . London, United Kingdom. Higher Education Funding Council for England.

Project report

Building lectures and building bridges with socio-economically disadvantaged students
Phillips, Peter J. and Loch, Birgit. 2011. "Building lectures and building bridges with socio-economically disadvantaged students." Educational Technology and Society. 14 (3), pp. 240-251.


Determining a voice to use in writing about mixed methods research
Dovona-Ope, Dinah R.. 2011. "Determining a voice to use in writing about mixed methods research." Midgley, Warren, Tyler, Mark A., Danaher, Patrick Alan and Mander, Alison (ed.) Beyond binaries in education research . New York, USA. Routledge. pp. 27-33

Edited book (chapter)

Mobile learning communities: creating new educational futures
Danaher, Patrick Alan, Moriarty, Beverley and Danaher, Geoff. 2009. Mobile learning communities: creating new educational futures. New York, United States. Routledge.

Authored book

The dos and don’ts of mentoring: why mentoring works for women
Mason, Gay, Dorman, Marilyn and Dearden, Rhyl. 2007. "The dos and don’ts of mentoring: why mentoring works for women." Albion, Majella J. and Collins, Pauline (ed.) 2007 International Women's Conference: Education, Employment and Everything... theTriple Layers of a Woman's Life. Toowoomba, Australia 26 - 29 Sep 2007 Toowoomba, Australia.


Teh, Mui Kim and Stott, Kenneth. 2008. "Singapore." Russo, Charles J. and deGroof, Jan (ed.) The employment rights of teachers: exploring education law worldwide. Lanham, MD. Rowman & Littlefield Education. pp. 173-187

Edited book (chapter)

Places and spaces for circus performers and show people as Australian migratory workers
Danaher, P. A.. 2010. "Places and spaces for circus performers and show people as Australian migratory workers." Sociologia Ruralis. 50 (3), pp. 242-257. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9523.2010.00514.x


Child labour and schooling in developing countries: a review of the literature
Khanam, Rasheda. 2010. "Child labour and schooling in developing countries: a review of the literature." International Journal of Business Research. 10 (3), pp. 137-142.


Finding 'ways with words' to engage students who change schools
Henderson, Robyn. 2010. "Finding 'ways with words' to engage students who change schools." Philp, Karren and Kanganas, Alec (ed.) 2010 AATE/ALEA National Conference: aWAy With Words: Exploring the Ambiguities in Literacy and English Education. Perth, Western Australia 04 - 07 Jul 2010 Norwood, South Australia.


Addressing difficulties in rural estates with limited education facilities: a research study for uplifting social harmony
Ranasinghe, R. H. C. C. and Somasundaraswaran, A. K.. 2006. "Addressing difficulties in rural estates with limited education facilities: a research study for uplifting social harmony." Liyanage, M. de. S. (ed.) Third Academic Sessions, University of Ruhuna. Galle, Sri Lanka Dec 2005 Galle, Sri Lanka.


The altruism of pre-adolescent children's perspectives on 'worry' and 'happiness' in Australia and England
Sargeant, Jonathon. 2010. "The altruism of pre-adolescent children's perspectives on 'worry' and 'happiness' in Australia and England." Childhood: a global journal of child research. 17 (3), pp. 411-425. https://doi.org/10.1177/0907568209341087


When the street becomes a pedagogue
Hickey, Andrew. 2009. "When the street becomes a pedagogue." Sandlin, Jennifer A., Schultz, Brian D. and Burdick, Jake (ed.) Handbook of public pedagogy: education and learning beyond schooling. New York, NY. United States. Routledge. pp. 161-170

Edited book (chapter)

Methodology, the Western, and myself: the West/non-West binary in a non-Western educational researcher's pursuit for a PhD
Saito, Akihiro. 2011. "Methodology, the Western, and myself: the West/non-West binary in a non-Western educational researcher's pursuit for a PhD." Midgley, Warren, Tyler, Mark A., Danaher, Patrick Alan and Mander, Alison (ed.) Beyond binaries in education research. New York, USA. Routledge. pp. 17-26

Edited book (chapter)

Culture and identity, 2nd ed.
Austin, Jon (ed.) 2005. Culture and identity, 2nd ed. Sydney, Australia. Pearson Education Australia.

Edited book

Widening access to higher education: an Australian case study
Postle, Glen and Sturman, Andrew. 2003. "Widening access to higher education: an Australian case study ." Journal of Adult and Continuing Education. 8 (2), pp. 195-212.


Meaning making through the practices of connectedness: an initiative to address retention and foster a learning community
Noble, Karen and Holzheimer, Leisa. 2007. "Meaning making through the practices of connectedness: an initiative to address retention and foster a learning community." Fogarty, Roderick (ed.) 3rd International Conference on Pedagogies and Learning. Brisbane, Australia 26 - 28 Sep 2007 Toowoomba, Australia.


Horizons of life experiences
Keeffe, Mary. 2006. "Horizons of life experiences." Keeffe, Mary and Carrington, Suzanne (ed.) Schools and diversity . Sydney, Australia. Pearson Education Australia. pp. 198-210

Edited book (chapter)

The inclusive society
Keeffe, Mary. 2006. "The inclusive society." Keeffe, Mary and Carrington, Suzanne (ed.) Schools and diversity . Sydney, Australia. Pearson Education Australia. pp. 2-15

Edited book (chapter)

Beyond disabilities: broadening the view of special needs and the inclusive education challenges facing primary teachers
Fields, Barry A.. 2007. "Beyond disabilities: broadening the view of special needs and the inclusive education challenges facing primary teachers ." Jeffery, Peter L. (ed.) International Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE 2006): Engaging Pedagogies. Adelaide, Australia 27 - 30 Nov 2006 Melbourne, Australia.


Research with young children: the use of an affinity group approach to explore the social dynamics of peer culture
Keddie, Amanda. 2004. "Research with young children: the use of an affinity group approach to explore the social dynamics of peer culture." British Journal of Sociology of Education. 25 (1), pp. 35-51. https://doi.org/10.1080/0142569032000155926


Tertiary students with a disability or chronic illness: stigma and study
Hammer, Sara, Werth, Shalene and Dunn, Peter. 2009. "Tertiary students with a disability or chronic illness: stigma and study." Bedford, Tas, Huijser, Henk and Muller, Sarah (ed.) Enabling Pathways: 3rd National Conference of Enabling Educators. Toowoomba, Australia 25 - 27 Nov 2009 Toowoomba, Australia.


Community connection and change: a different conceptualization of school leadership
Lewis, Marian. 2008. "Community connection and change: a different conceptualization of school leadership." Improving Schools. 11 (3), pp. 227-237. https://doi.org/10.1177/1365480208097742


It's a digital life! Digital literacies, multiliteracies and multimodality
Henderson, Robyn. 2008. "It's a digital life! Digital literacies, multiliteracies and multimodality." Literacy Learning: The Middle Years. 16 (2), pp. 11-15.


The early intervention solution: enabling or constraining literacy learning
Woods, Annette and Henderson, Robyn. 2008. "The early intervention solution: enabling or constraining literacy learning." Journal of Early Childhood Literacy. 8 (3), pp. 251-268. https://doi.org/10.1177/1468798408096482


Virtual teamwork and PBL - barriers to participation and learning
Brodie, Lyn. 2009. "Virtual teamwork and PBL - barriers to participation and learning." Mann, Llewellyn and Hadgraft, Roger (ed.) Research in Engineering Education Symposium (REES 2009) . Cairns, Australia 20 - 23 Jul 2009 Melbourne, Australia.


Transitions to first year engineering - diversity as an asset
Brodie, Lyn and Porter, Mark. 2009. "Transitions to first year engineering - diversity as an asset." Studies in Learning Evaluation Innovation and Development. 6 (2), pp. 1-15.


Visible whiteness: coming to terms with white racial identities
Hickey, Andrew and Austin, Jon. 2009. "Visible whiteness: coming to terms with white racial identities." International Journal of the Humanities. 7 (2), pp. 13-26.


The challenging terrains of educating girls in Papua New Guinea
Dovona-Ope, Dinah R.. 2008. "The challenging terrains of educating girls in Papua New Guinea." Henderson, Robyn and Danaher, Patrick Alan (ed.) Troubling terrains: tactics for traversing and transforming contemporary educational research. Brisbane, Australia. Post Pressed. pp. 89-106

Edited book (chapter)

Voyaging in and writing back: charting a course of action sensitive to intercultural difference
Young, Kathryn. 2008. "Voyaging in and writing back: charting a course of action sensitive to intercultural difference." Henderson, Robyn and Danaher, Patrick Alan (ed.) Troubling terrains: tactics for traversing and transforming contemporary educational research. Brisbane, Australia. Post Pressed. pp. 77-87

Edited book (chapter)

Digital literacies in two low socioeconomic classrooms: snapshots of practice
Henderson, Robyn and Honan, Eileen. 2008. "Digital literacies in two low socioeconomic classrooms: snapshots of practice." English Teaching: Practice and Critique. 7 (2), pp. 85-98.


Child labour in developing countries: the role of education, poverty and birth order
Khanam, Rasheda and Rahman, Mohammad Mafizur. 2008. "Child labour in developing countries: the role of education, poverty and birth order." Journal of Social and Economic Development. 10 (2), pp. 173-195.


Transforming place, space and inner terrain in three fields of adult education research
Danaher, Patrick Alan, Tyler, Mark A. and Arden, Catherine H.. 2008. "Transforming place, space and inner terrain in three fields of adult education research." Henderson, Robyn and Danaher, Patrick Alan (ed.) Troubling terrains: tactics for traversing and transforming contemporary educational research. Brisbane, Australia. Post Pressed. pp. 107-118

Edited book (chapter)

Mapping the inner landscape of Australian TAFE teachers: navigating contours by explicating critical spirit
Tyler, Mark A.. 2008. "Mapping the inner landscape of Australian TAFE teachers: navigating contours by explicating critical spirit." Henderson, Robyn and Danaher, Patrick Alan (ed.) Troubling terrains: tactics for traversing and transforming contemporary educational research. Brisbane, Australia. Post Pressed. pp. 119-136

Edited book (chapter)

The impact of disabilities and long-term medical conditions on the student learning experience at USQ
Lawson, Kym, Werth, Shalene, Dunn, Peter and d'Abadie, Danielle. 2008. "The impact of disabilities and long-term medical conditions on the student learning experience at USQ." Pathways 9. Melbourne, Australia 02 - 05 Dec 2008 Melbourne, Australia.
