Prof Niki Edwards

Prof Niki Edwards
NameProf Niki Edwards
Job TitleProfessor (Social Work and Human Services)
QualificationsBSocWk Qld, BA Qld, MPubAdm Qld, PhD Qld
DepartmentSchool of Psychology and Wellbeing
AffiliationsStrategic Academic Projects
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Current Supervisions

Research TitleSupervisor TypeLevel of StudyCommenced
The Lived Experiences of People with Spinal Cord Injury and the Impact on Healthcare Services in CambodiaAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2025
Access to the National Disability Insurance Scheme within Southeast Queensland: Experiences of adults with an intellectual disability from refugee backgrounds.Associate SupervisorDoctoral2024
How can alternative theoretical frameworks be drawn upon to assist social workers to act against structural violence?Associate SupervisorMasters2024
Mapping Health Promotion Behaviors and Social Support in Primi and Multigravida Women: A Mixed Method ResearchAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2024
Perspectives on gender diversity within Social Work and Human Service fields of practices across a range of sectors in AustraliaPrincipal SupervisorDoctoral2024
Towards Individualized Care: A Comparative Exploration of the Impact of Process-based Therapy OutcomesPrincipal SupervisorDoctoral2024
An investigation of autistic and neurodivergent experiences (focusing on autistic and ADHD) in higher education (HE)Associate SupervisorDoctoral2024
The role of personal hope for social workers practicing in Queensland Health adult mental health servicesPrincipal SupervisorMasters2023

Leadership for change: pathways to activism for African women with disability

King, Julie, Edwards, Nicole and Watling, Hanna. 2023. "Leadership for change: pathways to activism for African women with disability." Disability and Society. 38 (7), pp. 1164-1185.

How to be Yourself: Student Perspectives on Learning Use of Self

Newcomb, Michelle, Burton, Judith and Edwards, Niki. 2022. "How to be Yourself: Student Perspectives on Learning Use of Self." Clinical Social Work Journal. 50, pp. 337-346.

‘There is power in the cry of a woman’: the approach of African women with disabilities to leadership

King, Julie, Edwards, Nicole and Watling, Hanna. 2023. "‘There is power in the cry of a woman’: the approach of African women with disabilities to leadership." Journal of Gender Studies. 32 (7), pp. 719-730.

Whose decision? Caesarean section and women with physical disabilities in Northern Vietnam: A qualitative study

Nguyen, Thi Vinh, King, Julie, Edwards, Niki and Dunne, Michael P.. 2022. "Whose decision? Caesarean section and women with physical disabilities in Northern Vietnam: A qualitative study." Midwifery. 104, pp. 1-6.

'Nothing suitable for us': experiences of women with physical disabilities in accessing maternal healthcare services in Northern Vietnam

Nguyen, Thi Vinh, King, Julie, Edwards, Niki and Dunne, Michael P.. 2022. "'Nothing suitable for us': experiences of women with physical disabilities in accessing maternal healthcare services in Northern Vietnam." Disability and Rehabilitation. 44 (4), pp. 573-581.

'Under great anxiety': Pregnancy experiences of Vietnamese women with physical disabilities seen through an intersectional lens

Nguyen, Thi Vinh, King, Julie, Edwards, Niki and Dunne, Michael P.. 2021. "'Under great anxiety': Pregnancy experiences of Vietnamese women with physical disabilities seen through an intersectional lens." Social Science and Medicine. 284, pp. 1-9.

Exploring Women’s Experiences of Gender-Based Violence and Other Threats to Safety on Public Transport in Bangladesh

King, Julie, King, Mark, Edwards, Nicole, Carroll, Julie-Anne, Watling, Hanna, Anam, Mujibul, Bull, Melissa and Oviedo-Trespalacios, Oscar. 2021. "Exploring Women’s Experiences of Gender-Based Violence and Other Threats to Safety on Public Transport in Bangladesh." International Journal For Crime, Justice and Social Democracy. 10 (4), pp. 158-173.

Teaching disability using problem-based learning in the international context: utility for social work

Edwards, Nicole, King, Julie, Pfeffer, Sabine, Lovric, Esha and Watling, Hanna. 2023. "Teaching disability using problem-based learning in the international context: utility for social work." European Journal of Social Work: the forum for the social work professional. 26 (1), pp. 3-15.

Chemical restraint of adults with intellectual disability and challenging behaviour in Queensland, Australia: Views of statutory decision makers

Edwards, Niki, King, Julie, Williams, Karen and Hair, Sara. 2020. "Chemical restraint of adults with intellectual disability and challenging behaviour in Queensland, Australia: Views of statutory decision makers." Journal of Intellectual Disabilities. 24 (2), pp. 194-211.

Articulation of a Best Practice Model of Guardianship Advocacy Services: For Older People and People with Cognitive Disability at Risk of Abuse or Neglect

Edwards, Niki, King, Julie, Hair, Sara and Walton, Kate. 2019. Articulation of a Best Practice Model of Guardianship Advocacy Services: For Older People and People with Cognitive Disability at Risk of Abuse or Neglect. Brisbane, Australia. Queensland University of Technology.

Barriers to disability-inclusive disaster management in the Solomon Islands: Perspectives of people with disability

King, Julie, Edwards, Nicole, Watling, Hanna and Hair, Sara. 2019. "Barriers to disability-inclusive disaster management in the Solomon Islands: Perspectives of people with disability." International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 34, pp. 459-466.

Media participation by people with disability and the relevance of Australian community broadcasting in the digital era

Stewart, Kim, Spurgeon, Christina and Edwards, Niki. 2019. "Media participation by people with disability and the relevance of Australian community broadcasting in the digital era." 3CMedia. 9, pp. 44-63.

Maternal Healthcare Experiences of and Challenges for Women with Physical Disabilities in Low and Middle‑Income Countries: A Review of Qualitative Evidence

Nguyen, Thi Vinh, King, Julie, Edwards, Niki, Pham, Cong Tuan and Dunne, Michael. 2019. "Maternal Healthcare Experiences of and Challenges for Women with Physical Disabilities in Low and Middle‑Income Countries: A Review of Qualitative Evidence." Sexuality and Disability: a journal devoted to the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in rehabilitation and community settings. 37 (2), pp. 175-201.

Older transgender women in Thailand: views of service providers

Hair, Sara Amy, King, Julie, Edwards, Niki and Hayes, Sharon. 2019. "Older transgender women in Thailand: views of service providers." Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services: issues in practice, policy and research. 31 (1), pp. 65-88.

Student Constructions of Resilience: Understanding the Role of Childhood Adversity

Newcomb, Michelle, Burton, Judith and Edwards, Niki. 2019. "Student Constructions of Resilience: Understanding the Role of Childhood Adversity." Australian Social Work. 72 (2), pp. 166-178.

Addressing transport safety and accessibility for people with a disability in developing countries: a formative evaluation of the Journey Access Tool in Cambodia

King, Julie A., King, Mark J., Edwards, Niki, Hair, Sara A., Cheang, Sarim, Pearson, Anita and Coelho, Sophie. 2018. "Addressing transport safety and accessibility for people with a disability in developing countries: a formative evaluation of the Journey Access Tool in Cambodia." Global Health Action. 11 (1), pp. 1-11.

Pretending to be authentic: challenges for students when reflective writing about their childhood for assessment

Newcomb, Michelle, Burton, Judith and Edwards, Niki. 2018. "Pretending to be authentic: challenges for students when reflective writing about their childhood for assessment." Reflective Practice. 19 (3), pp. 333-344.

Human-trafficking prevention is not 'sexy': Impact of the rescue industry on Thailand NGO programs and the need for a human rights approach

Jones, Stephanie, King, Julie and Edwards, Niki. 2018. "Human-trafficking prevention is not 'sexy': Impact of the rescue industry on Thailand NGO programs and the need for a human rights approach." Journal of Human Trafficking. 4 (3), pp. 231-255.

Qualitative exploration of psychotropic medication to manage challenging behaviour in adults with intellectual disability: views of family members

Edwards, Nicole, King, Julie, Watling, Hanna and Hair, Sara. 2017. "Qualitative exploration of psychotropic medication to manage challenging behaviour in adults with intellectual disability: views of family members." Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities. 11 (5 - 6), pp. 207-218.

Service user or service provider? How social work and human services students integrate dual identities

Newcomb, Michelle, Burton, Judith and Edwards, Niki. 2017. "Service user or service provider? How social work and human services students integrate dual identities." Social Work Education. 36 (6), pp. 678-689.

Childhood Adversity and Self-Care Education for Undergraduate Social Work and Human Services Students

Newcomb, Michelle, Burton, Judith and Edwards, Niki. 2017. "Childhood Adversity and Self-Care Education for Undergraduate Social Work and Human Services Students." Journal of Teaching in Social Work. 37 (4), pp. 337-352.

Disadvantage and disability: Experiences of people from refugee backgrounds with disability living in Australia

King, Julie, Edwards, Niki, Correa-Velez, Ignacio, Hair, Sara and Fordyce, Maureen. 2016. "Disadvantage and disability: Experiences of people from refugee backgrounds with disability living in Australia." Disability and the Global South (DGS). 3 (1), pp. 843-864.

Restrictive practices on refugees in Australia with intellectual disability and challenging behaviours: a family’s story

King, Julie, Edwards, Niki, Correa-Velez, Ignacio, Darracott, Rosalyn and Fordyce, Maureen. 2016. "Restrictive practices on refugees in Australia with intellectual disability and challenging behaviours: a family’s story." Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities. 10 (4), pp. 222-232.

Supporting People With an Intellectual Disability and Mental Health Problems: A Scoping Review of What They Say About Service Provision

Venville, Annie, Sawyer, Anne-Maree, Long, Maureen, Edwards, Niki and Hair, Sara. 2015. "Supporting People With an Intellectual Disability and Mental Health Problems: A Scoping Review of What They Say About Service Provision." Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities. 8 (3 - 4), pp. 186-212.

How Jung’s Concept of the Wounded Healer Can Guide Learning and Teaching in Social Work and Human Services

Newcomb, Michelle, Burton, Judith, Edwards, Niki and Hazelwood, Zoe. 2015. "How Jung’s Concept of the Wounded Healer Can Guide Learning and Teaching in Social Work and Human Services." Advances in Social Work and Welfare Education. 17 (2), pp. 55-69.

A multi-level ecological model of psychotropic prescribing to adults with intellectual disability

Edwards, Niki, Bain, Chris, Mutch, Allyson, Dean, Julie and Lennox, Nicholas. 2014. "A multi-level ecological model of psychotropic prescribing to adults with intellectual disability." Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities. 8 (1), pp. 24-31.

Psychotropics and challenging behaviour in people with intellectual disability

Edwards, Niki S., Alexander, William and Mutch, Allyson. 2014. "Psychotropics and challenging behaviour in people with intellectual disability." Medical Journal of Australia. 200 (8), pp. 456-456.

Specialist Versus Generic Models of Psychiatry Training and Service Provision for People with Intellectual Disabilities

Jess, Gillian, Torr, Jennifer, Cooper, Sally-Ann, Lennox, Nicholas, Edwards, Nicole, Galea, Jennifer and O'Brien, Gregory. 2008. "Specialist Versus Generic Models of Psychiatry Training and Service Provision for People with Intellectual Disabilities." Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. 21 (2), pp. 183-193.


Edwards, Niki. 2008. "Jane." Advances in Mental Health and Learning Disabilities. 2 (2), pp. 49-54.

Queensland psychiatrists' attitudes and perceptions of adults with intellectual disability

Edwards, N., Lennox, N. and White, P.. 2007. "Queensland psychiatrists' attitudes and perceptions of adults with intellectual disability." Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. 51 (1), pp. 75-81.

Stress and burnout amongst professional carers of people with intellectual disability: another health inequity

White, Paul, Edwards, Niki and Townsend-White, C.. 2006. "Stress and burnout amongst professional carers of people with intellectual disability: another health inequity." Current Opinion in Psychiatry. 19 (5), pp. 502-507.

Prevalence of Intellectual Disability and Comorbid Mental Illness in an Australian Community Sample

White, Paul, Chant, David, Edwards, Niki, Townsend Claire and Waghorn, G.. 2005. "Prevalence of Intellectual Disability and Comorbid Mental Illness in an Australian Community Sample." Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 39 (5), pp. 395-400.

The health needs of people with intellectual disability

Lennox, Nicholas G., Beange, Helen and Edwards, Niki S.. 2000. "The health needs of people with intellectual disability." Medical Journal of Australia. 173 (6), pp. 328-330.

Australian Psychiatrists and Trainee Psychiatrists’ Perceptions of Chemical Restraint of Adults with Intellectual Disability

Edwards, Nicole, Franklin, Catherine, King, Julie and Watling, Hanna. 2024. "Australian Psychiatrists and Trainee Psychiatrists’ Perceptions of Chemical Restraint of Adults with Intellectual Disability." Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities. 17 (1), pp. 65-77.

Exploring therapeutic alliance in spinal cord injury rehabilitation: Control, identity, and liminality

Lovric, Esha, Edwards, Niki and King, Julie. 2024. "Exploring therapeutic alliance in spinal cord injury rehabilitation: Control, identity, and liminality." Physiotherapy Theory and Practice: an international journal of physical therapy.

Social Work Practice and People Living with Disability

Edwards, Niki and King, Julie. 2023. "Social Work Practice and People Living with Disability." Petrakis, Melissa (ed.) Social Work Practice in Health: An introduction to contexts, theories and skills. Abingdon. Routledge. pp. 118-131

Neoliberal Capitalism and its Impact on Individual and Community Health: Implications for Critical Social Workers

Edwards, Niki and King, Julie. 2023. "Neoliberal Capitalism and its Impact on Individual and Community Health: Implications for Critical Social Workers." Petrakis, Melissa (ed.) Social Work Practice in Health: An introduction to contexts, theories and skills. United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 25-36

Health Social Work in Regional, Rural and Remote Settings: Responding to the Intersection of Location, Disadvantaged Populations and Communities

Darracott, Ros, Edwards, Niki and King, Julie. 2023. "Health Social Work in Regional, Rural and Remote Settings: Responding to the Intersection of Location, Disadvantaged Populations and Communities." Petrakis, Melissa (ed.) Social Work Practice in Health: An introduction to contexts, theories and skills. United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 188-201

Maternal healthcare for women with physical disabilities in Northern Vietnam: perspectives of healthcare providers.

Nguyen, Thi Vinh, Edwards, Niki and King, Julie. 2023. "Maternal healthcare for women with physical disabilities in Northern Vietnam: perspectives of healthcare providers." Disability and Health Journal. 16 (2).