440699. Human geography not elsewhere classified
Title | 440699. Human geography not elsewhere classified |
Parent | 4406. Human geography |
Latest research outputs
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Carbon mitigation actions by peri-urban and regional cities in Queensland
Zeppel, Heather. 2013. "Carbon mitigation actions by peri-urban and regional cities in Queensland." Ruming, Kristian, Randolph, Bill and Gurran, Nicole (ed.) State of Australian Cities Conference (SOAC 2013). Sydney, Australia 26 - 29 Nov 2013 Sydney, Australia.Paper
Six attributes of social resilience
Maclean, Kirsten, Cuthill, Michael and Ross, Helen. 2014. "Six attributes of social resilience." Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 57 (1), pp. 144-156. https://doi.org/10.1080/09640568.2013.763774Article
Carbon offsetting by Queensland local government
Zeppel, Heather. 2013. "Carbon offsetting by Queensland local government." Research Colloquia and Showcase 2013. Springfield, Australia 12 - 13 Jun 2013 Brisbane, Australia.Paper
Local planning for climate adaptation in coastal Queensland
Zeppel, Heather. 2013. "Local planning for climate adaptation in coastal Queensland." 4th Queensland Coastal Conference 2013: Castles in the Sand. Townsville, Australia 02 - 04 Oct 2013 Adelaide, Australia.Paper
Carbon offsetting by Queensland councils: motives and benefits
Zeppel, Heather. 2013. "Carbon offsetting by Queensland councils: motives and benefits." Pillora, Stefanie (ed.) 3rd National Local Government Researchers' Forum (ACELG 2013). Adelaide, Australia 06 - 07 Jun 2013 Sydney, Australia.Paper
Jean Rhys's Tropographies: unmappable identity and the tropical landscape in Wide Sargasso Sea and selected short fiction
Gildersleeve, Jessica. 2011. "Jean Rhys's Tropographies: unmappable identity and the tropical landscape in Wide Sargasso Sea and selected short fiction." eTropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics. 10, pp. 32-38.Article
New kids on the block: young people, the city and public pedagogies
Hickey, Andrew and Phillips, Louise. 2013. "New kids on the block: young people, the city and public pedagogies." Global Studies of Childhood. 3 (2), pp. 115-128. https://doi.org/10.2304/gsch.2013.3.2.115Article
Strengthening the 'social' in sustainable development: developing a conceptual framework for social sustainability in a rapid urban growth region in australia
Cuthill, Michael. 2010. "Strengthening the 'social' in sustainable development: developing a conceptual framework for social sustainability in a rapid urban growth region in australia." Sustainable Development. 18 (6), pp. 362-373. https://doi.org/10.1002/sd.397Article
More than just a talkfest: the process of developing collaborations in ageing across two different community types
Warburton, Jeni, Everingham, Jo-Anne, Cuthill, Michael, Bartlett, Helen and Underwood, Mair. 2011. "More than just a talkfest: the process of developing collaborations in ageing across two different community types ." Urban Policy and Research. 29 (2), pp. 183-200. https://doi.org/10.1080/08111146.2011.562146Article
Climate change and global policy regimes: towards institutional legitimacy
Cadman, Timothy (ed.) 2013. Climate change and global policy regimes: towards institutional legitimacy. Basingstoke, Hants. United Kingdom. Palgrave Macmillan.Edited book
Hispanics and human rights in Queensland's public spaces
Mason, Robert. 2013. "Hispanics and human rights in Queensland's public spaces." Queensland Historical Atlas. Jan 2013, pp. 1-5.Article
Defining identity in the face of rapid urban growth: changing times in a regional Australian city
Jansen, Danni, Cuthill, Michael and Hafner, Diane. 2012. "Defining identity in the face of rapid urban growth: changing times in a regional Australian city." Urban Policy and Research. 30 (2), pp. 161-174. https://doi.org/10.1080/08111146.2012.664895Article
Migration and insecurity: citizenship and social inclusion in a transnational era
Steiner, Niklaus, Mason, Robert and Hayes, Anna (ed.) 2013. Migration and insecurity: citizenship and social inclusion in a transnational era. London, United Kingdom. Routledge.Edited book
Community engagement and building connectivity in the Lockyer Valley region
Miller, Karen and Pedersen, Cec. 2012. "Community engagement and building connectivity in the Lockyer Valley region." 2012 Regional Development: Connectedness, Business and Learning: Creating Sustainable Communities Workshop. Brisbane, Australia 20 Jun 2012 Toowoomba, Australia.Paper
Signs of countrymindedness: a survey of attitudes to rural industries and people
Cockfield, Geoff and Botterill, Linda Courtenay. 2012. "Signs of countrymindedness: a survey of attitudes to rural industries and people." Australian Journal of Political Science. 47 (4), pp. 609-622. https://doi.org/10.1080/10361146.2012.731482Article
Sustainability: from systems to emergence
Bender, Helena and Judith, Kate. 2012. "Sustainability: from systems to emergence." 5th Annual International ESP Conference: Ecosystems Services Come of Age: Linking Science, Policy and Participation for Sustainable Human Well-Being. Portland, United States 31 Jul - 04 Aug 2012Paper
Mapping the social geographies of autism: online and off-line narratives of neuro-shared and separate spaces
Bertilsdotter Rosqvist, Hanna, Brownlow, Charlotte and O'Dell, Lindsay. 2013. "Mapping the social geographies of autism: online and off-line narratives of neuro-shared and separate spaces." Disability and Society. 28 (3), pp. 367-379. https://doi.org/10.1080/09687599.2012.714257Article
Indigenous population mobilities and school achievement: international educational research itineraries, issues and implications
Danaher, P. A.. 2012. "Indigenous population mobilities and school achievement: international educational research itineraries, issues and implications." International Journal of Educational Research. 54, pp. 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijer.2011.11.001Article
Moving beyond sedentarism: conceptual and empirical developments
Danaher, Patrick Alan and Henderson, Robyn. 2011. "Moving beyond sedentarism: conceptual and empirical developments." Midgley, Warren, Tyler, Mark A., Danaher, Patrick Alan and Mander, Alison (ed.) Beyond binaries in education research. New York, NY. USA. Routledge. pp. 60-78Edited book (chapter)
Resilience to climate change impacts: a review of flood mitigation policy in Queensland, Australia
Thomas, Melanie, King, David, Keogh, Diane U., Apan, Armando and Mushtaq, Shahbaz. 2011. "Resilience to climate change impacts: a review of flood mitigation policy in Queensland, Australia." The Australian Journal of Emergency Management. 26 (1), pp. 8-17.Article
Rebuilding a resilient community after the floods
Kavanagh, Marie. 2011. "Rebuilding a resilient community after the floods." Building Business Communities: Justice, Performance and Change Creating a Sustainable Scholarly Community Colloquia (2011). Brisbane, Australia 09 Nov 2011 Toowoomba, Australia.Paper
Sustainable education in the western corridor: the research roadmap ahead
Rose, Denis, Ally, Mustafa, Cassidy, Frances, Gardiner, Michael and Hume, Margee. 2011. "Sustainable education in the western corridor: the research roadmap ahead." Building Business Communities: Justice, Performance and Change Creating a Sustainable Scholarly Community Colloquia (2011). Brisbane, Australia 09 Nov 2011 Toowoomba, Australia.Paper
Hong Kong Reintegrating with China: Political, Cultural and Social Dimensions by Lee Pui-tak
McMillen, Don. 2002. "Hong Kong Reintegrating with China: Political, Cultural and Social Dimensions by Lee Pui-tak." The China Journal. 48, pp. 254-257. https://doi.org/10.2307/3182488Book review

Social entrepreneurship and capacity building in linking Australian show people and regional and rural communities
Danaher, Geoff, Moriarty, Beverley and Danaher, Patrick Alan. 2003. "Social entrepreneurship and capacity building in linking Australian show people and regional and rural communities." Queensland Journal of Educational Research. 19 (2), pp. 59-66.Article
Inclusion versus specialisation: issues in transforming the education of Australian show children
Danaher, Geoff and Danaher, Patrick Alan. 2009. "Inclusion versus specialisation: issues in transforming the education of Australian show children." Danaher, Patrick Alan, Kenny, Mairin and Remy Leder, Judith (ed.) Traveller, nomadic and migrant education. New York, United States. Routledge. pp. 201-213Edited book (chapter)
Traveller, nomadic and migrant education
Danaher, Patrick Alan, Kenny, Mairin and Remy Leder, Judith (ed.) 2009. Traveller, nomadic and migrant education. New York, United States. Routledge.Edited book
Three pedagogies of mobility for Australian show people: teaching about, through and towards the questioning of sedentarism
Danaher, Patrick Alan, Moriarty, Beverley and Danaher, Geoff. 2004. "Three pedagogies of mobility for Australian show people: teaching about, through and towards the questioning of sedentarism." Melbourne Studies in Education. 45 (2), pp. 47-66.Article
Show children's perceptions of their schooling experiences
Danaher, Patrick Alan. 1995. "Show children's perceptions of their schooling experiences." Unicorn. 21 (3), pp. 43-50.Article
Situating and interrogating contemporary Australian rural education research
Moriarty, Beverley, Danaher, Patrick Alan and Danaher, Geoff. 2003. "Situating and interrogating contemporary Australian rural education research." Journal of Research in Rural Education. 18 (3), pp. 133-138.Article
Cultural values in sustainable tourism: conflicts between indigenous culture and recreation in protected areas
Zeppel, Heather. 2009. "Cultural values in sustainable tourism: conflicts between indigenous culture and recreation in protected areas." Hergesell, Anja and Liburd, Janne J. (ed.) BEST Education Network Think Tank IX: The Importance of Values in Sustainable Tourism and First International Symposium on Volunteering and Tourism. Singapore 14 - 18 Jun 2009 Sydney, Australia.Paper
Planning for regions in Australia
Collits, Paul. 2007. "Planning for regions in Australia." Thompson, Susan (ed.) Planning Australia: an overview of urban and regional planning. Melbourne, Australia. Cambridge University Press. pp. 179-197Edited book (chapter)
Pro-poor land management in developing countries: a case study in Nepal and India
Paudyal, Dev Raj. 2011. Pro-poor land management in developing countries: a case study in Nepal and India. Saarbrüchen, Germany. VDM Verlag Dr. Muller.Authored book
The learning practitioner
Collits, Paul. 2008. "The learning practitioner." Cockfield, Geoff and Charters, Kate (ed.) 12th Sustainable Economic Growth for Regional Australia Conference (SEGRA2008). Albury, Australia 18 - 20 Aug 2008 Brisbane, Australia.Paper
Darling Downs: black soil and rolling grass seas
French, Maurice. 2011. "Darling Downs: black soil and rolling grass seas ." Queensland Historical Atlas. 2011, pp. 1-7.Article
Morphometric analyses of Batissa violacea shells from Emo (OAC), Gulf Province, Papua New Guinea
Thangavelu, Anbarasu, David, Bruno, Barker, Bryce, Geneste, Jean-Michel, Delannoy, Jean-Jacques, Lamb, Lara, Araho, Nick and Skelly, Robert. 2011. "Morphometric analyses of Batissa violacea shells from Emo (OAC), Gulf Province, Papua New Guinea." Archaeology in Oceania. 46 (2), pp. 67-75.Article
The Howard government and regional development
Collits, Paul. 2008. "The Howard government and regional development." Australasian Journal of Regional Studies. 14 (3), pp. 287-312.Article
Places and spaces for circus performers and show people as Australian migratory workers
Danaher, P. A.. 2010. "Places and spaces for circus performers and show people as Australian migratory workers." Sociologia Ruralis. 50 (3), pp. 242-257. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9523.2010.00514.xArticle
Council community directories as a source of information about local health services in rural Australia
Eley, Rob and Hossain, Delwar. 2010. "Council community directories as a source of information about local health services in rural Australia." Journal of Community Informatics. 6 (2), pp. 1-11. https://doi.org/10.15353/joci.v6i2.2553Article
Mitigation of electricity price/demand using demand side response smart grid model
Marwan, M., Kamel, F. and Xiang, W.. 2011. "Mitigation of electricity price/demand using demand side response smart grid model." Cowled, Craig J. L. (ed.) 1st International Postgraduate Conference on Engineering, Designing and Developing the Built Environment for Sustainable Wellbeing (eddBE 2011). Brisbane, Australia 27 - 29 Apr 2011 Brisbane, Australia.Paper
Pro-poor land management in developing countries: a case study in Nepal and India
Paudyal, Dev Raj. 2008. Pro-poor land management in developing countries: a case study in Nepal and India. Copenhagen, Denmark. International Federation of Surveyors (FIG).Technical report