3699. Other creative arts and writing

Title3699. Other creative arts and writing
Parent36. Creative Arts and Writing

Latest research outputs

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'It's much harder than I thought': facilitating a singing group for people with Parkinson's disease
Forbes, Melissa and Bartlett, Irene. 2020. "'It's much harder than I thought': facilitating a singing group for people with Parkinson's disease." International Journal of Community Music. 13 (1), pp. 29-47. https://doi.org/10.1386/ijcm_00009_1


'Not-So-Invisible Mending': Developing Editing Skills in Large Online Classes through Visible Labour
Wise, Beck, Van Luyn, Ariella and Cantrell, Kate. 2020. "'Not-So-Invisible Mending': Developing Editing Skills in Large Online Classes through Visible Labour." Research in Online Literacy Education. 3 (1).


'We’re pushing back': group singing, social identity and caring for a spouse with Parkinson’s
Forbes, Melissa. 2021. "'We’re pushing back': group singing, social identity and caring for a spouse with Parkinson’s." Psychology of Music. 49 (5), pp. 1199-1214. https://doi.org/10.1177/0305735620944230


(Re)inventing artists' research: constructing living forms of theory
Stewart, Robyn Anne. 2004. "(Re)inventing artists' research: constructing living forms of theory." Fletcher, Julie and Mann, Allan (ed.) Illuminating the Exegesis Symposium (2004). Ballarat, Australia 28 Mar 2003 Brisbane, Australia. Australasian Association of Writing Programs.


(Re)inventing artists' research: constructing living forms of theory
Stewart, Robyn Anne. 2003. "(Re)inventing artists' research: constructing living forms of theory." TEXT: Journal of Writing and Writing Courses. 7 (2). https://doi.org/10.52086/001c.32504


13 Moons: A Story of Ashes, Blood, Light
Jones, Janice, Jones, Janice and Jones, Janice. 2016. "13 Moons: A Story of Ashes, Blood, Light ." 7th International Metabody Forum (2016). London, United Kingdom 04 - 09 Apr 2016 Australia.


A great show alone won't bring them back
Hume, Margee, Winzar, Hume and Sullivan Mort, Gillian. 2007. "A great show alone won't bring them back ." Pinho, Jose Carlos M. R. (ed.) VIth International Congress on Public and Non-profit Marketing (AIMPN2007). Braga, Portugal 14 - 15 Jun 2007


A Midsummer Night's Dream: how to incorporate music into text without creating a musical
Alderdice, Scott. 2011. A Midsummer Night's Dream: how to incorporate music into text without creating a musical. Toowoomba, Australia 07 - 15 Oct 2011


A war imagined: Gallipoli and the art of children's picture books
Kerby, Martin C., Baguley, Margaret, MacDonald, Abbey and Lynch, Zoe. 2017. "A war imagined: Gallipoli and the art of children's picture books." Australian Art Education. 38 (1), pp. 199-216.


Affective strategies in the academy: creative methodologies, civic responses and the market
Crowley, Vicki and McDonald, Lisa. 2015. "Affective strategies in the academy: creative methodologies, civic responses and the market." Social Alternatives. 34 (2), pp. 6-11.


Alchemy Embodiment Transmutation: An USQ School of Creative Arts Research Publication [Textual Work]
McLean, Tarn, Johnson, Rhi and Batorowicz, Beata. 2021. Alchemy Embodiment Transmutation: An USQ School of Creative Arts Research Publication [Textual Work]. Toowoomba, Australia 24 Sep 2021


Artist-run initiatives as liminal incubatory arts practice
McDonald, Janet Alison. 2015. "Artist-run initiatives as liminal incubatory arts practice." McDonald, Janet Alison and Mason, Robert (ed.) Creative communities: regional inclusion & the arts. Bristol, United Kingdom. Intellect Books. pp. 207-218

Edited book (chapter)

Barracuda's Freak Bodies and Elite Swimming in Australia
Gildersleeve, Jessica and McDonald, Janet. 2022. "Barracuda's Freak Bodies and Elite Swimming in Australia." Journal of Australian Studies. 46 (1), pp. 98-111. https://doi.org/10.1080/14443058.2022.2027806


Booze and gunshots in a hot dry summer: an African childhood: Don't lets go to the dogs tonight by Alexandra Fuller
Gehrmann, Richard. 2006. "Booze and gunshots in a hot dry summer: an African childhood: Don't lets go to the dogs tonight by Alexandra Fuller." Coppertales: A Journal of Rural Arts. (10), pp. 92-94.

Book review

Children's Picturebooks, Epiphanies, and the 1914 Christmas Truce
Kerby, Martin, Harmes, Marcus and Baguley, Margaret. 2022. "Children's Picturebooks, Epiphanies, and the 1914 Christmas Truce." Bookbird: a journal of international children's literature. 60 (4), pp. 48-57. https://doi.org/10.1353/bkb.2022.0059


Clown-Based Social Work for Child Protection Practice: Transdisciplinary Correlations on Failure
Steggall, David. 2023. Clown-Based Social Work for Child Protection Practice: Transdisciplinary Correlations on Failure. Doctorate other than PhD Doctor of Creative Arts. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/yzww4

Doctorate other than PhD

Constructing neonarratives: a pluralistic approach to research
Stewart, Robyn Anne. 2008. "Constructing neonarratives: a pluralistic approach to research." Hickman, Richard (ed.) Research in art and design education: issues and exemplars. United Kingdom. Intellect Books. pp. 157-163

Edited book (chapter)

CPD Junk Journal
Hobbs, Lisa. 2022. CPD Junk Journal. Australia. 2022 School of Creative Arts Undercurrent Exhibition.

Visual artwork

Creating a community of practice in a practice-led PhD
Peters, Sarah A. and McDonald, Janet A.. 2019. "Creating a community of practice in a practice-led PhD." Machin, Tanya M., Clara, Marc and Danaher, Patrick A. (ed.) Traversing the doctorate: reflections and strategies from students, supervisors and administrators. Cham, Switzerland. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 217-235

Edited book (chapter)

Creating a functional musician: a performance workshop model
Gearing, Phillip John and Forbes, Melissa. 2013. "Creating a functional musician: a performance workshop model." International Journal of Arts Education. 7 (3), pp. 39-46.


Creating new stories for praxis: practitioner-led research in the creative arts
Stewart, Robyn. 2005. "Creating new stories for praxis: practitioner-led research in the creative arts." 1st International Conference on Redesigning Pedagogy: Research, Policy, Practice. Singapore 30 May - 01 Jun 2005 Singapore.


Creative communities: regional inclusion & the arts
McDonald, Janet and Mason, Robert (ed.) 2015. Creative communities: regional inclusion & the arts. Bristol, United Kingdom. Intellect Books.

Edited book

Creative writing, reading, and queer belonging: Gender insubordination in the American deep south
Baker, Dallas. 2023. "Creative writing, reading, and queer belonging: Gender insubordination in the American deep south." Elzen, Katrin Den and Lengelle, Reinekke (ed.) Writing for Wellbeing: Theory, Research, and Practice. United States. Routledge . pp. 201-218

Edited book (chapter)

Creators of Ipswich report
Jones, Ashley P. and Power, Margaret. 2020. Creators of Ipswich report. Springfield, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.

Government report

Critical possibilities: decritique, deracination, and the D.I.S.
Flores, Becky. 2005. Critical possibilities: decritique, deracination, and the D.I.S. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

Cultural brokerage and regional arts: developing an enabler model for cultural and economic sustainability
Stewart, Robyn and Campbell, Christine. 2008. "Cultural brokerage and regional arts: developing an enabler model for cultural and economic sustainability." Mason, Rachel and Eca, Teresa (ed.) InSEA 2006: International Society for Education through Art World Congress: Interdisciplinary Dialogues in Arts Education. Viseu, Portugal 01 - 05 Mar 2006 Chicago, IL, USA.


Cultural brokerage and regional arts: developing an enabler model for cultural and economic sustainability. An update
Stewart, Robyn and Campbell, Christine. 2006. "Cultural brokerage and regional arts: developing an enabler model for cultural and economic sustainability. An update." 5th Regional Arts Australia National Conference: The Pacific Edge. Mackay, Australia 14 - 17 Sep 2006 Canberra, Australia.


Cultural catchments project final report
McDonald, Janet. 2008. Cultural catchments project final report. Toowoomba. University of Southern Queensland.

Project report

Cultures and transitions
Stewart, Robyn Anne (ed.) 1999. Cultures and transitions. Elsternwick, Vic., Australia. Australian Institute of Art Education.

Edited book

Curiouser and curiouser: studio research at the University of Southern Queensland
Akenson, David. 2013. Curiouser and curiouser: studio research at the University of Southern Queensland. Brisbane, Queensland. Octivium Press.


Death, dildoes and daffodils: a queer winter's tale
Sulway, Nike. 2014. "Death, dildoes and daffodils: a queer winter's tale." Johnson, Laurie and Chalk, Darryl (ed.) 12th Biennial International Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Shakespeare Association (ANZSA 2014): Shakespearean Perceptions. Toowoomba, Australia 02 - 04 Oct 2014


Developing a conceptual model for repurchase intention in the performing arts: the roles of emotion, core service and service delivery
Hume, Margee. 2008. "Developing a conceptual model for repurchase intention in the performing arts: the roles of emotion, core service and service delivery ." International Journal of Arts Management. 10 (2), pp. 40-55.


Documenting praxis shock in early-career Australian music teachers: the impact of pre-service teacher education
Ballantyne, Julie. 2007. "Documenting praxis shock in early-career Australian music teachers: the impact of pre-service teacher education." International Journal of Music Education. 25 (3), pp. 181-191. https://doi.org/10.1177/0255761407083573


Does coffee lead to heroin?: youth, drugs and the discourse of Australian modernisation
Musgrove, Brian. 2004. "Does coffee lead to heroin?: youth, drugs and the discourse of Australian modernisation." Eucalypt. 3, pp. 61-75.


Don't be depressed or editing your way out of a recession
Hewitt, Pamela. 2009. "Don't be depressed or editing your way out of a recession." 4th National Editors Conference (IPED 2009): Getting the Message Across. Adelaide, South Australia 08 - 10 Oct 2009 Canberra, Australia.


Editing for Inclusion
Cripps, Camilla, binSalleh, Rachel and Araluen, Evelyn. 2022. "Editing for Inclusion." Independent Publishing Conference 2022. Melbourne, Australia 24 - 26 Nov 2022 Australia.


Editors and trauma: Why we need an industry framework
Cripps, Camilla. 2023. "Editors and trauma: Why we need an industry framework." Books+Publishing.


Encountering Berlant part 1: Concepts otherwise
Anderson, Ben, Aitken, Stuart, Bacevic, Jana, Callard, Felicity, Chung, Kwang Dae (Mitsy), Coleman, Kathryn S., Hayden Jr, Robert F., Healy, Sarah, Irwin, Rita L., Jellis, Thomas, Jukes, Joe, Khan, Salman, Marotta, Steve, Seitz, David K., Snepvangers, Kim, Staples, Adam, Turner, Chloe, Tse, Justin, Watson, Marthy and Wilkinson, Eleanor. 2023. "Encountering Berlant part 1: Concepts otherwise." Geographical Journal. 189 (1), pp. 117-142. https://doi.org/10.1111/geoj.12494


Encouraging productive arts-literacy dialogues: a call to action
Barton, Georgina. 2014. "Encouraging productive arts-literacy dialogues: a call to action." Barton, Georgina (ed.) Literacy in the arts: retheorising learning and teaching. Switzerland. Springer. pp. 287-293

Edited book (chapter)

Entering the zone: studio approaches inspiring artistic presence: the line and the area in painting
Ellis, Hele. 2023. Entering the zone: studio approaches inspiring artistic presence: the line and the area in painting. Doctorate other than PhD Doctor of Creative Arts. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/z3vw6

Doctorate other than PhD