Optimum demand side response of smart grid with renewable energy source and electrical vehicles
Paper/Presentation Title | Optimum demand side response of smart grid with renewable energy source and electrical vehicles |
Presentation Type | Paper |
Authors | Marwan, M. (Author) and Kamel, F. (Author) |
Journal or Proceedings Title | Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC 2011) |
ERA Conference ID | 50279 |
Number of Pages | 5 |
Year | 2011 |
Place of Publication | Brisbane, Australia |
ISBN | 9781457717932 |
Web Address (URL) of Paper | http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6102554 |
Conference/Event | AUPEC 2011: Integrating Renewables into the Grid |
Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference | |
Event Details | AUPEC 2011: Integrating Renewables into the Grid Event Date 25 to end of 28 Sep 2011 Event Location Brisbane, Australia |
Event Details | Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference AUPEC |
Abstract | The paper presents a demand side response scheme, which assists electricity consumers to proactively control own demands in such a way to deliberately avert congestion periods on the electrical network. The scheme allows shifting loads from peak to low demand periods in an attempt to flattening the national electricity requirement. The scheme can be concurrently used to accommodate the utilization of renewable energy sources,that might be available at user’s premises. In addition the scheme |
Keywords | electrical consumer; control; demand-side; electrical supply; energy; network; demand-side response; shifting; electrical vehicles; renewable energy |
ANZSRC Field of Research 2020 | 400799. Control engineering, mechatronics and robotics not elsewhere classified |
400805. Electrical energy transmission, networks and systems | |
400803. Electrical energy generation (incl. renewables, excl. photovoltaics) | |
Public Notes | © 2011 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. |
Byline Affiliations | Queensland University of Technology |
Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering | |
Institution of Origin | University of Southern Queensland |
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