School of Mathematics, Physics and Computing

Faculty/DepartmentAcademic Affairs
HeadProf Xiaohui Tao
Director of ResearchDr Nawin Raj
Prof Xiaohui Tao

Latest research outputs

3760 results found
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Automated accurate emotion classification using Clefia pattern-based features with EEG signals
Dogan, Abdullah, Barua, Prabal Datta, Baygin, Mehmet, Tuncer, Turker, Dogan, Sengul, Yaman, Orhan, Dogru, Ali Hikmet and Acharya, Rajendra U.. 2024. "Automated accurate emotion classification using Clefia pattern-based features with EEG signals." International Journal of Healthcare Management. 17 (1), pp. 32-45.


Artificial intelligence assisted tools for the detection of anxiety and depression leading to suicidal ideation in adolescents: a review
Barua, Prabal Datta, Jahmunah, Jahmunah, Oh, Oh Shu, Palmer, Elizabeth Emma, Yamakawa, Toshitaka, Kobayashi, Makiko and Acharya, Udyavara Rajendra. 2024. "Artificial intelligence assisted tools for the detection of anxiety and depression leading to suicidal ideation in adolescents: a review." Cognitive Neurodynamics. 18 (1), pp. 1-22.


Discovery and mass measurement of the hot, transiting, Earth-sized planet, GJ 3929 b
Kemmer, J., Dreizler, S., Kossakowski, D., Stock, S., Quirrenbach, A., Caballero, J. A., Amado, P. J., Collins, K. A., Espinoza, N., Herrero, E., Jenkins, J. M., Latham, D. W., Lillo-Box, J., Narita, N., Palle, E., Reiners, A., Ribas, I., Ricker, G., Rodriguez, E., ..., Zechmeister, M.. 2022. "Discovery and mass measurement of the hot, transiting, Earth-sized planet, GJ 3929 b." Astronomy and Astrophysics: a European journal. 659, pp. 1-23.


Serial Cross-Sectional Observations of Sun-Protective Behaviors at an Annual Outdoor Motorsport Event in Tropical Queensland, Australia
Dexter, Ben, Smith, Annika, King, Rachel, Downs, Nathan J., Nikles, Catherine Jane, Parisi, Alfio V., Ho, Yik-Hong and Harrison, Simone Lee. 2023. "Serial Cross-Sectional Observations of Sun-Protective Behaviors at an Annual Outdoor Motorsport Event in Tropical Queensland, Australia ." Photochemistry and Photobiology. 99 (5), pp. 1352-1356.


Evaluation and Prediction of Groundwater Quality for Irrigation Using an Integrated Water Quality Indices, Machine Learning Models and GIS Approaches: A Representative Case Study
Ibrahim, Hekmat, Yaseen, Zaher Mundher, Scholz, Miklas, Ali, Mumtaz, Gad, Mohamed, Elsayed, Salah, Khadr, Mosaad, Hussein, Hend, Ibrahim, Hazem H., Eid, Mohamed Hamdy, Kovács, Attila, Péter, Szűcs and Khalifa, Moataz M.. 2023. "Evaluation and Prediction of Groundwater Quality for Irrigation Using an Integrated Water Quality Indices, Machine Learning Models and GIS Approaches: A Representative Case Study." Water. 15 (4), pp. 1-26.


Doppler Constraints on Planetary Companions to Nearby Sun-like Stars: An Archival Radial Velocity Survey of Southern Targets for Proposed NASA Direct Imaging Missions
Laliotis, Katherine, Burt, Jennifer A., Mamajek, Eric E., Li, Zhexing, Perdelwitz, Volker, Zhao, Jinglin, Butler, Butler R., Holden, Bradford, Rosenthal, Lee Rosenthal, Fulton, B. J., Feng, Fabo Feng, Kane, Stephen R., Bailey, Jeremy, Carter, Brad, Crane, Jeffrey D., Furlan, Elise, Gnilka, Crystal L., Howell, Steve B., Laughlin, Gregory, ..., Wittenmyer, Robert A.. 2023. "Doppler Constraints on Planetary Companions to Nearby Sun-like Stars: An Archival Radial Velocity Survey of Southern Targets for Proposed NASA Direct Imaging Missions." The Astronomical Journal. 165 (4), pp. 1-40.


Real-time epilepsy seizure detection based on EEG using tunable-Q wavelet transform and convolutional neural network
Shen, Mingkan, Wen, Peng, Song, Bo and Li, Yan. 2023. "Real-time epilepsy seizure detection based on EEG using tunable-Q wavelet transform and convolutional neural network." Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 82.


Dynamic Correlation Adjacency Matrix Based Graph Neural Network for Traffic Flow Prediction
Gu, Junhua, Jia, Zhihao, Cai, Taotao, Song, Xiangyu and Mahmood, Adnan. 2023. "Dynamic Correlation Adjacency Matrix Based Graph Neural Network for Traffic Flow Prediction." Sensors. 23 (6).


TESS Asteroseismic Analysis of HD 76920: The Giant Star Hosting an Extremely Eccentric Exoplanet
Jiang, Chen, Wu, Tao, Feinstein, Adina D., Stassun, Keivan G., Bedding, Timothy R., Veras, Dimitri, Corsaro, Enrico, Buzasi, Derek L., Stello, Dennis, Li, Yaguang, Mathur, Savita, Garcia, Rafael A., Breton, Sylvain N., Lundkvist, Mia S., Mikolajczyk, Przemyslaw, Gehan, Charlotte, Campante, Tiago L., Bossini, Diego, Kane, Stephen R., ..., Chaplin, William J.. 2023. "TESS Asteroseismic Analysis of HD 76920: The Giant Star Hosting an Extremely Eccentric Exoplanet." The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 945 (1), pp. 1-12.


Accurate Image Multi-Class Classification Neural Network Model with Quantum Entanglement Approach
Riaz, Farina, Abdulla, Shahab, Suzuki, Hajime, Ganguly, Srinjoy, Deo, Ravinesh C. and Hopkins, Susan. 2023. "Accurate Image Multi-Class Classification Neural Network Model with Quantum Entanglement Approach." Sensors. 23 (5), pp. 1-11.


Cross-Cultural Validation of the Malaysian Mood Scale and Tests of Between-Group Mood Differences
Lew, Philip Chun Foong, Parsons-Smith, Renée L., Lamont-Mills, Andrea and Terry, Peter C.. 2023. "Cross-Cultural Validation of the Malaysian Mood Scale and Tests of Between-Group Mood Differences ." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 20 (4), pp. 1-24.


Cloud cover bias correction in numerical weather models for solar energy monitoring and forecasting systems with kernel ridge regression
Deo, Ravinesh C., Ahmed, A.A. Masrur, Casillas-Perez, David, Pourmousavi, S. Ali, Segal, Gary, Yu, Yanshan and Salcedo-sanz, Sancho. 2023. "Cloud cover bias correction in numerical weather models for solar energy monitoring and forecasting systems with kernel ridge regression." Renewable Energy. 203, pp. 113-130.


Variability and long-term change in Australian monsoon rainfall: A review
Heidemann, Hanna, Cowan, Tim, Henley, Benjamin J., Ribbe, Joachim, Freund, Mandy and Power, Scott. 2023. "Variability and long-term change in Australian monsoon rainfall: A review ." WIREs Climate Change. 14 (3).


Deep learning based sleep stage classification studies
Pei, Wei. 2023. Deep learning based sleep stage classification studies. PhD by Publication Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD by Publication

Estimation of erythemal radiation reflectance based on photopic weighted reflected irradiance
Turner, Joanna, Parisi, Alfio V. and Amar, Abdurazaq. 2023. "Estimation of erythemal radiation reflectance based on photopic weighted reflected irradiance." 20th Congress for European Society for Photobiology . Lyon, France 27 - 31 Aug 2023 France.


The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS). A parsec-scale multi-phase outflow in the super-Eddington NLS1 Mrk 1044
Winkel, N., Husemann, B., Singha, M., Bennert, V., Combes, F., Davis, T. A., Gaspari, M., Jahnke, K., McElroy, R., O'Dea, C. P. and Pérez-Torres, M. A.. 2023. "The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS). A parsec-scale multi-phase outflow in the super-Eddington NLS1 Mrk 1044." Astronomy and Astrophysics: a European journal. 670.


Still alive and kicking: A significant outburst in changing-look AGN Mrk 1018
Brogan, R., Krumpe, M., Homan, D., Urrutia, T., Granzer, T., Husemann, B., Neumann, J., Gaspari, M., Vaughan, S. P., Croom, S.M., Combes, F., Pérez-Torres, M., Coil, A., McElroy, R., Winkel, N. and Singha, M.. 2023. "Still alive and kicking: A significant outburst in changing-look AGN Mrk 1018." Astronomy and Astrophysics: a European journal. 677.


The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS): An Interplay between Radio Jets and AGN Radiation in the Radio-quiet AGN HE0040-1105
Singha, M., Winkel, N., Vaddi, S., Pérez-Torres, M., Gaspari, M., Smirnova-Pinchukova, I., O'Dea, C. P., Combes, F., Omoruyi, O., Rose, T., McElroy, R., Husemann, B., Davis, T. A., Baum, S.A., Lawlor-Forsyth, C., Neumann, J. and Tremblay, G. R.. 2023. "The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS): An Interplay between Radio Jets and AGN Radiation in the Radio-quiet AGN HE0040-1105." The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 959 (2).


Revolutionizing healthcare with federated reinforcement learning: from machine learning to machine unlearning
Shaik, Thanveer Basha. 2023. Revolutionizing healthcare with federated reinforcement learning: from machine learning to machine unlearning. PhD by Publication Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD by Publication

Top-k socio-spatial co-engaged location selection for social users
Hasan Haldar, Nur Al, Li, Jianxin, Ali, Mohammed Eunus, Cai, Taotao, Chen, Yunliang, Sellis, Timos and Reynolds, Mark. 2023. "Top-k socio-spatial co-engaged location selection for social users." IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. 35 (5), pp. 5325-5340.


Towards Multi-User, Secure, and Verifiable kNN Query in Cloud Database
Cui, Ningning, Qian, Kang, Cai, Taotao, Li, Jianxin, Yang, Xiaochun, Cui, Jie and Zhong, Hong. 2023. "Towards Multi-User, Secure, and Verifiable kNN Query in Cloud Database." IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. 35 (9), pp. 9333-9349.


Incremental graph computation: Anchored Vertex Tracking in Dynamic Social Networks
Cai, Taotao, Yang, Shuiqiao, Li, Jianxin, Sheng, Quan Z., Yang, Jian, Wang, Xin, Zhang, Wei Emma and Gao, Longxiang. 2023. "Incremental graph computation: Anchored Vertex Tracking in Dynamic Social Networks." IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. 35 (7), pp. 7030-7044.


Giant Outer Transiting Exoplanet Mass (GOT 'EM) Survey. III. Recovery and Confirmation of a Temperate, Mildly Eccentric, Single-transit Jupiter Orbiting TOI-2010
Mann, Christopher R., Dalba, Paul A., Lafrenière, David, Fulton, Benjamin J., Hebrard, Guillaume, Boisse, Isabelle, Dalal, Shweta, Deleuil, Magali, Delfosse, Xavier, Demangeon, Olivier, Forveille, Thierry, Heidari, Neda, Kiefer, Flavien, Martioli, Eder, Moutou, Claire, Endl, Michael, Cochran, William D., MacQueen, Phillip, Marchis, Franck, ..., Ting, Eric B.. 2023. "Giant Outer Transiting Exoplanet Mass (GOT 'EM) Survey. III. Recovery and Confirmation of a Temperate, Mildly Eccentric, Single-transit Jupiter Orbiting TOI-2010 ." The Astronomical Journal. 166 (6).


Trouble in paradise: When two species of conservation and cultural value clash, causing a management conundrum
Behrendorff, Linda, King, Rachel and Allen, Benjamin L.. 2023. "Trouble in paradise: When two species of conservation and cultural value clash, causing a management conundrum." Ecology and Evolution. 13 (11).


In vitro screening of topical formulation excipients for epithelial toxicity in cancerous and non-cancerous cell lines
Forouz, Farzaneh, Mohammed, Yousuf, Shobeiri Nejad, Hamid S. A., Roberts, Michael S. and Grice, Jeffrey E.. 2023. "In vitro screening of topical formulation excipients for epithelial toxicity in cancerous and non-cancerous cell lines ." EXCLI journal . 22, pp. 1173-1199.


Knowledge Tracing Based on Gated Heterogeneous Graph Convolutional Networks
Zhang, Yang, Wang, Zhen, Yu, Ting, Lu, Mingming, Ren, Zujie and Zhang, Ji. 2023. "Knowledge Tracing Based on Gated Heterogeneous Graph Convolutional Networks." Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Big Data (2022). Osaka, Japan 17 - 20 Dec 2022 United States. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).


IDGMS: a One-Stop Graph Mining System for Infectious Diseases
Xu, Zenghui, Yu, Ting, Hong, Xingyun, Li, Mingzhang, Zhang, Yang, Ren, Zujie and Zhang, Ji. 2023. "IDGMS: a One-Stop Graph Mining System for Infectious Diseases." Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Big Data (2022). Osaka, Japan 17 - 20 Dec 2022 United States. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).


Debiased Learning of Self-Labeled Twitter Data for User Demographic Prediction
Wang, Zhen, Cooley, Madison, Zhang, Yang, Lan, Chao and Zhang, Ji. 2023. "Debiased Learning of Self-Labeled Twitter Data for User Demographic Prediction." Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Big Data (2022). Osaka, Japan 17 - 20 Dec 2022 United States. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).


Fast Fourier Transform and Ensemble Model to Classify Epileptic EEG Signals
Lafta, Raid, Alshaheen, Hisham, Wang, Biao, Tao, Xiaohui, Li, Lingling, Zhang, Kexin and Zhang, Ji. 2023. "Fast Fourier Transform and Ensemble Model to Classify Epileptic EEG Signals." Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Big Data (2022). Osaka, Japan 17 - 20 Dec 2022 United States. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).


A Parallel Framework for Streaming Graphs Computing
Jiang, Ting, Yu, Ting, Hong, Zexian, Ren, Zujie and Zhang, Ji. 2023. "A Parallel Framework for Streaming Graphs Computing." Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Big Data (2022). Osaka, Japan 17 - 20 Dec 2022 United States. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).


Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection based on Autoencoder using Superpixel Manifold Constraint
Gan, Yuquan, Liu, Wenqiang, Liu, Ying, He, Jinglu and Zhang, Ji. 2023. "Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection based on Autoencoder using Superpixel Manifold Constraint." 2022 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition (AIPR 2022). Xiamen China 23 - 25 Sep 2022 United States. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).


A Generative Adversarial Active Learning Method for Effective Outlier Detection
Bah, Mohamed Jaward, Zhang, Ji, Yu, Ting, Xia, Feng, Li, Zhao, Zhou, Shuigeng and Wang, Hongzhi. 2023. "A Generative Adversarial Active Learning Method for Effective Outlier Detection." 34th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2022). Macao, China 31 Oct - 02 Nov 2022 United States. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).


Decentralized Blockchain Network
Abduljabbar, Tamara Abdulmunim, Tao, Xiaohui, Zhang, Ji, Yong, Jianming and Zhou, Xujuan. 2023. "Decentralized Blockchain Network." 2022 Tenth International Conference on Advanced Cloud and Big Data (CBD). Guilin, China 04 - 05 Nov 2022 China. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).


Multi-Method Approaches for Sleep EEG Analysis And Sleep Stage Classification
Zapata, Ignacio Alonso. 2023. Multi-Method Approaches for Sleep EEG Analysis And Sleep Stage Classification. PhD by Publication Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD by Publication

Deep learning based sleep stage classification
Ji, Xiaopeng. 2023. Deep learning based sleep stage classification. PhD by Publication Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD by Publication

VPFL: A verifiable privacy-preserving federated learning scheme for edge computing systems
Zhang, Jiale, Liu, Yue, Wu, Di, Lou, Shuai, Chen, Bing and Yu, Shui. 2023. "VPFL: A verifiable privacy-preserving federated learning scheme for edge computing systems." Digital Communications and Networks. 9 (4), pp. 981-989.


Finding exact solutions for selected nonlinear evolution differential equations
Bhanot, Rajeev P., Mohammed, Mayada G.. and Strunin, Dmitry V.. 2023. "Finding exact solutions for selected nonlinear evolution differential equations." Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics. 26 (7), pp. 1461-1470.


The Colour Analysis of Meteors Using the Desert Fireball Network
Johnson, Christopher. 2023. The Colour Analysis of Meteors Using the Desert Fireball Network. Masters Thesis Master of Science (Research). University of Southern Queensland.

Masters Thesis

Modelling the Association between Vitamin D Deficiency and Incidence of Covid-19 Infection Adjusting for the Confounders and Unobserved Heterogeneity
Hoque, Zahirul, Hossain, Shahadut, Hasan, Masud, Hoque, Irfanul and Haque, Afrozul. 2023. "Modelling the Association between Vitamin D Deficiency and Incidence of Covid-19 Infection Adjusting for the Confounders and Unobserved Heterogeneity." Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics. 18 (1), pp. 19-33.


The impact of prenatal maternal medication and dietary habits and parental alcohol consumption on childhood obesity and overweight risk in Australia
Horne, Brenton. 2023. The impact of prenatal maternal medication and dietary habits and parental alcohol consumption on childhood obesity and overweight risk in Australia. PhD by Publication Master of Research. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD by Publication