529999. Other psychology not elsewhere classified

Title529999. Other psychology not elsewhere classified
Parent5299. Other psychology

Latest research outputs

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Internet research and the implications for ethical research practice
Jackson, Annmare, Brownlow, Charlotte and Machin, Tanya. 2016. "Internet research and the implications for ethical research practice." Australasian Ethics Network Conference (AEN 2016). Adelaide, Australia 23 - 25 Nov 2016 Adelaide, South Australia.


The elements of applied psychological practice in Australia: preparing for the National Psychology Examination
Pelling, Nadine J. and Burton, Lorelle J. (ed.) 2017. The elements of applied psychological practice in Australia: preparing for the National Psychology Examination. United Kingdom. Routledge.

Edited book

A case study of designing artificial Facebook pages: a new approach to online research [Online case study]
Machin, Tanya M, Brownlow, Charlotte and Jeffries, Carla H. 2018. "A case study of designing artificial Facebook pages: a new approach to online research [Online case study]." Sage Research Methods. https://doi.org/10.4135/9781526435095

Case Study

State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI)
Fein, Erich. 2017. "State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI)." Pelling, Nadine J. and Burton, Lorelle J. (ed.) The elements of applied psychological practice in Australia: preparing for the National Psychology exam. United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 89-91

Textbook (chapter)

Understanding performance decrements in a letter-canceling task: overcoming habits or inhibition of reading
Myers, Larry, Downie, Steven, Taylor, Grant, Marrington, Jessica, Tehan, Gerald and Ireland, Michael J.. 2018. "Understanding performance decrements in a letter-canceling task: overcoming habits or inhibition of reading." Frontiers in Psychology. 9, pp. 1-15. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00711


The Interoception Sensory Questionnaire (ISQ): A Scale to Measure Interoceptive Challenges in Adults
Fiene, L., Ireland, M. J. and Brownlow, C.. 2018. "The Interoception Sensory Questionnaire (ISQ): A Scale to Measure Interoceptive Challenges in Adults." Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 48 (10), pp. 3354-3366. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-018-3600-3


Ego depletion in real-time: an examination of the sequential-task paradigm
Arber, Madeleine M., Ireland, Michael J., Feger, Roy, Marrington, Jessica, Tehan, Joshua and Tehan, Gerald. 2017. "Ego depletion in real-time: an examination of the sequential-task paradigm." Frontiers in Psychology. 8, pp. 1-12. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01672


Psychosocial interventions for managing occupational stress and burnout among medical doctors: a systematic review
Clough, Bonnie A., March, Sonja, Chan, Raymond J., Casey, Leanne M., Phillips, Rachel and Ireland, Michael J.. 2017. "Psychosocial interventions for managing occupational stress and burnout among medical doctors: a systematic review." Systematic Reviews. 6, pp. 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13643-017-0526-3


The Development of a Motor-Free Short-Form of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children–Fifth Edition
Piovesana, Adina M., Harrison, Jessica L. and Ducat, Jacob J.. 2019. "The Development of a Motor-Free Short-Form of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children–Fifth Edition." Assessment. 26 (8), pp. 1564 -1572. https://doi.org/10.1177/1073191117748741


Wisdom across the ages and its modern day relevance
Mitchell, Leander. K., Knight, Bob G. and Pachana, Nancy. A.. 2017. "Wisdom across the ages and its modern day relevance." International Psychogeriatrics. 29 (8), pp. 1231-1234. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1041610217000783


A randomised controlled trial of a web-based multi-modal therapy program to improve executive functioning in children and adolescents with acquired brain injury
Piovesana, Adina, Ross, Stephanie, Lloyd, Owen, Whittingham, Koa, Ziviani, Jenny, Ware, Robert S., McKinlay, Lynne and Boyd, Roslyn N.. 2017. "A randomised controlled trial of a web-based multi-modal therapy program to improve executive functioning in children and adolescents with acquired brain injury." Clinical Rehabilitation. 31 (10), pp. 1351-1363. https://doi.org/10.1177/0269215517695373


The elements of psychological case report writing in Australia
Pelling, Nadine J. and Burton, Lorelle J. (ed.) 2018. The elements of psychological case report writing in Australia. Milton Park, United Kingdom. Routledge.

Edited book

Vocational interest profiles: profile replicability and relations with the STEM major choice and the Big-Five
Perera, Harsha N. and McIlveen, Peter. 2018. "Vocational interest profiles: profile replicability and relations with the STEM major choice and the Big-Five." Journal of Vocational Behavior. 106, pp. 84-100. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvb.2017.11.012


Drafting standards on cognitive accessibility: a global collaboration
Steel, Emily J. and Janeslatt, Gunnel. 2017. "Drafting standards on cognitive accessibility: a global collaboration." Disability and Rehabilitation Assistive Technology. 12 (4), pp. 385-389. https://doi.org/10.1080/17483107.2016.1176260


Four GLOBE dimensions of perceived social norms in 33 countries
Stankov, Lazar. 2015. "Four GLOBE dimensions of perceived social norms in 33 countries." Learning and Individual Differences: journal of psychology and education. 41, pp. 30-42. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lindif.2015.07.005


Individual, country and societal cluster differences on measures of personality, attitudes, values, and social norms
Stankov, Lazar. 2011. "Individual, country and societal cluster differences on measures of personality, attitudes, values, and social norms." Learning and Individual Differences: journal of psychology and education. 21 (1), pp. 55-66. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lindif.2010.09.002


Confidence: a better predictor of academic achievement than self-efficacy, self-concept and anxiety?
Stankov, Lazar, Lee, Jihyun, Luo, Wenshu and Hogan, David J.. 2012. "Confidence: a better predictor of academic achievement than self-efficacy, self-concept and anxiety?" Learning and Individual Differences: journal of psychology and education. 22 (6), pp. 747-758. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lindif.2012.05.013


Higher-order structure of noncognitive constructs and prediction of PISA 2003 mathematics achievement
Lee, Jihyun and Stankov, Lazar. 2013. "Higher-order structure of noncognitive constructs and prediction of PISA 2003 mathematics achievement." Learning and Individual Differences: journal of psychology and education. 26, pp. 119-130. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lindif.2013.05.004


Two dimensions of psychological country-level differences: conservatism/liberalism and harshness/softness
Stankov, Lazar, Lee, Jihyun and van de Vijver, Fons J. R.. 2014. "Two dimensions of psychological country-level differences: conservatism/liberalism and harshness/softness." Learning and Individual Differences: journal of psychology and education. 30, pp. 22-33. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lindif.2013.12.001


Pilgrimage as meaningful process: from decision to go to the return home
Warfield, Heather A.. 2016. "Pilgrimage as meaningful process: from decision to go to the return home." Clarke, Alan (ed.) 6th Expert Conference on Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage (IRTP 2014): Promoting and Experiencing Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage. Veszprem, Hungary 19 - 22 Jun 2014 Leeds, United Kingdom.


My career chapter
McIlveen, Peter. 2015. My career chapter. Peter McIlveen.


Medical administration questionnaire
Fogarty, G. and McKeon, C.. 2006. Medical administration questionnaire. Toowoomba, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.


Discrepancy analysis and Australian norms for the Trail Making Test
Senior, Graeme, Piovesana, Adina and Beaumont, Patricia. 2018. "Discrepancy analysis and Australian norms for the Trail Making Test." The Clinical Neuropsychologist. 32 (3), pp. 510-523. https://doi.org/10.1080/13854046.2017.1357756


The lifestress inventory
Bramston, P. and Fogarty, G. J.. 2011. The lifestress inventory. University of Southern Queensland.

Technical report

Profiles of teacher personality and relations with teacher self-efficacy, work engagement, and job satisfaction
Perera, Harsha N., Granziera, Helena and McIlveen, Peter. 2018. "Profiles of teacher personality and relations with teacher self-efficacy, work engagement, and job satisfaction." Personality and Individual Differences. 120, pp. 171-178. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2017.08.034


The relationship of trait EI with academic performance: a meta-analytic review
Perera, Harsha and Athanasou, James. 2012. "The relationship of trait EI with academic performance: a meta-analytic review." Wright, Jan (ed.) Joint International Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education and the Asia Pacific Educational Research Association (AARE 2012): Regional and Global Cooperation in Educational Research. Sydney, Australia 02 - 06 Dec 2012 Sydney, Australia.


Ethical issues for qualitative research in on-line communities
Brownlow, Charlotte and O'Dell, Lindsay. 2014. "Ethical issues for qualitative research in on-line communities." David, Matthew and Millward, Peter (ed.) Researching society online. United Kingdom. SAGE Publications Ltd. pp. 247-257

Edited book (chapter)

Depression and life satisfaction among european and confucian adolescents
Stankov, Lazar. 2013. "Depression and life satisfaction among european and confucian adolescents." Psychological Assessment. 25 (4), pp. 1220-1234. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0033794


Confidence: the best non-cognitive predictor of academic achievement?
Stankov, Lazar, Morony, Suzanne and Lee, Yim Ping. 2014. "Confidence: the best non-cognitive predictor of academic achievement?" Educational Psychology: an international journal of experimental educational psychology. 34 (1), pp. 9-28. https://doi.org/10.1080/01443410.2013.814194


Social axioms in 33 countries: good replicability at the individual but less so at the country level
Stankov, Lazar and Saucier, Gerard. 2015. "Social axioms in 33 countries: good replicability at the individual but less so at the country level." Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 46 (2), pp. 296-315. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022022114558333


Self-beliefs: strong correlates of mathematics achievement and intelligence
Stankov, Lazar and Lee, Jihyun. 2017. "Self-beliefs: strong correlates of mathematics achievement and intelligence." Intelligence. 61, pp. 11-16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intell.2016.12.001


Quest for the best non-cognitive predictor of academic achievement
Stankov, Lazar and Lee, Jihyun. 2014. "Quest for the best non-cognitive predictor of academic achievement." Educational Psychology: an international journal of experimental educational psychology. 34 (1), pp. 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1080/01443410.2013.858908


Noncognitive predictors of intelligence and academic achievement: an important role of confidence
Stankov, Lazar. 2013. "Noncognitive predictors of intelligence and academic achievement: an important role of confidence." Personality and Individual Differences. 55 (7), pp. 727-732. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2013.07.006


Overconfidence across world regions
Stankov, Lazar and Lee, Jihyun. 2014. "Overconfidence across world regions." Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 45 (5), pp. 821-837. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022022114527345


Toward a psychological atlas of the world with mixture modeling
Stankov, Lazar and Lee, Jihyun. 2016. "Toward a psychological atlas of the world with mixture modeling." Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 47 (2), pp. 249-262. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022022115611749


Individual differences within the psychological atlas of the world
Stankov, Lazar. 2016. "Individual differences within the psychological atlas of the world." Personality and Individual Differences. 94, pp. 180-188. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2016.01.027


Hans J. Eysenck and Raymond B. Cattell on intelligence and personality
Boyle, Gregory J., Stankov, Lazar, Martin, Nicholas G., Petrides, K. V., Eysenck, Michael W. and Ortet, Generos. 2016. "Hans J. Eysenck and Raymond B. Cattell on intelligence and personality." Personality and Individual Differences. 103, pp. 40-47. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2016.04.029


Predicting achievement: confidence vs self-efficacy, anxiety, and self-concept in Confucian and European countries
Morony, Suzanne, Kleitman, Sabina, Lee, Yim Ping and Stankov, Lazar. 2013. "Predicting achievement: confidence vs self-efficacy, anxiety, and self-concept in Confucian and European countries." International Journal of Educational Research. 58, pp. 79-96. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijer.2012.11.002


Simulator training strategies for managing startle in pilots
Martin, Wayne and Murray, Patrick. 2015. "Simulator training strategies for managing startle in pilots." Asia Pacific Airline Training Symposium (APATS 2015): Promoting Flight Crew Safety and Efficiency Through Training and Assessment. Bangkok, Thailand 15 - 16 Sep 2015 United Kingdom.


Investigating the moderating effect of rewarding climate on mastery approach orientation in the prediction of work performance
Izadikhah, Zahra and Jackson, Chris J.. 2011. "Investigating the moderating effect of rewarding climate on mastery approach orientation in the prediction of work performance." British Journal of Psychology. 102 (2), pp. 204-222. https://doi.org/10.1348/000712610X508352
