University of Southern Queensland

Latest research outputs

885 results found
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Developing a teaching portfolio to showcase your teaching ability
Burton, Lorelle J.. 2006. "Developing a teaching portfolio to showcase your teaching ability." Katsikitis, Mary (ed.) Psychology Bridging the Tasman: Science, Culture and Practice 2006. Auckland, New Zealand 26 - 30 Sep 2006 Melbourne, Australia.


Influence of intensive cycling training on heart rate variability during rest and exercise
Leicht, Anthony S., Allen, Graham D. and Hoey, Andrew. 2003. "Influence of intensive cycling training on heart rate variability during rest and exercise." Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology. 28 (6), pp. 898-909.


The effect of item type on performance of the Matrix Reasoning subtest of the WAIS-III in traumatically brain injured and non brain-injured control participants
Crowe, Simon F., Bittner, Robyn M., Raggl, Ramona and Senior, Graeme. 2003. "The effect of item type on performance of the Matrix Reasoning subtest of the WAIS-III in traumatically brain injured and non brain-injured control participants." Brain Impairment. 4 (2), pp. 146-154.


USQOnline, Australia
Taylor, James C.. 2006. "USQOnline, Australia." D'Antoni, Susan (ed.) The virtual university: models and messages: lessons from case studies. Paris, France. IIEP/UNESCO. pp. 235-280

Edited book (chapter)

State form, social order and the social sciences: urban space and politico-economic systems 1760–1850
Firth, Ann. 2003. "State form, social order and the social sciences: urban space and politico-economic systems 1760–1850." Journal of Historical Sociology. 16 (1), pp. 54-79.


Promoting learning in first year psychology students
Burton, Lorelle J.. 2005. "Promoting learning in first year psychology students." Katsikitis, Mary (ed.) 40th Australian Psychological Society Annual Conference 2005. Melbourne, Australia 28 Sep - 02 Oct 2005 Melbourne, Australia.


The role of technology based approaches in globalizing education
Nooriafshar, Mehryar. 2004. "The role of technology based approaches in globalizing education ." O'Connor, Christine (ed.) 4th Annual Conference of the International Employment Relations Association. Ballarat, Australia 22 - 24 Nov 2004 Ballarat, Victoria, Australia.


Assessing viability for starting business
Teoh, Wai Sue and Gardiner, Michael W.. 2007. "Assessing viability for starting business." Albion, Majella J. and Collins, Pauline (ed.) 2007 International Women's Conference: Education, Employment and Everything... theTriple Layers of a Woman's Life. Toowoomba, Australia 26 - 29 Sep 2007 Toowoomba, Australia.


Technology and innovation in teaching and learning production and operations management
Nooriafshar, Mehryar and Romero, Omar. 2004. "Technology and innovation in teaching and learning production and operations management." Gupta, Sushil (ed.) 2nd World Conference on POM and 15th Annual POM Conference. Cancun, Mexico 29 Apr - 03 May 2004 Florida, USA.


The role of technology in internationalising the language of education
Nooriafshar, Mehryar. 2004. "The role of technology in internationalising the language of education." Athiyaman, Adee (ed.) 7th American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences International Conference (ASBBS 2004). Cairns, Australia 06 - 08 Aug 2004


A multi-sense approach to information reception and knowledge creation in learning
Nooriafshar, Mehryar. 2004. "A multi-sense approach to information reception and knowledge creation in learning." Third Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning (PCF3). Dunedin, New Zealand 04 - 08 Jul 2004 Dunedin, New Zealand.


The use of innovative teaching methods for 'maximising' the enjoyment from learning mathematical concepts
Nooriafshar, Mehryar. 2002. "The use of innovative teaching methods for 'maximising' the enjoyment from learning mathematical concepts ." International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning.


Effective approaches to designing multimedia methods of teaching and learning quantitative subjects
Nooriafshar, Mehryar. 2004. "Effective approaches to designing multimedia methods of teaching and learning quantitative subjects ." Lee, Tae-Eog and Koza, Erhan (ed.) 5th Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference . Gold Coast, Australia 12 - 15 Dec 2004


Factors contributing to making the learning of statistics an enjoyable experience
Nooriafshar, Mehryar. 2003. "Factors contributing to making the learning of statistics an enjoyable experience." International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning.


Effective project management education is essential for the development of a profession at the crossroads
Todhunter, Barrie James. 2003. "Effective project management education is essential for the development of a profession at the crossroads." Crebert, Robin G. (ed.) 2003 Effective Teaching and Learning Conference: A Conference for University Teachers. Brisbane, Australia 06 - 07 Nov 2003 Brisbane, Australia.


What are the educational and training requirements for a competent profession?
Todhunter, Barrie James. 2004. "What are the educational and training requirements for a competent profession?" Nel, Marina (ed.) NOSHCON 2004: 43rd Annual International Safety, Health, & Environment Conference. Sun City, South Africa 04 - 07 May 2004 Johannesburg, South Africa.


If global competencies tell us what project managers need to do, what sort of education and training is needed for a competent profession?
Todhunter, Barrie James. 2004. "If global competencies tell us what project managers need to do, what sort of education and training is needed for a competent profession?" Walker, Nigel (ed.) 2004 PMSA Global Knowledge Conference: Global Knowledge for Project Management Professionals. Johannesburg, South Africa 10 - 12 May 2004


Interactive videodiscs and student control of learning
Pemberton, P. F., Taylor, J. C. and Toleman, M.. 1985. "Interactive videodiscs and student control of learning." 3rd Annual Computer-Assisted Learning in Tertiary Education Conference (CALITE 1985). Melbourne, Australia Dec 1985


Perceived mathematical proficiencies required for first year study at The University of Southern Queensland
Taylor, Janet A., Galligan, Linda and Van Vuuren, Peter. 1998. Perceived mathematical proficiencies required for first year study at The University of Southern Queensland. Toowoomba, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.

Project report

EEG correlates of golf performance: training the brain to drain the putt
Terry, P., Mahoney, P. and Mills, M.. 2006. "EEG correlates of golf performance: training the brain to drain the putt." Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 9 (Supplement), pp. 31-31.


Sport as a scaffold to personal and social skills acquisition in VET education and training
Eddington, Ian and Eddington, Noela. 2004. "Sport as a scaffold to personal and social skills acquisition in VET education and training." 2004 Agora Thessaloniki Conference: New Approaches to Vocational Education and Training through Sport. Thessaloniki, Greece 10 - 11 May 2004 Thessaloniki, Greece.


Learning from computer games: literacy learning in a virtual world
Henderson, Robyn. 2010. "Learning from computer games: literacy learning in a virtual world." Pullen, Darren Lee, Gitsaki, Christina and Baguley, Margaret (ed.) Technoliteracy, discourse, and social practice: frameworks and applications in the digital age. Hershey, PA, United States. IGI Global. pp. 232-249

Edited book (chapter)

Planning for a sustainable academic future
Hunt, Lynne and Peach, Neil. 2009. "Planning for a sustainable academic future." Academic futures: inquiries into higher education and pedagogy. Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 14-26

Edited book (chapter)

The relationships between personality, learning approaches, satisfaction with student support services, and academic success
Burton, Lorelle J., Ballantine, Roslyn A. and McIlveen, Peter F.. 2009. "The relationships between personality, learning approaches, satisfaction with student support services, and academic success." Voudouris, Nicholas and Mrowinski, Vicky (ed.) 44th Australian Psychological Society Annual Conference (APS 2009). Darwin, Australia 30 Sep - 04 Oct 2009 Melbourne, Australia.


Emergence for the need of new legal and regulatory issues on mobile workforce
Gururajan, Raj. 2004. "Emergence for the need of new legal and regulatory issues on mobile workforce." International Journal of Applied Management and Technology. 2 (1), pp. 71-87.


Experiences in wireless application development in a healthcare setting
Gururajan, Raj and Vuori, Timo. 2003. "Experiences in wireless application development in a healthcare setting." Knight, S., Croft, L. and Lachowicz, E. (ed.) 4th International We-B Conference 2003: Working With e-Business. Perth, Australia 24 - 25 Nov 2003 Joondalup, Western Australia.


Barriers to uptake of wireless healthcare applications - a review
Gururajan, Raj, Last, J. and Rai, S.. 2003. "Barriers to uptake of wireless healthcare applications - a review." 3rd International Conference on Electronic Business: Business Paradigms: Strategic Transformation and Partnership (ICEB 2003) . Singapore 09 - 13 Dec 2003 Singapore.


Emergence of new legal and regulatory mechanisms for the internet workforce
Gururajan, Raj. 2004. "Emergence of new legal and regulatory mechanisms for the internet workforce." Internet Business Review . 1, pp. 1-15.


Lessons learned in developing a wireless system for a healthcare industry
Gururajan, Raj and Vuori, Timo. 2003. "Lessons learned in developing a wireless system for a healthcare industry." 2003 ITS Asia-Australasia Regional Conference. Perth, Australia 22 - 24 Jun 2003


Emerging issues in enterprise mobility management
Gururajan, Raj and Vuori, Timo. 2003. "Emerging issues in enterprise mobility management." 2003 ITS Asia-Australasia Regional Conference. Perth, Australia 22 - 24 Jun 2003 Calgary, Alberta, Canada .


Mobile healthcare applications: global developments to facilitate secure wireless applications
Vuori, Timo and Gururajan, Raj. 2003. "Mobile healthcare applications: global developments to facilitate secure wireless applications." 2003 ITS Asia-Australasia Regional Conference. Perth, Australia 22 - 24 Jun 2003 Calgary, Alberta, Canada .


Lessons for SMEs in implementing wireless technology solutions
Gururajan, Raj. 2004. "Lessons for SMEs in implementing wireless technology solutions." 3rd International Conference on SMEs in a Global Economy. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 06 - 07 Jul 2004 Wollongong, Australia.


Trialling wireless handheld devices in a clinical setting: a Queensland case study
Gurney, Tiana, Hafeez-Baig, Abdul and Gururajan, Raj. 2009. "Trialling wireless handheld devices in a clinical setting: a Queensland case study." Dhillon, Gurpreet (ed.) CISTM 2009: 7th Annual Conference on Information Science, Technology and Management. Gurgaon, India 13 - 15 Jul 2009 Finland.


Data integration over the internet for e-commerce
Yong, Jianming and Yang, Yun. 2003. "Data integration over the internet for e-commerce." Hesselink, Lambertus (ed.) 3rd IASTED International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications (WOC 2003). Banff, Canada 14 - 16 Jul 2003 United States.


Security modelling for integrated information systems over the internet
Yong, Jianming. 2004. "Security modelling for integrated information systems over the internet." 8th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2004). Shanghai, China 08 - 11 Jul 2004


An initial assessment of knowledge management principles for the development of a KM model for a university
Gururajan, Vijaya. 2002. "An initial assessment of knowledge management principles for the development of a KM model for a university." 23rd McMaster World Congress. Hamilton, Canada 16 - 18 Jan 2002 Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.


Identity and text: developing self-conscious readers
Ryan, Mary and Anstey, Michelle. 2003. "Identity and text: developing self-conscious readers." Australian Journal of Language and Literacy. 26 (1), pp. 9-22.


The breadwinner his wife and their welfare: identity, expertise and economic security in Australian post-war reconstruction
Firth, Ann. 2004. "The breadwinner his wife and their welfare: identity, expertise and economic security in Australian post-war reconstruction ." Australian Journal of Politics and History. 50 (4), pp. 491-508.


Moral supervision and autonomous social order: wages and consumption in 18th-century economic thought
Firth, Ann. 2002. "Moral supervision and autonomous social order: wages and consumption in 18th-century economic thought ." History of the Human Sciences. 15 (1), pp. 39-57.


Maintenance environment survey (MES) (1st version)
Fogarty, Gerard J.. 2004. Maintenance environment survey (MES) (1st version). Unpublished.

Technical report

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