4899. Other law and legal studies
Title | 4899. Other law and legal studies |
Parent | 48. Law and Legal Studies |
Latest research outputs
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Rendering to God and Caesar: religion in Australian discrimination law
Mortensen, Reid. 1995. "Rendering to God and Caesar: religion in Australian discrimination law." University of Queensland Law Journal. 18, pp. 208-232.Article
University of Queensland Law Journal v28(2) [Special editors' introduction]
Bartlett, Francesca, Mortensen, Reid and Robertson, Michael. 2009. "University of Queensland Law Journal v28(2) [Special editors' introduction]." University of Queensland Law Journal. 28 (2), pp. 181-181.Article
The evolutionary economic implications of constitutional designs: lessons from the constitutional morphogenesis of New England and New Zealand
Gussen, Benjamen F.. 2014. "The evolutionary economic implications of constitutional designs: lessons from the constitutional morphogenesis of New England and New Zealand ." Perspectives on Federalism. 6 (2), pp. E319-E346.Article
Promoting mental wellbeing in law students: breaking-down stigma and building bridges with peers and support services
Crowley-Cyr, Lynda. 2014. "Promoting mental wellbeing in law students: breaking-down stigma and building bridges with peers and support services." QUT Law Review. 14 (1), pp. 129-152. https://doi.org/10.5204/qutlr.v14i1.529Article
Getting it right: transparency, moderation and benchmarking across the first year curriculum
Shircore, Mandy, Corbett-Jarvis, Nichola, Collins, Pauline and Schillmoller, Anne. 2011. "Getting it right: transparency, moderation and benchmarking across the first year curriculum." 66th Conference of the Australasian Law Teachers Association (ALTA 2011): My Lawyer Rules: Assuring Legal and Education Standards. Brisbane, Australia 03 - 06 Jul 2011 Sydney, Australia.Presentation
Religion, secularism, and the National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program
Patrick, Jeremy. 2014. "Religion, secularism, and the National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program." University of Queensland Law Journal. 33 (1), pp. 187-219.Article
A comparison and critique of closed court hearings
Gray, Anthony. 2014. "A comparison and critique of closed court hearings." International Journal of Evidence and Proof. 18 (3), pp. 230-259. https://doi.org/10.1350/ijep.2014.18.3.455Article
On the problem of scale: Hayek, Kohr, Jacobs and the reinvention of the political state
Gussen, Benjamen F.. 2013. "On the problem of scale: Hayek, Kohr, Jacobs and the reinvention of the political state." Constitutional Political Economy. 24 (1), pp. 19-42. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10602-012-9130-7Article
On the problem of scale: Spinozistic sovereignty as the logical foundation of constitutional economics
Gussen, Benjamen F.. 2013. "On the problem of scale: Spinozistic sovereignty as the logical foundation of constitutional economics." The Journal of Philosophical Economics. 7 (1), pp. 1-19.Article
The Patel trials: further evidence of the need to reform the Griffith Codes
Hemming, Andrew. 2014. "The Patel trials: further evidence of the need to reform the Griffith Codes." Criminal Law Journal. 38 (4), pp. 218-235.Article
The right to silence: using American and European law to protect a fundamental right
Gray, Anthony. 2013. "The right to silence: using American and European law to protect a fundamental right." New Criminal Law Review: an international and interdisciplinary journal. 16 (4), pp. 527-567. https://doi.org/10.1525/NCLR.2013.0038Article
Balancing secularism with religious freedom: in Lautsi v. Italy, the European Court of Human Rights evolved
Breda, Vito. 2013. "Balancing secularism with religious freedom: in Lautsi v. Italy, the European Court of Human Rights evolved." Menuge, Angus (ed.) Legitimizing human rights: secular and religious perspectives. United Kingdom. Ashgate Publishing Limited. pp. 127-142Edited book (chapter)
Birthing change
Collins, Pauline. 2013. "Birthing change." Arena Magazine.Article
When should a judge stop a trial?
Hemming, Andrew. 2013. "When should a judge stop a trial?" University of Notre Dame Australia Law Review. 15 (1), pp. 56-82.Article
Individuals and groups outside of the state system
Hayes, Anna. 2013. "Individuals and groups outside of the state system." Lautensach, Alexander K. and Lautensach, Sabina W. (ed.) Human security in world affairs: problems and opportunities. Vienna, Austria. Caesarpress. pp. 113-138Edited book (chapter)
Sexual exploitation and the Criminal Code
Patrick, Jeremy. 2006. "Sexual exploitation and the Criminal Code." Alberta Law Review. 43 (4), pp. 1057-1067.Article
Beyond case reporters: using newspapers to supplement the legal-historical record (A case study of blasphemous libel)
Patrick, Jeremy. 2011. "Beyond case reporters: using newspapers to supplement the legal-historical record (A case study of blasphemous libel)." Drexel Law Review. 3 (2), pp. 539-560.Article
Blasphemy in pre-criminal code Canada: two sketches
Patrick, Jeremy. 2010. "Blasphemy in pre-criminal code Canada: two sketches." St. Thomas Law Review. 22 (3), pp. 341-361.Article
The constitutionality of minimum mandatory sentencing regimes: a rejoinder
Hemming, Andrew. 2013. "The constitutionality of minimum mandatory sentencing regimes: a rejoinder." Journal of Judicial Administration. 22 (4), pp. 224-234.Article
Al-Skeini v United Kingdom (2011) 53 EHRR 18
Collins, Pauline. 2012. "Al-Skeini v United Kingdom (2011) 53 EHRR 18." Australian International Law Journal. 19, pp. 267-277.Article
The curious persistence of blasphemy
Patrick, Jeremy. 2011. "The curious persistence of blasphemy." Florida Journal of International Law. 23 (2), pp. 187-220.Article
Staying focused on the big picture: should Australia legislate for corporate manslaughter based on the United Kingdom model?
Taylor, Des and Mackenzie, Geraldine. 2013. "Staying focused on the big picture: should Australia legislate for corporate manslaughter based on the United Kingdom model?" Criminal Law Journal. 37 (2), pp. 99-113.Article
Forfeiture provisions and the criminal/civil divide
Gray, Anthony Davidson. 2012. "Forfeiture provisions and the criminal/civil divide." New Criminal Law Review: an international and interdisciplinary journal. 15 (1), pp. 32-67. https://doi.org/10.1525/nclr.2012.15.1.32Article
Why the Queensland, Western Australian and Tasmanian Criminal Codes are anachronisms
Hemming, Andrew. 2012. "Why the Queensland, Western Australian and Tasmanian Criminal Codes are anachronisms." University of Tasmania Law Review. 31 (2), pp. 1-31.Article
Why Bentham's vision of a comprehensive Criminal Code remains viable and desirable as the model design for a code
Hemming, Andrew. 2012. "Why Bentham's vision of a comprehensive Criminal Code remains viable and desirable as the model design for a code." University of Notre Dame Australia Law Review. 14, pp. 125-186.Article
Cracking the code: a checklist to complement CRAs for first year Justice students
Quadrelli, Carol and Grevis-James, Nancy. 2013. "Cracking the code: a checklist to complement CRAs for first year Justice students." QUT Learning and Teaching Grants Symposium (2013). Brisbane, Australia 07 Nov 2013 Brisbane, Australia.Poster
The compatibility of unexplained wealth provisions and 'civil' forfeiture regimes with Kable
Gray, Anthony. 2012. "The compatibility of unexplained wealth provisions and 'civil' forfeiture regimes with Kable." QUT Law Review. 12 (2), pp. 18-35. https://doi.org/10.5204/qutlr.v12i2.488Article
Supporting learning in law: using formative MCQ assessment in criminal law core courses
Barnett, Eola and McNamara, Noeleen. 2012. "Supporting learning in law: using formative MCQ assessment in criminal law core courses." International Journal of Organisational Behaviour. 17 (2), pp. 72-86.Article
The student behind the avatar: using Second Life (virtual world) for legal advocacy skills development and assessment for external students: a critical evaluation
Barnett, Eola and McKeown, Lindy. 2012. "The student behind the avatar: using Second Life (virtual world) for legal advocacy skills development and assessment for external students: a critical evaluation." Journal of Commonwealth Law and Legal Education. 8 (2), pp. 41-63.Article
Impermissibly importing the common law into Criminal Codes: Pollock v The Queen
Hemming, Andrew. 2011. "Impermissibly importing the common law into Criminal Codes: Pollock v The Queen." James Cook University Law Review.Article
Benchmarking first year assessment and standards across three institutions in the first year of a law program
Collins, Pauline, Corbett-Jarvis, Nichola, Shircore, Mandy and Schillmoller, Anne. 2011. "Benchmarking first year assessment and standards across three institutions in the first year of a law program." First Year Experience in Law: A New Beginning? (2011). Gold Coast, Australia 02 Jul 2011 Gold Coast, Australia.Paper
Legal educators' perceptions of lifelong learning: conceptualisation and practice
Hammer, Sara Jeanne, Chardon, Toni, Collins, Pauline and Hart, Caroline. 2012. "Legal educators' perceptions of lifelong learning: conceptualisation and practice." International Journal of Lifelong Education. 31 (2), pp. 187-201. https://doi.org/10.1080/02601370.2012.663803Article
Bloody censorship: swearing and freedom of speech
Gray, Anthony. 2012. "Bloody censorship: swearing and freedom of speech." Alternative Law JournalĀ . 37 (1), pp. 37-40.Article
Mixed blessings: laws, religions and women's rights in the Asia-Pacific Region by Amanda Whiting and Carolyn Evans
Mortensen, Reid. 2006. "Mixed blessings: laws, religions and women's rights in the Asia-Pacific Region by Amanda Whiting and Carolyn Evans ." LAWASIA Journal.Book review
Reasserting the place of objective tests in criminal responsibility: ending the supremacy of subjective tests
Hemming, Andrew. 2011. "Reasserting the place of objective tests in criminal responsibility: ending the supremacy of subjective tests." University of Notre Dame Australia Law Review. 13 (1), pp. 69-112.Article
A Trans-Tasman judicial area: civil jurisdiction and judgments in the Single Economic Market
Mortensen, Reid. 2010. "A Trans-Tasman judicial area: civil jurisdiction and judgments in the Single Economic Market." Canterbury Law Review. 16, pp. 61-97.Article
Section 116 of the Australian Constitution and dress restrictions
Gray, Anthony. 2011. "Section 116 of the Australian Constitution and dress restrictions." Deakin Law Review. 16 (2), pp. 293-324.Article
Embracing Wikipedia as a research tool for law: to Wikipedia or not to Wikipedia?
Barnett, Eola and Baer, Roslyn. 2011. "Embracing Wikipedia as a research tool for law: to Wikipedia or not to Wikipedia?" The Law Teacher. 45 (2), pp. 194-213. https://doi.org/10.1080/03069400.2011.578883Article
Academics and assessment: the forgotten meat in the sandwich in the current higher education environment?
Collins, Pauline, Brackin, Toni and Hart, Caroline Lydia. 2010. "Academics and assessment: the forgotten meat in the sandwich in the current higher education environment?" Harris, Bruce (ed.) 65th Conference of the Australasian Law Teachers' Association (ALTA 2010): Power, Regulation and Responsibility: Lawyers in Times of Transition. Auckland, New Zealand 04 - 07 Jul 2010 Sydney, Australia.Paper
A principled approach to criminalistion: when should making and/or distributing visual recordings be criminalised?
Burton, Kelley Jean. 2008. A principled approach to criminalistion: when should making and/or distributing visual recordings be criminalised? PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.PhD Thesis