5204. Cognitive and computational psychology

Title5204. Cognitive and computational psychology
Parent52. Psychology

Latest research outputs

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Mood and emotions
Terry, Peter C. and Lane, Andrew M.. 2011. "Mood and emotions." Morris, Tony and Terry, Peter C. (ed.) The new sport and exercise psychology companion. Morgantown, WV. United States. Fitness Information Technology. pp. 63-87

Edited book (chapter)

The evaluation of a tertiary-level distance-mode aural training programme
Gearing, Phillip John. 2008. The evaluation of a tertiary-level distance-mode aural training programme. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Queensland.

PhD Thesis

The clinical utility and ecological validity of neurofeedback training as a treatment modality for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
McKenna, M. and Aniftos, M.. 2011. "The clinical utility and ecological validity of neurofeedback training as a treatment modality for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder." Byrne, Don (ed.) 46th Australian Psychological Society Annual Conference 2011. Canberra, Australia 04 - 08 Oct 2011 Melbourne, Australia.


Backward recall and the word length effect
Surprenant, Aimee M., Brown, Mark A., Jalbert, Annie, Neath, Ian, Bireta, Tamra J. and Tehan, Gerald. 2011. "Backward recall and the word length effect." American Journal of Psychology. 124 (1), pp. 75-86. https://doi.org/10.5406/amerjpsyc.124.1.0075


Immunity to proactive interference is not a property of the focus of attention in working memory
Ralph, Alicia, Walters, Jade N., Stevens, Alison, Fitzgerald, Kirra J., Tehan, Gerald, Surprenant, Aimee M., Neath, Ian and Turcotte, Josee. 2011. "Immunity to proactive interference is not a property of the focus of attention in working memory." Memory and Cognition. 39 (2), pp. 217-230. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13421-010-0030-7


Identifying interactive components of the horse-rider partnership during competition dressage
Bridgeman, D. J., Pretty, G. M. and Terry, P. C.. 2011. "Identifying interactive components of the horse-rider partnership during competition dressage." van Dierendonck, Machteld, de Cocq, Patricia and Visser, Kathalijne (ed.) 7th International Equitation Science Conference: Equitation Science: Principles and Practices - Science at Work. Hooge Mierde, Netherlands 26 - 29 Oct 2011 Wageningen, Netherlands.


Beyond observer and observed in reflexive analysis
Midgley, Warren. 2011. "Beyond observer and observed in reflexive analysis." Midgley, Warren, Tyler, Mark A., Danaher, Patrick Alan and Mander, Alison (ed.) Beyond binaries in education research. United States. Routledge. pp. 34-45

Edited book (chapter)

Turning points in negotiation
Druckman, Daniel and Olekalns, Mara. 2011. "Turning points in negotiation ." Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 4 (1), pp. 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1750-4716.2010.00068.x


The role of behavioral, normative, and control beliefs in the consumption of Australian products and services by Chinese consumers
Smith, Joanne R., Liu, Shuang, Liesch, Peter, Callois, Cindy, Yi, Ren and Daly, Stephanie. 2010. "The role of behavioral, normative, and control beliefs in the consumption of Australian products and services by Chinese consumers." Australasian Marketing Journal. 18 (4), pp. 206-213. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ausmj.2010.07.001


Gestures and phases: the dynamics of speech-hand communication
Treffner, Paul, Peter, Mira and Kleidon, Mark. 2008. "Gestures and phases: the dynamics of speech-hand communication ." Ecological Psychology. 20 (1), pp. 32-64. https://doi.org/10.1080/10407410701766643


You use! I use! We use! Questioning the orthodoxy of 1:1 computing in primary schools
Larkin, Kevin. 2011. "You use! I use! We use! Questioning the orthodoxy of 1:1 computing in primary schools." Journal of Research on Technology in Education. 44 (2), pp. 101-120. https://doi.org/10.1080/15391523.2011.10782581


Engaging students through student voice: negotiating pedagogy
Fraser, Ian. 2011. "Engaging students through student voice: negotiating pedagogy." Abawi, Lindy, Conway, Joan M. and Henderson, Robyn (ed.) Creating connections in teaching and learning. Charlotte, NC, United States. Information Age Publishing. pp. 59-69

Edited book (chapter)

The verity of formative MCQs assessment in core criminal law courses within a law program
Barnett, Eola and McNamara, Noeleen. 2011. "The verity of formative MCQs assessment in core criminal law courses within a law program." Building Business Communities: Justice, Performance and Change Creating a Sustainable Scholarly Community Colloquia (2011). Brisbane, Australia 09 Nov 2011 Toowoomba, Australia.


The effects of rest breaks on driver fatigue: final report
Smith, Simon S., Watling, Christopher N., Horswill, Mark S. and Douglas, James A.. 2012. The effects of rest breaks on driver fatigue: final report. Australia. NRMA-ACT Road Safety Trust.

Project report

Performance-shaping factors at railway level crossings
Gildersleeve, Matthew. 2012. "Performance-shaping factors at railway level crossings." Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety. 23 (3), pp. 6-7.


Multisensory integration weightings underlying haptic feedback in laparoscopic surgery
Gildersleeve, Matthew. 2012. "Multisensory integration weightings underlying haptic feedback in laparoscopic surgery." Asian Journal of Endoscopic Surgery. 5 (4), p. 207.


Effects of synchronous music in sport and exercise: a meta-analytic review and field studies of ultra-distance athletes
Curran, Michelle Louise. 2012. Effects of synchronous music in sport and exercise: a meta-analytic review and field studies of ultra-distance athletes. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

Competing tasks as measures of intelligence and predictors of job performance
Dolph, Bradley. 2012. Competing tasks as measures of intelligence and predictors of job performance. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

Effects of synchronous music on psychological responses, performance indices and physiological functioning among elite triathletes and runners
Saha, Alessandra Mecozzi. 2012. Effects of synchronous music on psychological responses, performance indices and physiological functioning among elite triathletes and runners. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

Australia as a holiday destination: young Americans vs young Chinese Malaysians decision making
Summers, Jane and McColl-Kennedy, Janet. 1998. "Australia as a holiday destination: young Americans vs young Chinese Malaysians decision making." Journal of Hospitality and Leisure Marketing. 5 (4), pp. 33 - 55. https://doi.org/10.1300/J150v05n04_04


Examining limits of confidentiality in real-life consultations: concerns and considerations
Lamont-Mills, A. and Christensen, S.. 2008. "Examining limits of confidentiality in real-life consultations: concerns and considerations." Mrowinski, Vicky and Voudouris, Nicholas (ed.) 43rd Annual Australian Psychological Society Conference (APS 2008): Psychology Leading Change. Hobart, Australia 23 - 27 Sep 2008 Australia. Taylor & Francis.


A reliable approach to psychological assessment using cognitive testing batteries
Olm-Madden, Tammie. 2008. A reliable approach to psychological assessment using cognitive testing batteries. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

The impact of brand personality on brand-aroused feelings
Miller, Karen. 2008. "The impact of brand personality on brand-aroused feelings." Wilson, Marie (ed.) 22nd Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference (ANZAM 2008). Auckland, New Zealand 02 - 05 Dec 2008 Canning Bridge, Western Australia.


Does brand influence wine purchase?
Miller, Karen W. and Chadee, Doren. 2008. "Does brand influence wine purchase?" Wilson, Marie (ed.) 22nd Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference (ANZAM 2008). Auckland, New Zealand 02 - 05 Dec 2008 Canning Bridge, Western Australia.


Mood responses to athletic performance in extreme environments
Lane, Andrew M., Terry, Peter C., Stevens, Matthew J., Barney, Sam and Dinsdale, Sarah L.. 2004. "Mood responses to athletic performance in extreme environments." Journal of Sports Sciences. 22 (10), pp. 886-897. https://doi.org/10.1080/02640410400000165


Hierarchical confirmatory factor analysis of the Flow State Scale in exercise
Vlachopoulos, Symeon P., Karageorghis, Costas I. and Terry, Peter C.. 2000. "Hierarchical confirmatory factor analysis of the Flow State Scale in exercise ." Journal of Sports Sciences. 18 (10), pp. 815-823. https://doi.org/10.1080/026404100419874


The profile of mood states and athletic performance: two meta-analyses
Beedie, Christopher J., Terry, Peter C. and Lane, Andrew M.. 2000. "The profile of mood states and athletic performance: two meta-analyses ." Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. 12 (1), pp. 49-68. https://doi.org/10.1080/10413200008404214


Image management for women with chronic illness in the various aspects of life
Werth, Shalene. 2007. "Image management for women with chronic illness in the various aspects of life." Albion, Majella J. and Collins, Pauline (ed.) 2007 International Women's Conference: Education, Employment and Everything... theTriple Layers of a Woman's Life. Toowoomba, Australia 26 - 29 Sep 2007 Toowoomba, Australia.


The value of using sandplay as a tool for counselling within a school setting
Tunnecliff, Sheryl and O'Brien, Patrick. 2004. "The value of using sandplay as a tool for counselling within a school setting ." Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling. 14 (2), pp. 221 -232.


Examining the relation between visual imagery and spatial ability tests
Burton, Lorelle J.. 2003. "Examining the relation between visual imagery and spatial ability tests." International Journal of Testing. 3 (3), pp. 277-291. https://doi.org/10.1207/S15327574IJT0303_6


Redesign and initial validation of an instrument to assess the motivational qualities of music in exercise: the Brunel Music Rating Inventory-2
Karageorghis, Costas I., Priest, David-Lee, Terry, Peter C., Chatzisarantis, Nikos L. D. and Lane, Andrew M.. 2006. "Redesign and initial validation of an instrument to assess the motivational qualities of music in exercise: the Brunel Music Rating Inventory-2." Journal of Sports Sciences. 24 (8), pp. 899-909. https://doi.org/10.1080/02640410500298107


Factors influencing career decision making in adolescents and adults
Albion, Majella J. and Fogarty, Gerard J.. 2002. "Factors influencing career decision making in adolescents and adults." Journal of Career Assessment. 10 (1), pp. 91-126. https://doi.org/10.1177/1069072702010001006


Board and monitoring committee independence
Cotter, Julie and Silvester, Mark. 2003. "Board and monitoring committee independence." Abacus: a journal of accounting, finance and business studies. 39 (2), pp. 211-232. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-6281.00127


Word length and phonological similarity effects in simple, complex and delayed serial recall tasks: implications for working memory
Tehan, Gerald, Hendry, Liam and Kocinski, David. 2001. "Word length and phonological similarity effects in simple, complex and delayed serial recall tasks: implications for working memory." Memory. 9 (4-6), pp. 333-348. https://doi.org/10.1080/09658210042000049


Impacts of physical disability on an individual's career development
Ellsum, William and Pedersen, Cec. 2005. "Impacts of physical disability on an individual's career development." Davies, Doug, Fisher, Greg and Hughes, Raechel (ed.) 19th Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference (ANZAM 2005). Canberra, Australia 07 - 10 Dec 2005 Australia.


Mood, self-set goals and examination performance: the moderating effect of depressed mood
Terry, Peter C., Lane, Andrew M., Nevill, Alan M. and Whyte, Gregory P.. 2005. "Mood, self-set goals and examination performance: the moderating effect of depressed mood." Personality and Individual Differences. 39 (1), pp. 143-153. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2004.12.015


Distinctions between emotion and mood
Beedie, Christopher, Terry, Peter and Lane, Andrew. 2005. "Distinctions between emotion and mood." Cognition and Emotion. 19 (6), pp. 847-878. https://doi.org/10.1080/02699930541000057


Students' dilemmas in reaction stoichiometry problem solving: deducing the limiting reagent in chemical reactions
Chandrasegaran, A. L., Treagust, David F., Waldrip, Bruce G. and Chandrasegaran, Antonia. 2009. "Students' dilemmas in reaction stoichiometry problem solving: deducing the limiting reagent in chemical reactions ." Chemistry Education Research and Practice. 10 (1), pp. 14-23. https://doi.org/10.1039/B901456J


Reduced processing decision support for competent firefighters
Perry, Nathan, Wiggins, Mark, Childs, Merilyn and Fogarty, Gerard. 2009. "Reduced processing decision support for competent firefighters ." HFES 2009: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. San Antonio, United States 19 - 23 Oct 2009 London, United Kingdom. https://doi.org/10.1177/154193120905300445


To enable or relieve? specialist lawyers' perceptions of client involvement in legal service delivery
Robertson, Michael and Corbin, Lillian. 2005. "To enable or relieve? specialist lawyers' perceptions of client involvement in legal service delivery." International Journal of the Legal Profession. 12 (1), pp. 121-143. https://doi.org/10.1080/09695950500081416
