440699. Human geography not elsewhere classified
Title | 440699. Human geography not elsewhere classified |
Parent | 4406. Human geography |
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A disunited Kingdom: expressions of Scottish nationalism in the twentieth-century regional press
Harmes, Marcus K., Harmes, Barbara and Harmes, Meredith A.. 2019. "A disunited Kingdom: expressions of Scottish nationalism in the twentieth-century regional press." Journal of the Sydney Society for Scottish History. XVIII, pp. 61-73.Article
A principal's perspective on multiliteracies in an Australian show community: implications for learning as rural engagement
Fullerton, Catherine, Danaher, Geoff, Moriarty, Beverley and Danaher, Patrick Alan. 2004. "A principal's perspective on multiliteracies in an Australian show community: implications for learning as rural engagement." Education in Rural Australia. 14 (2), pp. 69-81.Article
A qualitative study of 'fear' as a regulator of children's independent physical activity in the suburbs
O'Connor, Justen and Brown, Alice. 2013. "A qualitative study of 'fear' as a regulator of children's independent physical activity in the suburbs." Health and Place. 24, pp. 157-164. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2013.09.002Article
A team approach to researching Australian traveller education: three perspectives on integrating theory, method and writing
Danaher, Patrick Alan, Moriarty, Beverley and Danaher, Geoff. 2006. "A team approach to researching Australian traveller education: three perspectives on integrating theory, method and writing." Studies in Learning Evaluation Innovation and Development. 3 (2), pp. 66-78.Article
A transformative journey of cultural recovery: Te Ao Maori
Carey, Melissa Jane Louise. 2016. A transformative journey of cultural recovery: Te Ao Maori. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. Queensland University of Technology.PhD Thesis
Baby boomers in Queensland: where are they and where are they moving?
Liu, Yan and Soar, Jeffrey. 2005. "Baby boomers in Queensland: where are they and where are they moving?" Bellman, Chris, Cartwright, William and Shortis, Mark (ed.) 2005 Spatial Sciences Institute Biennial Conference: Spatial Intelligence, Innovation and Praxis (SSC2005). Melbourne, Australia 12 - 16 Sep 2005 Melbourne, Australia.Paper
Bridging the divide: regional performing arts centres and non-theatregoers introduced
Scollen, Rebecca. 2008. "Bridging the divide: regional performing arts centres and non-theatregoers introduced." Applied Theatre Researcher.Article
Can regional communities successfully participate in the smart state? The case of Maranoa online regional community portal
Summers, Jane and Lawley, Meredith. 2003. "Can regional communities successfully participate in the smart state? The case of Maranoa online regional community portal." Queensland Review. 10 (1), pp. 123-139.Article
Carbon mitigation actions by peri-urban and regional cities in Queensland
Zeppel, Heather. 2013. "Carbon mitigation actions by peri-urban and regional cities in Queensland." Ruming, Kristian, Randolph, Bill and Gurran, Nicole (ed.) State of Australian Cities Conference (SOAC 2013). Sydney, Australia 26 - 29 Nov 2013 Sydney, Australia.Paper
Carbon offsetting by Queensland councils: motives and benefits
Zeppel, Heather. 2013. "Carbon offsetting by Queensland councils: motives and benefits." Pillora, Stefanie (ed.) 3rd National Local Government Researchers' Forum (ACELG 2013). Adelaide, Australia 06 - 07 Jun 2013 Sydney, Australia.Paper
Carbon offsetting by Queensland local government
Zeppel, Heather. 2013. "Carbon offsetting by Queensland local government." Research Colloquia and Showcase 2013. Springfield, Australia 12 - 13 Jun 2013 Brisbane, Australia.Paper
Carritos chocones and dodgem cars: a preliminary comparison between Venezuelan and Australian fairgrounds
Anteliz, Emilio A. and Danaher, Patrick Alan. 2000. "Carritos chocones and dodgem cars: a preliminary comparison between Venezuelan and Australian fairgrounds." Journal of Nomadic Studies.Article
Challenging heterotopic space: a study of the Queensland school for travelling show children
Danaher, Geoff, Moriarty, Beverley and Danaher, Patrick Alan. 2006. "Challenging heterotopic space: a study of the Queensland school for travelling show children." Studies in Learning Evaluation Innovation and Development. 3 (1), pp. 40-51.Article
Child-friendly third places
Woolcock, Geoffrey. 2019. "Child-friendly third places." Dolley, Joanne and Bosman, Caryl (ed.) Rethinking Third Places: Informal Public Spaces and Community Building. United Kingdom. Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 56-72Edited book (chapter)
Child-led tours of Brisbane's Fortitude Valley as public pedagogy
Phillips, Louise Gwenneth and Hickey, Andrew. 2013. "Child-led tours of Brisbane's Fortitude Valley as public pedagogy." International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning. 8 (3), pp. 242-254. https://doi.org/10.5172/ijpl.2013.8.3.242Article
Climate change adaptation and the rental sector: final report
Instone, Lesley, Mee, Kathleen, Palmer, Jane, Williams, Miriam and Vaughan, Nicola. 2013. Climate change adaptation and the rental sector: final report. Gold Coast, Australia. National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF).Project report
Climate change adaptation in the rental sector
Instone, Lesley, Mee, Kathleen J., Palmer, Jane, Williams, Miriam and Vaughan, Nicola. 2015. "Climate change adaptation in the rental sector." Palutikof, Jean P., Boulter, Sarah L., Barnett, Jon and Rissik, David (ed.) Applied studies in climate adaptation. Oxford, United Kingdom. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 372-379Edited book (chapter)
Climate change and global policy regimes: towards institutional legitimacy
Cadman, Timothy (ed.) 2013. Climate change and global policy regimes: towards institutional legitimacy. Basingstoke, Hants. United Kingdom. Palgrave Macmillan.Edited book
Community engagement and building connectivity in the Lockyer Valley region
Miller, Karen and Pedersen, Cec. 2012. "Community engagement and building connectivity in the Lockyer Valley region." 2012 Regional Development: Connectedness, Business and Learning: Creating Sustainable Communities Workshop. Brisbane, Australia 20 Jun 2012 Toowoomba, Australia.Paper
Conversations on the Condamine: an oral history from the Queensland Murray-Darling Basin
Potter, Catherine, Moles, Sarah, Connors, Libby and Postle, Pam (ed.) 2002. Conversations on the Condamine: an oral history from the Queensland Murray-Darling Basin. Annandale, NSW, Australia. Envirobook.Edited book
Council community directories as a source of information about local health services in rural Australia
Eley, Rob and Hossain, Delwar. 2010. "Council community directories as a source of information about local health services in rural Australia." Journal of Community Informatics. 6 (2), pp. 1-11. https://doi.org/10.15353/joci.v6i2.2553Article
Creating community indicators for early childhood development: challenges and innovations from the kids in communities study
Goldfeld, Sharon, Villanueva, Karen, Tanton, Robert, Katz, Ilan, Brinkman, Sally, Giles-Corti, Billie and Woolcock, Geoffrey. 2019. "Creating community indicators for early childhood development: challenges and innovations from the kids in communities study." Cities & Health. 3 (1-2), pp. 68-77. https://doi.org/10.1080/23748834.2019.1596525Article
Cultural change and the decline of rural towns
Collits, Paul. 2007. "Cultural change and the decline of rural towns." The Page Review. 2 (2), pp. 11-31.Article
Cultural values in sustainable tourism: conflicts between indigenous culture and recreation in protected areas
Zeppel, Heather. 2009. "Cultural values in sustainable tourism: conflicts between indigenous culture and recreation in protected areas." Hergesell, Anja and Liburd, Janne J. (ed.) BEST Education Network Think Tank IX: The Importance of Values in Sustainable Tourism and First International Symposium on Volunteering and Tourism. Singapore 14 - 18 Jun 2009 Sydney, Australia.Paper
Darling Downs: black soil and rolling grass seas
French, Maurice. 2011. "Darling Downs: black soil and rolling grass seas ." Queensland Historical Atlas. 2011, pp. 1-7.Article
Dealing with distance: rural and remote area nursing
Hegney, Desley. 2006. "Dealing with distance: rural and remote area nursing." Daly, John, Speedy, Sandra and Jackson, Debra (ed.) Contexts of nursing: an introduction. Marrickville, NSW. Elsevier. pp. 213-228Edited book (chapter)
Defining identity in the face of rapid urban growth: changing times in a regional Australian city
Jansen, Danni, Cuthill, Michael and Hafner, Diane. 2012. "Defining identity in the face of rapid urban growth: changing times in a regional Australian city." Urban Policy and Research. 30 (2), pp. 161-174. https://doi.org/10.1080/08111146.2012.664895Article
Delivering sport science and sport medicine services to regional, rural and remote athletes
Annis-Brown, Peter, Ansell, Warren, Christensen, Steven A. and Woodward, Gillian. 2007. "Delivering sport science and sport medicine services to regional, rural and remote athletes." 36th Annual State Conference of Sports Medicine Australia (Qld Branch). Caloundra, Australia 24 - 25 Mar 2007Paper
Digital divide research in Australia: a critical review
Salahuddin, Mohammad and Alam, Khorshed. 2013. "Digital divide research in Australia: a critical review." Dalziel, Paul (ed.) 37th Annual Conference of the Australia and New Zealand Regional Science Association: Regions that Work: Research, Practice and Policy. Hervey Bay, Australia 03 - 06 Dec 2013 Lincoln, New Zealand.Paper
Dilemmas of transgression: ethical responses in a more-than-human world
Carter, Jennifer and Palmer, Jane. 2017. "Dilemmas of transgression: ethical responses in a more-than-human world." Cultural Geographies. 24 (2), pp. 213-229. https://doi.org/10.1177/1474474016667428Article
Effectiveness of a lifestyle intervention in promoting the well-being of independently living older people: results of the Well Elderly 2 Randomised Controlled Trial
Clark, Florence, Jackson, Jeanne, Carlson, Mike, Chou, Chih-Ping, Cherry, Barbara J., Jordan-Marsh, Maryalice, Knight, Bob G., Mandel, Deborah, Blanchard, Jeanine, Granger, Douglas A., Wilcox, Rand R., Lai, Mei Ying, White, Brett, Hay, Joel, Lam, Claudia, Marterella, Abbey and Azen, Stanley P.. 2012. "Effectiveness of a lifestyle intervention in promoting the well-being of independently living older people: results of the Well Elderly 2 Randomised Controlled Trial." Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 66 (9), pp. 782-790. https://doi.org/10.1136/jech.2009.099754Article
Ethnography as transdisciplinary inquiry: two stories of adaptation and resilience from Aceh, Indonesia
Palmer, Jane. 2017. "Ethnography as transdisciplinary inquiry: two stories of adaptation and resilience from Aceh, Indonesia." Fam, Dena, Palmer, Jane, Riedy, Chris and Mitchell, Cynthia (ed.) Transdisciplinary research and practice for sustainability outcomes. Oxford, United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 190-203Edited book (chapter)
Evaluation of an Australian nursing partnership to improve disaster response capacity
Mitchell, Marion, Mackie, Benjamin, Aitken, Leanne M. and McKinnon, Loretta C.. 2014. "Evaluation of an Australian nursing partnership to improve disaster response capacity." Disaster Prevention and Management: an international journal. 23 (5), pp. 524-532. https://doi.org/10.1108/DPM-04-2014-0069Article
Evidence-based practice and rural nursing: a literature review
McCarthy, A. and Hegney, D.. 1998. "Evidence-based practice and rural nursing: a literature review." Australian Journal of Rural Health. 6 (2), pp. 96-99. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1440-1584.1998.tb00291.xArticle
Examining client/accountant relationships: rural versus urban consumer selection criteria
Tidwell, Paula M., Weekes, David, Scott, Mark, White, Robert and Murphy, Alex. 2000. "Examining client/accountant relationships: rural versus urban consumer selection criteria ." Journal of Professional Services Marketing. 20 (2), pp. 107-119. https://doi.org/10.1300/J090v20n02_08Article
Great expectations: what regional policy can achieve in Australia
Collits, Paul. 2006. "Great expectations: what regional policy can achieve in Australia." Farm Policy Journal. 3 (3), pp. 1-11.Article
Green tenants: practicing a sustainability ethics for the rental housing sector
Palmer, Jane, Instone, Lesley, Mee, Kathleen J., Williams, Miriam and Vaughan, Nicola. 2015. "Green tenants: practicing a sustainability ethics for the rental housing sector." Local Environment: the international journal of justice and sustainability. 20 (8), pp. 923-939. https://doi.org/10.1080/13549839.2013.879640Article
Hispanics and human rights in Queensland's public spaces
Mason, Robert. 2013. "Hispanics and human rights in Queensland's public spaces." Queensland Historical Atlas. Jan 2013, pp. 1-5.Article
Homeschooling: challenging traditional views of public education
Green, Nicole. 2007. "Homeschooling: challenging traditional views of public education." Kincheloe, Joe L. and Horn, Raymond A. (ed.) The Praeger handbook of education and psychology, vol. 4. Portsmouth, NH. United States. Greenwood Publishing Group. pp. 768-779Edited book (chapter)
Hong Kong Reintegrating with China: Political, Cultural and Social Dimensions by Lee Pui-tak
McMillen, Don. 2002. "Hong Kong Reintegrating with China: Political, Cultural and Social Dimensions by Lee Pui-tak." The China Journal. 48, pp. 254-257. https://doi.org/10.2307/3182488Book review