520599. Social and personality psychology not elsewhere classified

Title520599. Social and personality psychology not elsewhere classified
Parent5205. Social and personality psychology

Latest research outputs

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Apology and social harmony: the pedagogy of regret
Austin, Jon. 2010. "Apology and social harmony: the pedagogy of regret." The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability. 6 (3), pp. 59-67.


Defining the experiential value of auxiliary special events in shopping centres: a shopper's perspective
Sit, Jason and Johnson Morgan, Melissa. 2009. "Defining the experiential value of auxiliary special events in shopping centres: a shopper's perspective." EAERCD 2009: 15th Annual Conference of European Association for Education and Research in Commercial Distribution. Guildford, United Kingdom 15 - 17 Jul 2009 Surrey, UK.


Birth fathers' perspectives on reunions with their relinquished children
Passmore, Nola L. and Coles, Gary. 2009. "Birth fathers' perspectives on reunions with their relinquished children." Hazelwood, Zoe J. (ed.) 9th Annual Conference of the Australian Psychological Society's Psychology of Relationships Interest Group: Connecting Research and Practice in Relationships. Brisbane, Australia 07 - 08 Nov 2009 Melbourne, Australia.


Living with illness: psychosocial challenges for nursing
Rogers-Clark, Cath, McCarthy, Alexandra and Martin-McDonald, Kristine (ed.) 2005. Living with illness: psychosocial challenges for nursing. Sydney, Australia. Elsevier.

Edited book

Multicultural issues in health
Gorman, Don and Best, Odette. 2005. "Multicultural issues in health." Rogers-Clark, Cath, McCarthy, Alexandra and Martin-McDonald, Kristine (ed.) Living with illness: psychosocial challenges for nursing. Sydney, Australia. Elsevier. pp. 70-82

Edited book (chapter)

Introduction to psychosocial nursing
Rogers-Clark, Cath. 2005. "Introduction to psychosocial nursing." Rogers-Clark, Cath, McCarthy, Alexandra and Martin-McDonald, Kristine (ed.) Living with illness: psychosocial challenges for nursing. Sydney, Australia. Elsevier. pp. 1-7

Edited book (chapter)

Individualism, collectivism, and voting behaviour: a follow-up study into political values
Beccaria, Gavin, Wibrow, J. and Baczynski, Michael. 2009. "Individualism, collectivism, and voting behaviour: a follow-up study into political values." Voudouris, Nicholas and Mrowinski, Vicky (ed.) 44th Australian Psychological Society Annual Conference 2009. Darwin, Australia 30 Sep - 04 Oct 2009 Melbourne, Australia.


No better place than here: adolescents' sense of place and their use of community sites and activities to feel better
Pretty, Grace, Imison, A. and Reimann, A.. 2003. "No better place than here: adolescents' sense of place and their use of community sites and activities to feel better." 38th Australian Psychological Society Annual Conference 2003. Perth, Australia 02 - 05 Oct 2003 Melbourne, Australia.


Determinants of subjective quality of life among rural adolescents: a developmental perspective
Chipuer, Heather M., Bramston, Paul and Pretty, Grace. 2003. "Determinants of subjective quality of life among rural adolescents: a developmental perspective." Social Indicators Research: an international and interdisciplinary journal for quality-of-life measurement. 61 (1), pp. 79-95. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1021271831731


A learning community two years on: reflecting on successes and framing futures
Arden, Catherine H., Cooper, T., McLachlan, K. and Stebbings, S.. 2008. "A learning community two years on: reflecting on successes and framing futures." Orr, Debbie, Danaher, Patrick Alan, Danaher, Geoff and Harreveld, R. E. (Bobby) (ed.) 5th International Lifelong Learning Conference: Reflecting on Successes and Framing Futures. Yeppoon, Australia 16 - 19 Jun 2008 Rockhampton, Australia.


Psychological sense of community and its relevance to well-being and everyday life in Australia: a position paper of the Australian Psychological Society
Pretty, Grace, Bishop, Brian, Fisher, Adrian and Sonn, Christopher. 2006. Psychological sense of community and its relevance to well-being and everyday life in Australia: a position paper of the Australian Psychological Society. Melbourne, Vic, Australia. Australian Psychological Society.

Technical report

Knowing where you are walking: the benefits and hazards of using theoretical roadmaps and research to guide community consultation practice
Pretty, Grace. 2006. "Knowing where you are walking: the benefits and hazards of using theoretical roadmaps and research to guide community consultation practice." Gridley, Heather (ed.) 10th Trans-Tasman Conference in Community Psychology. Sydney, Australia 20 - 23 Apr 2006 Melbourne, Australia.


Predictors of nonpathological dissociation in Northern Ireland: the effects of trauma and exposure to political violence
Dorahy, Martin J., Lewis, Christopher Alan, Millar, Robert G. and Gee, Travis. 2003. "Predictors of nonpathological dissociation in Northern Ireland: the effects of trauma and exposure to political violence." Journal of Traumatic Stress. 16 (6), pp. 611-615. https://doi.org/10.1023/B:JOTS.0000004087.27216.24


Ageing, health and illness
Cartwright, Colleen and Parker, Victoria. 2005. "Ageing, health and illness." Rogers-Clark, Cath, McCarthy, Alexandra and Martin-McDonald, Kristine (ed.) Living with illness: psychosocial challenges for nursing. Sydney, Australia. Elsevier. pp. 54-69

Edited book (chapter)

Using the theory of planned behaviour to predict Bruneian science and mathematics teachers’ intentions to use ICT in teaching
Salleh, Sallimah Hj. Mohd. and Albion, Peter. 2004. "Using the theory of planned behaviour to predict Bruneian science and mathematics teachers’ intentions to use ICT in teaching." Cheong, Irene, Dhindsa, Harkirat S., Kyeleve, Iorhemen and Chukwu, Ogbonnaya (ed.) Globalisation Trends in Science, Mathematics and Technical Education (2004). Daussalam, Brunei 2004 Darussalam, Brunei.


Using the theory of planned behaviour to predict Bruneian teachers' intentions to use ICT in teaching
Salleh, Sallimah Hj. Mohd. and Albion, Peter. 2004. "Using the theory of planned behaviour to predict Bruneian teachers' intentions to use ICT in teaching." Ferdig, Richard and Crawford, Caroline (ed.) 15th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE 2004). Atlanta, United States 01 - 06 Mar 2004 Charlottesville, VA.


Research with young children: the use of an affinity group approach to explore the social dynamics of peer culture
Keddie, Amanda. 2004. "Research with young children: the use of an affinity group approach to explore the social dynamics of peer culture." British Journal of Sociology of Education. 25 (1), pp. 35-51. https://doi.org/10.1080/0142569032000155926


Consumer complaint behaviour in sport consumption
Volkov, Michael, Johnson Morgan, Melissa and Summers, Jane. 2005. "Consumer complaint behaviour in sport consumption." Pitts, Brenda G. (ed.) 2nd Annual Sport Marketing Association Conference: Where Sport Marketing Theory meets Practice (SMA 2004). Memphis, TN, United States 18 - 20 Nov 2004 Morgantown, WV. United States.


Reunions of adoptees who have met both birth parents: post-reunion relationships and factors that facilitate and hinder the reunion process
Passmore, Nola L. and Feeney, Judith A.. 2009. "Reunions of adoptees who have met both birth parents: post-reunion relationships and factors that facilitate and hinder the reunion process." Adoption Quarterly. 12 (2), pp. 100-119. https://doi.org/10.1080/10926750902978865


Understanding the motivations of teenagers for sport related consumption
Kanoyangwa, Ranganai, Summers, Jane and Johnson Morgan, Melissa. 2004. "Understanding the motivations of teenagers for sport related consumption." Wiley, Jim and Thirkell, Peter (ed.) ANZMAC 2004: Marketing Accountabilities and Responsibilities. Wellington, New Zealand 29 Nov - 01 Dec 2004 Wellington, New Zealand.


Mktg, 1st Asia Pacific ed.
Lamb, Charles, Hair, Joseph F., McDaniel, Carl, Summers, Jane and Gardiner, Michael. 2009. Mktg, 1st Asia Pacific ed. South Melbourne, Australia. Cengage Learning Australia.

Authored book

Consumer awareness of sponsorship - a FMCG context
Woodside, Frances M. and Summers, Jane. 2009. "Consumer awareness of sponsorship - a FMCG context." Luxton, Sandra (ed.) ANZMAC 2009: Sustainable Management and Marketing. Melbourne, Australia 30 Nov - 02 Dec 2009 Canning Bridge, Western Australia.


Female adoptees' perceptions of contact with their birth fathers: satisfactions and dissatisfactions with the process
Passmore, Nola L. and Chipuer, Heather M.. 2009. "Female adoptees' perceptions of contact with their birth fathers: satisfactions and dissatisfactions with the process." American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 79 (1), pp. 93-102. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0014954


Do rumours contribute to knowledge management - and will we ever know?
Brown, Martyn and Cater-Steel, Aileen. 2009. "Do rumours contribute to knowledge management - and will we ever know?" Poulymenakou, Angeliki, Pouloudi, Nancy and Pramatari, Katerina (ed.) MCIS 2009: 4th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems. Athens, Greece 25 - 27 Sep 2009 Athens, Greece.


The impact of the AIDS epidemic on South Africa's children
Gow, Jeff and Desmond, Chris. 2007. "The impact of the AIDS epidemic on South Africa's children." Cornia, Giovanni Andrea (ed.) AIDS, public policy and child well-being, 2nd ed.. Florence, Italy. UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre. pp. 91-116

Edited book (chapter)

The relationship between psychological strengths and health of people over 65 years living in the community with minimal community support services
Graham, Coralie. 2009. "The relationship between psychological strengths and health of people over 65 years living in the community with minimal community support services." USQ Community - Engaged Research Evening (2009). Toowoomba, Australia 06 Nov 2009


The relationship between psychological strengths and health of people over 65 years living in the community with minimal community support services
Graham, Coralie. 2009. "The relationship between psychological strengths and health of people over 65 years living in the community with minimal community support services." 8th National Conference of Emerging Researchers in Ageing. Melbourne, Australia 23 Oct 2009 Melbourne, Australia.


The representation of female athletes in online images of successive Olympic Games (republished)
Jones, Dianne. 2009. "The representation of female athletes in online images of successive Olympic Games (republished)." Ghose, Amitabha (ed.) Sports and media. Hyderabad, India. Icfai University Press. pp. 144-167

Edited book (chapter)

Some implications of the psychological experience of unemployment
Hoare, P. Nancey and Machin, M. Anthony. 2009. "Some implications of the psychological experience of unemployment." Australian Journal of Career Development. 18 (3), pp. 57-61.


Towards a new frontier in understanding the contextual influences on paediatric inactivity
Brown, Alice. 2008. "Towards a new frontier in understanding the contextual influences on paediatric inactivity." Henderson, Robyn and Danaher, Patrick Alan (ed.) Troubling terrains: tactics for traversing and transforming contemporary educational research. Brisbane, Australia. Post Pressed. pp. 149-168

Edited book (chapter)

The impact of negative publicity on: an individual sporting celebrity's brand DNA; the brand DNA of their associated team and/or sport; and attitudes of their sponsors and partners
Johnson Morgan, Melissa, Summers, Jane and Sassenberg, Anne-Marie. 2008. "The impact of negative publicity on: an individual sporting celebrity's brand DNA; the brand DNA of their associated team and/or sport; and attitudes of their sponsors and partners." James, Jeffrey, Summers, Jane and Johnson Morgan, Melissa (ed.) 6th Annual Sport Marketing Association Conference: Bridging the Gap: Bringing the World Down Under 6th Annual Sport Marketing Association Conference (SMA 2008). Gold Coast, Australia 17 - 19 Jul 2008 Toowoomba, Australia.


Racism, 2nd ed.
Miles, Robert and Brown, Malcolm. 2003. Racism, 2nd ed. London, United Kingdom. Routledge.

Authored book

Soft on crime, not doing the time: the media, law and order and the criminal justice system
Mackenzie, Geraldine. 2007. "Soft on crime, not doing the time: the media, law and order and the criminal justice system." 21st Conference of the International Society for Reform of the Criminal Law (ISRCL 2007). Vancouver, Canada 22 - 26 Jun 2007 Vancouver, BC. Canada.


Parent choice of early childhood education and care services
Noble, Karen. 2007. "Parent choice of early childhood education and care services." Australian Journal of Early Childhood. 32 (2), pp. 51-57.


Complexities and compromises: understanding parents' experiences and choice of early childhood education and care services
Noble, Karen. 2007. "Complexities and compromises: understanding parents' experiences and choice of early childhood education and care services." Australian Journal of Early Childhood. 32 (1), pp. 24-29.


The effect of the category of sport team on the role of nostalgia in an individual supporter's psychological connection to that sport team
Volkov, Michael, Summers, Jane and Johnson Morgan, Melissa. 2008. "The effect of the category of sport team on the role of nostalgia in an individual supporter's psychological connection to that sport team." Spanjaard, Daniela, Denize, Sara and Sharma, Neeru (ed.) ANZMAC 2008: Shifting the Focus from Mainstream to Offbeat. Sydney, Australia 01 - 03 Dec 2008 Australia.


Individualism, collectivism, and voting behaviour: a pilot study into the 2007 Australian federal election
Beccaria, Gavin and Baczynski, Michael P.. 2008. "Individualism, collectivism, and voting behaviour: a pilot study into the 2007 Australian federal election." Voudouris, Nicholas and Mrowinski, Vicky (ed.) 43rd Annual Australian Psychological Society Conference (APS 2008): Psychology Leading Change. Hobart, Australia 23 - 27 Sep 2008 Melbourne, Australia.


Personal effectiveness training for unemployed people: where to now?
Creed, Peter A., Machin, M. Anthony and Nicholls, Pat. 1998. "Personal effectiveness training for unemployed people: where to now?" Australian Journal of Career Development. 7 (1), pp. 30-34.


Investigating the structural validity of Ryff's psychological well-being scales across two samples
Burns, Richard A. and Machin, M. Anthony. 2009. "Investigating the structural validity of Ryff's psychological well-being scales across two samples." Social Indicators Research: an international and interdisciplinary journal for quality-of-life measurement. 93 (2), pp. 359-375. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-008-9329-1


Lessons learned from renewable electricity marketing attempts: a case study
Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn, Paladino, Angela and Apostol, Sergio Antonio G. Jr.. 2008. "Lessons learned from renewable electricity marketing attempts: a case study." Business Horizons. 51 (3), pp. 181-190. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bushor.2008.01.005

