480505. Legal practice, lawyering and the legal profession
Title | 480505. Legal practice, lawyering and the legal profession |
Parent | 4805. Legal systems |
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'The difficulties of communication encountered by Indigenous peoples’: moving beyond Indigenous deficit in the model admission rules for legal practitioners
Burns, Marcelle, Young, Simon and Nielsen, Jennifer. 2018. "'The difficulties of communication encountered by Indigenous peoples’: moving beyond Indigenous deficit in the model admission rules for legal practitioners." Legal Education Review. 28 (2), pp. 1-27.Article
'With a little help from a friend': self-represented litigants, payment and legal profession regulation
Jones, Nicky. 2013. "'With a little help from a friend': self-represented litigants, payment and legal profession regulation." Queensland Lawyer. 33 (1), pp. 52-66.Article
A Lawyer by Any Other Name: The Restrictions on Unqualified Legal Practice in Australia
Murray, Katie. 2021. "A Lawyer by Any Other Name: The Restrictions on Unqualified Legal Practice in Australia." Australian Law Journal. 95 (12), pp. 979-997.Article
Achieving consistency in sentencing: moving to best practice
Mackenzie, Geraldine. 2002. "Achieving consistency in sentencing: moving to best practice." University of Queensland Law Journal. 22 (1), pp. 74-90.Article
Advertising by professions and the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth)
Gray, Anthony. 2012. "Advertising by professions and the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth)." Australian Business Law Review. 40 (5), pp. 336-347.Article
Alternative Perspectives on Lawyers and Legal Ethics: Reimagining the Profession
Bartlett, Francesca, Mortensen, Reid and Tranter, Kieran (ed.) 2010. Alternative Perspectives on Lawyers and Legal Ethics: Reimagining the Profession. United Kingdom. Routledge.Edited book
An empirical study of lawyers’ capability to adapt to disruption in Queensland, Australia
Timoshanko, Aaron, Hart, Caroline, Bartlett, Francesca, Murray, Angus and Perry-Petersen, Andrea. 2024. "An empirical study of lawyers’ capability to adapt to disruption in Queensland, Australia." International Journal of the Legal Profession. 31 (1), pp. 83-110. https://doi.org/10.1080/09695958.2023.2295365Article
Australia: acting on opponents' mistakes - Expense Reduction Analysts Group Pty Ltd v Armstrong Strategic Management and Marketing Pty Ltd and the inadvertent disclosure of privileged material
Murray, Katie. 2014. "Australia: acting on opponents' mistakes - Expense Reduction Analysts Group Pty Ltd v Armstrong Strategic Management and Marketing Pty Ltd and the inadvertent disclosure of privileged material." Legal Ethics. 17 (1), pp. 132-134. https://doi.org/10.5235/1460728X.17.1.132Notes or commentaries
Australian legal education at a cross roads
Collins, Pauline. 2016. "Australian legal education at a cross roads." Australian Universities' Review. 58 (1), pp. 30-38.Article
Bar exams, legal ethics and the fight against corruption: lessons from Brazil
Economides, Kim and de Rezende Alvim, Joaquim Leonel. 2020. "Bar exams, legal ethics and the fight against corruption: lessons from Brazil." Legal Ethics. 23 (1-2), pp. 31-47. https://doi.org/10.1080/1460728x.2020.1822098Article
Bargaining in the shadow of the law - using utility functions to support legal negotiation
Zeleznikow, John, Bellucci, Emilia, Schild, Uri J. and Mackenzie, Geraldine. 2007. "Bargaining in the shadow of the law - using utility functions to support legal negotiation." 11th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law. Stanford, United States 04 - 08 Jun 2007 New York, NY, United States. https://doi.org/10.1145/1276318.1276365Paper
Becoming a lawyer: from admission to practice under the Legal Profession Act 2004 (Qld)
Mortensen, Reid. 2004. "Becoming a lawyer: from admission to practice under the Legal Profession Act 2004 (Qld)." University of Queensland Law Journal. 23 (2), pp. 319-346.Article
Better justice? or shambolic justice?: governments' use of information technology for access to law and justice, and the impact on regional and rural legal practitioners
Hart, Caroline. 2017. "Better justice? or shambolic justice?: governments' use of information technology for access to law and justice, and the impact on regional and rural legal practitioners." International Journal of Rural Law and Policy. 1, pp. 1-21. https://doi.org/10.5130/ijrlp.i1.2017.4877Article
Bush lawyers in New South Wales and Queensland: a spatial analysis
McDougall, Kevin and Mortensen, Reid. 2011. "Bush lawyers in New South Wales and Queensland: a spatial analysis." Deakin Law Review. 16 (1), pp. 75-109.Article
Business structures and sustainable regional legal practice: the use of incorporated legal practices by regional, rural and remote legal practitioners
Hart, Caroline. 2012. "Business structures and sustainable regional legal practice: the use of incorporated legal practices by regional, rural and remote legal practitioners." International Journal of Rural Law and Policy. 2012 (Special Edition).Article
Can our office go paperless?
Browne, T., Deane, T., Tyndall, S. and Hart, Caroline. 2019. "Can our office go paperless?" Queensland Law Society Proctor. 39 (7), pp. 50-51.Article
Challenges in the design of legal ethics learning systems: an educational perspective
Robertson, Michael. 2005. "Challenges in the design of legal ethics learning systems: an educational perspective ." Legal Ethics. 8 (2), pp. 222-239.Article
Civil liberties advocacy organizations in Canada: a survey and critique
Patrick, Jeremy. 2007. "Civil liberties advocacy organizations in Canada: a survey and critique." Oklahoma City University Law Review. 32 (2), pp. 187-213.Article
Client money: trust account management for Australian lawyers
Mortensen, Reid. 2017. Client money: trust account management for Australian lawyers. Chatswood, Australia. LexisNexis Butterworths.Textbook
Collaborative practice in Australian Civil Disputes
Nugent, Timothy. 2020. Collaborative practice in Australian Civil Disputes. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/q6x0wPhD Thesis
Cross-border lawyer regulation in Australia
Mortensen, Reid. 2005. "Cross-border lawyer regulation in Australia." Legal Ethics Colloquium (2005). Christchurch, New Zealand 09 - 10 Feb 2005Paper
Dispute management
Collins, Pauline, Demeter, Dalma and Douglas, Susan. 2021. Dispute management. United Kingdom. Cambridge University Press.Textbook
Mortensen, Reid and Sommerlad, Hilary. 2014. "Editorial." Legal Ethics. 17 (1), pp. iii-iv. https://doi.org/10.1080/1460728X.2014.11424028Editorial
Rhode, Deborah, Mortensen, Reid and Sommerlad, Hilary. 2014. "Editorial." Legal Ethics. 16 (2), pp. iii-v. https://doi.org/10.5235/146072813810287912Editorial
Mortensen, Reid and Sommerlad, Hilary. 2013. "Editorial." Legal Ethics. 16 (1), pp. iii-v. https://doi.org/10.1080/1460728X.2013.11423996Editorial
Educating law students for rural and regional legal practice: embedding place consciousness in law curricula
Kennedy, Amanda, Mundy, Trish, Nielsen, Jennifer, Hart, Caroline, Coverdale, Richard, Mortensen, Reid, Smith-Ruig, Theresa and Macken, Claire. 2014. "Educating law students for rural and regional legal practice: embedding place consciousness in law curricula." Legal Education Review. 24 (1), pp. 7-28. https://doi.org/10.53300/001c.6282Article
Embedding 'ethics' in law degrees
Robertson, Michael. 2011. "Embedding 'ethics' in law degrees." Kift, Sally, Sanson, Michelle, Cowley, Jill and Watson, Penelope (ed.) Excellence and innovation in legal education. Sydney, Australia. LexisNexis Butterworths. pp. 99-117Edited book (chapter)
Entrepreneurship and innovation in regional and rural legal practice
Hart, Caroline. 2017. "Entrepreneurship and innovation in regional and rural legal practice." Mundy, Trish, Kennedy, Amanda and Nielsen, Jennifer (ed.) The place of practice: lawyering in rural and regional Australia. Leichhardt, Australia. Federation Press. pp. 104-123Edited book (chapter)
Establishment and toleration: the British pattern of secularisation
Mortensen, Reid. 1993. "Establishment and toleration: the British pattern of secularisation." University of Queensland Law Journal. 17, pp. 185-203.Article
Ethics in negotiation and ADR - Legal Services Commissioner v Mullins
Mortensen, Reid. 2007. "Ethics in negotiation and ADR - Legal Services Commissioner v Mullins." Proctor. 27 (1), pp. 10-11.Article
Future Ready Report: Queensland Sole, Micro, Small and Medium Law Firm Capability to Meet Disruption: COVID–19, Technology and Intergenerational Change
Hart, Caroline, Timoshanko, Aaron, Bartlett, Francesca, Murray, Angus and Perry-Petersen, Andrea. 2023. Future Ready Report: Queensland Sole, Micro, Small and Medium Law Firm Capability to Meet Disruption: COVID–19, Technology and Intergenerational Change. Australia. Queensland Law Society.Project report
Grounding legal ethics learning in social scientific studies of lawyers at work
Robertson, Michael and Tranter, Kieran. 2006. "Grounding legal ethics learning in social scientific studies of lawyers at work." Legal Ethics. 9 (2), pp. 210-229.Article
How does a city law firm deal with leadership development?
Hever, James A.. 2005. How does a city law firm deal with leadership development? Doctorate other than PhD Doctor of Business Administration. University of Southern Queensland.Doctorate other than PhD
How judges sentence
Mackenzie, Geraldine. 2005. How judges sentence. Annandale, NSW, Australia. Federation Press.Authored book
Illegally or Improperly Obtained Evidence: Time to Reform s 138 of the Uniform Evidence Legislation?
Hemming, Andrew. 2021. "Illegally or Improperly Obtained Evidence: Time to Reform s 138 of the Uniform Evidence Legislation?" Journal of Judicial Administration. 31 (2), pp. 92-112.Article
Integrity in legal practice: A report from the third international legal ethics conference, Gold Coast, Australia
Bartlett, Francesca and Mortensen, Reid. 2009. "Integrity in legal practice: A report from the third international legal ethics conference, Gold Coast, Australia." Legal Ethics. 12 (1), pp. 100-106. https://doi.org/10.1080/1460728X.2009.11423927Letter
Interest on lawyers' trust accounts
Mortensen, Reid. 2005. "Interest on lawyers' trust accounts." The Sydney Law Review. 27 (2), pp. 289-322.Article
Bartlett, Francesca, Mortensen, Reid and Tranter, Kieran. 2011. "Introduction." Bartlett, Francesca, Mortensen, Reid and Tranter, Kieran (ed.) Alternative Perspectives on Lawyers and Legal Ethics: Reimagining the Profession. United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 1-10Edited book (chapter)
Tranter, Kieran, Bartlett, Francesca, Corbin, Lillian, Mortensen, Reid and Robertson, Michael. 2010. "Introduction." Tranter, Kieran, Bartlett, Francesca, Corbin, Lillian, Mortensen, Reid and Robertson, Michael (ed.) Reaffirming legal ethics: taking stock and new ideas. Abingdon, Oxon. United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 1-11Edited book (chapter)
Judges' attitudes and perceptions toward the sentencing process
Mackenzie, Geraldine. 2006. "Judges' attitudes and perceptions toward the sentencing process." Sentencing: Principles, Perspectives and Possibilities (National Judicial College of Australia and ANU) (2006). Canberra, Australia 10 - 12 Feb 2006 Canberra, Australia.Paper