Centre for Sustainable Agricultural Systems

Latest research outputs

843 results found
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Weekly soil moisture forecasting with multivariate sequential, ensemble empirical mode decomposition and Boruta-random forest hybridizer algorithm approach
Prasad, Ramendra, Deo, Ravinesh C., Li, Yan and Maraseni, Tek. 2019. "Weekly soil moisture forecasting with multivariate sequential, ensemble empirical mode decomposition and Boruta-random forest hybridizer algorithm approach." Catena. 177, pp. 149-166. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2019.02.012


Effect of drying procedures on pore structure and phase evolution of alkali-activated cements
Zhang, Zuhua, Zhu, Yingcan, Zhu, Huajun, Zhang, Yu, Provis, John L. and Wang, Hao. 2019. "Effect of drying procedures on pore structure and phase evolution of alkali-activated cements." Cement and Concrete Composites. 96, pp. 194-203. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2018.12.003


Para-aminopropiophenone (PAPP) in canid pest ejectors (CPEs) kills wild dogs and European red foxes quickly and humanely
Allen, Benjamin L.. 2019. "Para-aminopropiophenone (PAPP) in canid pest ejectors (CPEs) kills wild dogs and European red foxes quickly and humanely ." Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 26 (14), pp. 14494-14501. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-019-04818-7


The soil structural cost of traffic from heavy machinery in vertisols
Bennett, J. McL., Roberton, S. D., Marchuk, S., Woodhouse, N. P., Antille, D. L., Jensen, T. A. and Keller, T.. 2019. "The soil structural cost of traffic from heavy machinery in vertisols." Soil and Tillage Research. 185, pp. 85-93. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.still.2018.09.007


Towards predicting the soil-specific threshold electrolyte concentration of soil as a reduction in saturated hydraulic conductivity: the role of clay net negative charge
Bennett, J. McL., Marchuk, A., Marchuk, S. and Raine, S. R.. 2019. "Towards predicting the soil-specific threshold electrolyte concentration of soil as a reduction in saturated hydraulic conductivity: the role of clay net negative charge." Geoderma. 337, pp. 122-131. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2018.08.030


Animal welfare considerations for using large carnivores and guardian dogs as vertebrate biocontrol tools against other animals
Allen, Benjamin L., Allen, Lee R., Ballard, Guy, Drouilly, Marine, Fleming, Peter J.S., Hampton, Jordan O., Hayward, Matthew W., Kerley, Graham I.H., Meek, Paul D., Minnie, Liaan, O'Riain, M. Justin, Parker, Daniel M. and Somers, Michael J.. 2019. "Animal welfare considerations for using large carnivores and guardian dogs as vertebrate biocontrol tools against other animals ." Biological Conservation. 232, pp. 258-270. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2019.02.019


Dingo baiting did not reduce fetal/calf loss in beef cattle in northern South Australia
Campbell, Greg, Coffey, Andrew, Miller, Heather, Read, John L., Brook, Anthony, Fleming, Peter J. S., Bird, Peter, Eldridge, Steve and Allen, Benjamin L.. 2019. "Dingo baiting did not reduce fetal/calf loss in beef cattle in northern South Australia." Animal Production Science. 59 (2), pp. 319-330. https://doi.org/10.1071/AN17008


Decreasing brown bear (Ursus arctos) habitat due to climate change in Central Asia and the Asian Highlands
Su, Junhu, Aryal, Achyut, Hegab, Ibrahim M., Shrestha, Uttam Babu, Coogan, Sean C. P., Dalannast, Munkhnast, Sathyakumar, Sambandam, Dou, Zhigang, Suo, Yila, Dabu, Xilite, Fu, Hongyan, Wu, Liji and Ji, Weihong. 2018. "Decreasing brown bear (Ursus arctos) habitat due to climate change in Central Asia and the Asian Highlands." Ecology and Evolution. 8 (23), pp. 11887-11899. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.4645


Environmental effects are stronger than human effects on mammalian predator-prey relationships in arid Australian ecosystems
Allen, Benjamin L., Fawcett, Alana, Anker, Alison, Engeman, Richard M., Lisle, Allan and Leung, Luke K.-P.. 2018. "Environmental effects are stronger than human effects on mammalian predator-prey relationships in arid Australian ecosystems." Science of the Total Environment. 610-611, pp. 451-461. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.08.051


Validating laboratory assessment of threshold electrolyte concentration for fields irrigated with marginal quality saline-sodic water
Dang, A., Bennett, J. McL., Marchuk, A., Marchuk, S., Biggs, A. J. W. and Raine, S. R.. 2018. "Validating laboratory assessment of threshold electrolyte concentration for fields irrigated with marginal quality saline-sodic water." Agricultural Water Management. 205, pp. 21-29. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2018.04.037


Quantifying the aggregation-dispersion boundary condition in terms of saturated hydraulic conductivity reduction and the threshold electrolyte concentration
Dang, A., Bennett, J. McL., Marchuk, Alla, Biggs, Andrew and Raine, Steven. 2018. "Quantifying the aggregation-dispersion boundary condition in terms of saturated hydraulic conductivity reduction and the threshold electrolyte concentration." Agricultural Water Management. 203, pp. 172-178. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2018.03.005


Tree biomass quantity, carbon stock and canopy correlates in mangrove forest and land uses that replaced mangroves in Honda Bay, Philippines
Castillo, Jose Alan A., Apan, Armando A., Maraseni, Tek Narayan and Salmo, Severino G., III. 2018. "Tree biomass quantity, carbon stock and canopy correlates in mangrove forest and land uses that replaced mangroves in Honda Bay, Philippines." Regional Studies in Marine Science. 24, pp. 174-183. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rsma.2018.08.006


Pressurised dewatering of sugarcane press mud for logistical transport efficiency and industrial reuse
Wieck, T., Bennett, J.McL., Redmond, T.W. and Young, A.. 2019. "Pressurised dewatering of sugarcane press mud for logistical transport efficiency and industrial reuse." Sugar Tech: an international journal of sugar crops and related industries. 21 (2), pp. 235-243. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12355-018-0621-3


Is the finer the better for municipal solid waste (MSW) classification in view of recyclable constituents? A comprehensive social, economic and environmental analysis
Nie, Yongyou, Wu, Yanjing, Zhao, Jinbu, Zhao, Jun, Chen, Xiaojing, Maraseni, Tek and Qian, Guangren. 2018. "Is the finer the better for municipal solid waste (MSW) classification in view of recyclable constituents? A comprehensive social, economic and environmental analysis." Waste Management. 79, pp. 472-480. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2018.08.016


Utilisation of stranded marine fauna washed ashore on K’gari (Fraser Island), Australia, by dingoes
Behrendorff, Linda, Leung, Luke K.-P. and Allen, Benjamin L.. 2018. "Utilisation of stranded marine fauna washed ashore on K’gari (Fraser Island), Australia, by dingoes." Australian Journal of Zoology. 66 (2), pp. 128-138. https://doi.org/10.1071/ZO18022


And the people’s choice award goes to… dogs: a comment on Home et al.
Allen, B. L.. 2018. "And the people’s choice award goes to… dogs: a comment on Home et al." Animal Conservation. 21 (4), pp. 283-284. https://doi.org/10.1111/acv.12436

Notes or commentaries

Wildlife conservation management on inhabited islands
Allen, Benjamin L., Cox, Tarnya E., Fleming, Peter J. S., Meek, Paul D. and Russell, James C.. 2018. "Wildlife conservation management on inhabited islands." Australasian Journal of Environmental Management. 25 (1), pp. 1-4. https://doi.org/10.1080/14486563.2018.1424500


Towards incorporation of potassium into the disaggregation model for determination of soil-specific threshold electrolyte concentration
Dang, A., Bennett, J. M., Marchuk, A., Marchuk, S., Biggs, A. J. W. and Raine, S. R.. 2018. "Towards incorporation of potassium into the disaggregation model for determination of soil-specific threshold electrolyte concentration." Soil Research. 56 (7), pp. 664-674. https://doi.org/10.1071/SR17305


Evaluating the effects of integrating trees into temperate arable systems on pest control and pollination
Staton, Tom, Walters, Richard, Smith, Jo and Girling, Robbie D.. 2019. "Evaluating the effects of integrating trees into temperate arable systems on pest control and pollination." Agricultural Systems. 176, p. 102676. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agsy.2019.102676


Acute exposure to diesel exhaust induces central nervous system stress and altered learning and memory in honey bees
Reitmayer, Christine M., Ryalls, James M. W., Farthing, Emily, Jackson, Christopher W., Girling, Robbie D. and Newman, Tracey A.. 2019. "Acute exposure to diesel exhaust induces central nervous system stress and altered learning and memory in honey bees." Scientific Reports. 9 (1), p. 5793. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-41876-w


Field assessments of the effects of elevated ozone and diesel exhaust emissions on insect pollination services
Girling, R., Ryalls, J., Mullinger, N., Langford, B., Nemitz, E. and Pfrang, C.. 2019. "Field assessments of the effects of elevated ozone and diesel exhaust emissions on insect pollination services." International Society of Chemical Ecology Annual Meeting 2019. Atlanta, Georgia, USA 02 - 06 Jun 2019


A review of the factors that influence pesticide residues in pollen and nectar: Future research requirements for optimising the estimation of pollinator exposure
Gierer, Fiona, Vaughan, Sarah, Slater, Mark, Thompson, Helen M., Elmore, J. Stephen and Girling, Robbie D.. 2019. "A review of the factors that influence pesticide residues in pollen and nectar: Future research requirements for optimising the estimation of pollinator exposure." Environmental Pollution. 249, pp. 236-247. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2019.03.025


Measuring the unmeasurable? A method to quantify adoption of integrated pest management practices in temperate arable farming systems
Creissen, Henry E, Jones, Philip J, Tranter, Richard B, Girling, Robbie D, Jess, Stephen, Burnett, Fiona J, Gaffney, Michael, Thorne, Fiona S and Kildea, Steven. 2019. "Measuring the unmeasurable? A method to quantify adoption of integrated pest management practices in temperate arable farming systems." Pest Management Science. 75 (12), pp. 3144-3152. https://doi.org/10.1002/ps.5428


Ecology and distribution of cabbage stem flea beetle and its parasitoids in UK oilseed rape crops: steps towards Integrated Pest Management
Ortega-Ramos, Patricia, Girling, Robbie, Mauchline, Alice, Collins, Larissa and Cook, Sam. 2019. "Ecology and distribution of cabbage stem flea beetle and its parasitoids in UK oilseed rape crops: steps towards Integrated Pest Management." Cook, Samantha M, Jedryczka, Malgorzata, Juran, Ivan and Truman, William (ed.) Integrated Control in Oilseed Crops. Zagreb, Croatia 18 - 20 Sep 2018 Croatia.


Corrigendum to “Existing land use and extent of lead (Pb) contamination in the grazing food chain of the closed Carmona sanitary landfill in the Philippines”
Altarez, Richard Dein D. and Sedigo, Noel A.. 2019. "Corrigendum to “Existing land use and extent of lead (Pb) contamination in the grazing food chain of the closed Carmona sanitary landfill in the Philippines”." Heliyon. 5 (6). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e01930

Notes or commentaries

Existing land use and extent of lead (Pb) contamination in the grazing food chain of the closed Carmona sanitary landfill in the Philippines
Altarez, Richard Dein D. and Sedigo, Noel A.. 2019. "Existing land use and extent of lead (Pb) contamination in the grazing food chain of the closed Carmona sanitary landfill in the Philippines ." Heliyon. 5 (5). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e01680


Evaluating the potential financial contributions of carbon farming to grazing enterprises in Western NSW
Cockfield, Geoff, Shrestha, Uttam and Waters, Cathy. 2019. "Evaluating the potential financial contributions of carbon farming to grazing enterprises in Western NSW." The Rangeland Journal. 41 (3), pp. 211-223. https://doi.org/10.1071/RJ18032


Right on track? Performance of satellite telemetry in terrestrial wildlife research
Hofman, M. P. G., Hayward, M. W., Heim, M., Marchand, P., Rolandsen, C. M., Mattisson, J., Urbano, F., Heurich, M., Mysterud, A., Melzheimer, J., Morellet, N., Voigt, U., Allen B.L., Gehr, B., Rouco, C., Ullmann, W., Holand, Ø., Jørgensen, N. H., Steinheim, G., ..., Balkenhol, N.. 2019. "Right on track? Performance of satellite telemetry in terrestrial wildlife research ." PLoS One. 14 (5). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0216223


Resource pulses affect prey selection and reduce dietary diversity of dingoes in arid Australia
Tatler, Jack, Prowse, Thomas A. A., Roshier, David A., Allen, Benjamin L. and Cassey, Phillip. 2019. "Resource pulses affect prey selection and reduce dietary diversity of dingoes in arid Australia." Mammal Review. 49 (3), pp. 263-275. https://doi.org/10.1111/mam.12157


Deconstructing compassionate conservation
Hayward, Matt, Callen, Alex, Allen, Benjamin L., Ballard, Guy, Broekhuis, Femke, Bugir, Cassandra, Clarke, Rohan H., Clulow, John, Clulow, Simon, Daltry, Jennifer C., Davies-Mostert, Harriet T., Fleming, Peter J. S., Griffin, Andrea S., Howell, Lachlan G., Kerley, Graham I. H., Klop-Toker, Kaya, Legge, Sarah, Major, Tom, Meyer, Ninon, ..., Wuster, Wolfgang. 2019. "Deconstructing compassionate conservation." Conservation Biology. 33 (4), pp. 760-768. https://doi.org/10.1111/cobi.13366


Bringing objectivity to wildlife management: Welfare effects of guardian dogs
Allen, Benjamin, Allen, Lee R., Ballard, Guy, Drouilly, Marine, Fleming, Peter J.S., Hampton, Jordan O., Hayward, Matthew W., Kerley, Graham I.H., Meek, Paul D., Minnie, Liaan, O'Riain, M. Justin, Parker, Daniel M. and Somers, Michael J.. 2019. "Bringing objectivity to wildlife management: Welfare effects of guardian dogs." Biological Conservation. 236, p. 582. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2019.04.024


Genetic sampling identifies canid predators of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in peri-urban areas
Gentle, Matthew, Allen, Benjamin, Oakey, Jane, Speed, James, Harriott, Lana, Loader, Jo, Robbins, Amy, de Villiers, Deidre and Hanger, Jon. 2019. "Genetic sampling identifies canid predators of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in peri-urban areas." Landscape and Urban Planning. 190, pp. 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2019.103591


Transhumance, livestock mobility and mutual benefits between crop and livestock production
Aryal, Suman, Maraseni, Tek, Cockfield, Geoff and de Bruyn, Lisa Lobry. 2018. "Transhumance, livestock mobility and mutual benefits between crop and livestock production." Lichtfouse, Eric (ed.) Sustainable agriculture reviews 31: biocontrol. Switzerland. Springer. pp. 25-39

Edited book (chapter)

Representing whose access and allocation interests? Stakeholder perceptions and interests representation in climate governance
Cadman, Timothy, Maraseni, Tek, Breakey, Hugh and Ma, Hwan-ok. 2019. "Representing whose access and allocation interests? Stakeholder perceptions and interests representation in climate governance." Edmondson, Beth and Levy, Stuart (ed.) Transformative climates and accountable governance. Cham, Switzerland. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 223-248

Edited book (chapter)

Monitoring REDD+ governance: criteria and indicators-based approach to sustainable forest management in Nepal
Cadman, T., Maraseni, T. and Lopez-Casero, F.. 2018. "Monitoring REDD+ governance: criteria and indicators-based approach to sustainable forest management in Nepal." Dhungana, Sindhu, Poudel, Mohan and Bhandari, Trishna Singh (ed.) REDD+ in Nepal: experiences from the REDD Readiness Phase. Kathmandu, Nepal. Government of Nepal, Ministry of Forests and Environment. pp. 101-109

Edited book (chapter)

Community perception and prioritization of invasive alien plants in Chitwan-Annapurna Landscape, Nepal
Shrestha, Bharat Babu, Shrestha, Uttam Babu, Sharma, Krishna Prasad, Thapa-Parajuli, Resham Bahadur, Devkota, Anjana and Siwakoti, Mohan. 2019. "Community perception and prioritization of invasive alien plants in Chitwan-Annapurna Landscape, Nepal." Journal of Environmental Management. 229, pp. 38-47. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.06.034


Evaluating dispersive potential to identify the threshold electrolyte concentration in non-dispersive soils
Dang, A., Bennett, J., Marchuk, A., Biggs, A. and Raine, S.. 2018. "Evaluating dispersive potential to identify the threshold electrolyte concentration in non-dispersive soils." Soil Research. 56 (6), pp. 549-559. https://doi.org/10.1071/SR17304


Carbon stock and its relationships with tree diversity and density in community forests in Nepal
Aryal, S., Shrestha, S., Maraseni, T., Wagle, P. C and Gaire, N. P.. 2018. "Carbon stock and its relationships with tree diversity and density in community forests in Nepal." The International Forestry Review. 20 (3), pp. 263-273. https://doi.org/10.1505/146554818824063069


Cotton yield prediction with Markov Chain Monte Carlo-based simulation model integrated with genetic programing algorithm: a new hybrid copula-driven approach
Ali, Mumtaz, Deo, Ravinesh C., Downs, Nathan J. and Maraseni, Tek. 2018. "Cotton yield prediction with Markov Chain Monte Carlo-based simulation model integrated with genetic programing algorithm: a new hybrid copula-driven approach." Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 263, pp. 428-448. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2018.09.002


Efficacy of delaying cotton defoliation to mitigate compaction risk at wet harvest
Roberton, Stirling and Bennett, John McL.. 2017. "Efficacy of delaying cotton defoliation to mitigate compaction risk at wet harvest." Crop and Pasture Science. 68 (5), pp. 466-473. https://doi.org/10.1071/CP17117
